/*defines MathJax */ define([ "utils", "classes/Extension", "text!html/mathJaxSettingsBlock.html", "mathjax" ], function(utils, Extension, mathJaxSettingsBlockHTML) { var mathJax = new Extension("mathJax", "MathJax", true); mathJax.settingsBlock = mathJaxSettingsBlockHTML; mathJax.defaultConfig = { tex : "{}", tex2jax: '{ inlineMath: [["$","$"],["\\\\\\\\(","\\\\\\\\)"]], displayMath: [["$$","$$"],["\\\\[","\\\\]"]], processEscapes: true }' }; mathJax.onLoadSettings = function() { utils.setInputValue("#input-mathjax-config-tex", mathJax.config.tex); utils.setInputValue("#input-mathjax-config-tex2jax", mathJax.config.tex2jax); }; mathJax.onSaveSettings = function(newConfig, event) { newConfig.tex = utils.getInputJsValue("#input-mathjax-config-tex", event); newConfig.tex2jax = utils.getInputJsValue("#input-mathjax-config-tex2jax", event); }; /*jshint ignore:start */ mathJax.onPagedownConfigure = function(editorObject) { preview = document.getElementById("preview-contents"); var converter = editorObject.getConverter(); converter.hooks.chain("preConversion", removeMath); converter.hooks.chain("postConversion", replaceMath); }; var afterRefreshCallback; mathJax.onAsyncPreview = function(callback) { afterRefreshCallback = callback; UpdateMJ(); }; // From math.stackexchange.com... // // The math is in blocks i through j, so // collect it into one block and clear the others. // Replace &, <, and > by named entities. // For IE, put <br> at the ends of comments since IE removes \n. // Clear the current math positions and store the index of the // math, then push the math string onto the storage array. // function processMath(i, j, unescape) { var block = blocks.slice(i, j + 1).join("") .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(/</g, "<") .replace(/>/g, ">"); for(HUB.Browser.isMSIE && (block = block.replace(/(%[^\n]*)\n/g, "$1<br/>\n")); j > i;) blocks[j] = "", j--; blocks[i] = "@@" + math.length + "@@"; unescape && (block = unescape(block)); math.push(block); start = end = last = null; } function removeMath(text) { start = end = last = null; math = []; var unescape; if(/`/.test(text)) { text = text.replace(/~/g, "~T").replace(/(^|[^\\])(`+)([^\n]*?[^`\n])\2(?!`)/gm, function(text) { return text.replace(/\$/g, "~D") }); unescape = function(text) { return text.replace(/~([TD])/g, function(match, n) { return {T: "~", D: "$"}[n] }) }; } else { unescape = function(text) { return text }; } blocks = split(text.replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n"), splitDelimiter); for(var i = 1, m = blocks.length; i < m; i += 2) { var block = blocks[i]; if("@" === block.charAt(0)) { // // Things that look like our math markers will get // stored and then retrieved along with the math. // blocks[i] = "@@" + math.length + "@@"; math.push(block) } else if(start) { // Ignore inline maths that are actually multiline (fixes #136) if(end == inline && block.charAt(0) == '\n') { if(last) { i = last; processMath(start, i, unescape); } start = end = last = null; braces = 0; } // // If we are in math, look for the end delimiter, // but don't go past double line breaks, and // and balance braces within the math. // else if(block === end) { if(braces) { last = i } else { processMath(start, i, unescape) } } else { if(block.match(/\n.*\n/)) { if(last) { i = last; processMath(start, i, unescape); } start = end = last = null; braces = 0; } else { if("{" === block) { braces++ } else { "}" === block && braces && braces-- } } } } else { if(block === inline || "$$" === block) { start = i; end = block; braces = 0; } else { if("begin" === block.substr(1, 5)) { start = i; end = "\\end" + block.substr(6); braces = 0; } } } } last && processMath(start, last, unescape); return unescape(blocks.join("")) } // // Put back the math strings that were saved, // and clear the math array (no need to keep it around). // function replaceMath(text) { text = text.replace(/@@(\d+)@@/g, function(match, n) { return math[n] }); math = null; return text } // // This is run to restart MathJax after it has finished // the previous run (that may have been canceled) // function RestartMJ() { pending = false; HUB.cancelTypeset = false; HUB.Queue([ "Typeset", HUB, preview ]); HUB.Queue(afterRefreshCallback); //benweet } // // When the preview changes, cancel MathJax and restart, // if we haven't done that already. // function UpdateMJ() { if(!pending /*benweet (we need to call our afterRefreshCallback) && ready */) { pending = true; HUB.Cancel(); HUB.Queue(RestartMJ); } } var ready = false, pending = false, preview = null, inline = "$", blocks, start, end, last, braces, math, HUB = MathJax.Hub; // // Runs after initial typeset // HUB.Queue(function() { ready = true; HUB.processUpdateTime = 50; HUB.Config({"HTML-CSS": {EqnChunk: 10, EqnChunkFactor: 1}, SVG: {EqnChunk: 10, EqnChunkFactor: 1}}) }); /*benweet Don't hash inline math $...$ (see https://github.com/benweet/stackedit/issues/136) var u = /(\$\$?|\\(?:begin|end)\{[a-z]*\*?\}|\\[\\{}$]|[{}]|(?:\n\s*)+|@@\d+@@)/i, r; */ // // The pattern for math delimiters and special symbols // needed for searching for math in the page. // var splitDelimiter = /(\$\$?|\\(?:begin|end)\{[a-z]*\*?\}|\\[\\{}$]|[{}]|(?:\n\s*)+|@@\d+@@)/i; var split; if(3 === "aba".split(/(b)/).length) { split = function(text, delimiter) { return text.split(delimiter) }; } else { split = function(text, delimiter) { var b = [], c; if(!delimiter.global) { c = delimiter.toString(); var d = ""; c = c.replace(/^\/(.*)\/([im]*)$/, function(a, c, b) { d = b; return c }); delimiter = RegExp(c, d + "g") } for(var e = delimiter.lastIndex = 0; c = delimiter.exec(text);) { b.push(text.substring(e, c.index)); b.push.apply(b, c.slice(1)); e = c.index + c[0].length; } b.push(text.substring(e)); return b }; } (function() { var HUB = MathJax.Hub; if(!HUB.Cancel) { HUB.cancelTypeset = !1; HUB.Register.StartupHook("HTML-CSS Jax Config", function() { var HTMLCSS = MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"], TRANSLATE = HTMLCSS.Translate; HTMLCSS.Augment({Translate: function(script, state) { if(HUB.cancelTypeset || state.cancelled) throw Error("MathJax Canceled"); return TRANSLATE.call(HTMLCSS, script, state) }}) }); HUB.Register.StartupHook("SVG Jax Config", function() { var SVG = MathJax.OutputJax.SVG, TRANSLATE = SVG.Translate; SVG.Augment({Translate: function(script, state) { if(HUB.cancelTypeset || state.cancelled) throw Error("MathJax Canceled"); return TRANSLATE.call(SVG, script, state) }}) }); HUB.Register.StartupHook("TeX Jax Config", function() { var TEX = MathJax.InputJax.TeX, TRANSLATE = TEX.Translate; TEX.Augment({Translate: function(script, state) { if(HUB.cancelTypeset || state.cancelled) throw Error("MathJax Canceled"); return TRANSLATE.call(TEX, script, state) }}) }); var PROCESSERROR = HUB.processError; HUB.processError = function(error, state, type) { if("MathJax Canceled" !== error.message) return PROCESSERROR.call(HUB, error, state, type); MathJax.Message.Clear(0, 0); state.jaxIDs = []; state.jax = {}; state.scripts = []; state.i = state.j = 0; state.cancelled = true; return null }; HUB.Cancel = function() { this.cancelTypeset = true } } })(); /*jshint ignore:end */ return mathJax; });