Prepare deployment
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Wed Jun 19 23:53:00 GMT 2013
# Thu Jun 20 23:31:06 GMT 2013
@ -5376,7 +5376,8 @@ body {
.working {
cursor: progress;
.btn,.dropdown-menu {
.dropdown-menu {
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
@ -5440,36 +5441,48 @@ input::-webkit-input-placeholder,textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder {
#extension-preview-buttons .btn {
background-color: #ddd;
#extension-preview-buttons .dropdown-menu,
#extension-preview-buttons .btn,
#extension-preview-buttons .btn {
background-color: #e8e8e8;
.navbar-inner .btn:hover,
.navbar-inner .btn:focus,
.navbar-inner .btn:active,
|||| .btn.dropdown-toggle,
#extension-preview-buttons .btn-group:hover .btn,
#extension-preview-buttons .btn {
#extension-preview-buttons .btn-group:hover .btn {
color: #333333;
background-color: #eee;
.nav .dropdown-toggle .caret,.nav .dropdown-toggle:hover .caret,.nav .dropdown-toggle:focus .caret
.nav .dropdown-toggle .caret,
.nav .dropdown-toggle:hover .caret,
.nav .dropdown-toggle:focus .caret {
border-top-color: #000;
border-bottom-color: #000;
.navbar .nav.hide {
display: none;
.navbar-inner .btn.disabled,.navbar-inner .btn[disabled] {
.navbar-inner .btn.disabled,
.navbar-inner .btn[disabled] {
color: #333333;
background-color: #ddd;
opacity: 0.3;
filter: alpha(opacity = 30);
.dropdown-menu>.active>a:focus {
background-color: #888;
.dropdown-menu>.disabled>a:focus {
color: #bbb;
.btn-primary {
@ -5483,8 +5496,13 @@ input[readonly],select[readonly],textarea[readonly] {
background-color: transparent;
cursor: text;
.btn-primary:hover,.btn-primary:focus,.btn-primary:active,,.btn-primary.disabled,.btn-primary[disabled], .btn.btn-primary.dropdown-toggle
|||| .btn.btn-primary.dropdown-toggle {
color: #fff;
background-color: #888;
@ -5499,9 +5517,13 @@ input[readonly],select[readonly],textarea[readonly] {
#extension-preview-buttons .dropdown-menu {
position: fixed;
right: 25px;
top: inherit;
top: auto;
z-index: 1;
#extension-preview-buttons .dropdown-menu {
border: 0 !important;
margin-top: 1px;
#extension-preview-buttons .btn-group:hover .btn,
#extension-preview-buttons .btn {
opacity: 1;
@ -5540,6 +5562,15 @@ input[readonly],select[readonly],textarea[readonly] {
border-top-right-radius: 4px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
#markdown-syntax {
max-height: 300px;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
padding-right: 20px;
margin: 0 -20px 10px 0;
width: 300px;
white-space: normal;
.btn-group>.btn+.dropdown-toggle {
padding-right: 12px;
padding-left: 12px;
@ -5559,7 +5590,9 @@ h1 {
.toc ul {
list-style-type: none;
p,pre,blockquote {
blockquote {
margin: 0 0 20px;
hr {
@ -5643,7 +5676,8 @@ hr {
div.dropdown-menu {
padding: 5px 20px;
div.dropdown-menu p,div.dropdown-menu blockquote {
div.dropdown-menu p,
div.dropdown-menu blockquote {
margin: 10px 0;
div.dropdown-menu .stat {
@ -5654,8 +5688,8 @@ div.dropdown-menu i {
div.dropdown-menu textarea {
width: 250px;
max-width: 250px;
height: 150px;
resize: none;
#link-container {
min-width: 210px;
@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
var i = lt.grep(e, function(e) {
return 1 === e.nodeType;
if (Wt.test(t)) return lt.filter(t, i, !n);
if (qt.test(t)) return lt.filter(t, i, !n);
t = lt.filter(t, i);
return lt.grep(e, function(e) {
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
r(u), !1);
}), c;
var s = {}, a = e === qn;
var s = {}, a = e === Wn;
return r(n.dataTypes[0]) || !s["*"] && r("*");
function N(e, n) {
@ -853,12 +853,12 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
return new e.XMLHttpRequest();
} catch (t) {}
function O() {
function M() {
try {
return new e.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} catch (t) {}
function M() {
function O() {
return setTimeout(function() {
Zn = t;
}), Zn =;
@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
delete l.elem;
}), l = function() {
if (o) return !1;
for (var t = Zn || M(), n = Math.max(0, c.startTime + c.duration - t), i = n / c.duration || 0, r = 1 - i, s = 0, l = c.tweens.length; l > s; s++) c.tweens[s].run(r);
for (var t = Zn || O(), n = Math.max(0, c.startTime + c.duration - t), i = n / c.duration || 0, r = 1 - i, s = 0, l = c.tweens.length; l > s; s++) c.tweens[s].run(r);
return a.notifyWith(e, [ c, r, n ]), 1 > r && l ? n : (a.resolveWith(e, [ c ]),
}, c = a.promise({
@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
}, n),
originalProperties: t,
originalOptions: n,
startTime: Zn || M(),
startTime: Zn || O(),
duration: n.duration,
tweens: [],
createTween: function(t, n) {
@ -947,14 +947,14 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
function B(e, t, n, i, o) {
return new B.prototype.init(e, t, n, i, o);
function W(e, t) {
function q(e, t) {
var n, i = {
height: e
}, o = 0;
for (t = t ? 1 : 0; 4 > o; o += 2 - t) n = Sn[o], i["margin" + n] = i["padding" + n] = e;
return t && (i.opacity = i.width = e), i;
function q(e) {
function W(e) {
return lt.isWindow(e) ? e : 9 === e.nodeType ? e.defaultView || e.parentWindow : !1;
var G, U, V = typeof t, X = e.document, Y = e.location, K = e.jQuery, J = e.$, Q = {}, Z = [], et = "1.9.1", tt = Z.concat, nt = Z.push, it = Z.slice, ot = Z.indexOf, rt = Q.toString, st = Q.hasOwnProperty, at = et.trim, lt = function(e, t) {
@ -1709,7 +1709,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
var Ot = /^(?:input|select|textarea)$/i, Mt = /^key/, Dt = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/, jt = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/, Ht = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)$/;
var Mt = /^(?:input|select|textarea)$/i, Ot = /^key/, Dt = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/, jt = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/, Ht = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)$/;
lt.event = {
global: {},
add: function(e, n, i, o, r) {
@ -1804,7 +1804,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
fix: function(e) {
if (e[lt.expando]) return e;
var t, n, i, o = e.type, r = e, s = this.fixHooks[o];
for (s || (this.fixHooks[o] = s = Dt.test(o) ? this.mouseHooks : Mt.test(o) ? this.keyHooks : {}),
for (s || (this.fixHooks[o] = s = Dt.test(o) ? this.mouseHooks : Ot.test(o) ? this.keyHooks : {}),
i = s.props ? this.props.concat(s.props) : this.props, e = new lt.Event(r), t = i.length; t--; ) n = i[t],
e[n] = r[n];
return || ( = r.srcElement || X), 3 === && ( =,
@ -1923,13 +1923,13 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
}), || (lt.event.special.change = {
setup: function() {
return Ot.test(this.nodeName) ? (("checkbox" === this.type || "radio" === this.type) && (lt.event.add(this, "propertychange._change", function(e) {
return Mt.test(this.nodeName) ? (("checkbox" === this.type || "radio" === this.type) && (lt.event.add(this, "propertychange._change", function(e) {
"checked" === e.originalEvent.propertyName && (this._just_changed = !0);
}), lt.event.add(this, "click._change", function(e) {
this._just_changed && !e.isTrigger && (this._just_changed = !1), lt.event.simulate("change", this, e, !0);
})), !1) : (lt.event.add(this, "beforeactivate._change", function(e) {
var t =;
Ot.test(t.nodeName) && !lt._data(t, "changeBubbles") && (lt.event.add(t, "change._change", function(e) {
Mt.test(t.nodeName) && !lt._data(t, "changeBubbles") && (lt.event.add(t, "change._change", function(e) {
!this.parentNode || e.isSimulated || e.isTrigger || lt.event.simulate("change", this.parentNode, e, !0);
}), lt._data(t, "changeBubbles", !0));
}), t);
@ -1939,7 +1939,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
return this !== n || e.isSimulated || e.isTrigger || "radio" !== n.type && "checkbox" !== n.type ? e.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments) : t;
teardown: function() {
return lt.event.remove(this, "._change"), !Ot.test(this.nodeName);
return lt.event.remove(this, "._change"), !Mt.test(this.nodeName);
}), || lt.each({
focus: "focusin",
@ -2041,7 +2041,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
if (9 === a) {
if (r = t.getElementById(s), !r || !r.parentNode) return n;
if ( === s) return n.push(r), n;
} else if (t.ownerDocument && (r = t.ownerDocument.getElementById(s)) && M(t, r) && === s) return n.push(r),
} else if (t.ownerDocument && (r = t.ownerDocument.getElementById(s)) && O(t, r) && === s) return n.push(r),
} else {
if (o[2]) return J.apply(n,, 0)), n;
@ -2112,7 +2112,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
return i;
function f(e, t, n) {
var i = t.dir, o = n && "parentNode" === i, r = W++;
var i = t.dir, o = n && "parentNode" === i, r = q++;
return t.first ? function(t, n, r) {
for (;t = t[i]; ) if (1 === t.nodeType || o) return e(t, n, r);
} : function(t, n, s) {
@ -2211,7 +2211,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
return E(e, c)(i, t, R, n, ft.test(e)), n;
function x() {}
var C, k, S, T, _, E, P, I, $, z, N, R, L, A, O, M, D, j = "sizzle" + -new Date(), H = e.document, F = {}, B = 0, W = 0, q = i(), G = i(), U = i(), V = typeof t, X = 1 << 31, Y = [], K = Y.pop, J = Y.push, Q = Y.slice, Z = Y.indexOf || function(e) {
var C, k, S, T, _, E, P, I, $, z, N, R, L, A, M, O, D, j = "sizzle" + -new Date(), H = e.document, F = {}, B = 0, q = 0, W = i(), G = i(), U = i(), V = typeof t, X = 1 << 31, Y = [], K = Y.pop, J = Y.push, Q = Y.slice, Z = Y.indexOf || function(e) {
for (var t = 0, n = this.length; n > t; t++) if (this[t] === e) return t;
return -1;
}, et = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]", tt = "(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+", nt = tt.replace("w", "w#"), it = "([*^$|!~]?=)", ot = "\\[" + et + "*(" + tt + ")" + et + "*(?:" + it + et + "*(?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|(" + nt + ")|)|)" + et + "*\\]", rt = ":(" + tt + ")(?:\\(((['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" + ot.replace(3, 8) + ")*)|.*)\\)|)", st = RegExp("^" + et + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + et + "+$", "g"), at = RegExp("^" + et + "*," + et + "*"), ct = RegExp("^" + et + "*([\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f>+~])" + et + "*"), ut = RegExp(rt), dt = RegExp("^" + nt + "$"), pt = {
@ -2305,9 +2305,9 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
e.innerHTML = "<input type='hidden' i=''/>", e.querySelectorAll("[i^='']").length && L.push("[*^$]=" + et + "*(?:\"\"|'')"),
e.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length || L.push(":enabled", ":disabled"), e.querySelectorAll("*,:x"),
})), (F.matchesSelector = n(O = N.matchesSelector || N.mozMatchesSelector || N.webkitMatchesSelector || N.oMatchesSelector || N.msMatchesSelector)) && r(function(e) {
F.disconnectedMatch =, "div"),, "[s!='']:x"), A.push("!=", rt);
}), L = RegExp(L.join("|")), A = RegExp(A.join("|")), M = n(N.contains) || N.compareDocumentPosition ? function(e, t) {
})), (F.matchesSelector = n(M = N.matchesSelector || N.mozMatchesSelector || N.webkitMatchesSelector || N.oMatchesSelector || N.msMatchesSelector)) && r(function(e) {
F.disconnectedMatch =, "div"),, "[s!='']:x"), A.push("!=", rt);
}), L = RegExp(L.join("|")), A = RegExp(A.join("|")), O = n(N.contains) || N.compareDocumentPosition ? function(e, t) {
var n = 9 === e.nodeType ? e.documentElement : e, i = t && t.parentNode;
return e === i || !(!i || 1 !== i.nodeType || !(n.contains ? n.contains(i) : e.compareDocumentPosition && 16 & e.compareDocumentPosition(i)));
} : function(e, t) {
@ -2315,7 +2315,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
return !1;
}, D = N.compareDocumentPosition ? function(e, t) {
var n;
return e === t ? (P = !0, 0) : (n = t.compareDocumentPosition && e.compareDocumentPosition && e.compareDocumentPosition(t)) ? 1 & n || e.parentNode && 11 === e.parentNode.nodeType ? e === i || M(H, e) ? -1 : t === i || M(H, t) ? 1 : 0 : 4 & n ? -1 : 1 : e.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1;
return e === t ? (P = !0, 0) : (n = t.compareDocumentPosition && e.compareDocumentPosition && e.compareDocumentPosition(t)) ? 1 & n || e.parentNode && 11 === e.parentNode.nodeType ? e === i || O(H, e) ? -1 : t === i || O(H, t) ? 1 : 0 : 4 & n ? -1 : 1 : e.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1;
} : function(e, t) {
var n, o = 0, r = e.parentNode, s = t.parentNode, l = [ e ], c = [ t ];
if (e === t) return P = !0, 0;
@ -2330,12 +2330,12 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
return s(e, null, null, t);
}, s.matchesSelector = function(e, t) {
if ((e.ownerDocument || e) !== z && $(e), t = t.replace(bt, "='$1']"), !(!F.matchesSelector || R || A && A.test(t) || L.test(t))) try {
var n =, t);
var n =, t);
if (n || F.disconnectedMatch || e.document && 11 !== e.document.nodeType) return n;
} catch (i) {}
return s(t, z, null, [ e ]).length > 0;
}, s.contains = function(e, t) {
return (e.ownerDocument || e) !== z && $(e), M(e, t);
return (e.ownerDocument || e) !== z && $(e), O(e, t);
}, s.attr = function(e, t) {
var n;
return (e.ownerDocument || e) !== z && $(e), R || (t = t.toLowerCase()), (n = S.attrHandle[t]) ? n(e) : R || F.attributes ? e.getAttribute(t) : ((n = e.getAttributeNode(t)) || e.getAttribute(t)) && e[t] === !0 ? t : n && n.specified ? n.value : null;
@ -2403,8 +2403,8 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
CLASS: function(e) {
var t = q[e + " "];
return t || (t = RegExp("(^|" + et + ")" + e + "(" + et + "|$)")) && q(e, function(e) {
var t = W[e + " "];
return t || (t = RegExp("(^|" + et + ")" + e + "(" + et + "|$)")) && W(e, function(e) {
return t.test(e.className || typeof e.getAttribute !== V && e.getAttribute("class") || "");
@ -2570,7 +2570,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
$(), s.attr = lt.attr, lt.find = s, lt.expr = s.selectors, lt.expr[":"] = lt.expr.pseudos,
lt.unique = s.uniqueSort, lt.text = s.getText, lt.isXMLDoc = s.isXML, lt.contains = s.contains;
var Ft = /Until$/, Bt = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/, Wt = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/, qt = lt.expr.match.needsContext, Gt = {
var Ft = /Until$/, Bt = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/, qt = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/, Wt = lt.expr.match.needsContext, Gt = {
children: !0,
contents: !0,
next: !0,
@ -2599,10 +2599,10 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
return this.pushStack(d(this, e, !0));
is: function(e) {
return !!e && ("string" == typeof e ? qt.test(e) ? lt(e, this.context).index(this[0]) >= 0 : lt.filter(e, this).length > 0 : this.filter(e).length > 0);
return !!e && ("string" == typeof e ? Wt.test(e) ? lt(e, this.context).index(this[0]) >= 0 : lt.filter(e, this).length > 0 : this.filter(e).length > 0);
closest: function(e, t) {
for (var n, i = 0, o = this.length, r = [], s = qt.test(e) || "string" != typeof e ? lt(e, t || this.context) : 0; o > i; i++) for (n = this[i]; n && n.ownerDocument && n !== t && 11 !== n.nodeType; ) {
for (var n, i = 0, o = this.length, r = [], s = Wt.test(e) || "string" != typeof e ? lt(e, t || this.context) : 0; o > i; i++) for (n = this[i]; n && n.ownerDocument && n !== t && 11 !== n.nodeType; ) {
if (s ? s.index(n) > -1 : lt.find.matchesSelector(n, e)) {
@ -3053,7 +3053,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
}), lt.fn.hover = function(e, t) {
return this.mouseenter(e).mouseleave(t || e);
var zn, Nn, Rn =, Ln = /\?/, An = /#.*$/, On = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, Mn = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/gm, Dn = /^(?:about|app|app-storage|.+-extension|file|res|widget):$/, jn = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/, Hn = /^\/\//, Fn = /^([\w.+-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+)|)|)/, Bn = lt.fn.load, Wn = {}, qn = {}, Gn = "*/".concat("*");
var zn, Nn, Rn =, Ln = /\?/, An = /#.*$/, Mn = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, On = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/gm, Dn = /^(?:about|app|app-storage|.+-extension|file|res|widget):$/, jn = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/, Hn = /^\/\//, Fn = /^([\w.+-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+)|)|)/, Bn = lt.fn.load, qn = {}, Wn = {}, Gn = "*/".concat("*");
try {
Nn = Y.href;
} catch (Un) {
@ -3129,8 +3129,8 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
ajaxSetup: function(e, t) {
return t ? N(N(e, lt.ajaxSettings), t) : N(lt.ajaxSettings, e);
ajaxPrefilter: $(Wn),
ajaxTransport: $(qn),
ajaxPrefilter: $(qn),
ajaxTransport: $(Wn),
ajax: function(e, n) {
function i(e, n, i, o) {
var r, d, y, b, x, k = n;
@ -3149,7 +3149,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
getResponseHeader: function(e) {
var t;
if (2 === w) {
if (!d) for (d = {}; t = Mn.exec(a); ) d[t[1].toLowerCase()] = t[2];
if (!d) for (d = {}; t = On.exec(a); ) d[t[1].toLowerCase()] = t[2];
t = d[e.toLowerCase()];
return null == t ? null : t;
@ -3178,10 +3178,10 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
p.type = n.method || n.type || p.method || p.type, p.dataTypes = lt.trim(p.dataType || "*").toLowerCase().match(ut) || [ "" ],
null == p.crossDomain && (o = Fn.exec(p.url.toLowerCase()), p.crossDomain = !(!o || o[1] === zn[1] && o[2] === zn[2] && (o[3] || ("http:" === o[1] ? 80 : 443)) == (zn[3] || ("http:" === zn[1] ? 80 : 443)))),
|||| && p.processData && "string" != typeof && ( = lt.param(, p.traditional)),
z(Wn, p, n, C), 2 === w) return C;
z(qn, p, n, C), 2 === w) return C;
c =, c && 0 === && lt.event.trigger("ajaxStart"), p.type = p.type.toUpperCase(),
p.hasContent = !jn.test(p.type), s = p.url, p.hasContent || ( && (s = p.url += (Ln.test(s) ? "&" : "?") +,
delete, p.cache === !1 && (p.url = On.test(s) ? s.replace(On, "$1_=" + Rn++) : s + (Ln.test(s) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + Rn++)),
delete, p.cache === !1 && (p.url = Mn.test(s) ? s.replace(Mn, "$1_=" + Rn++) : s + (Ln.test(s) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + Rn++)),
p.ifModified && (lt.lastModified[s] && C.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", lt.lastModified[s]),
lt.etag[s] && C.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", lt.etag[s])), ( && p.hasContent && p.contentType !== !1 || n.contentType) && C.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", p.contentType),
C.setRequestHeader("Accept", p.dataTypes[0] && p.accepts[p.dataTypes[0]] ? p.accepts[p.dataTypes[0]] + ("*" !== p.dataTypes[0] ? ", " + Gn + "; q=0.01" : "") : p.accepts["*"]);
@ -3193,7 +3193,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
error: 1,
complete: 1
}) C[r](p[r]);
if (u = z(qn, p, n, C)) {
if (u = z(Wn, p, n, C)) {
C.readyState = 1, c && h.trigger("ajaxSend", [ C, p ]), p.async && p.timeout > 0 && (l = setTimeout(function() {
}, p.timeout));
@ -3268,7 +3268,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
for (e in Yn) Yn[e](t, !0);
lt.ajaxSettings.xhr = e.ActiveXObject ? function() {
return !this.isLocal && A() || O();
return !this.isLocal && A() || M();
} : A, Kn = lt.ajaxSettings.xhr(), = !!Kn && "withCredentials" in Kn,
Kn = = !!Kn, Kn && lt.ajaxTransport(function(n) {
if (!n.crossDomain || {
@ -3363,7 +3363,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
}, lt.each([ "toggle", "show", "hide" ], function(e, t) {
var n = lt.fn[t];
lt.fn[t] = function(e, i, o) {
return null == e || "boolean" == typeof e ? n.apply(this, arguments) : this.animate(W(t, !0), e, i, o);
return null == e || "boolean" == typeof e ? n.apply(this, arguments) : this.animate(q(t, !0), e, i, o);
}), lt.fn.extend({
fadeTo: function(e, t, n, i) {
@ -3405,9 +3405,9 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
}), lt.each({
slideDown: W("show"),
slideUp: W("hide"),
slideToggle: W("toggle"),
slideDown: q("show"),
slideUp: q("hide"),
slideToggle: q("toggle"),
fadeIn: {
opacity: "show"
@ -3465,7 +3465,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
left: 0
}, r = this[0], s = r && r.ownerDocument;
if (s) return n = s.documentElement, lt.contains(n, r) ? (typeof r.getBoundingClientRect !== V && (o = r.getBoundingClientRect()),
i = q(s), {
i = W(s), {
top: + (i.pageYOffset || n.scrollTop) - (n.clientTop || 0),
left: o.left + (i.pageXOffset || n.scrollLeft) - (n.clientLeft || 0)
}) : o;
@ -3506,7 +3506,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
var i = /Y/.test(n);
lt.fn[e] = function(o) {
return lt.access(this, function(e, o, r) {
var s = q(e);
var s = W(e);
return r === t ? s ? n in s ? s[n] : s.document.documentElement[o] : e[o] : (s ? s.scrollTo(i ? lt(s).scrollLeft() : r, i ? r : lt(s).scrollTop()) : e[o] = r,
}, e, o, arguments.length, null);
@ -3988,7 +3988,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
var n = k[t] = e[t];
k.prototype[t] = function() {
var e = [ this._wrapped ];
return s.apply(e, arguments),, n.apply(k, e));
return s.apply(e, arguments),, n.apply(k, e));
@ -4009,13 +4009,13 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
" ": "t",
"\u2028": "u2028",
"\u2029": "u2029"
}, O = /\\|'|\r|\n|\t|\u2028|\u2029/g;
}, M = /\\|'|\r|\n|\t|\u2028|\u2029/g;
k.template = function(e, t, n) {
var i;
n = k.defaults({}, n, k.templateSettings);
var o = RegExp([ (n.escape || L).source, (n.interpolate || L).source, (n.evaluate || L).source ].join("|") + "|$", "g"), r = 0, s = "__p+='";
e.replace(o, function(t, n, i, o, a) {
return s += e.slice(r, a).replace(O, function(e) {
return s += e.slice(r, a).replace(M, function(e) {
return "\\" + A[e];
}), n && (s += "'+\n((__t=(" + n + "))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'"), i && (s += "'+\n((__t=(" + i + "))==null?'':__t)+\n'"),
o && (s += "';\n" + o + "\n__p+='"), r = a + t.length, t;
@ -4033,7 +4033,7 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
}, k.chain = function(e) {
return k(e).chain();
var M = function(e) {
var O = function(e) {
return this._chain ? k(e).chain() : e;
k.mixin(k), S([ "pop", "push", "reverse", "shift", "sort", "splice", "unshift" ], function(e) {
@ -4041,12 +4041,12 @@ function css_browser_selector(e) {
k.prototype[e] = function() {
var n = this._wrapped;
return t.apply(n, arguments), "shift" != e && "splice" != e || 0 !== n.length || delete n[0],
||||, n);
||||, n);
}), S([ "concat", "join", "slice" ], function(e) {
var t = i[e];
k.prototype[e] = function() {
return, t.apply(this._wrapped, arguments));
return, t.apply(this._wrapped, arguments));
}), k.extend(k.prototype, {
chain: function() {
@ -4738,7 +4738,7 @@ define("config", function() {}), define("settings", [ "underscore", "config" ],
r = e, s(e);
}, o.onNewPublishSuccess = s, o.onPublishRemoved = s, o;
}), define("text!html/buttonStat.html", [], function() {
return '<button class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"\r\n title="Document statistics">\r\n <i class="icon-stat"></i>\r\n</button>\r\n<div class="dropdown-menu pull-right">\r\n <h3 class="muted">Statistics</h3>\r\n <div class="stat">\r\n <div>\r\n <%= name1 %>: <span id="span-stat-value1"></span>\r\n </div>\r\n <div>\r\n <%= name2 %>: <span id="span-stat-value2"></span>\r\n </div>\r\n <div>\r\n <%= name3 %>: <span id="span-stat-value3"></span>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n</div>\r\n';
return '<button class="btn dropdown-toggle" title="Document statistics">\r\n <i class="icon-stat"></i>\r\n</button>\r\n<div class="dropdown-menu pull-right">\r\n <h3>Statistics</h3>\r\n <div class="stat">\r\n <div>\r\n <%= name1 %>: <span id="span-stat-value1"></span>\r\n </div>\r\n <div>\r\n <%= name2 %>: <span id="span-stat-value2"></span>\r\n </div>\r\n <div>\r\n <%= name3 %>: <span id="span-stat-value3"></span>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n</div>\r\n';
}), define("text!html/buttonStatSettingsBloc.html", [], function() {
return '<p>Adds a "Document statistics" button over the preview.</p>\r\n<div class="form-horizontal">\r\n <div class="control-group form-inline">\r\n <label class="label-text" for="input-stat-name1">Title</label> <input\r\n id="input-stat-name1" type="text" class="input-small"> <label\r\n class="label-text" for="input-stat-value1">RegExp</label> <input\r\n id="input-stat-value1" type="text" class="span2">\r\n </div>\r\n <div class="control-group form-inline">\r\n <label class="label-text" for="input-stat-name2">Title</label> <input\r\n id="input-stat-name2" type="text" class="input-small"> <label\r\n class="label-text" for="input-stat-value2">RegExp</label> <input\r\n id="input-stat-value2" type="text" class="span2">\r\n </div>\r\n <div class="control-group form-inline">\r\n <label class="label-text" for="input-stat-name3">Title</label> <input\r\n id="input-stat-name3" type="text" class="input-small"> <label\r\n class="label-text" for="input-stat-value3">RegExp</label> <input\r\n id="input-stat-value3" type="text" class="span2">\r\n </div>\r\n</div>\r\n';
}), define("extensions/buttonStat", [ "jquery", "underscore", "utils", "text!html/buttonStat.html", "text!html/buttonStatSettingsBloc.html" ], function(e, t, n, i, o) {
@ -4773,7 +4773,7 @@ define("config", function() {}), define("settings", [ "underscore", "config" ],
e("#span-stat-value3").text((t.match(RegExp(r.config.value3, "g")) || []).length);
}, r;
}), define("text!html/buttonHtmlCode.html", [], function() {
return '<button class="btn dropdown-toggle action-html-code" data-toggle="dropdown"\r\n title="HTML code">\r\n <i class="icon-code"></i>\r\n</button>\r\n<div class="dropdown-menu pull-right">\r\n <h3 class="muted">HTML code</h3>\r\n <textarea id="input-html-code"></textarea>\r\n</div>\r\n';
return '<button class="btn dropdown-toggle action-html-code" title="HTML code">\r\n <i class="icon-code"></i>\r\n</button>\r\n<div class="dropdown-menu pull-right">\r\n <h3>HTML code</h3>\r\n <textarea id="input-html-code"></textarea>\r\n</div>\r\n';
}), define("extensions/buttonHtmlCode", [ "jquery", "text!html/buttonHtmlCode.html" ], function(e, t) {
var n = {
extensionId: "buttonHtmlCode",
@ -4786,9 +4786,7 @@ define("config", function() {}), define("settings", [ "underscore", "config" ],
}, n.onPreviewFinished = function() {
}, n.onReady = function() {
e("#input-html-code").click(function(e) {
}), e(".action-html-code").click(function() {
e(".action-html-code").click(function() {
_.defer(function() {
e("#input-html-code").each(function() {
e(this).is(":hidden") || e(this).get(0).select();
@ -4796,6 +4794,18 @@ define("config", function() {}), define("settings", [ "underscore", "config" ],
}, n;
}), define("text!html/buttonMarkdownSyntax.html", [], function() {
return '<button class="btn dropdown-toggle" title="Markdown syntax">\r\n <i class="icon-question-sign"></i>\r\n</button>\r\n<div class="dropdown-menu pull-right">\r\n <h3>Markdown syntax</h3>\r\n <div id="markdown-syntax">\r\n<h4>Phrase Emphasis</h4>\r\n\r\n<pre><code>*italic* **bold**\r\n_italic_ __bold__\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<h4>Links</h4>\r\n\r\n<p>Inline:</p>\r\n\r\n<pre><code>An [example]( "Title")\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<p>Reference-style labels (titles are optional):</p>\r\n\r\n<pre><code>An [example][id]. Then, anywhere\r\nelse in the doc, define the link:\r\n\r\n [id]: "Title"\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<h4>Images</h4>\r\n\r\n<p>Inline (titles are optional):</p>\r\n\r\n<pre><code>\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<p>Reference-style:</p>\r\n\r\n<pre><code>![alt text][id]\r\n\r\n[id]: /url/to/img.jpg "Title"\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<h4>Headers</h4>\r\n\r\n<p>Setext-style:</p>\r\n\r\n<pre><code>Header 1\r\n========\r\n\r\nHeader 2\r\n--------\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<p>atx-style (closing #\'s are optional):</p>\r\n\r\n<pre><code># Header 1 #\r\n\r\n## Header 2 ##\r\n\r\n###### Header 6\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<h4>Lists</h4>\r\n\r\n<p>Ordered, without paragraphs:</p>\r\n\r\n<pre><code>1. Foo\r\n2. Bar\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<p>Unordered, with paragraphs:</p>\r\n\r\n<pre><code>* A list item.\r\n\r\n With multiple paragraphs.\r\n\r\n* Bar\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<p>You can nest them:</p>\r\n\r\n<pre><code>* Abacus\r\n * answer\r\n* Bubbles\r\n 1. bunk\r\n 2. bupkis\r\n * BELITTLER\r\n 3. burper\r\n* Cunning\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<h4>Blockquotes</h4>\r\n\r\n<pre><code>> Email-style angle brackets\r\n> are used for blockquotes.\r\n\r\n> > And, they can be nested.\r\n\r\n> #### Headers in blockquotes\r\n> \r\n> * You can quote a list.\r\n> * Etc.\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<h4>Code Spans</h4>\r\n\r\n<pre><code>`<code>` spans are delimited\r\nby backticks.\r\n\r\nYou can include literal backticks\r\nlike `` `this` ``.\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<h4>Preformatted Code Blocks</h4>\r\n\r\n<p>Indent every line of a code block by at least 4 spaces or 1 tab.</p>\r\n\r\n<pre><code>This is a normal paragraph.\r\n\r\n This is a preformatted\r\n code block.\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<h4>Horizontal Rules</h4>\r\n\r\n<p>Three or more dashes or asterisks:</p>\r\n\r\n<pre><code>---\r\n\r\n* * *\r\n\r\n- - - - \r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<h4>Manual Line Breaks</h4>\r\n\r\n<p>End a line with two or more spaces:</p>\r\n\r\n<pre><code>Roses are red, \r\nViolets are blue.\r\n</code></pre>\r\n\r\n<p class="muted">Based on the <a target="_blank" href="">Markdown syntax guide</a>, by Fletcher T. Penney.</p>\r\n </div>\r\n</div>\r\n';
}), define("extensions/buttonMarkdownSyntax", [ "jquery", "text!html/buttonMarkdownSyntax.html" ], function(e, t) {
var n = {
extensionId: "buttonMarkdownSyntax",
extensionName: 'Button "Markdown syntax"',
optional: !0,
settingsBloc: '<p>Adds a "Markdown syntax" button over the preview.</p>'
return n.onCreatePreviewButton = function() {
return e(t);
}, n;
}), define("text!html/buttonViewer.html", [], function() {
return '<a href="viewer.html" class="btn dropdown-toggle"\r\n title="Open in viewer">\r\n <i class="icon-fullscreen"></i>\r\n</a>\r\n';
}), define("extensions/buttonViewer", [ "jquery", "text!html/buttonViewer.html" ], function(e, t) {
@ -5794,7 +5804,7 @@ function() {
function o(e, t) {
var n = t;
return n = n.replace(/^\n+/, ""), n = n.replace(/\n+$/g, ""), n = "\n\n~K" + (O.push(n) - 1) + "K\n\n";
return n = n.replace(/^\n+/, ""), n = n.replace(/\n+$/g, ""), n = "\n\n~K" + (M.push(n) - 1) + "K\n\n";
function r(e, n) {
e = R.preBlockGamut(e, D), e = f(e);
@ -5861,7 +5871,7 @@ function() {
function h(e, t) {
e += "~0";
var n = /^(([ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)[^\r]+?(~0|\n{2,}(?=\S)(?![ \t]*(?:[*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)))/gm;
return M ? e = e.replace(n, function(e, n, i) {
return O ? e = e.replace(n, function(e, n, i) {
var o = n, r =[*+-]/g) > -1 ? "ul" : "ol", s = g(o, r, t);
return s = s.replace(/\s+$/, ""), s = "<" + r + ">" + s + "</" + r + ">\n";
}) : (n = /(\n\n|^\n?)(([ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)[^\r]+?(~0|\n{2,}(?=\S)(?![ \t]*(?:[*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)))/g,
@ -5871,13 +5881,13 @@ function() {
})), e = e.replace(/~0/, "");
function g(e, t, n) {
M++, e = e.replace(/\n{2,}$/, "\n"), e += "~0";
O++, e = e.replace(/\n{2,}$/, "\n"), e += "~0";
var i = j[t], o = RegExp("(^[ \\t]*)(" + i + ")[ \\t]+([^\\r]+?(\\n+))(?=(~0|\\1(" + i + ")[ \\t]+))", "gm"), a = !1;
return e = e.replace(o, function(e, t, i, o) {
var l = o, c = /\n\n$/.test(l), u = c ||\n{2,}/) > -1;
return u || a ? l = r(P(l), !0) : (l = h(P(l), !0), l = l.replace(/\n$/, ""), n || (l = s(l))),
a = c, "<li>" + l + "</li>\n";
}), e = e.replace(/~0/g, ""), M--, e;
}), e = e.replace(/~0/g, ""), O--, e;
function m(e) {
return e += "~0", e = e.replace(/(?:\n\n|^\n?)((?:(?:[ ]{4}|\t).*\n+)+)(\n*[ ]{0,3}[^ \t\n]|(?=~0))/g, function(e, t, n) {
@ -5887,7 +5897,7 @@ function() {
}), e = e.replace(/~0/, "");
function v(e) {
return e = e.replace(/(^\n+|\n+$)/g, ""), "\n\n~K" + (O.push(e) - 1) + "K\n\n";
return e = e.replace(/(^\n+|\n+$)/g, ""), "\n\n~K" + (M.push(e) - 1) + "K\n\n";
function y(e) {
return e = e.replace(/(^|[^\\])(`+)([^\r]*?[^`])\2(?!`)/gm, function(e, t, n, i) {
@ -5924,7 +5934,7 @@ function() {
if (!t) {
r = i.length;
for (var a = 0; r > a; a++) for (var c = !0; c; ) c = !1, i[a] = i[a].replace(/~K(\d+)K/g, function(e, t) {
return c = !0, O[t];
return c = !0, M[t];
return i.join("\n\n");
@ -5948,7 +5958,7 @@ function() {
if (a) {
var c = i.charAt(i.length - 1);
W.test(c) || (a = c + a, i = i.substr(0, i.length - 1));
q.test(c) || (a = c + a, i = i.substr(0, i.length - 1));
return "<" + n + i + ">" + a;
@ -5978,7 +5988,7 @@ function() {
function $(e) {
if (!e) return "";
var t = e.length;
return e.replace(q, function(n, i) {
return e.replace(W, function(n, i) {
return "~D" == n ? "%24" : ":" != n || i != t - 1 && !/[0-9\/]/.test(e.charAt(i + 1)) ? "%" + n.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) : ":";
@ -5996,21 +6006,21 @@ function() {
R.addNoop("plainLinkText"), R.addNoop("preConversion"), R.addNoop("postNormalization"),
R.addNoop("preBlockGamut"), R.addNoop("postBlockGamut"), R.addNoop("preSpanGamut"),
R.addNoop("postSpanGamut"), R.addNoop("postConversion");
var L, A, O, M;
var L, A, M, O;
this.makeHtml = function(n) {
if (L) throw Error("Recursive call to converter.makeHtml");
return L = new i(), A = new i(), O = [], M = 0, n = R.preConversion(n), n = n.replace(/~/g, "~T"),
return L = new i(), A = new i(), M = [], O = 0, n = R.preConversion(n), n = n.replace(/~/g, "~T"),
n = n.replace(/\$/g, "~D"), n = n.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"), n = n.replace(/\r/g, "\n"),
n = "\n\n" + n + "\n\n", n = I(n), n = n.replace(/^[ \t]+$/gm, ""), n = R.postNormalization(n),
n = t(n), n = e(n), n = r(n), n = E(n), n = n.replace(/~D/g, "$$"), n = n.replace(/~T/g, "~"),
n = R.postConversion(n), O = A = L = null, n;
n = R.postConversion(n), M = A = L = null, n;
var D = function(e) {
return r(e);
}, j = {
ol: "\\d+[.]",
ul: "[*+-]"
}, H = "[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|[\\]()!:,.;]", F = "[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|[\\])]", B = RegExp('(="|<)?\\b(https?|ftp)(://' + H + "*" + F + ")(?=$|\\W)", "gi"), W = RegExp(F, "i"), q = /(?:["'*()[\]:]|~D)/g;
}, H = "[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|[\\]()!:,.;]", F = "[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|[\\])]", B = RegExp('(="|<)?\\b(https?|ftp)(://' + H + "*" + F + ")(?=$|\\W)", "gi"), q = RegExp(F, "i"), W = /(?:["'*()[\]:]|~D)/g;
}(), define("libs/Markdown.Converter", function() {});
@ -6137,7 +6147,7 @@ var prettyPrintOne, prettyPrint;
function i(e) {
for (var t = void 0, n = e.firstChild; n; n = n.nextSibling) {
var i = n.nodeType;
t = 1 === i ? t ? e : n : 3 === i ? W.test(n.nodeValue) ? e : t : t;
t = 1 === i ? t ? e : n : 3 === i ? q.test(n.nodeValue) ? e : t : t;
return t === e ? void 0 : t;
@ -6368,15 +6378,15 @@ var prettyPrintOne, prettyPrint;
var m, v = 0, y = /\blang(?:uage)?-([\w.]+)(?!\S)/, b = /\bprettyprint\b/, w = /\bprettyprinted\b/, x = /pre|xmp/i, C = /^code$/i, k = /^(?:pre|code|xmp)$/i, S = {};
var f = window, h = [ "break,continue,do,else,for,if,return,while" ], g = [ h, "auto,case,char,const,default,double,enum,extern,float,goto,inline,int,long,register,short,signed,sizeof,static,struct,switch,typedef,union,unsigned,void,volatile" ], m = [ g, "catch,class,delete,false,import,new,operator,private,protected,public,this,throw,true,try,typeof" ], v = [ m, "alignof,align_union,asm,axiom,bool,concept,concept_map,const_cast,constexpr,decltype,delegate,dynamic_cast,explicit,export,friend,generic,late_check,mutable,namespace,nullptr,property,reinterpret_cast,static_assert,static_cast,template,typeid,typename,using,virtual,where" ], y = [ m, "abstract,assert,boolean,byte,extends,final,finally,implements,import,instanceof,interface,null,native,package,strictfp,super,synchronized,throws,transient" ], b = [ y, "as,base,by,checked,decimal,delegate,descending,dynamic,event,fixed,foreach,from,group,implicit,in,internal,into,is,let,lock,object,out,override,orderby,params,partial,readonly,ref,sbyte,sealed,stackalloc,string,select,uint,ulong,unchecked,unsafe,ushort,var,virtual,where" ], w = "all,and,by,catch,class,else,extends,false,finally,for,if,in,is,isnt,loop,new,no,not,null,of,off,on,or,return,super,then,throw,true,try,unless,until,when,while,yes", x = [ m, "debugger,eval,export,function,get,null,set,undefined,var,with,Infinity,NaN" ], C = "caller,delete,die,do,dump,elsif,eval,exit,foreach,for,goto,if,import,last,local,my,next,no,our,print,package,redo,require,sub,undef,unless,until,use,wantarray,while,BEGIN,END", k = [ h, "and,as,assert,class,def,del,elif,except,exec,finally,from,global,import,in,is,lambda,nonlocal,not,or,pass,print,raise,try,with,yield,False,True,None" ], S = [ h, "alias,and,begin,case,class,def,defined,elsif,end,ensure,false,in,module,next,nil,not,or,redo,rescue,retry,self,super,then,true,undef,unless,until,when,yield,BEGIN,END" ], T = [ h, "as,assert,const,copy,drop,enum,extern,fail,false,fn,impl,let,log,loop,match,mod,move,mut,priv,pub,pure,ref,self,static,struct,true,trait,type,unsafe,use" ], _ = [ h, "case,done,elif,esac,eval,fi,function,in,local,set,then,until" ], E = [ v, b, x, C, k, S, _ ], P = /^(DIR|FILE|vector|(de|priority_)?queue|list|stack|(const_)?iterator|(multi)?(set|map)|bitset|u?(int|float)\d*)\b/, I = "str", $ = "kwd", z = "com", N = "typ", R = "lit", L = "pun", A = "pln", O = "tag", M = "dec", D = "src", j = "atn", H = "atv", F = "nocode", B = "(?:^^\\.?|[+-]|[!=]=?=?|\\#|%=?|&&?=?|\\(|\\*=?|[+\\-]=|->|\\/=?|::?|<<?=?|>>?>?=?|,|;|\\?|@|\\[|~|{|\\^\\^?=?|\\|\\|?=?|break|case|continue|delete|do|else|finally|instanceof|return|throw|try|typeof)\\s*", W = /\S/, q = r({
var f = window, h = [ "break,continue,do,else,for,if,return,while" ], g = [ h, "auto,case,char,const,default,double,enum,extern,float,goto,inline,int,long,register,short,signed,sizeof,static,struct,switch,typedef,union,unsigned,void,volatile" ], m = [ g, "catch,class,delete,false,import,new,operator,private,protected,public,this,throw,true,try,typeof" ], v = [ m, "alignof,align_union,asm,axiom,bool,concept,concept_map,const_cast,constexpr,decltype,delegate,dynamic_cast,explicit,export,friend,generic,late_check,mutable,namespace,nullptr,property,reinterpret_cast,static_assert,static_cast,template,typeid,typename,using,virtual,where" ], y = [ m, "abstract,assert,boolean,byte,extends,final,finally,implements,import,instanceof,interface,null,native,package,strictfp,super,synchronized,throws,transient" ], b = [ y, "as,base,by,checked,decimal,delegate,descending,dynamic,event,fixed,foreach,from,group,implicit,in,internal,into,is,let,lock,object,out,override,orderby,params,partial,readonly,ref,sbyte,sealed,stackalloc,string,select,uint,ulong,unchecked,unsafe,ushort,var,virtual,where" ], w = "all,and,by,catch,class,else,extends,false,finally,for,if,in,is,isnt,loop,new,no,not,null,of,off,on,or,return,super,then,throw,true,try,unless,until,when,while,yes", x = [ m, "debugger,eval,export,function,get,null,set,undefined,var,with,Infinity,NaN" ], C = "caller,delete,die,do,dump,elsif,eval,exit,foreach,for,goto,if,import,last,local,my,next,no,our,print,package,redo,require,sub,undef,unless,until,use,wantarray,while,BEGIN,END", k = [ h, "and,as,assert,class,def,del,elif,except,exec,finally,from,global,import,in,is,lambda,nonlocal,not,or,pass,print,raise,try,with,yield,False,True,None" ], S = [ h, "alias,and,begin,case,class,def,defined,elsif,end,ensure,false,in,module,next,nil,not,or,redo,rescue,retry,self,super,then,true,undef,unless,until,when,yield,BEGIN,END" ], T = [ h, "as,assert,const,copy,drop,enum,extern,fail,false,fn,impl,let,log,loop,match,mod,move,mut,priv,pub,pure,ref,self,static,struct,true,trait,type,unsafe,use" ], _ = [ h, "case,done,elif,esac,eval,fi,function,in,local,set,then,until" ], E = [ v, b, x, C, k, S, _ ], P = /^(DIR|FILE|vector|(de|priority_)?queue|list|stack|(const_)?iterator|(multi)?(set|map)|bitset|u?(int|float)\d*)\b/, I = "str", $ = "kwd", z = "com", N = "typ", R = "lit", L = "pun", A = "pln", M = "tag", O = "dec", D = "src", j = "atn", H = "atv", F = "nocode", B = "(?:^^\\.?|[+-]|[!=]=?=?|\\#|%=?|&&?=?|\\(|\\*=?|[+\\-]=|->|\\/=?|::?|<<?=?|>>?>?=?|,|;|\\?|@|\\[|~|{|\\^\\^?=?|\\|\\|?=?|break|case|continue|delete|do|else|finally|instanceof|return|throw|try|typeof)\\s*", q = /\S/, W = r({
keywords: E,
hashComments: !0,
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@ -6435,7 +6445,7 @@ var prettyPrintOne, prettyPrint;
@ -6443,7 +6453,7 @@ var prettyPrintOne, prettyPrint;
prettyPrintOne: IN_GLOBAL_SCOPE ? f.prettyPrintOne = d : prettyPrintOne = d,
prettyPrint: prettyPrint = IN_GLOBAL_SCOPE ? f.prettyPrint = p : prettyPrint = p
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n(".open") ? void 0 : t);
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return 'Available variables:\r\n<br>\r\n<ul>\r\n <li><b>documentTitle</b>: document title</li>\r\n <li><b>documentMarkdown</b>: document in Markdown format</li>\r\n <li><b>documentHTML</b>: document in HTML format</li>\r\n <li><b>publishAttributes</b>: attributes of the publish location\r\n (undefined when using "Save")</li>\r\n</ul>\r\nExamples:\r\n<br />\r\n<title><%= documentTitle %></title>\r\n<br />\r\n<div><%- documentHTML %></div>\r\n<br />\r\n<% if(publishAttributes.provider == "github")\r\nprint(documentMarkdown); %>\r\n<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<a target="_blank" href="">More\r\n info</a>';
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