Content merge

This commit is contained in:
Benoit Schweblin 2017-08-19 11:24:08 +01:00
parent d258d1c9c4
commit 0280df2bbb
8 changed files with 373 additions and 567 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
export default () => ({
id: null,
type: 'syncContent',
contentRevisions: {},
historyData: {},
syncLocationData: {},
updated: 0,

View File

@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
import 'clunderscore';
import DiffMatchPatch from 'diff-match-patch';
var clDiffUtils = {
cloneObject: cloneObject,
offsetToPatch: offsetToPatch,
patchToOffset: patchToOffset,
serializeObject: serializeObject,
flattenContent: flattenContent,
makePatchableText: makePatchableText,
restoreDiscussionOffsets: restoreDiscussionOffsets,
makeContentChange: makeContentChange,
applyContentChanges: applyContentChanges,
getTextPatches: getTextPatches,
getObjectPatches: getObjectPatches,
quickPatch: quickPatch,
mergeObjects: mergeObjects,
mergeFlattenContent: mergeFlattenContent
var marker = '\uF111\uF222\uF333\uF444'
var DIFF_DELETE = -1
var DIFF_EQUAL = 0
var diffMatchPatch = new DiffMatchPatch() // eslint-disable-line new-cap
var diffMatchPatchStrict = new DiffMatchPatch() // eslint-disable-line new-cap
diffMatchPatchStrict.Match_Threshold = 0
diffMatchPatchStrict.Patch_DeleteThreshold = 0
var diffMatchPatchPermissive = new DiffMatchPatch() // eslint-disable-line new-cap
diffMatchPatchPermissive.Match_Distance = 999999999
function cloneObject (obj) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj))
function offsetToPatch (text, offset) {
var patch = diffMatchPatchPermissive.patch_make(text, [
[0, text.slice(0, offset)],
[1, marker],
[0, text.slice(offset)]
var diffs = patch.diffs.cl_map(function (diff) {
if (!diff[0]) {
return diff[1]
} else if (diff[1] === marker) {
return ''
return {
diffs: diffs,
length: patch.length1,
start: patch.start1
function patchToOffset (text, patch) {
var markersLength = 0
var diffs = patch.diffs.cl_map(function (diff) {
if (!diff) {
markersLength += marker.length
return [1, marker]
} else {
return [0, diff]
return diffMatchPatchPermissive.patch_apply([{
diffs: diffs,
length1: patch.length,
length2: patch.length + markersLength,
start1: patch.start,
start2: patch.start
}], text)[0].indexOf(marker)
function flattenObject (obj) {
return obj.cl_reduce(function (result, value, key) {
result[key] = value[1]
return result
}, {})
function flattenContent (content) {
var result = ({}).cl_extend(content) = flattenObject(
result.discussions = flattenObject(content.discussions)
result.comments = flattenObject(content.comments)
result.text = content.text.cl_reduce(function (text, item) {
switch (item.type) {
case 'discussion':
if (result.discussions[]) {
result.discussions[][] = text.length
return text
return text + item[1]
}, '')
return result
function getTextPatches (oldText, newText) {
var diffs = diffMatchPatch.diff_main(oldText, newText)
var patches = []
var startOffset = 0
diffs.cl_each(function (change) {
var changeType = change[0]
var changeText = change[1]
switch (changeType) {
startOffset += changeText.length
changeText && patches.push({
o: startOffset,
d: changeText
changeText && patches.push({
o: startOffset,
a: changeText
startOffset += changeText.length
return patches.length ? patches : undefined
function getObjectPatches (oldObject, newObjects) {
var valueHash = Object.create(null)
var valueArray = []
oldObject = hashObject(oldObject, valueHash, valueArray)
newObjects = hashObject(newObjects, valueHash, valueArray)
var diffs = diffMatchPatch.diff_main(oldObject, newObjects)
var patches = []
diffs.cl_each(function (change) {
var changeType = change[0]
var changeHash = change[1]
if (changeType === DIFF_EQUAL) {
changeHash.split('').cl_each(function (objHash) {
var obj = valueArray[objHash.charCodeAt(0)]
var patch = {
k: obj[0]
patch[changeType === DIFF_DELETE ? 'd' : 'a'] = obj[1]
return patches.length ? patches : undefined
function makePatchableText (content, markerKeys, markerIdxMap) {
var markers = []
// Sort keys to have predictable marker positions, in case of same offset
var discussionKeys = Object.keys(content.discussions).sort()
discussionKeys.cl_each(function (discussionId) {
function addMarker (offsetName) {
var markerKey = discussionId + offsetName
if (discussion[offsetName] !== undefined) {
var idx = markerIdxMap[markerKey]
if (idx === undefined) {
idx = markerKeys.length
markerIdxMap[markerKey] = idx
id: discussionId,
offsetName: offsetName
idx: idx,
offset: discussion[offsetName]
var discussion = content.discussions[discussionId]
if (discussion.offset0 === discussion.offset1) {
// Remove discussion offsets if markers are at the same position
discussion.offset0 = discussion.offset1 = undefined
} else {
var lastOffset = 0
var result = ''
.sort(function (marker1, marker2) {
return marker1.offset - marker2.offset
.cl_each(function (marker) {
result +=
content.text.slice(lastOffset, marker.offset) +
String.fromCharCode(0xe000 + marker.idx) // Use a character from the private use area
lastOffset = marker.offset
return result + content.text.slice(lastOffset)
function stripDiscussionOffsets (objectMap) {
return objectMap.cl_reduce(function (result, object, id) {
result[id] = {
text: object.text
return result
}, {})
function restoreDiscussionOffsets (content, markerKeys) {
var len = content.text.length
var maxIdx = markerKeys.length
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var idx = content.text.charCodeAt(i) - 0xe000
if (idx >= 0 && idx < maxIdx) {
var markerKey = markerKeys[idx]
content.text = content.text.slice(0, i) + content.text.slice(i + 1)
var discussion = content.discussions[]
if (discussion) {
discussion[markerKey.offsetName] = i
i-- // We just removed the current character, we may have multiple markers with same offset
function makeContentChange (oldContent, newContent) {
var markerKeys = []
var markerIdxMap = Object.create(null)
var oldText = makePatchableText(oldContent, markerKeys, markerIdxMap)
var newText = makePatchableText(newContent, markerKeys, markerIdxMap)
var textPatches = getTextPatches(oldText, newText)
textPatches && textPatches.cl_each(function (patch) {
// If markers are present, replace changeText with an array of text and markers
var changeText = patch.a || patch.d
var textItems = []
var lastItem = ''
var len = changeText.length
var maxIdx = markerKeys.length
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var idx = changeText.charCodeAt(i) - 0xe000
if (idx >= 0 && idx < maxIdx) {
var markerKey = markerKeys[idx]
lastItem.length && textItems.push(lastItem)
type: 'discussion',
name: markerKey.offsetName,
lastItem = ''
} else {
lastItem += changeText[i]
if (textItems.length) {
lastItem.length && textItems.push(lastItem)
if (patch.a) {
patch.a = textItems
} else {
patch.d = textItems
var propertiesPatches = getObjectPatches(,
var discussionsPatches = getObjectPatches(
var commentsPatches = getObjectPatches(oldContent.comments, newContent.comments)
if (textPatches || propertiesPatches || discussionsPatches || commentsPatches) {
return {
text: textPatches,
properties: propertiesPatches,
discussions: discussionsPatches,
comments: commentsPatches
function applyContentChanges (content, contentChanges, isBackward) {
function applyObjectPatches (obj, patches) {
if (patches) {
patches.cl_each(function (patch) {
if (!patch.a ^ !isBackward) {
obj[patch.k] = patch.a || patch.d
} else {
delete obj[patch.k]
var markerKeys = []
var markerIdxMap = Object.create(null)
var result = {
text: makePatchableText(content, markerKeys, markerIdxMap),
properties: cloneObject(,
discussions: stripDiscussionOffsets(content.discussions),
comments: cloneObject(content.comments)
contentChanges.cl_each(function (contentChange) {
var textPatches = contentChange.text || []
if (isBackward) {
textPatches = textPatches.slice().reverse()
result.text = textPatches.cl_reduce(function (text, patch) {
var isAdd = !patch.a ^ !isBackward
var textChanges = patch.a || patch.d || ''
// When no marker is present, textChanges is a string
if (typeof textChanges === 'string') {
textChanges = [textChanges]
var textChange = textChanges.cl_map(function (textChange) {
if (!textChange.type) {
// textChange is a string
return textChange
// textChange is a marker
var markerKey = +
var idx = markerIdxMap[markerKey]
if (idx === undefined) {
idx = markerKeys.length
markerIdxMap[markerKey] = idx
return String.fromCharCode(0xe000 + idx)
if (!textChange) {
return text
} else if (isAdd) {
return text.slice(0, patch.o).concat(textChange).concat(text.slice(patch.o))
} else {
return text.slice(0, patch.o).concat(text.slice(patch.o + textChange.length))
}, result.text)
applyObjectPatches(result.discussions, contentChange.discussions)
applyObjectPatches(result.comments, contentChange.comments)
restoreDiscussionOffsets(result, markerKeys)
return result
function serializeObject (obj) {
return JSON.stringify(obj, function (key, value) {
return === '[object Object]'
? Object.keys(value).sort().cl_reduce(function (sorted, key) {
sorted[key] = value[key]
return sorted
}, {})
: value
function hashArray (arr, valueHash, valueArray) {
var hash = []
arr.cl_each(function (obj) {
var serializedObj = serializeObject(obj)
var objHash = valueHash[serializedObj]
if (objHash === undefined) {
objHash = valueArray.length
valueHash[serializedObj] = objHash
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, hash)
function hashObject (obj, valueHash, valueArray) {
return hashArray(Object.keys(obj || {}).sort().cl_map(function (key) {
return [key, obj[key]]
}), valueHash, valueArray)
function mergeText (oldText, newText, serverText) {
var diffs = diffMatchPatch.diff_main(oldText, newText)
var patches = diffMatchPatch.patch_make(oldText, diffs)
var patchResult = diffMatchPatch.patch_apply(patches, serverText)
if (!patchResult[1]
.cl_some(function (changeApplied) {
return !changeApplied
})) {
return patchResult[0]
diffs = diffMatchPatchStrict.diff_main(patchResult[0], newText)
return diffs.cl_map(function (diff) {
return diff[1]
function quickPatch (oldStr, newStr, destStr, strict) {
var dmp = strict ? diffMatchPatchStrict : diffMatchPatch
var diffs = dmp.diff_main(oldStr, newStr)
var patches = dmp.patch_make(oldStr, diffs)
var patchResult = dmp.patch_apply(patches, destStr)
return patchResult[0]
function mergeObjects (oldObject, newObject, serverObject) {
var mergedObject = ({}).cl_extend(newObject).cl_extend(serverObject)
mergedObject.cl_each(function (value, key) {
if (!oldObject[key]) {
return // There might be conflict, keep the server value
var newValue = newObject[key] && serializeObject(newObject[key])
var serverValue = serverObject[key] && serializeObject(serverObject[key])
if (newValue === serverValue) {
return // no conflict
var oldValue = serializeObject(oldObject[key])
if (oldValue !== newValue && !serverValue) {
return // Removed on server but changed on client
if (oldValue !== serverValue && !newValue) {
return // Removed on client but changed on server
if (oldValue !== newValue && oldValue === serverValue) {
// Take the client value
if (!newValue) {
delete mergedObject[key]
} else {
mergedObject[key] = newObject[key]
} else if (oldValue !== serverValue && oldValue === newValue) {
// Take the server value
if (!serverValue) {
delete mergedObject[key]
// Take the server value otherwise
return cloneObject(mergedObject)
function mergeFlattenContent (oldContent, newContent, serverContent) {
var markerKeys = []
var markerIdxMap = Object.create(null)
var oldText = makePatchableText(oldContent, markerKeys, markerIdxMap)
var serverText = makePatchableText(serverContent, markerKeys, markerIdxMap)
var localText = makePatchableText(newContent, markerKeys, markerIdxMap)
var isServerTextChanges = oldText !== serverText
var isTextSynchronized = serverText === localText
var result = {
text: isTextSynchronized || !isServerTextChanges
? localText
: mergeText(oldText, serverText, localText),
properties: mergeObjects(,,
discussions: mergeObjects(
comments: mergeObjects(
restoreDiscussionOffsets(result, markerKeys)
return result
export default clDiffUtils;

src/services/diffUtils.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
import DiffMatchPatch from 'diff-match-patch';
import utils from './utils';
const diffMatchPatch = new DiffMatchPatch();
const diffMatchPatchStrict = new DiffMatchPatch();
diffMatchPatchStrict.Match_Threshold = 0;
diffMatchPatchStrict.Patch_DeleteThreshold = 0;
const diffMatchPatchPermissive = new DiffMatchPatch();
diffMatchPatchPermissive.Match_Distance = 999999999;
function makePatchableText(content, markerKeys, markerIdxMap) {
const markers = [];
// Sort keys to have predictable marker positions in case of same offset
const discussionKeys = Object.keys(content.discussions).sort();
discussionKeys.forEach((discussionId) => {
const discussion = content.discussions[discussionId];
function addMarker(offsetName) {
const markerKey = discussionId + offsetName;
if (discussion[offsetName] !== undefined) {
let idx = markerIdxMap[markerKey];
if (idx === undefined) {
idx = markerKeys.length;
markerIdxMap[markerKey] = idx;
id: discussionId,
offset: discussion[offsetName],
if (discussion.offset0 === discussion.offset1) {
// Remove discussion offsets if markers are at the same position
discussion.offset0 = undefined;
discussion.offset1 = undefined;
} else {
let lastOffset = 0;
let result = '';
.sort((marker1, marker2) => marker1.offset - marker2.offset)
.forEach((marker) => {
result +=
content.text.slice(lastOffset, marker.offset) +
String.fromCharCode(0xe000 + marker.idx); // Use a character from the private use area
lastOffset = marker.offset;
return result + content.text.slice(lastOffset);
function stripDiscussionOffsets(objectMap) {
const result = {};
Object.keys(objectMap).forEach((id) => {
result[id] = {
text: objectMap[id].text,
return result;
function restoreDiscussionOffsets(content, markerKeys) {
const len = content.text.length;
const maxIdx = markerKeys.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
const idx = content.text.charCodeAt(i) - 0xe000;
if (idx >= 0 && idx < maxIdx) {
const markerKey = markerKeys[idx];
content.text = content.text.slice(0, i) + content.text.slice(i + 1);
const discussion = content.discussions[];
if (discussion) {
discussion[markerKey.offsetName] = i;
// We just removed the current character, we may have multiple markers with same offset
i -= 1;
function serializeObject(obj) {
if (!obj) {
return obj;
return JSON.stringify(obj, (key, value) => {
if ( !== '[object Object]') {
return value;
return Object.keys(value).sort().reduce((sorted, valueKey) => {
sorted[valueKey] = value[valueKey];
return sorted;
}, {});
function mergeText(oldText, newText, serverText) {
let diffs = diffMatchPatch.diff_main(oldText, newText);
const patches = diffMatchPatch.patch_make(oldText, diffs);
const patchResult = diffMatchPatch.patch_apply(patches, serverText);
if (!patchResult[1].some(changeApplied => !changeApplied)) {
return patchResult[0];
diffs = diffMatchPatchStrict.diff_main(patchResult[0], newText);
return => diff[1]).join('');
function quickPatch(oldStr, newStr, destStr, strict) {
const dmp = strict ? diffMatchPatchStrict : diffMatchPatch;
const diffs = dmp.diff_main(oldStr, newStr);
const patches = dmp.patch_make(oldStr, diffs);
const patchResult = dmp.patch_apply(patches, destStr);
return patchResult[0];
function mergeValue(oldValue, newValue, serverValue) {
if (!oldValue) {
return serverValue; // There might be conflict, keep the server value
const newSerializedValue = serializeObject(newValue);
const serverSerializedValue = serializeObject(serverValue);
if (newSerializedValue === serverSerializedValue) {
return serverValue; // no conflict
const oldSerializedValue = serializeObject(oldValue);
if (oldSerializedValue !== newSerializedValue && !serverValue) {
return newValue; // Removed on server but changed on client
if (oldSerializedValue !== serverSerializedValue && !newValue) {
return serverValue; // Removed on client but changed on server
if (oldSerializedValue !== newSerializedValue && oldSerializedValue === serverSerializedValue) {
return newValue; // Take the client value
return serverValue; // Take the server value otherwise
function mergeObjects(oldObject, newObject, serverObject) {
const mergedObject = {};
}).forEach((key) => {
const mergedValue = mergeValue(oldObject[key], newObject[key], serverObject[key]);
if (mergedValue != null) {
mergedObject[key] = mergedValue;
return utils.deepCopy(mergedObject);
function mergeContent(oldContent, newContent, serverContent) {
const markerKeys = [];
const markerIdxMap = Object.create(null);
const oldText = makePatchableText(oldContent, markerKeys, markerIdxMap);
const serverText = makePatchableText(serverContent, markerKeys, markerIdxMap);
const localText = makePatchableText(newContent, markerKeys, markerIdxMap);
const isServerTextChanges = oldText !== serverText;
const isTextSynchronized = serverText === localText;
const result = {
text: isTextSynchronized || !isServerTextChanges
? localText
: mergeText(oldText, serverText, localText),
properties: mergeValue(,,,
discussions: mergeObjects(
comments: mergeObjects(
restoreDiscussionOffsets(result, markerKeys);
return result
export default {

View File

@ -23,25 +23,25 @@ const tokenExpirationMargin = 10 * 60 * 1000; // 10 min
// ],
// };
const request = (googleToken, options) => utils.request({
const request = (token, options) => utils.request({
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${googleToken.accessToken}`,
Authorization: `Bearer ${token.accessToken}`,
export default {
startOauth2(scopes, sub = null, silent = false) {
return utils.startOauth2(
'', {
client_id: clientId,
response_type: 'token',
scope: scopes.join(' '),
hd: appsDomain,
login_hint: sub,
prompt: silent ? 'none' : null,
}, silent)
'', {
client_id: clientId,
response_type: 'token',
scope: scopes.join(' '),
hd: appsDomain,
login_hint: sub,
prompt: silent ? 'none' : null,
}, silent)
// Call the tokeninfo endpoint
.then(data => utils.request({
method: 'POST',
@ -68,28 +68,28 @@ export default {
// Call the tokeninfo endpoint
.then(googleToken => request(googleToken, {
.then(token => request(token, {
method: 'GET',
url: '',
}).then((res) => {
// Add name to googleToken = res.body.displayName;
const existingToken = store.getters['data/googleTokens'][googleToken.sub];
// Add name to token = res.body.displayName;
const existingToken = store.getters['data/googleTokens'][token.sub];
if (existingToken) {
if (!sub) {
throw new Error('Google account already linked.');
// Add isLogin and nextPageToken to googleToken
googleToken.isLogin = existingToken.isLogin;
googleToken.nextPageToken = existingToken.nextPageToken;
// Add isLogin and nextPageToken to token
token.isLogin = existingToken.isLogin;
token.nextPageToken = existingToken.nextPageToken;
// Add googleToken to googleTokens
store.dispatch('data/setGoogleToken', googleToken);
return googleToken;
// Add token to googleTokens
store.dispatch('data/setGoogleToken', token);
return token;
refreshToken(scopes, googleToken) {
const sub = googleToken.sub;
refreshToken(scopes, token) {
const sub = token.sub;
const lastToken = store.getters['data/googleTokens'][sub];
const mergedScopes = [ Set([
@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ export default {
.catch(() => this.startOauth2(mergedScopes, sub));
getChanges(googleToken) {
getChanges(token) {
let changes = [];
return this.refreshToken([''], googleToken)
return this.refreshToken([''], token)
.then((refreshedToken) => {
const getPage = (pageToken = '1') => request(refreshedToken, {
method: 'GET',
@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ export default {
return getPage(refreshedToken.nextPageToken);
updateNextPageToken(googleToken, changes) {
const lastToken = store.getters['data/googleTokens'][googleToken.sub];
updateNextPageToken(token, changes) {
const lastToken = store.getters['data/googleTokens'][token.sub];
if (changes.nextPageToken !== lastToken.nextPageToken) {
store.dispatch('data/setGoogleToken', {
@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ export default {
saveItem(googleToken, item, syncData, ifNotTooLate = cb => res => cb(res)) {
return this.refreshToken([''], googleToken)
saveItem(token, item, syncData, ifNotTooLate = cb => res => cb(res)) {
return this.refreshToken([''], token)
// Refreshing a token can take a while if an oauth window pops up, so check if it's too late
.then(ifNotTooLate((refreshedToken) => {
const options = {
@ -229,12 +229,22 @@ export default {
removeItem(googleToken, syncData, ifNotTooLate = cb => res => cb(res)) {
return this.refreshToken([''], googleToken)
removeItem(token, syncData, ifNotTooLate = cb => res => cb(res)) {
return this.refreshToken([''], token)
// Refreshing a token can take a while if an oauth window pops up, so check if it's too late
.then(ifNotTooLate(refreshedToken => request(refreshedToken, {
method: 'DELETE',
url: `${}`,
})).then(() => syncData));
downloadFile(refreshedToken, id) {
return request(refreshedToken, {
method: 'GET',
url: `${id}?alt=media`,
}).then(res => res.body);
downloadAppDataFile(token, id) {
return this.refreshToken([''], token)
.then(refreshedToken => this.downloadFile(refreshedToken, id));

View File

@ -86,16 +86,11 @@ utils.types.forEach((type) => {
updatedMap[type] = Object.create(null);
function isContentType(type) {
switch (type) {
case 'content':
case 'contentState':
case 'syncContent':
return true;
return false;
const contentTypes = {
content: true,
contentState: true,
syncContent: true,
export default {
lastTx: 0,
@ -171,8 +166,8 @@ export default {
Object.keys(this.updatedMap).forEach((type) => {
// Remove this type only if file is deleted
let checker = cb => id => !storeItemMap[id] && cb(id);
if (isContentType(type)) {
// For content types, remove only if file is deleted
if (contentTypes[type]) {
// For content types, remove item only if file is deleted
checker = cb => (id) => {
if (!storeItemMap[id]) {
const [fileId] = id.split('/');
@ -227,7 +222,7 @@ export default {
// DB item is different from the corresponding store item
this.updatedMap[dbItem.type][] = dbItem.updated;
// Update content only if it exists in the store
if (existingStoreItem || !isContentType(dbItem.type)) {
if (existingStoreItem || !contentTypes[dbItem.type]) {
// Put item in the store
store.commit(`${dbItem.type}/setItem`, dbItem);
storeItemMap[] = dbItem;
@ -236,9 +231,9 @@ export default {
* Retrieve an item from the DB.
* Retrieve an item from the DB and put it in the store.
retrieveItem(id) {
loadItem(id) {
// Check if item is in the store
const itemInStore = store.getters.allItemMap[id];
if (itemInStore) {
@ -259,11 +254,30 @@ export default {
this.updatedMap[dbItem.type][] = dbItem.updated;
// Put item in the store
store.commit(`${dbItem.type}/setItem`, dbItem);
// Use deepCopy to freeze item
}, () => onError());
* Unload from the store contents that haven't been opened recently
unloadContents() {
const lastOpenedFileIds = store.getters['data/lastOpenedIds']
.slice(0, 10).reduce((result, id) => {
result[id] = true;
return result;
}, {});
Object.keys(contentTypes).forEach((type) => {
store.getters(`${type}/items`).forEach((item) => {
const [fileId] ='/');
if (!lastOpenedFileIds[fileId]) {
// Remove item from the store

View File

@ -1 +1,24 @@
export default {};
import store from '../../store';
import googleHelper from '../helpers/googleHelper';
export default {
downloadContent(token, fileId) {
const syncData = store.getters['data/syncDataByItemId'][`${fileId}/content`];
return googleHelper.downloadAppDataFile(token,
.then((content) => {
if (content.updated !== syncData.updated) {
store.dispatch('data/setSyncData', {['data/syncData'],
[]: {
updated: content.updated,
return {
history: [],

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ import utils from './utils';
import userActivitySvc from './userActivitySvc';
import gdriveAppDataProvider from './providers/gdriveAppDataProvider';
import googleHelper from './helpers/googleHelper';
import emptyContent from '../data/emptyContent';
import emptySyncContent from '../data/emptySyncContent';
const lastSyncActivityKey = 'lastSyncActivity';
let lastSyncActivity;
@ -36,6 +34,7 @@ function setLastSyncActivity() {
function getSyncProvider(syncLocation) {
switch (syncLocation.provider) {
case 'gdriveAppData':
return gdriveAppDataProvider;
@ -43,11 +42,21 @@ function getSyncProvider(syncLocation) {
function getSyncToken(syncLocation) {
switch (syncLocation.provider) {
case 'gdriveAppData':
return store.getters['data/loginToken'];
const loader = type => fileId => localDbSvc.loadItem(`${fileId}/${type}`)
// Item does not exist, create it
.catch(() => store.commit(`${type}/setItem`, {
id: `${fileId}/${type}`,
const loadContent = loader('content');
const loadSyncContent = loader('syncContent');
const loadContentState = loader('contentState');
function applyChanges(changes) {
const storeItemMap = { };
const syncData = {['data/syncData'] };
@ -164,23 +173,51 @@ function sync() {
const existingSyncData = store.getters['data/syncDataByItemId'][contentId];
const syncOneContent = fileId => localDbSvc.retrieveItem(`${fileId}/syncContent`)
.catch(() => ({ ...emptySyncContent(), id: `${fileId}/syncContent` }))
.then(syncContent => localDbSvc.retrieveItem(`${fileId}/content`)
.catch(() => ({ ...emptyContent(), id: `${fileId}/content` }))
.then((content) => {
const syncOneContentLocation = (syncLocation) => {
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => {
const provider = getSyncProvider(syncLocation);
const token = getSyncToken(syncLocation);
return provider && token && provider.downloadContent()
const syncOneContent = fileId => loadSyncContent(fileId)
.then(() => loadContent(fileId))
.then(() => {
const getContent = () => store.state.content.itemMap[`${fileId}/content`];
const getSyncContent = () => store.state.content.itemMap[`${fileId}/syncContent`];
const syncLocations = [{ provider: null }, ...content.syncLocations];
return syncOneContentLocation(syncLocations[0]);
const syncLocations = [
{ id: 'main', provider: 'gdriveAppData' },
...getContent().syncLocations.filter(syncLocation => getSyncToken(syncLocation),
const downloadedLocations = {};
const syncOneContentLocation = () => {
let result;
syncLocations.some((syncLocation) => {
if (!downloadedLocations[]) {
const provider = getSyncProvider(syncLocation);
const token = getSyncToken(syncLocation);
result = provider && token && provider.downloadContent(fileId, syncLocation)
.then((content) => {
const syncContent = getSyncContent();
const syncLocationData = syncContent.syncLocationData[] || {
history: [],
let lastMergedContent;
syncLocationData.history.some((updated) => {
if (content.history.indexOf(updated) !== -1) {
return lastMergedContent;
.then(() => syncOneContentLocation());
return result;
return result;
return syncOneContentLocation();
.then(() => localDbSvc.unloadContents(), (err) => {
throw err;
// Called until no content to save
const saveNextContent = ifNotTooLate(() => {
@ -189,7 +226,7 @@ function sync() {
const updated = getContentUpdated(contentId);
const existingSyncData = store.getters['data/syncDataByItemId'][contentId];
if (!existingSyncData || existingSyncData.updated !== updated) {
saveContentPromise = localDbSvc.retrieveItem(contentId)
saveContentPromise = localDbSvc.loadItem(contentId)
.then(content => googleHelper.saveItem(
// Use deepCopy to freeze objects
@ -299,19 +336,11 @@ localDbSvc.sync()
return Promise.resolve()
// Load contentState from DB
.then(() => localDbSvc.retrieveItem(`${}/contentState`)
// contentState does not exist, create it
.catch(() => store.commit('contentState/setItem', {
id: `${}/contentState`,
.then(() => loadContentState(
// Load syncContent from DB
.then(() => localDbSvc.retrieveItem(`${}/syncContent`)
// syncContent does not exist, create it
.catch(() => store.commit('syncContent/setItem', {
id: `${}/syncContent`,
.then(() => loadSyncContent(
// Load content from DB
.then(() => localDbSvc.retrieveItem(`${}/content`));
.then(() => localDbSvc.loadItem(`${}/content`));
immediate: true,
@ -320,6 +349,14 @@ localDbSvc.sync()
// Sync local DB periodically
utils.setInterval(() => localDbSvc.sync(), 1000);
// Unload contents from memory periodically
utils.setInterval(() => {
// Wait for sync and publish to finish
if (store.state.queue.isEmpty) {
}, 5000);
export default {

View File

@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ const patcher = id => ({ state, commit }, data) => {
const localSettingsToggler = propertyName => ({ getters, dispatch }, value) => dispatch('patchLocalSettings', {
[propertyName]: value === undefined ? !getters.localSettings[propertyName] : value,
// Local settings
module.getters.localSettings = getter('localSettings');
module.actions.patchLocalSettings = patcher('localSettings');
const localSettingsToggler = propertyName => ({ getters, dispatch }, value) => dispatch('patchLocalSettings', {
[propertyName]: value === undefined ? !getters.localSettings[propertyName] : value,
module.actions.toggleNavigationBar = localSettingsToggler('showNavigationBar');
module.actions.toggleEditor = localSettingsToggler('showEditor');
module.actions.toggleSidePreview = localSettingsToggler('showSidePreview');
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module.getters.lastOpened = getter('lastOpened');
const getLastOpenedIds = (lastOpened, rootState) => Object.keys(lastOpened)
.filter(id => rootState.file.itemMap[id])
.sort((id1, id2) => lastOpened[id2] - lastOpened[id1])
.slice(0, 10);
.slice(0, 20);
module.getters.lastOpenedIds = (state, getters, rootState) =>
getLastOpenedIds(getters.lastOpened, rootState);
module.actions.setLastOpenedId = ({ getters, commit, rootState }, fileId) => {
@ -80,18 +80,18 @@ module.actions.setSyncData = setter('syncData');
module.getters.tokens = getter('tokens');
module.getters.googleTokens = (state, getters) => || {};
module.getters.loginToken = (state, getters) => {
// Return the first googleToken that has the isLogin flag
// Return the first google token that has the isLogin flag
const googleTokens = getters.googleTokens;
const loginSubs = Object.keys(googleTokens)
.filter(sub => googleTokens[sub].isLogin);
return googleTokens[loginSubs[0]];
module.actions.patchTokens = patcher('tokens');
module.actions.setGoogleToken = ({ getters, dispatch }, googleToken) => {
module.actions.setGoogleToken = ({ getters, dispatch }, token) => {
dispatch('patchTokens', {
google: {
[googleToken.sub]: googleToken,
[token.sub]: token,