define([ "jquery", "underscore" ], function($, _) { var documentTitle = { extensionId: "documentTitle", extensionName: "Document title", settingsBloc: '<p>Responsible for showing the document title in the navigation bar.</p>' }; var layout = undefined; documentTitle.onLayoutCreated = function(layoutParameter) { layout = layoutParameter; }; var fileDesc = undefined; var updateTitle = function(fileDescParameter) { if(fileDescParameter !== fileDesc) { return; } function composeTitle(fileDesc) { var result = []; var syncAttributesList = _.values(fileDesc.syncLocations); var publishAttributesList = _.values(fileDesc.publishLocations); var attributesList = syncAttributesList.concat(publishAttributesList); _.chain(attributesList).sortBy(function(attributes) { return attributes.provider.providerId; }).each(function(attributes) { result.push('<i class="icon-' + attributes.provider.providerId + '"></i>'); }); result.push(" "); result.push(fileDesc.title); return result.join(""); } var title = fileDesc.title; document.title = "StackEdit - " + title; $("#file-title").html(composeTitle(fileDesc)); $(".file-title").text(title); $("#file-title-input").val(title); if(layout !== undefined) { // Use defer to make sure UI has been updated _.defer(layout.resizeAll); } }; documentTitle.onFileSelected = function(fileDescParameter) { fileDesc = fileDescParameter; updateTitle(fileDescParameter); }; documentTitle.onTitleChanged = updateTitle; documentTitle.onSyncExportSuccess = updateTitle; documentTitle.onSyncRemoved = updateTitle; documentTitle.onNewPublishSuccess = updateTitle; documentTitle.onPublishRemoved = updateTitle; return documentTitle; });