define([ "jquery", "underscore", "classes/Extension", "text!html/scrollLinkSettingsBlock.html" ], function($, _, Extension, scrollLinkSettingsBlockHTML) { var scrollLink = new Extension("scrollLink", "Scroll Link", true, true); scrollLink.settingsBlock = scrollLinkSettingsBlockHTML; var aceEditor; scrollLink.onAceCreated = function(aceEditorParam) { aceEditor = aceEditorParam; }; var sectionList; scrollLink.onSectionsCreated = function(sectionListParam) { sectionList = sectionListParam; }; var offsetBegin = 0; scrollLink.onMarkdownTrim = function(offsetBeginParam) { offsetBegin = offsetBeginParam; }; var $textareaElt; var $textareaHelperElt; var $previewElt; var mdSectionList = []; var htmlSectionList = []; var lastEditorScrollTop; var lastPreviewScrollTop; var buildSections = _.debounce(function() { mdSectionList = []; var mdTextOffset = 0; var mdSectionOffset = 0; var firstSectionOffset = offsetBegin; var padding = 0; function addTextareaSection(sectionText) { var sectionHeight = padding; if(sectionText !== undefined) { var textNode = document.createTextNode(sectionText); $textareaHelperElt.empty().append(textNode); sectionHeight += $textareaHelperElt.prop('scrollHeight'); } var newSectionOffset = mdSectionOffset + sectionHeight; mdSectionList.push({ startOffset: mdSectionOffset, endOffset: newSectionOffset, height: sectionHeight }); mdSectionOffset = newSectionOffset; } if(window.lightMode) { // Special treatment for light mode $textareaHelperElt.innerWidth($textareaElt.innerWidth()); _.each(sectionList, function(section, index) { var sectionText = section.text; if(index !== sectionList.length - 1) { if(sectionText.length === 0) { sectionText = undefined; } } else { if(/\n$/.test(sectionText)) { // Need to add a line break to take into account a final empty line sectionText += '\n'; } } addTextareaSection(sectionText); }); // Apply a coef to manage divergence in some browsers var theoricalHeight = _.last(mdSectionList).endOffset; var realHeight = $textareaElt[0].scrollHeight; var coef = realHeight/theoricalHeight; mdSectionList =, function(mdSection) { return { startOffset: mdSection.startOffset * coef, endOffset: mdSection.endOffset * coef, height: mdSection.height * coef, }; }); } else { // Everything's much simpler with ACE _.each(sectionList, function(section) { mdTextOffset += section.text.length + firstSectionOffset; firstSectionOffset = 0; var documentPosition = aceEditor.session.doc.indexToPosition(mdTextOffset); var screenPosition = aceEditor.session.documentToScreenPosition(documentPosition.row, documentPosition.column); var newSectionOffset = screenPosition.row * aceEditor.renderer.lineHeight; var sectionHeight = newSectionOffset - mdSectionOffset; mdSectionList.push({ startOffset: mdSectionOffset, endOffset: newSectionOffset, height: sectionHeight }); mdSectionOffset = newSectionOffset; }); } // Try to find corresponding sections in the preview htmlSectionList = []; var htmlSectionOffset; var previewScrollTop = $previewElt.scrollTop(); $previewElt.find(".preview-content > .se-section-delimiter").each(function() { if(htmlSectionOffset === undefined) { // Force start to 0 for the first section htmlSectionOffset = 0; return; } var $delimiterElt = $(this); // Consider div scroll position var newSectionOffset = $delimiterElt.position().top + previewScrollTop; htmlSectionList.push({ startOffset: htmlSectionOffset, endOffset: newSectionOffset, height: newSectionOffset - htmlSectionOffset }); htmlSectionOffset = newSectionOffset; }); // Last section var scrollHeight = $previewElt.prop('scrollHeight'); htmlSectionList.push({ startOffset: htmlSectionOffset, endOffset: scrollHeight, height: scrollHeight - htmlSectionOffset }); // apply Scroll Link (-10 to have a gap > 9px) lastEditorScrollTop = -10; lastPreviewScrollTop = -10; doScrollLink(); }, 500); var isScrollEditor = false; var isScrollPreview = false; var isEditorMoving = false; var isPreviewMoving = false; var scrollingHelper = $('
'); var doScrollLink = _.throttle(function() { if(mdSectionList.length === 0 || mdSectionList.length !== htmlSectionList.length) { // Delay doScrollLink(); return; } var editorScrollTop = window.lightMode ? $textareaElt.scrollTop() : aceEditor.renderer.getScrollTop(); editorScrollTop < 0 && (editorScrollTop = 0); var previewScrollTop = $previewElt.scrollTop(); function getDestScrollTop(srcScrollTop, srcSectionList, destSectionList) { // Find the section corresponding to the offset var sectionIndex; var srcSection = _.find(srcSectionList, function(section, index) { sectionIndex = index; return srcScrollTop < section.endOffset; }); if(srcSection === undefined) { // Something wrong in the algorithm... return; } var posInSection = (srcScrollTop - srcSection.startOffset) / (srcSection.height || 1); var destSection = destSectionList[sectionIndex]; return destSection.startOffset + destSection.height * posInSection; } var destScrollTop; // Perform the animation if diff > 9px if(isScrollEditor === true) { if(Math.abs(editorScrollTop - lastEditorScrollTop) <= 9) { return; } isScrollEditor = false; // Animate the preview lastEditorScrollTop = editorScrollTop; destScrollTop = getDestScrollTop(editorScrollTop, mdSectionList, htmlSectionList); destScrollTop = _.min([ destScrollTop, $previewElt.prop('scrollHeight') - $previewElt.outerHeight() ]); if(Math.abs(destScrollTop - previewScrollTop) <= 9) { // Skip the animation if diff is <= 9 lastPreviewScrollTop = previewScrollTop; return; } $previewElt.stop(true).animate({ scrollTop: destScrollTop }, { easing: 'easeOutSine', duration: 200, step: function(now) { isPreviewMoving = true; lastPreviewScrollTop = previewScrollTop + now; }, done: function() { _.defer(function() { isPreviewMoving = false; }); }, }); } else if(isScrollPreview === true) { if(Math.abs(previewScrollTop - lastPreviewScrollTop) <= 9) { return; } isScrollPreview = false; // Animate the editor lastPreviewScrollTop = previewScrollTop; destScrollTop = getDestScrollTop(previewScrollTop, htmlSectionList, mdSectionList); if(window.lightMode) { destScrollTop = _.min([ destScrollTop, $textareaElt.prop('scrollHeight') - $textareaElt.outerHeight() ]); } else { destScrollTop = _.min([ destScrollTop, aceEditor.session.getScreenLength() * aceEditor.renderer.lineHeight + aceEditor.renderer.scrollMargin.bottom - aceEditor.renderer.$size.scrollerHeight ]); // If negative, set it to zero destScrollTop < 0 && (destScrollTop = 0); } if(Math.abs(destScrollTop - editorScrollTop) <= 9) { // Skip the animation if diff is <= 9 lastEditorScrollTop = editorScrollTop; return; } if(window.lightMode) { $textareaElt.stop(true).animate({ scrollTop: destScrollTop }, { easing: 'easeOutSine', duration: 200, step: function(now) { isEditorMoving = true; lastEditorScrollTop = editorScrollTop + now; }, done: function() { _.defer(function() { isEditorMoving = false; }); }, }); } else { scrollingHelper.stop(true).css('value', 0).animate({ value: destScrollTop - editorScrollTop }, { easing: 'easeOutSine', duration: 200, step: function(now) { isEditorMoving = true; lastEditorScrollTop = editorScrollTop + now; aceEditor.session.setScrollTop(lastEditorScrollTop); }, done: function() { _.defer(function() { isEditorMoving = false; }); }, }); } } }, 100); scrollLink.onLayoutResize = function() { isScrollEditor = true; buildSections(); }; scrollLink.onFileClosed = function() { mdSectionList = []; }; var scrollAdjust = false; scrollLink.onReady = function() { $previewElt = $(".preview-container"); $textareaElt = $("#wmd-input"); // This helper is used to measure sections height in light mode $textareaHelperElt = $('.textarea-helper'); $previewElt.scroll(function() { if(isPreviewMoving === false && scrollAdjust === false) { isScrollPreview = true; isScrollEditor = false; doScrollLink(); } scrollAdjust = false; }); var handleEditorScroll = function() { if(isEditorMoving === false) { isScrollEditor = true; isScrollPreview = false; doScrollLink(); } }; if(window.lightMode) { $textareaElt.scroll(handleEditorScroll); } else { aceEditor.session.on("changeScrollTop", handleEditorScroll); } }; var $previewContentsElt; scrollLink.onPagedownConfigure = function(editor) { $previewContentsElt = $("#preview-contents"); editor.getConverter().hooks.chain("postConversion", function(text) { // To avoid losing scrolling position before elements are fully // loaded $previewContentsElt.height($previewContentsElt.height()); return text; }); }; scrollLink.onPreviewFinished = function() { // Now set the correct height var previousHeight = $previewContentsElt.height(); $previewContentsElt.height("auto"); var newHeight = $previewContentsElt.height(); isScrollEditor = true; if(newHeight < previousHeight) { // We expect a scroll adjustment scrollAdjust = true; } buildSections(); }; return scrollLink; });