
This commit is contained in:
caojiezi2003 2024-06-09 15:18:01 +08:00
parent 1bc452c1af
commit 92a0305d31
32 changed files with 755 additions and 0 deletions

index.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<span class="img-title"><a href="https://study.jonylee.top/50+js-css-html/">Web 50+</a></span>
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<div class="des-title"><span id="change">Hello&nbsp;World&nbsp;!</span><br><span id="change1">50+web练习小项目 HTML, CSS & JS</span></div>
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<div class="father swiper">
<div class="swiper-wrapper">
<!-- 第一页 -->
<div class="swiper-slide">
<!-- 第一行 -->
<div class="son">
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./expanding-cards/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/1.png">
<span>01 扩展卡片</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./progress-steps/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/2.png">
<span>02 进度条</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./rotating-nav-animation/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/3.png">
<span>03 旋转导航动画</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./hidden-search/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/4.png">
<span>04 隐藏搜索框</span>
<!-- 第二行 -->
<div class="son">
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./blurry-loading/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/6.png">
<span>05 模糊加载</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./scroll-animation/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/7.png">
<span>06 滚动动画</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./split-landing-page/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/8.png">
<span>07 拆分登陆页面</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./form-input-wave/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/9.png">
<span>08 表单输入波浪</span>
<!-- 第三行 -->
<div class="son">
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./sound-board/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/6.png">
<span>09 声音卡</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./dad-jokes/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/7.png">
<span>10 爸爸的笑话</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./event-keycodes/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/8.png">
<span>11 事件键码</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./faq-collapse/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/9.png">
<span>12 常见问题折叠</span>
<!-- 第二页 -->
<div class="swiper-slide">
<!-- 第四行 -->
<div class="son">
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./random-choice-picker/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/6.png">
<span>13 随机选择器</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./animated-navigation/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/7.png">
<span>14 导航动画</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./incrementing-counter/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/8.png">
<span>15 递增计数器</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./drink-water/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/9.png">
<span>16 喝水</span>
<!-- 第五行 -->
<div class="son">
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./movie-app/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/6.png">
<span>17 movie-app</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./background-slider/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/7.png">
<span>18 背景滑块</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./theme-clock/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/8.png">
<span>19 主题时钟</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./button-ripple-effect/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/9.png">
<span>20 按钮涟漪效果</span>
<!-- 第六行 -->
<div class="son">
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./drag-n-drop/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/1.png">
<span>21 拖放</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./drawing-app/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/2.png">
<span>22 画图APP</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./kinetic-loader/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/3.png">
<span>23 加载动画</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./content-placeholder/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/4.png">
<span>24 内容占位符</span>
<!-- 第三页 -->
<div class="swiper-slide">
<!-- 第七行 -->
<div class="son">
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./sticky-navigation/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/6.png">
<span>25 粘性导航栏</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./double-vertical-slider/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/7.png">
<span>26 双垂直滑块</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./toast-notification/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/8.png">
<span>27 Toast通知</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./github-profiles/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/9.png">
<span>28 Github 配置文件</span>
<!-- 第八行 -->
<div class="son">
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./double-click-heart/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/6.png">
<span>29 双击加心点赞</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./auto-text-effect/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/7.png">
<span>30 自动文本效果</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./password-generator/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/8.png">
<span>31 密码生成器</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./good-cheap-fast/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/9.png">
<span>32 多快好省</span>
<!-- 第九行 -->
<div class="son">
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./notes-app/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/6.png">
<span>33 便签</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./animated-countdown/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/7.png">
<span>34 动画倒计时</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./image-carousel/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/8.png">
<span>35 图片轮播</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./hoverboard/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/9.png">
<span>36 彩色悬停效果</span>
<!-- 第四页 -->
<div class="swiper-slide">
<!-- 第十行 -->
<div class="son">
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./pokedex/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/6.png">
<span>37 口袋妖怪</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./mobile-tab-navigation/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/7.png">
<span>38 移动选项卡导航</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./password-strength-background/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/8.png">
<span>39 密码强度背景</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./3d-boxes-background/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/9.png">
<span>40 3D盒子背景</span>
<!-- 第十一行 -->
<div class="son">
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./verify-account-ui/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/6.png">
<span>41 验证账户UI</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./live-user-filter/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/7.png">
<span>42 实时用户筛选器</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./feedback-ui-design/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/8.png">
<span>43 反馈UI设计</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./custom-range-slider/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/9.png">
<span>44 自定义范围滑块</span>
<!-- 第十二行 -->
<div class="son">
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./netflix-mobile-navigation/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/6.png">
<span>45 Netflix移动导航</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./quiz-app/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/7.png">
<span>46 测验APP</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./testimonial-box-switcher/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/8.png">
<span>47 推荐式换盒器</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./random-image-generator/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/9.png">
<span>48 随机图像生成器</span>
<!-- 第五页 -->
<div class="swiper-slide">
<!-- 第十三行 -->
<div class="son">
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./todo-list/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/6.png">
<span>49 todo列表</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./insect-catch-game/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/7.png">
<span>50 捉虫游戏</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./simple-timer/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/8.png">
<span>51 简单计时器</span>
<div class="second" onclick="window.open('./3d-boxes-background/','_self')">
<img src="./index/images/9.png">
<span>52 待添加</span>
<div class="swiper-pagination" style="position: static;margin-top: 4px;"></div>
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mousewheelSensitivity: 1, // 鼠标滚轮的滚动行为表示每次滚动多少个slide默认为1
mousewheelSpeed: 2000, // 表示滚动的速度默认为1000ms即1秒
mousewheelPropagation: true // 表示滚动的反弹效果默认为100ms
// 如果需要前进后退按钮
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nextEl: '.swiper-button-next',
prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev',
// 如果需要滚动条
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el: '.swiper-scrollbar',

index/css/all.min.css vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

index/css/font.css Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
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index/css/style.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
/* 全局设置 */
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index/font/UnidreamLED.ttf Normal file

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index/font/iconfont.ttf Normal file

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index/font/iconfont.woff2 Normal file

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index/images/1.png Normal file

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index/images/9.png Normal file

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