Documents in StackEdit can be synchronized and shared through Google Drive and Dropbox. When two
- collaborators are working on the same document at the same time, StackEdit takes care of merging the
- modifications.
Straight to your blog
Review comments
StackEdit can upload your documents directly to Blogger, GitHub, Tumblr, WordPress… You can
+ choose
+ whether to upload in markdown format, HTML, or to format the output using Underscore template
+ engine.
StackEdit allows you to insert inline comments and embed collaborator discussions in your documents, much
- like Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
Publish straight to your blog
StackEdit can upload your documents directly to Blogger, GitHub, Tumblr, WordPress… You can choose
- whether to upload in markdown format, HTML, or to format the output using Underscore template
- engine.
Simultaneous collaboration
Write offline
Documents in StackEdit can be synchronized and shared through Google Drive and Dropbox. When two
+ collaborators are working on the same document at the same time, StackEdit takes care of merging
+ the
+ modifications.
Even when you travel, StackEdit is still accessible and lets you write in offline just like any
- desktop application. Now you have no excuse!
Review comments
StackEdit allows you to insert inline comments and embed collaborator discussions in your
+ documents, much
+ like Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
Write offline!
Even when you travel, StackEdit is still accessible and lets you write offline just like any
+ desktop application. Now you have no excuse!
@@ -308,28 +379,89 @@
Extended markdown support
Extended markdown support.
GitHub Flavored Markdown
GitHub Flavored Markdown
StackEdit supports different markdown flavors such as Markdown Extra and GitHub flavored Markdown. Each
- markdown feature can be enabled or disabled at your convenience.
StackEdit supports different markdown flavors such as Markdown Extra and GitHub flavored
+ Markdown. Each
+ markdown feature can be enabled or disabled at your convenience.
LaTeX mathematical expressions
StackEdit integrates MathJax to render mathematics from LaTeX expressions inside your markdown document,
- as you would do on Stack Exchange.
UML diagrams
LaTeX mathematical expressions
StackEdit integrates MathJax to render mathematics from LaTeX expressions inside your markdown
+ document,
+ as you would do on Stack Exchange.
UML diagrams
StackEdit enables you to write sequence diagrams and flow charts using a simple syntax.