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' ' . $item['month'] . '/' . $item['day'] ); } } ?> <?php if (count($historyTodaylist) > 0) : ?> <section class="joe_aside__item today"> <div class="joe_aside__item-title"> <svg class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18"> <path d="M701.217 207.026H304.974v26.713c0 17.809-13.357 33.391-33.391 33.391-17.81 0-33.392-13.356-33.392-33.39v-26.714h-91.27c-33.39 0-60.104 26.713-60.104 60.104v601.044c0 33.391 26.713 60.104 60.105 60.104h739.06a60.817 60.817 0 0 0 60.105-60.104V267.13c0-33.39-26.713-60.104-60.104-60.104h-120.21v26.713c0 17.809-13.356 33.391-33.39 33.391-17.81 0-33.392-13.356-33.392-33.39v-26.714zm64.557-64.556h120.209c69.008 0 124.66 55.652 124.66 124.66v601.044c0 33.391-13.356 64.556-35.617 89.043-22.26 22.261-55.652 35.618-89.043 35.618H146.922c-33.392 0-64.557-13.357-89.044-35.618-22.26-22.26-35.617-55.652-35.617-89.043V267.13c0-69.008 55.652-124.66 124.66-124.66h91.27V53.426c0-17.809 13.357-33.391 33.392-33.391 17.808 0 33.39 13.356 33.39 33.391v89.044h396.244V53.426c0-17.809 15.583-31.165 33.392-31.165S768 35.617 768 55.652v86.818zm0 0" /> <path d="M471.93 460.8c46.748 20.035 91.27 44.522 129.113 73.46l-26.713 44.523c-42.295-31.166-86.817-57.879-129.113-75.687L471.93 460.8zm-153.6 129.113h396.244v40.07c-33.391 89.043-106.852 155.826-215.93 202.574l-35.618-46.748c91.27-35.618 153.6-84.592 189.217-149.148H318.33v-46.748zm180.313-269.356h37.844c66.783 75.686 149.148 135.79 240.417 180.313l-26.713 48.973c-91.27-46.747-166.956-106.852-231.513-180.313-57.878 69.01-135.791 129.113-231.513 180.313l-26.713-48.973c93.496-46.748 173.635-109.079 238.191-180.313zm0 0" /> </svg> <span class="text">那年今日</span> <span class="line"></span> </div> <ul class="joe_aside__item-contain"> <?php foreach ($historyTodaylist as $item) : ?> <li class="item"> <div class="tail"></div> <div class="head"></div> <div class="desc"> <time datetime="<?php echo $item['date'] ?>"><?php echo $item['date'] ?></time> <a href="<?php echo $item['permalink'] ?>" 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90.24 90.24 0 0 1-42.666 50.56 68.267 68.267 0 0 1-53.547 1.706c-25.6-9.173-51.627-38.4-99.2-93.226a826.667 826.667 0 0 0-87.253-91.734 507.733 507.733 0 0 0-26.24 64c-18.134 52.267-35.414 101.76-75.947 119.254-48.853 21.333-88.32-21.334-120.107-56.96-5.76-4.694-13.226-13.014-19.84-19.414z" /> <path d="M512 810.667A298.667 298.667 0 0 1 213.333 512a42.667 42.667 0 0 1 85.334 0A213.333 213.333 0 0 0 512 725.333a42.667 42.667 0 0 1 0 85.334z" /> </svg> <span class="text">热门文章</span> <span class="line"></span> </div> <?php $this->widget('Widget_Contents_Hot@Aside', 'pageSize=' . $this->options->JAside_Hot_Num)->to($item); ?> <ol class="joe_aside__item-contain"> <?php if ($item->have()) : ?> <?php $index = 1; ?> <?php while ($item->next()) : ?> <li class="item"> <a class="link" href="<?php $item->permalink(); ?>" title="<?php $item->title(); ?>"> <i class="sort"><?php echo $index; ?></i> <img width="100%" height="130" class="image lazyload" src="<?php _getLazyload(); ?>" data-src="<?php 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34.065 0 0 0-34.065-34.065 34.065 34.065 0 0 0-34.065 34.065 321.576 321.576 0 0 0 307.268 303.861v173.052H307.61a34.065 34.065 0 0 0-34.065 34.065 34.065 34.065 0 0 0 34.065 34.065H716.39a34.065 34.065 0 0 0 34.065-34.065 34.065 34.065 0 0 0-34.065-34.065H546.065V778.73a321.576 321.576 0 0 0 306.587-301.817z" /> </svg> <span class="text">最新回复</span> <span class="line"></span> </div> <?php $this->widget('Widget_Comments_Recent', 'ignoreAuthor=true&pageSize=5')->to($item); ?> <ul class="joe_aside__item-contain"> <?php if ($item->have()) : ?> <?php while ($item->next()) : ?> <li class="item"> <div class="user"> <img width="40" height="40" class="avatar lazyload" src="<?php _getAvatarLazyload(); ?>" data-src="<?php _getAvatarByMail($item->mail) ?>" alt="<?php $item->author(false) ?>" /> <div class="info"> <div class="author"><?php $item->author(false) ?></div> <span class="date"><?php $item->date('Y-m-d'); ?></span> </div> </div> <div class="reply"> <a class="link" href="<?php 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160.768 0 90.112 70.656 160.768 160.768 160.768h75.776c15.36 0 29.696 15.36 29.696 29.696S326.656 768 311.296 768h-79.872C110.592 757.76 10.24 662.528 10.24 541.696c0-105.472 75.776-195.584 175.104-216.064 15.36-130.048 130.048-235.52 266.24-235.52 120.832 0 225.28 79.872 256 195.584 20.48-5.12 45.056-10.24 65.536-10.24 135.168 1.024 240.64 111.616 240.64 241.664S903.168 757.76 773.12 757.76z" /> <path d="M437.248 933.888c-10.24 0-15.36-5.12-20.48-10.24-10.24-10.24-10.24-29.696 0-45.056l79.872-79.872h-60.416c-10.24 0-25.6-5.12-29.696-20.48-5.12-10.24 0-24.576 5.12-34.816l130.048-130.048c10.24-10.24 29.696-10.24 45.056 0 10.24 10.24 10.24 29.696 0 45.056L512 742.4h55.296c10.24 0 24.576 5.12 29.696 20.48 5.12 10.24 0 24.576-5.12 34.816L461.824 928.768c-10.24 5.12-20.48 5.12-24.576 5.12z" /> </svg> <span class="text">今日天气</span> <span class="line"></span> </div> <div class="joe_aside__item-contain"> <div id="he-plugin-standard"></div> </div> </section> <?php endif; ?> <?php if 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0zm115.2-118.784c-20.992-22.016-55.808-22.016-76.8 0s-20.992 57.344 0 79.36 55.808 22.016 76.8 0 20.992-57.344 0-79.36z" /> </svg> <span class="text">标签云</span> <span class="line"></span> </div> <?php $this->widget('Widget_Metas_Tag_Cloud', array('sort' => 'count', 'ignoreZeroCount' => true, 'desc' => true, 'limit' => 50))->to($tags); ?> <div class="joe_aside__item-contain"> <?php if ($tags->have()) : ?> <div class="tag"></div> <ul class="list" style="display: none;"> <?php while ($tags->next()) : ?> <li data-url="<?php $tags->permalink(); ?>" data-label="<?php $tags->name(); ?>"></li> <?php endwhile; ?> </ul> <?php else : ?> <div class="empty">暂无标签</div> <?php endif; ?> </div> </section> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($this->options->JADContent) : ?> <a class="joe_aside__item advert" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" href="<?php echo explode("||", $this->options->JADContent)[1]; ?>" title="广告"> <img class="lazyload" width="100%" src="<?php _getLazyload() ?>" 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46.592 71.68 90.112 76.288 42.496 4.096 82.432-17.92 102.912-55.296 3.072-6.144 3.072-10.752.512-17.92-6.144-16.384-14.336-33.792-14.848-51.2-2.048-86.016-2.048-172.032-2.56-258.048 0-15.872 8.704-24.576 23.04-24.064 13.824.512 20.992 8.704 20.992 24.576l1.536 240.64c0 6.144 0 12.288.512 18.432 1.536 15.872 7.168 30.208 19.456 40.96 40.448 36.864 104.96 19.456 120.32-32.768 8.704-30.208 8.704-60.928 3.584-91.136-20.48-117.248-75.776-216.064-164.352-295.424-119.296-106.496-277.504-121.344-408.064-36.352-117.76 76.8-184.832 188.416-211.968 324.608-6.656 33.792-7.168 68.608 4.096 101.888 8.192 23.552 22.528 40.96 48.128 46.08 54.784 10.752 92.16-19.456 92.16-75.264V614.4c0-76.8 0-153.088.512-229.888 0-17.92 8.192-27.136 23.04-26.624 14.336 0 21.504 9.216 22.016 26.624 0 12.8-.512 25.6-.512 37.888 0 69.12-.512 138.24-.512 207.36 0 22.528-5.12 43.52-16.384 63.488-2.048 4.096-2.56 11.264-.512 15.36 29.696 59.904 111.104 75.264 160.768 30.72 16.384-14.848 28.16-32.256 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