/* jshint -W084, -W099 */ // Credit to http://dabblet.com/ define([ 'jquery', 'underscore', 'utils', 'settings', 'eventMgr', 'prism-core', 'diff_match_patch_uncompressed', 'jsondiffpatch', 'crel', 'rangy', 'MutationObservers', 'libs/prism-markdown' ], function($, _, utils, settings, eventMgr, Prism, diff_match_patch, jsondiffpatch, crel, rangy) { var editor = {}; var scrollTop = 0; var inputElt; var $inputElt; var contentElt; var $contentElt; var marginElt; var $marginElt; var previewElt; var pagedownEditor; var refreshPreviewLater = (function() { var elapsedTime = 0; var timeoutId; var refreshPreview = function() { var startTime = Date.now(); pagedownEditor.refreshPreview(); elapsedTime = Date.now() - startTime; }; if(settings.lazyRendering === true) { return _.debounce(refreshPreview, 500); } return function() { clearTimeout(timeoutId); timeoutId = setTimeout(refreshPreview, elapsedTime < 2000 ? elapsedTime : 2000); }; })(); eventMgr.addListener('onPagedownConfigure', function(pagedownEditorParam) { pagedownEditor = pagedownEditorParam; }); var isComposing = 0; eventMgr.addListener('onSectionsCreated', function(newSectionList) { if(!isComposing) { updateSectionList(newSectionList); highlightSections(); } if(fileChanged === true) { // Refresh preview synchronously pagedownEditor.refreshPreview(); } else { refreshPreviewLater(); } }); var fileChanged = true; var fileDesc; eventMgr.addListener('onFileSelected', function(selectedFileDesc) { fileChanged = true; fileDesc = selectedFileDesc; }); // Used to detect editor changes function Watcher() { this.isWatching = false; var contentObserver; this.startWatching = function() { this.isWatching = true; contentObserver = contentObserver || new MutationObserver(checkContentChange); contentObserver.observe(contentElt, { childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: true }); }; this.stopWatching = function() { contentObserver.disconnect(); this.isWatching = false; }; this.noWatch = function(cb) { if(this.isWatching === true) { this.stopWatching(); cb(); this.startWatching(); } else { cb(); } }; } var watcher = new Watcher(); editor.watcher = watcher; var diffMatchPatch = new diff_match_patch(); var jsonDiffPatch = jsondiffpatch.create({ objectHash: function(obj) { return JSON.stringify(obj); }, arrays: { detectMove: false }, textDiff: { minLength: 9999999 } }); function SelectionMgr() { var self = this; this.selectionStart = 0; this.selectionEnd = 0; this.cursorY = 0; this.findOffset = function(offset) { var walker = document.createTreeWalker(contentElt, 4, null, false); var text = ''; while(walker.nextNode()) { text = walker.currentNode.nodeValue || ''; if(text.length > offset) { return { container: walker.currentNode, offset: offset }; } offset -= text.length; } return { container: walker.currentNode, offset: text.length }; }; this.createRange = function(start, end) { start = start < 0 ? 0 : start; end = end < 0 ? 0 : end; var range = document.createRange(); var offset = _.isObject(start) ? start : this.findOffset(start); range.setStart(offset.container, offset.offset); if(end && end != start) { offset = _.isObject(end) ? end : this.findOffset(end); } range.setEnd(offset.container, offset.offset); return range; }; var adjustScroll; var debouncedUpdateCursorCoordinates = utils.debounce(function() { $inputElt.toggleClass('has-selection', this.selectionStart !== this.selectionEnd); var coordinates = this.getCoordinates(this.selectionEnd, this.selectionEndContainer, this.selectionEndOffset); if(this.cursorY !== coordinates.y) { this.cursorY = coordinates.y; eventMgr.onCursorCoordinates(coordinates.x, coordinates.y); if(adjustScroll && settings.cursorFocusRatio) { var adjust = inputElt.offsetHeight / 2 * settings.cursorFocusRatio; var cursorMinY = inputElt.scrollTop + adjust; var cursorMaxY = inputElt.scrollTop + inputElt.offsetHeight - adjust; if(selectionMgr.cursorY < cursorMinY) { inputElt.scrollTop += selectionMgr.cursorY - cursorMinY; } else if(selectionMgr.cursorY > cursorMaxY) { inputElt.scrollTop += selectionMgr.cursorY - cursorMaxY; } } } adjustScroll = false; }, this); this.updateCursorCoordinates = function(adjustScrollParam) { adjustScroll = adjustScroll || adjustScrollParam; debouncedUpdateCursorCoordinates(); }; this.updateSelectionRange = function() { var min = Math.min(this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd); var max = Math.max(this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd); var range = this.createRange(min, max); var selection = rangy.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range, this.selectionStart > this.selectionEnd); selection.detach(); range.detach(); }; this.setSelectionStartEnd = function(start, end) { if(start === undefined) { start = this.selectionStart; } if(start < 0) { start = 0; } if(end === undefined) { end = this.selectionEnd; } if(end < 0) { end = 0; } this.selectionStart = start; this.selectionEnd = end; fileDesc.editorStart = start; fileDesc.editorEnd = end; }; this.saveSelectionState = (function() { function save() { if(fileChanged === false) { var selectionStart = self.selectionStart; var selectionEnd = self.selectionEnd; var range; var selection = rangy.getSelection(); if(selection.rangeCount > 0) { var selectionRange = selection.getRangeAt(0); var element = selectionRange.startContainer; if((contentElt.compareDocumentPosition(element) & 0x10)) { range = selectionRange; var container = element; var offset = range.startOffset; do { while(element = element.previousSibling) { if(element.textContent) { offset += element.textContent.length; } } element = container = container.parentNode; } while(element && element != inputElt); if(selection.isBackwards()) { selectionStart = offset + (range + '').length; selectionEnd = offset; } else { selectionStart = offset; selectionEnd = offset + (range + '').length; } } selectionRange.detach(); } selection.detach(); self.setSelectionStartEnd(selectionStart, selectionEnd); } undoMgr.saveSelectionState(); } var nextTickAdjustScroll = false; var debouncedSave = utils.debounce(function() { save(); self.updateCursorCoordinates(nextTickAdjustScroll); nextTickAdjustScroll = false; }); return function(debounced, adjustScroll) { if(debounced) { nextTickAdjustScroll = nextTickAdjustScroll || adjustScroll; return debouncedSave(); } else { save(); } }; })(); this.getCoordinates = function(inputOffset, container, offset) { if(!container) { offset = this.findOffset(inputOffset); container = offset.container; offset = offset.offset; } var x = 0; var y = 0; if(container.textContent == '\n') { y = container.parentNode.offsetTop + container.parentNode.offsetHeight / 2; } else { var selectedChar = textContent[inputOffset]; var startOffset = { container: container, offset: offset }; var endOffset = { container: container, offset: offset }; if(inputOffset > 0 && (selectedChar === undefined || selectedChar == '\n')) { if(startOffset.offset === 0) { startOffset = inputOffset - 1; } else { startOffset.offset -= 1; } } else { if(endOffset.offset === container.textContent.length) { endOffset = inputOffset + 1; } else { endOffset.offset += 1; } } var selectionRange = this.createRange(startOffset, endOffset); var selectionRect = selectionRange.getBoundingClientRect(); y = selectionRect.top + selectionRect.height / 2 - inputElt.getBoundingClientRect().top + inputElt.scrollTop; selectionRange.detach(); } return { x: x, y: y }; }; this.getClosestWordOffset = function(offset) { var offsetStart = 0; var offsetEnd = 0; var nextOffset = 0; textContent.split(/\s/).some(function(word) { if(word) { offsetStart = nextOffset; offsetEnd = nextOffset + word.length; if(offsetEnd > offset) { return true; } } nextOffset += word.length + 1; }); return { start: offsetStart, end: offsetEnd }; }; } var selectionMgr = new SelectionMgr(); editor.selectionMgr = selectionMgr; $(document).on('selectionchange', '.editor-content', _.bind(selectionMgr.saveSelectionState, selectionMgr, true, false)); function adjustCursorPosition() { if(inputElt === undefined) { return; } selectionMgr.saveSelectionState(true, true); } editor.adjustCursorPosition = adjustCursorPosition; var textContent; function setValue(value) { var startOffset = diffMatchPatch.diff_commonPrefix(textContent, value); if(startOffset === textContent.length) { startOffset--; } var endOffset = Math.min( diffMatchPatch.diff_commonSuffix(textContent, value), textContent.length - startOffset, value.length - startOffset ); var replacement = value.substring(startOffset, value.length - endOffset); var range = selectionMgr.createRange(startOffset, textContent.length - endOffset); range.deleteContents(); range.insertNode(document.createTextNode(replacement)); range.detach(); } editor.setValue = setValue; function replacePreviousText(text, replacement) { var offset = selectionMgr.selectionStart; if(offset !== selectionMgr.selectionEnd) { return false; } var range = selectionMgr.createRange(offset - text.length, offset); if('' + range != text) { return false; } range.deleteContents(); range.insertNode(document.createTextNode(replacement)); range.detach(); offset = offset - text.length + replacement.length; selectionMgr.setSelectionStartEnd(offset, offset); selectionMgr.updateSelectionRange(); selectionMgr.updateCursorCoordinates(); return true; } editor.replacePreviousText = replacePreviousText; function setValueNoWatch(value) { setValue(value); textContent = value; } editor.setValueNoWatch = setValueNoWatch; function getValue() { return textContent; } editor.getValue = getValue; function focus() { $contentElt.focus(); selectionMgr.updateSelectionRange(); inputElt.scrollTop = scrollTop; } editor.focus = focus; function UndoMgr() { var undoStack = []; var redoStack = []; var lastTime; var lastMode; var currentState; var selectionStartBefore; var selectionEndBefore; this.setCommandMode = function() { this.currentMode = 'command'; }; this.setMode = function() { }; // For compatibility with PageDown this.onButtonStateChange = function() { }; // To be overridden by PageDown this.saveState = utils.debounce(function() { redoStack = []; var currentTime = Date.now(); if(this.currentMode == 'comment' || lastMode == 'newlines' || this.currentMode != lastMode || currentTime - lastTime > 1000) { undoStack.push(currentState); // Limit the size of the stack while(undoStack.length > 100) { undoStack.shift(); } } else { // Restore selectionBefore that has potentially been modified by saveSelectionState selectionStartBefore = currentState.selectionStartBefore; selectionEndBefore = currentState.selectionEndBefore; } currentState = { selectionStartBefore: selectionStartBefore, selectionEndBefore: selectionEndBefore, selectionStartAfter: selectionMgr.selectionStart, selectionEndAfter: selectionMgr.selectionEnd, content: textContent, discussionListJSON: fileDesc.discussionListJSON }; lastTime = currentTime; lastMode = this.currentMode; this.currentMode = undefined; this.onButtonStateChange(); }, this); this.saveSelectionState = _.debounce(function() { if(this.currentMode === undefined) { selectionStartBefore = selectionMgr.selectionStart; selectionEndBefore = selectionMgr.selectionEnd; } }, 10); this.canUndo = function() { return undoStack.length; }; this.canRedo = function() { return redoStack.length; }; function restoreState(state, selectionStart, selectionEnd) { // Update editor watcher.noWatch(function() { if(textContent != state.content) { setValueNoWatch(state.content); fileDesc.content = state.content; eventMgr.onContentChanged(fileDesc, state.content); } selectionMgr.setSelectionStartEnd(selectionStart, selectionEnd); selectionMgr.updateSelectionRange(); selectionMgr.updateCursorCoordinates(); var discussionListJSON = fileDesc.discussionListJSON; if(discussionListJSON != state.discussionListJSON) { var oldDiscussionList = fileDesc.discussionList; fileDesc.discussionListJSON = state.discussionListJSON; var newDiscussionList = fileDesc.discussionList; var diff = jsonDiffPatch.diff(oldDiscussionList, newDiscussionList); var commentsChanged = false; _.each(diff, function(discussionDiff, discussionIndex) { if(!_.isArray(discussionDiff)) { commentsChanged = true; } else if(discussionDiff.length === 1) { eventMgr.onDiscussionCreated(fileDesc, newDiscussionList[discussionIndex]); } else { eventMgr.onDiscussionRemoved(fileDesc, oldDiscussionList[discussionIndex]); } }); commentsChanged && eventMgr.onCommentsChanged(fileDesc); } }); selectionStartBefore = selectionStart; selectionEndBefore = selectionEnd; currentState = state; this.currentMode = undefined; lastMode = undefined; this.onButtonStateChange(); adjustCursorPosition(); } this.undo = function() { var state = undoStack.pop(); if(!state) { return; } redoStack.push(currentState); restoreState.call(this, state, currentState.selectionStartBefore, currentState.selectionEndBefore); }; this.redo = function() { var state = redoStack.pop(); if(!state) { return; } undoStack.push(currentState); restoreState.call(this, state, state.selectionStartAfter, state.selectionEndAfter); }; this.init = function() { var content = fileDesc.content; undoStack = []; redoStack = []; lastTime = 0; currentState = { selectionStartAfter: fileDesc.selectionStart, selectionEndAfter: fileDesc.selectionEnd, content: content, discussionListJSON: fileDesc.discussionListJSON }; this.currentMode = undefined; lastMode = undefined; contentElt.textContent = content; // Force this since the content could be the same checkContentChange(); }; } var undoMgr = new UndoMgr(); editor.undoMgr = undoMgr; function onComment() { if(watcher.isWatching === true) { undoMgr.currentMode = undoMgr.currentMode || 'comment'; undoMgr.saveState(); } } eventMgr.addListener('onDiscussionCreated', onComment); eventMgr.addListener('onDiscussionRemoved', onComment); eventMgr.addListener('onCommentsChanged', onComment); var trailingLfNode; function checkContentChange() { var newTextContent = inputElt.textContent; if(contentElt.lastChild === trailingLfNode && trailingLfNode.textContent.slice(-1) == '\n') { newTextContent = newTextContent.slice(0, -1); } newTextContent = newTextContent.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n'); // Mac/DOS to Unix if(fileChanged === false) { if(newTextContent == textContent) { // User has removed the empty section if(contentElt.children.length === 0) { contentElt.innerHTML = ''; sectionList.forEach(function(section) { contentElt.appendChild(section.elt); }); addTrailingLfNode(); } return; } undoMgr.currentMode = undoMgr.currentMode || 'typing'; var discussionList = _.values(fileDesc.discussionList); fileDesc.newDiscussion && discussionList.push(fileDesc.newDiscussion); var updateDiscussionList = adjustCommentOffsets(textContent, newTextContent, discussionList); textContent = newTextContent; if(updateDiscussionList === true) { fileDesc.discussionList = fileDesc.discussionList; // Write discussionList in localStorage } fileDesc.content = textContent; selectionMgr.saveSelectionState(); eventMgr.onContentChanged(fileDesc, textContent); updateDiscussionList && eventMgr.onCommentsChanged(fileDesc); undoMgr.saveState(); } else { textContent = newTextContent; fileDesc.content = textContent; selectionMgr.setSelectionStartEnd(fileDesc.editorStart, fileDesc.editorEnd); selectionMgr.updateSelectionRange(); selectionMgr.updateCursorCoordinates(); undoMgr.saveSelectionState(); eventMgr.onFileOpen(fileDesc, textContent); previewElt.scrollTop = fileDesc.previewScrollTop; scrollTop = fileDesc.editorScrollTop; inputElt.scrollTop = scrollTop; fileChanged = false; } } function adjustCommentOffsets(oldTextContent, newTextContent, discussionList) { if(!discussionList.length) { return; } var changes = diffMatchPatch.diff_main(oldTextContent, newTextContent); var changed = false; var startOffset = 0; changes.forEach(function(change) { var changeType = change[0]; var changeText = change[1]; if(changeType === 0) { startOffset += changeText.length; return; } var endOffset = startOffset; var diffOffset = changeText.length; if(changeType === -1) { endOffset += diffOffset; diffOffset = -diffOffset; } discussionList.forEach(function(discussion) { // selectionEnd if(discussion.selectionEnd > endOffset) { discussion.selectionEnd += diffOffset; discussion.discussionIndex && (changed = true); } else if(discussion.selectionEnd > startOffset) { discussion.selectionEnd = startOffset; discussion.discussionIndex && (changed = true); } // selectionStart if(discussion.selectionStart >= endOffset) { discussion.selectionStart += diffOffset; discussion.discussionIndex && (changed = true); } else if(discussion.selectionStart > startOffset) { discussion.selectionStart = startOffset; discussion.discussionIndex && (changed = true); } }); if(changeType === 1) { startOffset += changeText.length; } }); return changed; } editor.adjustCommentOffsets = adjustCommentOffsets; editor.init = function() { inputElt = document.getElementById('wmd-input'); $inputElt = $(inputElt); contentElt = inputElt.querySelector('.editor-content'); $contentElt = $(contentElt); marginElt = inputElt.querySelector('.editor-margin'); $marginElt = $(marginElt); previewElt = document.querySelector('.preview-container'); $inputElt.addClass(settings.editorFontClass); watcher.startWatching(); $(inputElt).scroll(function() { scrollTop = inputElt.scrollTop; if(fileChanged === false) { fileDesc.editorScrollTop = scrollTop; } }); $(previewElt).scroll(function() { if(fileChanged === false) { fileDesc.previewScrollTop = previewElt.scrollTop; } }); // See https://gist.github.com/shimondoodkin/1081133 if(/AppleWebKit\/([\d.]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)) { var $editableFix = $('').appendTo('html'); $contentElt.blur(function() { $editableFix[0].setSelectionRange(0, 0); $editableFix.blur(); }); } inputElt.focus = focus; Object.defineProperty(inputElt, 'value', { get: function() { return textContent; }, set: setValue }); Object.defineProperty(inputElt, 'selectionStart', { get: function() { return Math.min(selectionMgr.selectionStart, selectionMgr.selectionEnd); }, set: function(value) { selectionMgr.setSelectionStartEnd(value); selectionMgr.updateSelectionRange(); selectionMgr.updateCursorCoordinates(); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(inputElt, 'selectionEnd', { get: function() { return Math.max(selectionMgr.selectionStart, selectionMgr.selectionEnd); }, set: function(value) { selectionMgr.setSelectionStartEnd(undefined, value); selectionMgr.updateSelectionRange(); selectionMgr.updateCursorCoordinates(); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); var clearNewline = false; $contentElt .on('keydown', function(evt) { if( evt.which === 17 || // Ctrl evt.which === 91 || // Cmd evt.which === 18 || // Alt evt.which === 16 // Shift ) { return; } selectionMgr.saveSelectionState(); adjustCursorPosition(); var cmdOrCtrl = evt.metaKey || evt.ctrlKey; switch(evt.which) { case 9: // Tab if(!cmdOrCtrl) { action('indent', { inverse: evt.shiftKey }); evt.preventDefault(); } break; case 13: action('newline'); evt.preventDefault(); break; } if(evt.which !== 13) { clearNewline = false; } }) .on('compositionstart', function() { isComposing++; }) .on('compositionend', function() { setTimeout(function() { isComposing--; }, 0); }) .on('mouseup', _.bind(selectionMgr.saveSelectionState, selectionMgr, true, false)) .on('paste', function() { undoMgr.currentMode = 'paste'; adjustCursorPosition(); }) .on('cut', function() { undoMgr.currentMode = 'cut'; adjustCursorPosition(); }); var action = function(action, options) { var textContent = getValue(); var min = Math.min(selectionMgr.selectionStart, selectionMgr.selectionEnd); var max = Math.max(selectionMgr.selectionStart, selectionMgr.selectionEnd); var state = { selectionStart: min, selectionEnd: max, before: textContent.slice(0, min), after: textContent.slice(max), selection: textContent.slice(min, max) }; actions[action](state, options || {}); setValue(state.before + state.selection + state.after); selectionMgr.setSelectionStartEnd(state.selectionStart, state.selectionEnd); selectionMgr.updateSelectionRange(); }; var indentRegex = /^ {0,3}>[ ]*|^[ \t]*(?:[*+\-]|(\d+)\.)[ \t]|^\s+/; var actions = { indent: function(state, options) { function strSplice(str, i, remove, add) { remove = +remove || 0; add = add || ''; return str.slice(0, i) + add + str.slice(i + remove); } var lf = state.before.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1; if(options.inverse) { if(/\s/.test(state.before.charAt(lf))) { state.before = strSplice(state.before, lf, 1); state.selectionStart--; state.selectionEnd--; } state.selection = state.selection.replace(/^[ \t]/gm, ''); } else { var previousLine = state.before.slice(lf); if(state.selection || previousLine.match(indentRegex)) { state.before = strSplice(state.before, lf, 0, '\t'); state.selection = state.selection.replace(/\r?\n(?=[\s\S])/g, '\n\t'); state.selectionStart++; state.selectionEnd++; } else { state.before += '\t'; state.selectionStart++; state.selectionEnd++; return; } } state.selectionEnd = state.selectionStart + state.selection.length; }, newline: function(state) { var lf = state.before.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1; if(clearNewline) { state.before = state.before.substring(0, lf); state.selection = ''; state.selectionStart = lf; state.selectionEnd = lf; clearNewline = false; return; } clearNewline = false; var previousLine = state.before.slice(lf); var indentMatch = previousLine.match(indentRegex); var indent = (indentMatch || [''])[0]; if(indentMatch && indentMatch[1]) { var number = parseInt(indentMatch[1], 10); indent = indent.replace(/\d+/, number + 1); } if(indent.length) { clearNewline = true; } undoMgr.currentMode = 'newlines'; state.before += '\n' + indent; state.selection = ''; state.selectionStart += indent.length + 1; state.selectionEnd = state.selectionStart; } }; }; var sectionList = []; var sectionsToRemove = []; var modifiedSections = []; var insertBeforeSection; function updateSectionList(newSectionList) { modifiedSections = []; sectionsToRemove = []; insertBeforeSection = undefined; // Render everything if file changed if(fileChanged === true) { sectionsToRemove = sectionList; sectionList = newSectionList; modifiedSections = newSectionList; return; } // Find modified section starting from top var leftIndex = sectionList.length; _.some(sectionList, function(section, index) { var newSection = newSectionList[index]; if(index >= newSectionList.length || // Check modified section.textWithFrontMatter != newSection.textWithFrontMatter || // Check that section has not been detached or moved section.elt.parentNode !== contentElt || // Check also the content since nodes can be injected in sections via copy/paste section.elt.textContent != newSection.textWithFrontMatter) { leftIndex = index; return true; } }); // Find modified section starting from bottom var rightIndex = -sectionList.length; _.some(sectionList.slice().reverse(), function(section, index) { var newSection = newSectionList[newSectionList.length - index - 1]; if(index >= newSectionList.length || // Check modified section.textWithFrontMatter != newSection.textWithFrontMatter || // Check that section has not been detached or moved section.elt.parentNode !== contentElt || // Check also the content since nodes can be injected in sections via copy/paste section.elt.textContent != newSection.textWithFrontMatter) { rightIndex = -index; return true; } }); if(leftIndex - rightIndex > sectionList.length) { // Prevent overlap rightIndex = leftIndex - sectionList.length; } // Create an array composed of left unmodified, modified, right // unmodified sections var leftSections = sectionList.slice(0, leftIndex); modifiedSections = newSectionList.slice(leftIndex, newSectionList.length + rightIndex); var rightSections = sectionList.slice(sectionList.length + rightIndex, sectionList.length); insertBeforeSection = _.first(rightSections); sectionsToRemove = sectionList.slice(leftIndex, sectionList.length + rightIndex); sectionList = leftSections.concat(modifiedSections).concat(rightSections); } function highlightSections() { var newSectionEltList = document.createDocumentFragment(); modifiedSections.forEach(function(section) { highlight(section); newSectionEltList.appendChild(section.elt); }); watcher.noWatch(function() { if(fileChanged === true) { contentElt.innerHTML = ''; contentElt.appendChild(newSectionEltList); } else { // Remove outdated sections sectionsToRemove.forEach(function(section) { // section can be already removed section.elt.parentNode === contentElt && contentElt.removeChild(section.elt); }); if(insertBeforeSection !== undefined) { contentElt.insertBefore(newSectionEltList, insertBeforeSection.elt); } else { contentElt.appendChild(newSectionEltList); } // Remove unauthorized nodes (text nodes outside of sections or duplicated sections via copy/paste) var childNode = contentElt.firstChild; while(childNode) { var nextNode = childNode.nextSibling; if(!childNode.generated) { contentElt.removeChild(childNode); } childNode = nextNode; } } addTrailingLfNode(); selectionMgr.updateSelectionRange(); selectionMgr.updateCursorCoordinates(); }); } function addTrailingLfNode() { trailingLfNode = crel('span', { class: 'token lf' }); trailingLfNode.textContent = '\n'; contentElt.appendChild(trailingLfNode); } var escape = (function() { var entityMap = { "&": "&", "<": "<", "\u00a0": ' ' }; return function(str) { return str.replace(/[&<\u00a0]/g, function(s) { return entityMap[s]; }); }; })(); function highlight(section) { var text = escape(section.text); if(!window.viewerMode) { text = Prism.highlight(text, Prism.languages.md); } var frontMatter = section.textWithFrontMatter.substring(0, section.textWithFrontMatter.length - section.text.length); if(frontMatter.length) { // Front matter highlighting frontMatter = escape(frontMatter); frontMatter = frontMatter.replace(/\n/g, '\n'); text = '' + frontMatter + '' + text; } var sectionElt = crel('span', { id: 'wmd-input-section-' + section.id, class: 'wmd-input-section' }); sectionElt.generated = true; sectionElt.innerHTML = text; section.elt = sectionElt; } eventMgr.onEditorCreated(editor); return editor; });