diff --git a/.env b/.env index 1a25379..6a5e8f5 100644 --- a/.env +++ b/.env @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ VITE_SOCIAL_TWITTER = "iimmsyy" VITE_WEATHER_KEY = "57eaea5833ff1616cfd1ff2c4cf9b58a" # 歌曲 API 地址 +## 备用:https://api.wuenci.com/meting/api/ VITE_SONG_API = "https://api-meting.imsyy.top" # 歌曲服务器 ( netease-网易云, tencent-qq音乐 ) VITE_SONG_SERVER = "netease" diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 3c10b43..a281ce6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ ![無名の主页](https://s2.loli.net/2022/07/14/K5JigfvDoNewtuS.webp) ->主页的 Logo 字体已经过压缩,若用本站 Logo 以外的字母会变回默认字体,这里是 [完整字体](https://file.imsyy.top/font/Pacifico-Regular.ttf) +>主页的 Logo 字体已经过压缩,若用本站 Logo 以外的字母会变回默认字体,这里是 [完整字体](https://file.4everland.app/font/Other/Pacifico-Regular.ttf) ### Demo @@ -27,34 +27,41 @@ - [x] 音乐播放器 - [x] 移动端适配 -* [ ] 去除 jQuery 依赖 -* [ ] VUE 重构 +* [ ] 播放器取消使用 Aplayer +### 部署 + +```bash +yarn install +yarn dev +yarn build +``` +> 构建完成后,可将 `dist` 文件夹下的文件上传至服务器,也可使用 `Vercel` 等托管平台一键导入并自动部署 ### 天气 -由于原天气 API 不稳定,已更换天气 API,现需要前往以下网站获取 key +天气及地区获取需要 `高德开放平台` 相关 API -- 前往 [ROLL](https://www.mxnzp.com/doc/list) 获取 app_id 和 app_secret,用于获取城市信息 -- 前往 [和风天气](https://dev.qweather.com/) 获取 key,用于获取天气信息 +- 前往 [高德开放平台控制台](https://console.amap.com/dev/index) 创建一个 `Web 服务` 类型的 `Key`,并将 `Key` 填入 `.env` 中的 `VITE_WEATHER_KEY` 中 也可自行更换其他方式 -### 配置 - -嘿嘿 - ### 音乐 >本项目采用了基于 `MetingJS` 的 `Aplayer` 音乐播放器,可实现快速自定义歌单 ->*仅支持 **中国大陆地区**,其他区域请将 [以下内容](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/imsyy/file/js/music/music-other.js) 替换 `music.js` 以实现音乐播放器的正常使用 +>*仅支持 **中国大陆地区** -更改 `music.js` 的参数即可实现自定义歌单列表 +请在 `.env` 文件中更改歌曲相关参数即可实现自定义歌单列表 -```js -let server = "netease"; //netease: 网易云音乐; tencent: QQ音乐; kugou: 酷狗音乐; xiami: 虾米; kuwo: 酷我 -let type = "playlist"; //song: 单曲; playlist: 歌单; album: 唱片 -let id = "7452421335"; //封面 ID / 单曲 ID / 歌单 ID +```bash +# 歌曲 API 地址 +VITE_SONG_API = "https://api-meting.imsyy.top" +# 歌曲服务器 ( netease-网易云, tencent-qq音乐 ) +VITE_SONG_SERVER = "netease" +# 播放类型 ( song-歌曲, playlist-播放列表, album-专辑, search-搜索, artist-艺术家 ) +VITE_SONG_TYPE = "playlist" +# 播放 ID +VITE_SONG_ID = "7452421335" ``` ### 字体 @@ -100,20 +107,20 @@ make clean all -### 插件 +### 技术栈 -* [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/) -* [iziToast](https://izitoast.marcelodolza.com/) -* [Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.com/) -* [jQuery](https://jquery.com/) +* [Vue](https://cn.vuejs.org/) +* [Vite](https://vitejs.cn/vite3-cn/) +* [Pinia](https://pinia.vuejs.org/zh/) +* [IconPark](https://iconpark.oceanengine.com/official) +* [xicons](https://xicons.org/) * [Aplayer](https://aplayer.js.org/) ### API * [MetingAPI By 武恩赐](https://api.wuenci.com/meting/api/) * [小歪 API](https://api.ixiaowai.cn/) -* [和风天气](https://dev.qweather.com/) -* [ROLL](https://www.mxnzp.com/doc/list) +* [高德开放平台](https://lbs.amap.com/) * [Hitokoto 一言](https://hitokoto.cn/) -   +   diff --git a/README_EN.md b/README_EN.md index 132f5f3..8b847c9 100644 --- a/README_EN.md +++ b/README_EN.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Simple little homepage, had enough of the original one and made a new one ![無名の主页](https://s2.loli.net/2022/07/14/K5JigfvDoNewtuS.webp) ->The logo font on the home page has been compressed, so if you use a font other than this logo, it will change back to the default font, Here is the [full font](https://file.imsyy.top/font/Pacifico-Regular.ttf) +>The logo font on the home page has been compressed, so if you use a font other than this logo, it will change back to the default font, Here is the [full font](https://file.4everland.app/font/Other/Pacifico-Regular.ttf) ### Demo @@ -27,83 +27,41 @@ Simple little homepage, had enough of the original one and made a new one - [x] Music player - [x] Mobile adaptation -* [ ] Remove jQuery dependency -* [ ] VUE refactoring +* [ ] Player cancels using Aplayer + +### Deployment + +```bash +yarn install +yarn dev +yarn build +``` +> Once the build is complete, the files in the `dist` folder can be uploaded to the server or imported and automatically deployed with one click using a hosting platform such as `Vercel`. ### Weather -Because the original weather API is unstable, the weather API has been replaced. Now you need to go to the following website to obtain the key +Weather and area access requires `高德开放平台` related API -- to [ROLL] (https://www.mxnzp.com/doc/list) for app_id and app_secret, used to capture the city - -- to [and wind weather] (https://dev.qweather.com/) to obtain the key, is used to get the weather information +- Go to [高德开放平台控制台](https://console.amap.com/dev/index) to create a `Key` of type `Web Service` and fill the `Key` into `VITE_WEATHER_KEY` in `.env` It can also be replaced by other methods - - ### Music >This project uses the `Aplayer` music player based on `MetingJS` for quick song list customization ->*Only supported in **Mainland China**, please replace `music.js` with [the following](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/imsyy/file/js/music/music-other.js) in other regions to enable the music player to work properly +>*Only supported in **Mainland China** -Change the parameters of `music.js` to achieve a custom song list +Please change the song related parameters in the `.env` file to customize the song list -```js -let server = "netease"; //netease; tencent; kugou; xiami; kuwo; -let type = "playlist"; //song; playlist; album; -let id = "7452421335"; //album ID; song ID; playlist ID; +```bash +# Songs API address +VITE_SONG_API = "https://api-meting.imsyy.top" +# Song server ( netease-netease, tencent-qq music ) +VITE_SONG_SERVER = "netease" +# Playback type ( song-song, playlist-playlist, album-album, search-search, artist-artist ) +VITE_SONG_TYPE = "playlist" +# Playback ID +VITE_SONG_ID = "7452421335" ``` ### Fonts @@ -149,20 +107,20 @@ make clean all -### Plugins +### Technology Stack -* [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/) -* [iziToast](https://izitoast.marcelodolza.com/) -* [Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.com/) -* [jQuery](https://jquery.com/) +* [Vue](https://cn.vuejs.org/) +* [Vite](https://vitejs.cn/vite3-cn/) +* [Pinia](https://pinia.vuejs.org/zh/) +* [IconPark](https://iconpark.oceanengine.com/official) +* [xicons](https://xicons.org/) * [Aplayer](https://aplayer.js.org/) ### API -* [MetingAPI By wuenci](https://api.wuenci.com/meting/api/) +* [MetingAPI By 武恩赐](https://api.wuenci.com/meting/api/) * [小歪 API](https://api.ixiaowai.cn/) -* [和风天气](https://dev.qweather.com/) -* [ROLL](https://www.mxnzp.com/doc/list) +* [高德开放平台](https://lbs.amap.com/) * [Hitokoto 一言](https://hitokoto.cn/) -   +   diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 34e638e..e379d59 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ <%- title %> + + + + diff --git a/src/components/Music/old.vue b/src/components/Music/test.vue similarity index 100% rename from src/components/Music/old.vue rename to src/components/Music/test.vue diff --git a/src/style/style.scss b/src/style/style.scss index 933e39a..50fcc6c 100644 --- a/src/style/style.scss +++ b/src/style/style.scss @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ body { height: 100%; background-color: #333; overflow: hidden; + font-family: 'HarmonyOS_Regular', sans-serif; } *,