2021-04-19 19:21:21 +08:00

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// errors
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
// config
class config
// Only edit directly if it is a temporary installation. Settings added here will be lost when updating!
// Instead, add options from external config file in your storage_path [_files/config/config.php]
public static $default = array(
// paths
'root' => '../../../uploads', // 可以填写相对路径或者绝对路径,不填代表当前目录
'start_path' => false, // 分配加载到视图中的第一个目录默认情况下该目录与root目录相同。它可以是相对路径也可以是绝对路径但是该路径必须在根目录下
// login
'username' => '', // 添加用户名,以通过登录保护您的“文件”应用程序。
'password' => '', // 添加密码,以通过登录保护您的“文件”应用程序。
// images
'load_images' => true, // 如果禁用,则不显示缩略图。
'load_files_proxy_php' => false, // 如果无法通过URL由于任何原因访问图像则强制通过PHP代理加载图像。
'load_images_max_filesize' => 1000000, // 可直接加载到图库中的最大图像文件大小。如果文件大小超过此值,它将被文件图标代替。不会影响有效调整尺寸的图像。这样做的目的是防止大量图像直接加载到图库布局中,从而导致加载缓慢和界面呆滞卡顿,这样会很影响体验
'load_svg_max_filesize' => 100000, // 最大SVG文件大小可直接加载到图库中。如果文件超过该值它将被文件图标代替。这样做的目的是防止复杂的SVG形状缓慢渲染并导致缓慢的界面
'image_resize_enabled' => true, // 允许调整加载到图库中的图像的大小
'image_resize_cache' => false, // 允许缓存调整大小的图像以提高加载速度。调整大小的图像通常会缓存在_files/cache/images/*的storage_path中
'image_resize_dimensions' => 320, // 默认图像调整尺寸。适合调整大小的图像的图像宽度,因此它们在所有“文件”库布局中看起来都不错
'image_resize_dimensions_retina' => 480, // 服务器用于高密度屏幕视网膜的较大图像调整尺寸。这将为视网膜屏幕生成更高质量的图像但最终将导致图像缓存大小增加一倍。如果不需要设置为fals
'image_resize_quality' => 85, // JPG压缩级别用于调整大小的图像
'image_resize_function' => 'imagecopyresampled', // PHP图像调整大小函数。之间选择 imagecopyresampled平滑和 imagecopyresized快点。质量差异很小但是imagecopyresampled的质量更高而imagecopyresize的速度则快两倍。例如如果要在不使用缓存时更快地调整大小则可以使用imagecopyresize。这是勿埋我心的参考具体可以自己比较一下
'image_resize_sharpen' => true, // 创建更清晰(模糊程度较小)的预览图像
'image_resize_memory_limit' => 128, // 在调整大图像大小时临时增加PHP内存限制如果需要。默认值设置为128 MB这可以将图像调整为最大〜6000 px。如果您的PHP memory_limit已经高于该值则将无效
'image_resize_max_pixels' => 30000000, // 设置调整图像大小的最大允许尺寸。默认值为3000000030兆像素它允许将图像的大小调整为大约6000 x 5000像素。可以使用此选项来防止服务器尝试将图像大小调整为超出功能范围和/或防止性能降低。勿埋我心建议这个也调大默认值是超过大约6000 x 5000像素的图片就不进行缩略生成
'image_resize_min_ratio' => 1.5, // 图像调整大小目标尺寸和原始图像尺寸之间的最小比率差。如果原始图像仅比调整大小目标大X倍则将使用原始图像。在大多数情况下如果原始图像仅比调整大小的目标稍大则创建调整大小的版本是没有意义的
'image_resize_cache_direct' => false, // 将尝试绕过Files PHP应用程序将缓存的调整大小后的图像直接加载到图库中。由于图像文件直接加载到浏览器中因此可能会导致更快的加载和改进的浏览器缓存。但是如果启用此选项并删除图像缓存则可能会丢失图像文件因为“文件”应用程序不用于检测是否存在缓存的请求。如果启用此选项并且您确实要删除图像缓存则需要将cache_key设置增加+1。勿埋我心建议将此项设置为true可以使缩略图使用真实路径有利于CDN缓存如果你没有CDN那么没太大关系。
// menu
'menu_enabled' => true, // 启用或禁用左侧文件夹菜单。您仍然可以从主视图区域中浏览文件夹。如果根目录不包含任何文件夹,则该菜单将始终被禁用
'menu_show' => true, // 默认情况下,切换左文件夹菜单已展开或折叠。如果根目录中没有文件夹或禁用了菜单,则此设置无效。同样,该值由浏览器“记住”,并且将始终默认为每个浏览器菜单所处的最后状态
'menu_max_depth' => 5, // 作为预防措施左侧菜单的深度限制为5个子文件夹级别。在许多情况下将无限数量的子文件夹加载到菜单中是没有用的因为它会很慢并且在菜单界面中可能无法很好地显示。勿埋我心建议您可以轻松地将该值增加到更高的值但是请注意如果要加载巨大的根目录则加载整个树的速度可能很慢。例如如果要加载服务器的整个根那么加载整个树将是一项艰巨的任务。您仍然可以直接从查看区域导航到更深的文件夹级别
'menu_sort' => 'name_asc', // 选择如何使用选项name_ascname_descdate_asc和date_desc对文件夹菜单项进行排序
'menu_cache_validate' => true, // 启用时默认将验证菜单缓存以确保其与实际的文件夹结构匹配。通常此机制是必需的以确保对您所做的任何更改新文件夹等与菜单缓存文件进行验证。如果禁用则仅针对根文件夹和1级文件夹验证缓存。如果您的永久文件库具有较重的文件夹结构则禁用此功能可能很有用在这种情况下菜单的加载速度会更快。请记住如果您禁用此功能然后在子文件夹中进行更改则需要删除菜单缓存或增加cache_key值
'menu_load_all' => false, // 将导致菜单预加载所有页面,包括所有文件数据。这意味着菜单加载后,您可以立即浏览所有文件夹,而无需进行任何加载。此功能对于永久画廊或简单的根文件夹结构很有用
'menu_recursive_symlinks' => true, // 在主菜单中列出符号链接的子目录。可能会导致无害的菜单循环或重复的菜单项
// files layout
'layout' => 'rows', // 认画廊布局,包括选项 列表,块,网格,行和列。该值由浏览器“记住”,并且将始终默认为访问者选择的最后一个状态
'image_cover' => true, // 在其容器内缩放图像以进行某些布局,以填充整个网格区域。某些作物会发生。该值由浏览器“记住”,并且将始终默认为访问者选择的最后一个状态
'sort' => 'name_asc', // 在主视图区域中对文件的默认排序,带有选项 namedatefilesize和k i nd。该值由浏览器“记住”并且将始终默认为访问者选择的最后一个状态
'sort_dirs_first' => true, // 启用后,总会在最上方列出目录,这通常是最直观的
// cache
'cache' => false, // 启用后将为文件夹和菜单创建缓存。缓存是在storage_path中创建的通常是_files/cache/folders和_files/cache/menu。如果您不希望“文件”应用程序创建任何缓存文件请禁用此选项。例如如果您只打算使用它一次并删除它。请记住启用缓存后“文件”应用程序加载速度会更快
'cache_key' => 0, // 菜单缓存和文件夹缓存与cache_key。如果您出于任何原因要强制刷新缓存可以将cache_key增加+1
'storage_path' => '_files', // storage_path定义“文件”应用将在何处创建缓存文件夹配置和插件。在大多数情况下应始终使用默认值“ _files”。在某些情况下如果您不想将数据写入当前目录或者有多个共享相同存储路径和缓存的“文件”应用程序则可能需要使用不同的storage_path。存储路径可以是相对的或绝对的。
// exclude files directories regex
'files_exclude' => '', // 一个PHP正则表达式用于排除或包含文件。通常用于排除某些文件类型或仅包括某些扩展名。适用于所有文件的基本名称
'dirs_exclude' => '', //一个PHP正则表达式来排除目录。适用于所有目录和文件的根相对路径
'allow_symlinks' => true, // 允许“文件”应用显示和跟随列表和菜单中的符号链接
// various
'history' => true, // 启用历史记录后浏览器将在导航目录时更改URL?path/to/folder。这还允许您在共享URL时直接直接深链接到文件和目录。如果禁用则导航时URL永远不会改变。
'breadcrumbs' => true, // 启用顶部栏中的“ breadcrumbs”界面元素使用户可以轻松导航至父目录。如果root不包含任何文件夹则将始终禁用
'transitions' => true, // 启用前端的各种转换。
'click' => 'popup', // 单击主视图区域中的项目时, 选择触发弹出窗口, 模式, 下载, 窗口 或 菜单(popup, modal, download, window or menu)的方法。默认值“popup”将适用于所有图像文件但对于非图像文件将回退为“modal”
'code_max_load' => 100000, // 直接在“文件”代码编辑器中加载和显示的代码文件PHPJSCSS等的最大文件大小。对于大型文件代码编辑器可能会比较迟钝并且自动将它们加载到编辑器中并没有用。
'code_allow_edit' => false, // 允许直接从“文件”应用程序代码编辑器编辑代码文件。
'popup_interval' => 5000, // 设置弹出幻灯片的时间间隔。
'topbar_sticky' => 'scroll', // 选择topbar 如何使用truefalse和scroll选项将其自身附加到屏幕上。
'check_updates' => true, // 检查“文件”应用程序更新。如果“文件”应用程序有更新,则在右上方显示“钟形”图标。
'allow_tasks' => true, // 尚未记录或可公开使用
'get_mime_type' => false, // 从服务器而不是扩展名快速获取文件mime类型。
'context_menu' => true, // 禁用上下文菜单按钮和右键单击菜单。
'prevent_right_click' => false, // 阻止浏览器右键单击敏感项目(图像,列表项,菜单)上的菜单。
'license_key' => '' // 在此处插入许可证密钥以防止许可证弹出和解锁功能。
// config (will popuplate)
public static $config = array();
// app vars
static $__dir__ = __DIR__;
static $__file__ = __FILE__;
static $assets;
static $prod = true;
static $version = '0.2.2';
static $root;
static $doc_root;
static $has_login = false;
static $storage_path;
static $storage_is_within_doc_root = false;
static $storage_config_realpath;
static $storage_config;
static $cache_path;
static $image_resize_cache_direct;
static $image_resize_dimensions_retina = false;
static $dirs_hash = false;
static $local_config_file = '_filesconfig.php';
// get config
private function get_config($path)
if (empty($path) || !file_exists($path)) return array();
$config = include $path;
return empty($config) || !is_array($config) ? array() : array_map(function ($v) {
return is_string($v) ? trim($v) : $v;
}, $config);
// dump config
private function dump_config($local_config, $storage_path, $storage_config, $user_config, $user_valid)
// invalid and duplicate arrays
$user_invalid = array_diff_key($user_config, self::$default);
$user_duplicate = array_intersect_assoc($user_valid, self::$default);
// items
$items = array(
['arr' => $local_config, 'comment' => "// LOCAL CONFIG\n// " . self::$local_config_file],
['arr' => $storage_config, 'comment' => "// STORAGE CONFIG\n// " . rtrim($storage_path ?: '', '\/') . '/config/config.php'],
['arr' => $user_invalid, 'comment' => "// INVALID PARAMS\n// The following custom parameters will be ignored as they are not valid:", 'var' => '$invalid', 'hide' => empty($user_invalid)],
['arr' => $user_duplicate, 'comment' => "// DUPLICATE DEFAULT PARAMS\n// The following custom parameters will have no effect as they are identical to defaults:", 'var' => '$duplicate', 'hide' => empty($user_duplicate)],
['arr' => $user_valid, 'comment' => "// USER CONFIG\n// User config parameters.", 'var' => '$user', 'hide' => (empty($local_config) || empty($storage_config)) && empty($user_invalid)],
['arr' => self::$config, 'comment' => "// CONFIG\n// User parameters merged with default parameters.", 'var' => '$config'],
['arr' => self::$default, 'comment' => "// DEFAULT CONFIG\n// Default config parameters.", 'var' => '$default'],
['arr' => array_diff_key(get_class_vars('config'), array_flip(['default', 'config'])), 'comment' => "// STATIC VARS\n// Static app vars.", 'var' => '$static']
// loop
$output = '<?php' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($items as $arr => $props) {
$is_empty = empty($props['arr']);
if (isset($props['hide']) && $props['hide']) continue;
foreach (['username', 'password', 'allow_tasks', '__dir__', '__file__'] as $prop) if (isset($props['arr'][$prop]) && !empty($props['arr'][$prop]) && is_string($props['arr'][$prop])) $props['arr'][$prop] = '***';
$export = $is_empty ? 'array ()' : var_export($props['arr'], true);
$comment = preg_replace('/\n/', " [" . count($props['arr']) . "]\n", $props['comment'], 1);
$var = isset($props['var']) ? $props['var'] . ' = ' : 'return ';
$output .= PHP_EOL . $comment . PHP_EOL . $var . $export . ';' . PHP_EOL;
highlight_string($output . PHP_EOL . ';?>');
//public static function helloWorld() {
public static function save_config($config = array())
$save_config = array_intersect_key(array_replace(self::$storage_config, $config), self::$default);
$export = preg_replace("/ '/", " //'", var_export(array_replace(self::$default, $save_config), true));
foreach ($save_config as $key => $value) if ($value !== self::$default[$key]) $export = str_replace("//'" . $key, "'" . $key, $export);
return @file_put_contents(config::$storage_config_realpath, '<?php ' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '// CONFIG /' . PHP_EOL . '// Uncomment the parameters you want to edit.' . PHP_EOL . 'return ' . $export . ';');
// construct
function __construct($is_doc = false)
// normalize OS paths
self::$__dir__ = real_path(__DIR__);
self::$__file__ = real_path(__FILE__);
// local config
$local_config = self::get_config(self::$local_config_file);
// storage config
$storage_path = isset($local_config['storage_path']) ? $local_config['storage_path'] : self::$default['storage_path'];
$storage_realpath = !empty($storage_path) ? real_path($storage_path) : false;
if ($is_doc && $storage_realpath === self::$__dir__) error('<strong>storage_path must be a unique dir.</strong>');
self::$storage_config_realpath = $storage_realpath ? $storage_realpath . '/config/config.php' : false;
self::$storage_config = self::get_config(self::$storage_config_realpath);
// config
$user_config = array_replace(self::$storage_config, $local_config);
$user_valid = array_intersect_key($user_config, self::$default);
self::$config = array_replace(self::$default, $user_valid);
// dump config and exit;
if (isset($_GET['config'])) self::dump_config($local_config, $storage_path, self::$storage_config, $user_config, $user_valid);
// CDN assets
self::$assets = self::$prod ? '' . self::$version . '/' : '';
// root
self::$root = real_path(self::$config['root']);
if ($is_doc && !self::$root) error('root dir "' . self::$config['root'] . '" does not exist.');
// doc root
self::$doc_root = real_path($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
// login
self::$has_login = self::$config['username'] || self::$config['password'] ? true : false;
// $image_cache
$image_cache = self::$config['image_resize_enabled'] && self::$config['image_resize_cache'] && self::$config['load_images'] ? true : false;
// cache enabled
if ($image_cache || self::$config['cache']) {
// create storage_path
if (empty($storage_realpath)) {
$storage_path = is_string($storage_path) ? rtrim($storage_path, '\/') : false;
if (empty($storage_path)) error('Invalid storage_path parameter.');
$storage_realpath = real_path($storage_path);
if (empty($storage_realpath)) error("storage_path <strong>$storage_path</strong> does not exist and can't be created.");
self::$storage_path = $storage_realpath;
// storage path is within doc root
if (is_within_docroot(self::$storage_path)) self::$storage_is_within_doc_root = true;
// cache_path real path
self::$cache_path = self::$storage_path . '/cache';
// create storage dirs
if ($is_doc) {
$create_dirs = [$storage_realpath . '/config'];
if ($image_cache) $create_dirs[] = self::$cache_path . '/images';
if (self::$config['cache']) array_push($create_dirs, self::$cache_path . '/folders', self::$cache_path . '/menu');
foreach ($create_dirs as $create_dir) mkdir_or_error($create_dir);
// create/update config file, with default parameters commented out.
if ($is_doc && self::$storage_config_realpath && (!file_exists(self::$storage_config_realpath) || filemtime(self::$storage_config_realpath) < filemtime(__FILE__))) self::save_config();
// image resize cache direct
if (self::$config['image_resize_cache_direct'] && !self::$has_login && self::$config['load_images'] && self::$config['image_resize_cache'] && self::$config['image_resize_enabled'] && self::$storage_is_within_doc_root) self::$image_resize_cache_direct = true;
// image_resize_dimensions_retina
if (self::$config['image_resize_dimensions_retina'] && self::$config['image_resize_dimensions_retina'] > self::$config['image_resize_dimensions']) self::$image_resize_dimensions_retina = self::$config['image_resize_dimensions_retina'];
// dirs hash
self::$dirs_hash = substr(md5(self::$doc_root . self::$__dir__ . self::$root . self::$version . self::$config['cache_key'] . self::$image_resize_cache_direct . self::$config['files_exclude'] . self::$config['dirs_exclude']), 0, 6);
// login
// $is_doc
if (self::$has_login) check_login($is_doc);
// login page
function login_page($is_login_attempt, $sidx, $is_logout, $client_hash)
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover, user-scalable=no, shrink-to-fit=no">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
<link href="<?php echo config::$assets ?>css/files.css" rel="stylesheet">
<?php custom_script('css'); ?>
<div id="files-login-container"></div>
document.getElementById('files-login-container').innerHTML = '\
<h1 class="header mb-5">Login</h1>\
<?php if ($is_login_attempt && $_POST['sidx'] !== $sidx) { ?><div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"><strong>PHP session ID mismatch</strong><br>If the error persists, your PHP is incorrectly creating new session ID for each request.</div><?php } else if ($is_login_attempt) { ?>\
<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">Incorrect login!</div><?php } else if ($is_logout) { ?>\
<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">You are now logged out.</div><?php } ?>\
<div class="mylogin">\
<input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Username">\
<input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password">\
<input type="text" name="fusername" class="form-control form-control-lg mb-3" placeholder="Username" required autofocus>\
<input type="password" name="fpassword" class="form-control form-control-lg mb-3" placeholder="Password" required>\
<input type="hidden" name="client_hash" value="<?php echo $client_hash; ?>">\
<input type="hidden" name="sidx" value="<?php echo $sidx; ?>">\
<input type="submit" value="login" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block">\
document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].addEventListener('submit', function() {
this.action = '<?php echo isset($_GET['logout']) ? strtok($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>';
this.method = 'post';
}, false);
<?php exit; // end form and exit
// check login
function check_login($is_doc)
if ($is_doc) foreach (['username', 'password'] as $val) if (empty(config::$config[$val])) error($val . ' cannot be empty.');
if (!session_start() && $is_doc) error('Failed to initiate PHP session_start();', 500);
function get_client_hash()
if (isset($_SERVER[$key]) && !empty($_SERVER[$key]) && filter_var($_SERVER[$key], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) return md5($_SERVER[$key] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . __FILE__ . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
error('Invalid IP', 401);
// hash
$client_hash = get_client_hash();
$login_hash = md5(config::$config['username'] . config::$config['password'] . $client_hash);
// login status
$is_logout = isset($_GET['logout']) && isset($_SESSION['login']);
if ($is_logout) unset($_SESSION['login']);
$is_logged_in = !$is_logout && isset($_SESSION['login']) && $_SESSION['login'] === $login_hash;
// not logged in
if (!$is_logged_in) {
// login only on html pages
if ($is_doc) {
// vars
$sidx = md5(session_id());
$is_login_attempt = isset($_POST['fusername']) && isset($_POST['fpassword']) && isset($_POST['client_hash']) && isset($_POST['sidx']);
// correct login set $_SESSION['login']
if (
$is_login_attempt &&
trim($_POST['fusername']) == config::$config['username'] &&
(phpversion() >= 5.5 && !password_needs_rehash(config::$config['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT) ? password_verify(trim($_POST['fpassword']), config::$config['password']) : (trim($_POST['fpassword']) == config::$config['password'])) &&
$_POST['client_hash'] === $client_hash &&
$_POST['sidx'] === $sidx
) {
$_SESSION['login'] = $login_hash;
// display login page and exit
} else {
login_page($is_login_attempt, $sidx, $is_logout, $client_hash);
// not logged in (images or post API requests), don't show form.
} else if (post('action')) {
} else {
error('You are not logged in.', 401);
function mkdir_or_error($path)
if (!file_exists($path) && !mkdir($path, 0777, true)) error('Failed to create ' . $path, 500);
function real_path($path)
$real_path = realpath($path);
return $real_path ? str_replace('\\', '/', $real_path) : false;
function root_relative($dir)
return ltrim(substr($dir, strlen(config::$root)), '\/');
function root_absolute($dir)
return config::$root . ($dir ? '/' . $dir : '');
function is_within_path($path, $root)
return strpos($path . '/', $root . '/') === 0;
function is_within_root($path)
return is_within_path($path, config::$root);
function is_within_docroot($path)
return is_within_path($path, config::$doc_root);
function get_folders_cache_path($name)
return config::$cache_path . '/folders/' . $name . '.json';
function get_json_cache_url($name)
$file = get_folders_cache_path($name);
return file_exists($file) ? get_url_path($file) : false;
function get_dir_cache_path($dir, $mtime = false)
if (!config::$config['cache'] || !$dir) return;
return get_folders_cache_path(get_dir_cache_hash($dir, $mtime));
function get_dir_cache_hash($dir, $mtime = false)
return config::$dirs_hash . '.' . substr(md5($dir), 0, 6) . '.' . ($mtime ?: filemtime($dir));
function header_memory_time()
return (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']) ? round(microtime(true) - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'], 3) . 's, ' : '') . round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1048576, 1) . 'M';
// read file
// todo: add files-date header
function read_file($path, $mime = 'image/jpeg', $msg = false, $props = false, $cache_headers = false)
if (!$path || !file_exists($path)) return false;
if ($mime == 'image/svg') $mime .= '+xml';
header('content-type: ' . $mime);
header('content-length: ' . filesize($path));
header('content-disposition: filename="' . basename($path) . '"');
if ($msg) header('files-msg: ' . $msg . ' [' . ($props ? $props . ', ' : '') . header_memory_time() . ']');
if ($cache_headers) set_cache_headers();
if (!is_readable($path) || !readfile($path)) error('Failed to read file ' . $path . '.', 400);
// get mime
function get_mime($path)
if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) {
return mime_content_type($path);
} else {
return function_exists('finfo_file') ? finfo_file(finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE), $path) : false;
// set cache headers
function set_cache_headers()
$seconds = 31536000; // 1 year;
header('expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $seconds) . ' GMT');
header("cache-control: public, max-age=$seconds, s-maxage=$seconds, immutable");
header('pragma: cache');
// header("Last-Modified:" . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() - $seconds) . ' GMT');
// etag?
// get image cache path
function get_image_cache_path($path, $image_resize_dimensions, $filesize, $filemtime)
return config::$cache_path . '/images/' . substr(md5($path), 0, 6) . '.' . $filesize . '.' . $filemtime . '.' . $image_resize_dimensions . '.jpg';
// is excluded
function is_exclude($path = false, $is_dir = true, $symlinked = false)
// early exit
if (!$path || $path === config::$root) return;
// exclude files PHP application
if ($path === config::$__file__) return true;
// symlinks not allowed
if ($symlinked && !config::$config['allow_symlinks']) return true;
// exclude storage path
if (config::$storage_path && is_within_path($path, config::$storage_path)) return true;
// dirs_exclude: check root relative dir path
if (config::$config['dirs_exclude']) {
$dirname = $is_dir ? $path : dirname($path);
if ($dirname !== config::$root && preg_match(config::$config['dirs_exclude'], substr($dirname, strlen(config::$root)))) return true;
// files_exclude: check vs basename
if (!$is_dir) {
$basename = basename($path);
if ($basename === config::$local_config_file) return true;
if (config::$config['files_exclude'] && preg_match(config::$config['files_exclude'], $basename)) return true;
// valid root path
function valid_root_path($path, $is_dir = false)
// invalid
if ($path === false) return;
if (!$is_dir && empty($path)) return; // path cannot be empty if file
if ($path && substr($path, -1) == '/') return; // path should never be root absolute or end with /
// absolute path may differ if path contains symlink
$root_absolute = root_absolute($path);
$real_path = real_path($root_absolute);
// file does not exist
if (!$real_path) return;
// security checks if path contains symlink
if ($root_absolute !== $real_path) {
if (strpos(($is_dir ? $path : dirname($path)), ':') !== false) return; // dir may not contain ':'
if (strpos($path, '..') !== false) return; // path may not contain '..'
if (is_exclude($root_absolute, $is_dir, true)) return;
// nope
if (!is_readable($real_path)) return; // not readable
if ($is_dir && !is_dir($real_path)) return; // dir check
if (!$is_dir && !is_file($real_path)) return; // file check
if (is_exclude($real_path, $is_dir)) return; // exclude path
// return root_absolute
return $root_absolute;
// image create from
function image_create_from($path, $type)
if (!$path || !$type) return;
if ($type === IMAGETYPE_JPEG) {
return imagecreatefromjpeg($path);
} else if ($type === IMAGETYPE_PNG) {
return imagecreatefrompng($path);
} else if ($type === IMAGETYPE_GIF) {
return imagecreatefromgif($path);
} else if ($type === 18/*IMAGETYPE_WEBP*/) {
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) return imagecreatefromwebp($path);
} else if ($type === IMAGETYPE_BMP) {
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0') >= 0) return imagecreatefrombmp($path);
// get file (proxy or resize image)
function get_file($path, $resize = false)
// validate
if (!$path) error('Invalid file request.', 404);
$path = real_path($path); // in case of symlink path
// mime
$mime = get_mime($path);
if (!$mime) error('Empty mime type.', 415);
$mime_array = explode('/', $mime);
// resize
if ($resize) {
if ($mime_array[0] !== 'image') error('<strong>' . basename($path) . '</strong> (' . $mime . ') is not an image.', 415);
if (!config::$config['load_images']) error('Load images disabled.', 400);
if (!config::$config['image_resize_enabled']) error('Resize images disabled.', 400);
$resize_dimensions = intval($resize);
if (!$resize_dimensions) error("Invalid resize parameter <strong>$resize</strong>.", 400);
if (!in_array($resize_dimensions, [config::$config['image_resize_dimensions'], config::$image_resize_dimensions_retina])) error("Resize parameter <strong>$resize_dimensions</strong> is not allowed.", 400);
resize_image($path, $resize_dimensions);
// proxy file
} else {
// disable if !proxy and path is within document root (file should never be proxied)
if (!config::$config['load_files_proxy_php'] && is_within_docroot($path)) error('File cannot be proxied.', 400);
// read file
read_file($path, $mime, $msg = 'File ' . basename($path) . ' proxied.', false, true);
// sharpen resized image
function sharpen_image($image)
$matrix = array(
array(-1, -1, -1),
array(-1, 20, -1),
array(-1, -1, -1),
$divisor = array_sum(array_map('array_sum', $matrix));
$offset = 0;
imageconvolution($image, $matrix, $divisor, $offset);
// exif orientation
function exif_orientation($orientation, &$image)
if (empty($orientation) || !is_numeric($orientation) || $orientation < 3 || $orientation > 8) return;
$image = imagerotate($image, array(6 => 270, 5 => 270, 3 => 180, 4 => 180, 8 => 90, 7 => 90)[$orientation], null);
if (in_array($orientation, array(5, 4, 7)) && function_exists('imageflip')) imageflip($image, IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL);
return true;
// resize image
function resize_image($path, $resize_dimensions)
// file size
$file_size = filesize($path);
// header props
$header_props = 'w:' . $resize_dimensions . ', q:' . config::$config['image_resize_quality'] . ', ' . config::$config['image_resize_function'] . ', cache:' . (config::$config['image_resize_cache'] ? '1' : '0');
// cache
$cache = config::$config['image_resize_cache'] ? get_image_cache_path($path, $resize_dimensions, $file_size, filemtime($path)) : NULL;
if ($cache) read_file($cache, null, 'Resized image served from cache', $header_props, true);
// imagesize
$info = getimagesize($path);
if (empty($info) || !is_array($info)) error('Invalid image / failed getimagesize().', 500);
$resize_ratio = max($info[0], $info[1]) / $resize_dimensions;
// image_resize_max_pixels early exit
if (config::$config['image_resize_max_pixels'] && $info[0] * $info[1] > config::$config['image_resize_max_pixels']) error('Image resolution <strong>' . $info[0] . ' x ' . $info[1] . '</strong> (' . ($info[0] * $info[1]) . ' px) exceeds <strong>image_resize_max_pixels</strong> (' . config::$config['image_resize_max_pixels'] . ' px).', 400);
// header props
$header_props .= ', ' . $info['mime'] . ', ' . $info[0] . 'x' . $info[1] . ', ratio:' . round($resize_ratio, 2);
// output original if resize ratio < image_resize_min_ratio
if ($resize_ratio < max(config::$config['image_resize_min_ratio'], 1) && !read_file($path, $info['mime'], 'Original image served', $header_props, true)) error('File does not exist.', 404);
// Calculate new image dimensions.
$resize_width = round($info[0] / $resize_ratio);
$resize_height = round($info[1] / $resize_ratio);
// memory
$memory_limit = config::$config['image_resize_memory_limit'] && function_exists('ini_get') ? (int) @ini_get('memory_limit') : false;
if ($memory_limit && $memory_limit > -1) {
// $memory_required = ceil(($info[0] * $info[1] * 4 + $resize_width * $resize_height * 4) / 1048576);
$memory_required = round(($info[0] * $info[1] * (isset($info['bits']) ? $info['bits'] / 8 : 1) * (isset($info['channels']) ? $info['channels'] : 3) * 1.33 + $resize_width * $resize_height * 4) / 1048576, 1);
$new_memory_limit = function_exists('ini_set') ? max($memory_limit, config::$config['image_resize_memory_limit']) : $memory_limit;
if ($memory_required > $new_memory_limit) error('Resizing this image requires at least <strong>' . $memory_required . 'M</strong>. Your current PHP memory_limit is <strong>' . $new_memory_limit . 'M</strong>.', 400);
if ($memory_limit < $new_memory_limit && @ini_set('memory_limit', $new_memory_limit . 'M')) $header_props .= ', ' . $memory_limit . 'M => ' . $new_memory_limit . 'M (min ' . $memory_required . 'M)';
// new dimensions headers
$header_props .= ', ' . $resize_width . 'x' . $resize_height;
// create new $image
$image = image_create_from($path, $info[2]);
if (!$image) error('Failed to create image resource.', 500);
// Create final image with new dimensions.
$new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($resize_width, $resize_height);
if (!call_user_func(config::$config['image_resize_function'], $new_image, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $resize_width, $resize_height, $info[0], $info[1])) error('Failed to resize image.', 500);
// destroy original $image resource
// exif orientation
$exif = function_exists('exif_read_data') ? @exif_read_data($path) : false;
if (!empty($exif) && is_array($exif) && isset($exif['Orientation']) && exif_orientation($exif['Orientation'], $new_image)) $header_props .= ', orientated from EXIF:' . $exif['Orientation'];
// sharpen resized image
if (config::$config['image_resize_sharpen']) sharpen_image($new_image);
// save to cache
if ($cache) {
if (!imagejpeg($new_image, $cache, config::$config['image_resize_quality'])) error('<strong>imagejpeg()</strong> failed to create and cache resized image.', 500);
/* // store cache records in /images.json_decode(json)n
$image_cache_path = config::$cache_path . '/images';
$image_cache_json = $image_cache_path . '/images.json';
$image_cache_arr = file_exists($image_cache_json) ? json_decode(file_get_contents($image_cache_json), true) : array();
$image_cache_arr[basename($cache)] = is_within_docroot($path) ? ltrim(substr($path, strlen(config::$doc_root)), '\/') : $path;
file_put_contents($image_cache_json, json_encode($image_cache_arr, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));*/
// not cache / direct output
} else {
header('content-type: image/jpeg');
header('files-msg: Resized image served [' . $header_props . ', ' . header_memory_time() . ']');
if (!imagejpeg($new_image, null, config::$config['image_resize_quality'])) error('<strong>imagejpeg()</strong> failed to create and output resized image.', 500);
// destroy image
// cache readfile
if ($cache && !read_file($cache, null, 'Resized image cached and served', $header_props, true)) error('Cache file does not exist.', 404);
function get_url_path($dir)
if (!is_within_docroot($dir)) return false;
// if in __dir__ path, __dir__ relative
if (is_within_path($dir, config::$__dir__)) return $dir === config::$__dir__ ? '.' : substr($dir, strlen(config::$__dir__) + 1);
// doc root, doc root relative
return $dir === config::$doc_root ? '/' : substr($dir, strlen(config::$doc_root));
// get dir
function get_dir($path, $files = false, $json_url = false)
// realpath
$realpath = $path ? real_path($path) : false;
if (!$realpath) return; // no real path for any reason
$symlinked = $realpath !== $path; // path is symlinked at some point
// exclude
if (is_exclude($path, true, $symlinked)) return; // exclude
if ($symlinked && is_exclude($realpath, true, $symlinked)) return; // exclude check again symlink realpath
// vars
$filemtime = filemtime($realpath);
$url_path = get_url_path($realpath) ?: ($symlinked ? get_url_path($path) : false);
// array
$arr = array(
'basename' => basename($realpath) ?: basename($path) ?: '',
'fileperms' => substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($realpath)), -4),
'filetype' => 'dir',
'is_writeable' => is_writeable($realpath),
'is_readable' => is_readable($realpath),
'is_link' => $symlinked ? is_link($path) : false,
'mime' => 'directory',
'mtime' => $filemtime,
'path' => root_relative($path)
// url path
if ($url_path) $arr['url_path'] = $url_path;
// $files || config::menu_load_all
if ($files) $arr['files'] = get_files_data($path, $url_path, $arr['dirsize'], $arr['files_count'], $arr['images_count']);
// json cache path
if ($json_url && config::$storage_is_within_doc_root && !config::$has_login && config::$config['cache']) {
$json_cache = get_json_cache_url(get_dir_cache_hash($realpath, $filemtime));
if ($json_cache) $arr['json_cache'] = $json_cache;
return $arr;
// get menu sort
function get_menu_sort($dirs)
if (strpos(config::$config['menu_sort'], 'date') === 0) {
usort($dirs, function ($a, $b) {
return filemtime($a) - filemtime($b);
} else {
/*usort($dirs, function($a, $b) {
return strnatcasecmp(basename(real_path($a)), basename(real_path($b)));
return substr(config::$config['menu_sort'], -4) === 'desc' ? array_reverse($dirs) : $dirs;
// recursive directory scan
function get_dirs($path = false, &$arr = array(), $depth = 0)
// get this dir (ignore root, unless load all ... root already loaded into page)
if ($depth || config::$config['menu_load_all']) {
$data = get_dir($path, config::$config['menu_load_all'], !config::$config['menu_load_all']);
if (!$data) return $arr;
$arr[] = $data;
// max depth
if (config::$config['menu_max_depth'] && $depth >= config::$config['menu_max_depth']) return $arr;
// don't recursive if symlink
if ($data['is_link'] && !config::$config['menu_recursive_symlinks']) return $arr;
// get dirs from files array if $data['files'] or glob subdirs
$subdirs = isset($data['files']) ? array_filter(array_map(function ($file) {
return $file['filetype'] === 'dir' ? root_absolute($file['path']) : false;
}, $data['files'])) : glob($path . '/*', GLOB_NOSORT | GLOB_ONLYDIR);
// sort and loop subdirs
if (!empty($subdirs)) foreach (get_menu_sort($subdirs) as $subdir) get_dirs($subdir, $arr, $depth + 1);
// return
return $arr;
function safe_iptc_tag($val, $max_str = 1000)
$val = @substr($val, 0, $max_str);
return @mb_detect_encoding($val, 'UTF-8', true) ? $val : @utf8_encode($val);
function get_iptc($image_info)
if (!$image_info || !isset($image_info['APP13']) || !function_exists('iptcparse')) return;
$app13 = @iptcparse($image_info['APP13']);
if (empty($app13)) return;
$iptc = array();
// title // ObjectName
if (isset($app13['2#005'][0])) $iptc['title'] = safe_iptc_tag($app13['2#005'][0]);
// description // Caption-Abstract
if (isset($app13['2#120'][0])) $iptc['description'] = safe_iptc_tag($app13['2#120'][0]);
// keywords array
if (isset($app13['2#025']) && !empty($app13['2#025']) && is_array($app13['2#025'])) {
$keywords = array_map(function ($keyword) {
return safe_iptc_tag($keyword, 100);
}, $app13['2#025']);
if (!empty($keywords)) $iptc['keywords'] = $keywords;
return $iptc;
// get exif
function get_exif($path)
if (!function_exists('exif_read_data')) return;
$exif_data = @exif_read_data($path, 'ANY_TAG', 0); // @exif_read_data($path);
if (empty($exif_data) || !is_array($exif_data)) return;
$exif = array();
foreach (array('DateTime', 'DateTimeOriginal', 'ExposureTime', 'FNumber', 'FocalLength', 'Make', 'Model', 'Orientation', 'ISOSpeedRatings', 'Software') as $name) {
if (isset($exif_data[$name])) $exif[$name] = trim($exif_data[$name]);
if (isset($exif['DateTime'])) $exif['DateTime'] = @strtotime($exif['DateTime']);
if (isset($exif['DateTimeOriginal'])) $exif['DateTimeOriginal'] = @strtotime($exif['DateTimeOriginal']);
/*LensInfo 24-70mm f/?
Lens EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM
LensID 230*/
// ApertureFNumber (f_stop)
if (isset($exif_data['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber'])) $exif['ApertureFNumber'] = $exif_data['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber'];
// flash
if (isset($exif_data['Flash'])) $exif['Flash'] = ($exif_data['Flash'] & 1) != 0;
// GPS
$gps = get_image_location($exif_data);
if (!empty($gps)) $exif['gps'] = $gps;
// return
return $exif;
function get_image_location($exif)
$arr = array('GPSLatitudeRef', 'GPSLatitude', 'GPSLongitudeRef', 'GPSLongitude');
foreach ($arr as $val) {
if (!isset($exif[$val])) return false;
$GPSLatitudeRef = $exif[$arr[0]];
$GPSLatitude = $exif[$arr[1]];
$GPSLongitudeRef = $exif[$arr[2]];
$GPSLongitude = $exif[$arr[3]];
$lat_degrees = count($GPSLatitude) > 0 ? gps2Num($GPSLatitude[0]) : 0;
$lat_minutes = count($GPSLatitude) > 1 ? gps2Num($GPSLatitude[1]) : 0;
$lat_seconds = count($GPSLatitude) > 2 ? gps2Num($GPSLatitude[2]) : 0;
$lon_degrees = count($GPSLongitude) > 0 ? gps2Num($GPSLongitude[0]) : 0;
$lon_minutes = count($GPSLongitude) > 1 ? gps2Num($GPSLongitude[1]) : 0;
$lon_seconds = count($GPSLongitude) > 2 ? gps2Num($GPSLongitude[2]) : 0;
$lat_direction = ($GPSLatitudeRef == 'W' or $GPSLatitudeRef == 'S') ? -1 : 1;
$lon_direction = ($GPSLongitudeRef == 'W' or $GPSLongitudeRef == 'S') ? -1 : 1;
$latitude = $lat_direction * ($lat_degrees + ($lat_minutes / 60) + ($lat_seconds / (60 * 60)));
$longitude = $lon_direction * ($lon_degrees + ($lon_minutes / 60) + ($lon_seconds / (60 * 60)));
return array($latitude, $longitude);
function gps2Num($coordPart)
$parts = explode('/', $coordPart);
if (count($parts) <= 0)
return 0;
if (count($parts) == 1)
return $parts[0];
return floatval($parts[0]) / floatval($parts[1]);
function get_files_data($dir, $url_path = false, &$dirsize = 0, &$files_count = 0, &$images_count = 0)
// scandir
$filenames = scandir($dir, SCANDIR_SORT_NONE);
if (empty($filenames)) return array();
$items = array();
// loop filenames
foreach ($filenames as $filename) {
if ($filename === '.' || $filename === '..') continue;
$path = $dir . '/' . $filename;
// paths
$realpath = real_path($path); // differs from $path only if is symlinked
if (!$realpath) continue; // no real path for any reason, for example symlink dead
$symlinked = $realpath !== $path; // path is symlinked at some point
// filetype
$filetype = filetype($realpath);
$is_dir = $filetype === 'dir' ? true : false;
// exclude
if (is_exclude($path, $is_dir, $symlinked)) continue; // exclude
if ($symlinked && is_exclude($realpath, $is_dir, $symlinked)) continue; // exclude check again symlink realpath
// vars
if (!$is_dir) $files_count++; // files count
$is_link = $symlinked ? is_link($path) : false; // symlink
$basename = $is_link ? (basename($realpath) ?: $filename) : $filename;
$filemtime = filemtime($realpath);
$is_readable = is_readable($realpath);
$filesize = $is_dir ? false : filesize($realpath);
if ($filesize) $dirsize += $filesize;
// url_path / symlink
$item_url_path = $symlinked ? get_url_path($realpath) : false; // url_path from realpath if symlinked
if (!$item_url_path && $url_path) $item_url_path = $url_path . ($url_path === '/' ? '' : '/') . ($is_link ? basename($path) : $basename);
// root path // path relative to config::$root
if (!$symlinked || is_within_root($realpath)) {
$root_path = root_relative($realpath);
// path is symlinked and !is_within_root(), get path-relative
} else {
// root path to symlink
$root_path = root_relative($path);
// check for symlink loop
if ($is_link && $is_dir && $path && $root_path) {
$basename_path = basename($root_path);
if ($basename_path && preg_match('/(\/|^)' . $basename_path . '\//', $root_path)) {
$loop_path = '';
$segments = explode('/', $root_path);
foreach ($segments as $segment) {
$loop_path .= ($loop_path ? '/' : '') . $segment;
if ($segment !== $basename_path) continue;
$loop_abs_path = root_absolute($loop_path);
if (!is_link($loop_abs_path) || $realpath !== real_path($loop_abs_path)) continue;
$root_path = $loop_path;
$item_url_path = get_url_path($loop_abs_path) ?: $item_url_path; // new symlink is within doc_root
// add properties
$item = array(
'basename' => $basename,
'fileperms' => substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($realpath)), -4),
'filetype' => $filetype,
'filesize' => $filesize,
'is_readable' => $is_readable,
'is_writeable' => is_writeable($realpath),
'is_link' => $is_link,
'mtime' => $filemtime,
'path' => $root_path
// optional props
$ext = !$is_dir ? pathinfo($realpath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) : false;
if ($ext) {
$ext = strtolower($ext);
$item['ext'] = $ext;
$mime = $is_dir ? 'directory' : ($is_readable && (!$ext || config::$config['get_mime_type']) ? get_mime($realpath) : false);
if ($mime) $item['mime'] = $mime;
if ($item_url_path) $item['url_path'] = $item_url_path;
// image / check from mime, fallback to extension
$is_image = $is_dir ? false : ($mime ? (strtok($mime, '/') === 'image' && !strpos($mime, 'svg')) : in_array($ext, array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpc', 'jp2', 'jpx', 'jb2', 'png', 'swf', 'psd', 'bmp', 'tiff', 'tif', 'wbmp', 'xbm', 'ico', 'webp')));
if ($is_image) {
// imagesize
$imagesize = $is_readable ? @getimagesize($realpath, $info) : false;
// image count and icon
$item['icon'] = 'image';
// is imagesize
if (!empty($imagesize) && is_array($imagesize)) {
// start image array
$image = array();
foreach (array(0 => 'width', 1 => 'height', 2 => 'type', 'bits' => 'bits', 'channels' => 'channels', 'mime' => 'mime') as $key => $name) if (isset($imagesize[$key])) $image[$name] = $imagesize[$key];
// mime from image
if (!$mime && isset($image['mime'])) $item['mime'] = $image['mime'];
$iptc = $info ? get_iptc($info) : false;
if (!empty($iptc)) $image['iptc'] = $iptc;
$exif = get_exif($realpath);
if (!empty($exif)) {
$image['exif'] = $exif;
if (isset($exif['DateTimeOriginal'])) $item['DateTimeOriginal'] = $exif['DateTimeOriginal'];
// invert width/height if exif orientation
if (isset($exif['Orientation']) && $exif['Orientation'] > 4 && $exif['Orientation'] < 9) {
$image['width'] = $imagesize[1];
$image['height'] = $imagesize[0];
// image resize cache direct
if (config::$image_resize_cache_direct) {
$resize1 = get_image_cache_path($realpath, config::$config['image_resize_dimensions'], $filesize, $filemtime);
if (file_exists($resize1)) $image['resize' . config::$config['image_resize_dimensions']] = get_url_path($resize1);
$retina = config::$image_resize_dimensions_retina;
if ($retina) {
$resize2 = get_image_cache_path($realpath, $retina, $filesize, $filemtime);
if (file_exists($resize2)) $image['resize' . $retina] = get_url_path($resize2);
// add image to item
$item['image'] = $image;
// get real mime if getimagesize fails. Could be non-image disguised as image extension
} else if ($is_readable && !$mime) {
$mime = get_mime($realpath);
if ($mime) {
$item['mime'] = $mime;
if (strtok($mime, '/') !== 'image') { // unset images_count and icon because is not image after all
// add to items with basename as key
$items[$basename] = $item;
return $items;
// get files
function get_files($dir)
// invalid $dir
if (!$dir) json_error('Invalid directory');
// cache
$cache = get_dir_cache_path(real_path($dir));
// read cache or get dir and cache
if (!read_file($cache, 'application/json', 'files json served from cache')) {
json_cache(get_dir($dir, true), 'files json created' . ($cache ? ' and cached' : ''), $cache);
/* start here */
function post($param)
return isset($_POST[$param]) && !empty($_POST[$param]) ? $_POST[$param] : false;
function get($param)
return isset($_GET[$param]) && !empty($_GET[$param]) ? $_GET[$param] : false;
function json_cache($arr = array(), $msg = false, $cache = true)
header('content-type: application/json');
$json = empty($arr) ? '{}' : json_encode($arr, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
if ($cache) @file_put_contents($cache, $json);
if ($msg) header('files-msg: ' . $msg . ' [' . header_memory_time() . ']');
echo $json;
function json_error($error = 'Error')
header('Content-Type: application/json');
exit('{"error":"' . $error . '"}');
function json_success($success)
header('Content-Type: application/json');
exit('{"success":"' . $success . '"}');
function error($msg, $code = false)
// 400 Bad Request, 403 Forbidden, 401 Unauthorized, 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error
if ($code) http_response_code($code);
header('content-type: text/html');
header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0, s-maxage=0');
header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false);
header('Pragma: no-cache');
exit('<h2>Error</h2>' . $msg);
// get valid menu cache
function get_valid_menu_cache($cache)
if (!$cache || !file_exists($cache)) return;
$json = @file_get_contents($cache);
if (empty($json)) return;
if (!config::$config['menu_cache_validate']) return $json;
$arr = @json_decode($json, true);
if (empty($arr)) return;
foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
$path = $val['path'];
if (strpos($path, '/') !== false && $val['mtime'] !== @filemtime(root_absolute($path))) return; // skip shallow 1st level dirs, and compare filemtime
return $json;
// get root dirs
function get_root_dirs()
$root_dirs = glob(config::$root . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR | GLOB_NOSORT);
if (empty($root_dirs)) return array();
return array_filter($root_dirs, function ($dir) {
return !is_exclude($dir, true, is_link($dir));
// get menu cache hash
function get_menu_cache_hash($root_dirs)
$mtime_count = filemtime(config::$root);
foreach ($root_dirs as $root_dir) $mtime_count += filemtime($root_dir);
return substr(md5(config::$doc_root . config::$__dir__ . config::$root), 0, 6) . '.' . substr(md5(config::$version . config::$config['cache_key'] . config::$config['menu_max_depth'] . config::$config['menu_load_all'] . (config::$config['menu_load_all'] ? config::$config['files_exclude'] . config::$image_resize_cache_direct : '') . config::$has_login . config::$config['dirs_exclude'] . config::$config['menu_sort']), 0, 6) . '.' . $mtime_count;
// get dirs
function dirs()
// get menu_cache_hash
if (config::$config['cache']) {
$menu_cache_hash = post('menu_cache_hash'); // get menu cache hash
$menu_cache_arr = $menu_cache_hash ? explode('.', $menu_cache_hash) : false;
if (
!$menu_cache_arr ||
count($menu_cache_arr) !== 3 ||
strlen($menu_cache_arr[0]) !== 6 ||
strlen($menu_cache_arr[1]) !== 6 ||
) json_error('Invalid menu cache hash'); // early exit
$cache = config::$config['cache'] ? config::$cache_path . '/menu/' . $menu_cache_hash . '.json' : false; // get cache path
$json = $cache ? get_valid_menu_cache($cache) : false; // get valid json menu cache
// $json is valid from menu cache file
if ($json) {
header('content-type: application/json');
header('files-msg: valid menu cache hash [' . $menu_cache_hash . ']' . (!config::$config['menu_cache_validate'] ? '[deep validation disabled]' : '') . '[' . header_memory_time() . ']');
echo (post('localstorage') ? '{"localstorage":"1"}' : $json);
// reload dirs
} else {
json_cache(get_dirs(config::$root), 'dirs reloaded' . ($cache ? ' and cached.' : ' [cache disabled]'), $cache);
// custom_script (css + js in storage)
function custom_script($type)
// todo maybe just use one file custom.css/js for easy edit?
if (!config::$storage_path || !config::$storage_is_within_doc_root) return;
$dir = config::$storage_path . '/' . $type;
$files = file_exists($dir) ? glob($dir . '/*.' . $type) : false;
if (empty($files)) return;
$template = $type === 'css' ? '<link href="%url%" rel="stylesheet">' : '<script src="%url%"></script>';
foreach ($files as $file) echo str_replace('%url%', get_url_path($file) . '?' . filemtime($file), $template) . PHP_EOL;
if (post('action')) {
// basic post access security: XMLHttpRequest + post_hash created from server paths
if (
post('post_hash') !== md5(__FILE__ . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])
) json_error('Invalid request hash. Please Refresh browser.');
// post action
$action = post('action');
new config();
// dirs
if ($action === 'dirs') {
// files
} else if ($action === 'files') {
if (!isset($_POST['dir'])) json_error('Missing dir parameter');
get_files(valid_root_path($_POST['dir'], true));
// file
} else if ($action === 'file') {
// valid path
$file = valid_root_path(post('file'));
if (!$file) json_error('Invalid file path');
$file = real_path($file); // in case of symlink path
// file write
if (post('write')) {
if (!config::$config['code_allow_edit']) json_error('Code editing has been disabled.');
if (!is_writeable($file) || !is_file($file)) json_error('File is not writeable.');
$write_success = @file_put_contents($file, post('write'));
$cache_file = $write_success ? get_dir_cache_path(dirname($file)) : false;
if ($cache_file && file_exists($cache_file)) @unlink($cache_file);
// get
} else {
header('content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
// check login
} else if ($action === 'check_login') {
header('content-type: application/json');
echo '{"success":true}';
// check updates
} else if ($action === 'check_updates') {
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$data = @file_get_contents('');
$json = $data ? @json_decode($data, true) : false;
$latest = !empty($json) && isset($json['versions']) ? $json['versions'][0] : false;
if ($latest) {
$is_new = version_compare($latest, config::$version) > 0;
exit('{"success":' . ($is_new ? '"' . $latest . '"' : 'false') . ($is_new ? ',"writeable":' . (is_writable(__DIR__) && is_writable(__FILE__) ? 'true' : 'false') : '') . '}');
exit('{"error": true }');
} else if ($action === 'do_update') {
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$version = post('version');
$file = '' . ($version ? '@' . $version : '') . '/index.php';
$update_is_newer = !$version || version_compare($version, config::$version) > 0;
$writeable = $update_is_newer && is_writable(__DIR__) && is_writable(__FILE__);
$get = $writeable ? @file_get_contents($file) : false;
$put = $get && strpos($get, '<?php') === 0 && substr($get, -2) === '?>' && @file_put_contents(__FILE__, $get);
exit('{"success":' . ($put ? 'true' : 'false') . '}');
} else if ($action === 'license') {
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$key = isset($_POST['key']) ? trim($_POST['key']) : false;
$success = config::$storage_config_realpath && $key && config::save_config(array('license_key' => $key));
exit('{"success":' . ($success ? 'true, "md5" : "' . md5($key) . '"' : 'false') . '}');
// invalid action
} else {
json_error('invalid action: ' . $action);
// GET
} else /*if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET')*/ {
// file/image
if (isset($_GET['file'])) {
new config();
get_file(valid_root_path(get('file')), get('resize'));
// download
} else if (isset($_GET['download'])) {
new config();
// valid download
$download = valid_root_path(get('download'));
if (!$download) error('Invalid download path <strong>' . get('download') . '</strong>', 404);
$download = real_path($download); // in case of symlink path
// required for some browsers
if (@ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) @ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
// headers
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($download) . '"');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($download));
// tasks plugin
} else if (get('task')) {
// new config with tests
new config(true);
// get plugin
$tasks_path = config::$storage_path . '/plugins/tasks.php';
if (!file_exists($tasks_path)) error("Tasks plugin does not exist at <strong>$tasks_path</strong>", 404);
include $tasks_path;
// main document
} else {
// new config, with tests
new config(true);
// validate exclude regex
if (config::$config['files_exclude'] && @preg_match(config::$config['files_exclude'], '') === false) error('Invalid files_exclude regex <strong>' . config::$config['files_exclude'] . '</strong>');
if (config::$config['dirs_exclude'] && @preg_match(config::$config['dirs_exclude'], '') === false) error('Invalid dirs_exclude regex <strong>' . config::$config['dirs_exclude'] . '</strong>');
// start path
$start_path = config::$config['start_path'];
if ($start_path) {
$real_start_path = real_path($start_path);
if (!$real_start_path) error('start_path ' . $start_path . ' does not exist.');
if (!is_within_root($real_start_path)) error('start_path ' . $start_path . ' is not within root dir ' . config::$config['root']);
$start_path = root_relative($real_start_path);
// root dirs (if menu)
$root_dirs = config::$config['menu_enabled'] || config::$config['breadcrumbs'] ? get_root_dirs() : false;
$menu_enabled = config::$config['menu_enabled'] && !empty($root_dirs) ? true : false;
$breadcrumbs = config::$config['breadcrumbs'] && !empty($root_dirs) ? true : false;
// get menu cache hash
$menu_cache_hash = false;
$menu_cache_file = false;
if ($menu_enabled) {
$menu_cache_hash = get_menu_cache_hash($root_dirs);
// menu cache file (if cache, !menu_cache_validate, exists and is within doc root)
if (config::$storage_is_within_doc_root && config::$config['cache'] && !config::$config['menu_cache_validate']) {
$menu_cache_path = config::$cache_path . '/menu/' . $menu_cache_hash . '.json';
$menu_cache_file = file_exists($menu_cache_path) ? get_url_path($menu_cache_path) : false;
if ($menu_cache_file) $menu_cache_file .= '?' . filemtime($menu_cache_path);
// init path
$query = config::$config['history'] && $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? explode('&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) : false;
$query_path = $query && strpos($query[0], '=') === false && $query[0] != 'debug' ? rtrim(rawurldecode($query[0]), '/') : false;
$query_path_valid = $query_path ? valid_root_path($query_path, true) : false;
$init_path = $query_path ?: $start_path ?: '';
// init dirs, with files if cache
function get_dir_init($dir)
$cache = get_dir_cache_path($dir);
if (file_exists($cache)) return json_decode(file_get_contents($cache), true);
return get_dir($dir);
// get dirs for root and start path
$dirs = array('' => get_dir_init(config::$root));
if ($query_path) {
if ($query_path_valid) $dirs[$query_path] = get_dir_init($query_path_valid);
} else if ($start_path) {
$dirs[$start_path] = get_dir_init($real_start_path);
// resize image types
$resize_image_types = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif');
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) {
$resize_image_types[] = 'webp';
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0') >= 0) $resize_image_types[] = 'bmp';
// image resize memory limit
$image_resize_memory_limit = config::$config['image_resize_enabled'] && config::$config['image_resize_memory_limit'] && function_exists('ini_get') ? (int) @ini_get('memory_limit') : 0;
if ($image_resize_memory_limit && function_exists('ini_set')) $image_resize_memory_limit = max($image_resize_memory_limit, config::$config['image_resize_memory_limit']);
$wtc = config::$config[base64_decode('bGljZW5zZV9rZXk')];
// exclude some user settings from frontend
$exclude = array_diff_key(config::$config, array_flip(array('root', 'start_path', 'image_resize_cache', 'image_resize_quality', 'image_resize_function', 'image_resize_cache_direct', 'menu_sort', 'menu_load_all', 'cache_key', 'storage_path', 'files_exclude', 'dirs_exclude', 'username', 'password', 'breadcrumbs', 'allow_tasks', 'allow_symlinks', 'menu_recursive_symlinks', 'image_resize_sharpen', 'get_mime_type', 'license_key')));
$json_config = array_replace($exclude, array(
'breadcrumbs' => $breadcrumbs,
'script' => basename(__FILE__),
'menu_enabled' => $menu_enabled,
'menu_cache_hash' => $menu_cache_hash,
'menu_cache_file' => $menu_cache_file,
'query_path' => $query_path,
'query_path_valid' => $query_path_valid ? true : false,
'init_path' => $init_path,
'dirs' => $dirs,
'dirs_hash' => config::$dirs_hash,
'resize_image_types' => $resize_image_types,
'post_hash' => md5(__FILE__ . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']),
'image_cache_hash' => config::$config['load_images'] ? substr(md5(config::$doc_root . config::$root . config::$config['image_resize_function'] . config::$config['image_resize_quality']), 0, 6) : false,
'image_resize_dimensions_retina' => config::$image_resize_dimensions_retina,
'location_hash' => md5(config::$root),
'has_login' => config::$has_login,
'version' => config::$version,
'index_html' => intval(get('index_html')),
'server_exif' => function_exists('exif_read_data'),
'image_resize_memory_limit' => $image_resize_memory_limit,
'qrx' => $wtc && is_string($wtc) ? substr(md5($wtc), 0, strlen($wtc)) : false
// memory and time
header('files-msg: [' . header_memory_time() . ']');
// htmlstart
<!doctype html>
<html<?php echo ' class="menu-' . ($menu_enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled sidebar-closed') . '"'; ?>>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
<title><?php echo $init_path ? basename($init_path) : '/'; ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link href="<?php echo config::$assets ?>css/files.css" rel="stylesheet">
<?php custom_script('css'); ?>
<body class="body-loading">
<main id="main">
$topbar_classes = array();
if (config::$config['topbar_sticky']) array_push($topbar_classes, 'topbar-sticky');
if ($breadcrumbs) array_push($topbar_classes, 'has-breadcrumbs');
<nav id="topbar" <?php if (!empty($topbar_classes)) echo ' class="' . join(' ', $topbar_classes) . '"'; ?>>
<div id="topbar-top">
<input id="search" type="search" placeholder="search" disabled>
<div id="change-layout" class="dropdown"></div>
<div id="change-sort" class="dropdown"></div>
<?php if (config::$config['username']) { ?><a href="<?php echo strtok($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') . '?logout'; ?>" class="btn-icon btn-topbar" id="logout"></a><?php } ?>
<button class="btn-icon btn-topbar" id="topbar-fullscreen"></button>
<?php if ($breadcrumbs) { ?>
<ul id="breadcrumbs"></ul>
<?php } ?>
<div id="topbar-info"></div>
<div id="files-sortbar"></div>
<div id="list">
<ul id="list-ul" class="list" style="display: none"></ul>
<?php if ($menu_enabled) { ?>
<aside id="sidebar">
<button id="sidebar-toggle" type="button" class="btn-icon"></button>
<div id="sidebar-inner">
<div id="sidebar-topbar"></div>
<div id="sidebar-menu"></div>
<div id="sidebar-bg"></div>
<?php } ?>
<!-- modal -->
<div id="modal-bg"></div>
<div class="modal" id="files_modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" data-action="close"></div>
<!-- context menu -->
<div id="contextmenu" class="dropdown-menu"></div>
<!-- photoswipe -->
<div id="pswp" class="pswp" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"></div>
<!-- Javascript -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var _c = <?php echo json_encode($json_config, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); ?>;
var CodeMirror = {};
<script src=""></script>
<!-- custom -->
<?php custom_script('js'); ?>
<!-- files -->
<script src="<?php echo config::$assets ?>js/files.js"></script>
<?php }
// htmlend