
569 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
import Vue from 'vue';
import DiffMatchPatch from 'diff-match-patch';
import Prism from 'prismjs';
import markdownItPandocRenderer from 'markdown-it-pandoc-renderer';
2017-08-17 23:10:35 +00:00
import cledit from '../libs/cledit';
import pagedown from '../libs/pagedown';
import htmlSanitizer from '../libs/htmlSanitizer';
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
import markdownConversionSvc from './markdownConversionSvc';
import markdownGrammarSvc from './markdownGrammarSvc';
import sectionUtils from './sectionUtils';
import extensionSvc from './extensionSvc';
import editorSvcDiscussions from './editorSvcDiscussions';
import editorSvcUtils from './editorSvcUtils';
2017-11-15 08:12:56 +00:00
import utils from './utils';
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
import store from '../store';
const debounce = cledit.Utils.debounce;
const allowDebounce = (action, wait) => {
let timeoutId;
return (doDebounce = false, ...params) => {
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
if (doDebounce) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(() => action(...params), wait);
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
} else {
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
const diffMatchPatch = new DiffMatchPatch();
2017-07-27 20:19:52 +00:00
let instantPreview = true;
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
let tokens;
2017-12-10 23:49:20 +00:00
class SectionDesc {
constructor(section, previewElt, tocElt, html) {
this.section = section;
this.editorElt = section.elt;
this.previewElt = previewElt;
this.tocElt = tocElt;
this.html = html;
// Use a vue instance as an event bus
const editorSvc = Object.assign(new Vue(), editorSvcDiscussions, editorSvcUtils, {
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
// Elements
editorElt: null,
previewElt: null,
tocElt: null,
// Other objects
clEditor: null,
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
pagedownEditor: null,
2017-07-28 07:40:24 +00:00
options: null,
prismGrammars: null,
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
converter: null,
parsingCtx: null,
conversionCtx: null,
sectionList: null,
sectionDescList: [],
sectionDescMeasuredList: null,
sectionDescWithDiffsList: null,
selectionRange: null,
previewSelectionRange: null,
previewSelectionStartOffset: null,
previewHtml: null,
previewText: null,
* Initialize the Prism grammar with the options
initPrism() {
const options = {
insideFences: markdownConversionSvc.defaultOptions.insideFences,
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
this.prismGrammars = markdownGrammarSvc.makeGrammars(options);
* Initialize the markdown-it converter with the options
initConverter() {
this.converter = markdownConversionSvc.createConverter(this.options, true);
* Initialize the cledit editor with markdown-it section parser and Prism highlighter
initClEditor() {
2017-11-15 08:12:56 +00:00
this.sectionDescMeasuredList = null;
this.sectionDescWithDiffsList = null;
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
const options = {
sectionHighlighter: section => Prism.highlight(
section.text, this.prismGrammars[]),
sectionParser: (text) => {
this.parsingCtx = markdownConversionSvc.parseSections(this.converter, text);
return this.parsingCtx.sections;
getCursorFocusRatio: () => {
2017-12-10 23:49:20 +00:00
if (store.getters['data/layoutSettings'].focusMode) {
return 1;
return 0.15;
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
* Finish the conversion initiated by the section parser
convert() {
this.conversionCtx = markdownConversionSvc.convert(this.parsingCtx, this.conversionCtx);
this.$emit('conversionCtx', this.conversionCtx);
tokens = this.parsingCtx.markdownState.tokens;
* Refresh the preview with the result of `convert()`
refreshPreview() {
const newSectionDescList = [];
let sectionPreviewElt;
let sectionTocElt;
let sectionIdx = 0;
let sectionDescIdx = 0;
let insertBeforePreviewElt = this.previewElt.firstChild;
let insertBeforeTocElt = this.tocElt.firstChild;
let previewHtml = '';
let loadingImages = [];
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
this.conversionCtx.htmlSectionDiff.forEach((item) => {
for (let i = 0; i < item[1].length; i += 1) {
const section = this.conversionCtx.sectionList[sectionIdx];
if (item[0] === 0) {
2017-11-26 20:58:24 +00:00
let sectionDesc = this.sectionDescList[sectionDescIdx];
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
sectionDescIdx += 1;
2017-11-26 20:58:24 +00:00
if (sectionDesc.editorElt !== section.elt) {
// Force textToPreviewDiffs computation
2017-12-10 23:49:20 +00:00
sectionDesc = new SectionDesc(
section, sectionDesc.previewElt, sectionDesc.tocElt, sectionDesc.html);
2017-11-26 20:58:24 +00:00
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
previewHtml += sectionDesc.html;
sectionIdx += 1;
insertBeforePreviewElt = insertBeforePreviewElt.nextSibling;
insertBeforeTocElt = insertBeforeTocElt.nextSibling;
} else if (item[0] === -1) {
sectionDescIdx += 1;
sectionPreviewElt = insertBeforePreviewElt;
insertBeforePreviewElt = insertBeforePreviewElt.nextSibling;
sectionTocElt = insertBeforeTocElt;
insertBeforeTocElt = insertBeforeTocElt.nextSibling;
} else if (item[0] === 1) {
const html = htmlSanitizer.sanitizeHtml(this.conversionCtx.htmlSectionList[sectionIdx]);
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
sectionIdx += 1;
// Create preview section element
sectionPreviewElt = document.createElement('div');
sectionPreviewElt.className = 'cl-preview-section';
sectionPreviewElt.innerHTML = html;
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
if (insertBeforePreviewElt) {
this.previewElt.insertBefore(sectionPreviewElt, insertBeforePreviewElt);
} else {
extensionSvc.sectionPreview(sectionPreviewElt, this.options);
loadingImages = [
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
// Create TOC section element
sectionTocElt = document.createElement('div');
sectionTocElt.className = 'cl-toc-section';
const headingElt = sectionPreviewElt.querySelector('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6');
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
if (headingElt) {
const clonedElt = headingElt.cloneNode(true);
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
if (insertBeforeTocElt) {
this.tocElt.insertBefore(sectionTocElt, insertBeforeTocElt);
} else {
previewHtml += html;
2017-12-10 23:49:20 +00:00
newSectionDescList.push(new SectionDesc(section, sectionPreviewElt, sectionTocElt, html));
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
2017-12-10 23:49:20 +00:00
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
this.sectionDescList = newSectionDescList;
this.previewHtml = previewHtml.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
this.$emit('previewHtml', this.previewHtml);
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
this.tocElt.querySelector('.cl-toc-section *') ? 'remove' : 'add'
2017-11-17 22:00:26 +00:00
this.previewText = this.previewElt.textContent;
this.$emit('previewText', this.previewText);
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
2017-11-17 22:00:26 +00:00
// Wait for images to load
const loadedPromises = => new Promise((resolve) => {
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
if (!imgElt.src) {
const img = new window.Image();
img.onload = resolve;
img.onerror = resolve;
img.src = imgElt.src;
2017-11-17 22:00:26 +00:00
// Debounce if sections have already been measured
.then(() => this.measureSectionDimensions(!!this.sectionDescMeasuredList));
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
* Measure the height of each section in editor, preview and toc.
measureSectionDimensions: allowDebounce((restoreScrollPosition) => {
if (editorSvc.sectionDescList &&
this.sectionDescList !== editorSvc.sectionDescMeasuredList
) {
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
editorSvc.sectionDescMeasuredList = editorSvc.sectionDescList;
if (restoreScrollPosition) {
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
editorSvc.$emit('sectionDescMeasuredList', editorSvc.sectionDescMeasuredList);
}, 500),
2017-11-26 20:58:24 +00:00
* Compute the diffs between editor's markdown and preview's html
* asynchronously unless there is only one section to compute.
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
2017-11-17 08:20:12 +00:00
makeTextToPreviewDiffs() {
2017-07-27 20:19:52 +00:00
if (editorSvc.sectionDescList &&
editorSvc.sectionDescList !== editorSvc.sectionDescWithDiffsList
) {
2017-11-17 08:20:12 +00:00
const makeOne = () => {
let hasOne = false;
const hasMore = editorSvc.sectionDescList
.some((sectionDesc) => {
if (!sectionDesc.textToPreviewDiffs) {
if (hasOne) {
return true;
2017-11-26 20:58:24 +00:00
if (!sectionDesc.previewText) {
sectionDesc.previewText = sectionDesc.previewElt.textContent;
2017-11-17 08:20:12 +00:00
sectionDesc.textToPreviewDiffs = diffMatchPatch.diff_main(
sectionDesc.section.text, sectionDesc.previewText);
hasOne = true;
return false;
if (hasMore) {
setTimeout(() => makeOne(), 10);
} else {
editorSvc.previewTextWithDiffsList = editorSvc.previewText;
editorSvc.sectionDescWithDiffsList = editorSvc.sectionDescList;
editorSvc.$emit('sectionDescWithDiffsList', editorSvc.sectionDescWithDiffsList);
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
2017-11-17 08:20:12 +00:00
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
2017-12-10 23:49:20 +00:00
* Save editor selection/scroll state into the store.
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
saveContentState: allowDebounce(() => {
const scrollPosition = editorSvc.getScrollPosition() ||
2017-08-17 23:10:35 +00:00
store.dispatch('contentState/patchCurrent', {
selectionStart: editorSvc.clEditor.selectionMgr.selectionStart,
selectionEnd: editorSvc.clEditor.selectionMgr.selectionEnd,
2017-08-17 23:10:35 +00:00
2017-07-27 20:19:52 +00:00
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
}, 100),
* Report selection from the preview to the editor.
saveSelection: allowDebounce(() => {
const selection = window.getSelection();
let range = selection.rangeCount && selection.getRangeAt(0);
if (range) {
if (
/* eslint-disable no-bitwise */
2017-07-27 20:19:52 +00:00
!(editorSvc.previewElt.compareDocumentPosition(range.startContainer) &
!(editorSvc.previewElt.compareDocumentPosition(range.endContainer) &
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
/* eslint-enable no-bitwise */
) {
range = null;
if (editorSvc.previewSelectionRange !== range) {
let previewSelectionStartOffset;
let previewSelectionEndOffset;
if (range) {
const startRange = document.createRange();
startRange.setStart(editorSvc.previewElt, 0);
startRange.setEnd(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
previewSelectionStartOffset = `${startRange}`.length;
previewSelectionEndOffset = previewSelectionStartOffset + `${range}`.length;
const editorStartOffset = editorSvc.getEditorOffset(previewSelectionStartOffset);
const editorEndOffset = editorSvc.getEditorOffset(previewSelectionEndOffset);
if (editorStartOffset != null && editorEndOffset != null) {
editorStartOffset, editorEndOffset);
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
editorSvc.previewSelectionRange = range;
2017-07-25 08:19:39 +00:00
editorSvc.$emit('previewSelectionRange', editorSvc.previewSelectionRange);
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
}, 50),
* Returns the pandoc AST generated from the file tokens and the converter options
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
getPandocAst() {
return tokens && markdownItPandocRenderer(tokens, this.converter.options);
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
* Pass the elements to the store and initialize the editor.
init(editorElt, previewElt, tocElt) {
this.editorElt = editorElt;
this.previewElt = previewElt;
this.tocElt = tocElt;
2017-12-10 23:49:20 +00:00
this.clEditor.on('contentChanged', (content, diffs, sectionList) => {
2017-12-10 23:49:20 +00:00
this.parsingCtx = {
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
this.clEditor.undoMgr.on('undoStateChange', () => {
const canUndo = this.clEditor.undoMgr.canUndo();
if (canUndo !== store.state.layout.canUndo) {
store.commit('layout/setCanUndo', canUndo);
const canRedo = this.clEditor.undoMgr.canRedo();
if (canRedo !== store.state.layout.canRedo) {
store.commit('layout/setCanRedo', canRedo);
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
this.pagedownEditor = pagedown({
input: Object.create(this.clEditor),
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
this.pagedownEditor.hooks.set('insertLinkDialog', (callback) => {
store.dispatch('modal/open', {
type: 'link',
return true;
this.pagedownEditor.hooks.set('insertImageDialog', (callback) => {
store.dispatch('modal/open', {
type: 'image',
return true;
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
this.editorElt.parentNode.addEventListener('scroll', () => this.saveContentState(true));
2017-09-23 19:01:50 +00:00
this.previewElt.parentNode.addEventListener('scroll', () => this.saveContentState(true));
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
const refreshPreview = () => {
2017-07-27 20:19:52 +00:00
if (instantPreview) {
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
this.measureSectionDimensions(false, true);
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
} else {
setTimeout(() => this.refreshPreview(), 10);
2017-07-27 20:19:52 +00:00
instantPreview = false;
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
const debouncedRefreshPreview = debounce(refreshPreview, 20);
2017-08-25 10:37:46 +00:00
const onEditorChanged =
(sectionList = this.sectionList, selectionRange = this.selectionRange) => {
if (this.sectionList !== sectionList) {
this.sectionList = sectionList;
this.$emit('sectionList', this.sectionList);
if (instantPreview) {
} else {
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
2017-08-25 10:37:46 +00:00
if (this.selectionRange !== selectionRange) {
this.selectionRange = selectionRange;
this.$emit('selectionRange', this.selectionRange);
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
2017-08-25 10:37:46 +00:00
(start, end, selectionRange) => onEditorChanged(undefined, selectionRange));
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
/* -----------------------------
* Inline images
const imgCache = Object.create(null);
const addToImgCache = (imgElt) => {
let entries = imgCache[imgElt.src];
if (!entries) {
entries = [];
imgCache[imgElt.src] = entries;
const getFromImgCache = (src) => {
const entries = imgCache[src];
if (!entries) {
return null;
let imgElt;
return entries
.some((entry) => {
if (this.editorElt.contains(entry)) {
return false;
imgElt = entry;
return true;
}) && imgElt;
const triggerImgCacheGc = debounce(() => {
2017-12-10 23:49:20 +00:00
Object.entries(imgCache).forEach(([src, entries]) => {
// Filter entries that are not attached to the DOM
const filteredEntries = entries.filter(imgElt => this.editorElt.contains(imgElt));
if (filteredEntries.length) {
imgCache[src] = filteredEntries;
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
} else {
delete imgCache[src];
}, 100);
let imgEltsToCache = [];
if (store.getters['data/computedSettings'].editor.inlineImages) {
this.clEditor.highlighter.on('sectionHighlighted', (section) => {
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
section.elt.getElementsByClassName('token img').cl_each((imgTokenElt) => {
const srcElt = imgTokenElt.querySelector('');
if (srcElt) {
// Create an img element before the .img.token and wrap both elements
// into a .token.img-wrapper
const imgElt = document.createElement('img'); = 'none';
const uri = srcElt.textContent;
if (!/^unsafe/.test(htmlSanitizer.sanitizeUri(uri, true))) {
imgElt.onload = () => { = '';
imgElt.src = uri;
const imgTokenWrapper = document.createElement('span');
imgTokenWrapper.className = 'token img-wrapper';
imgTokenElt.parentNode.insertBefore(imgTokenWrapper, imgTokenElt);
this.clEditor.highlighter.on('highlighted', () => {
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
imgEltsToCache.forEach((imgElt) => {
const cachedImgElt = getFromImgCache(imgElt.src);
if (cachedImgElt) {
// Found a previously loaded image that has just been released
imgElt.parentNode.replaceChild(cachedImgElt, imgElt);
} else {
imgEltsToCache = [];
// Eject released images from cache
2017-08-25 10:37:46 +00:00
(content, diffs, sectionList) => onEditorChanged(sectionList));
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
// clEditorSvc.setPreviewElt(element[0].querySelector('.preview__inner-2'))
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
// var previewElt = element[0].querySelector('.preview')
// clEditorSvc.isPreviewTop = previewElt.scrollTop < 10
// previewElt.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
// var isPreviewTop = previewElt.scrollTop < 10
// if (isPreviewTop !== clEditorSvc.isPreviewTop) {
// clEditorSvc.isPreviewTop = isPreviewTop
// scope.$apply()
// }
// })
2017-08-25 10:37:46 +00:00
// Watch file content changes
let lastContentId = null;
let lastProperties;
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
2017-08-25 10:37:46 +00:00
() => store.getters['content/current'].hash,
() => {
const content = store.getters['content/current'];
// Track ID changes
2017-07-28 07:40:24 +00:00
let initClEditor = false;
2017-08-25 10:37:46 +00:00
if ( !== lastContentId) {
2017-07-28 07:40:24 +00:00
instantPreview = true;
2017-08-25 10:37:46 +00:00
lastContentId =;
2017-07-28 07:40:24 +00:00
initClEditor = true;
2017-08-25 10:37:46 +00:00
// Track properties changes
if ( !== lastProperties) {
lastProperties =;
const options = extensionSvc.getOptions(store.getters['content/currentProperties']);
2017-11-15 08:12:56 +00:00
if (utils.serializeObject(options) !== utils.serializeObject(this.options)) {
this.options = options;
initClEditor = true;
2017-07-28 07:40:24 +00:00
if (initClEditor) {
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
2017-08-25 10:37:46 +00:00
// Apply possible text and discussion changes
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
}, {
immediate: true,
// Disable editor if hidden or if no content is loaded
2017-11-26 20:58:24 +00:00
() => store.getters['content/isCurrentEditable'],
editable => this.clEditor.toggleEditable(!!editable), {
immediate: true,
2017-11-15 08:12:56 +00:00 => utils.serializeObject(store.getters['layout/styles']),
() => this.measureSectionDimensions(false, true));
2017-07-23 18:42:08 +00:00
export default editorSvc;