// RequireJS configuration requirejs.config({ waitSeconds: 0, packages: [ { name: 'css', location: 'libs/css', main: 'css' }, { name: 'less', location: 'libs/less', main: 'less' } ], paths: { "jquery": "libs/jquery", "underscore": "libs/underscore", "crel": "libs/crel", "jgrowl": "libs/jgrowl/jquery.jgrowl", "mousetrap": "libs/mousetrap", "toMarkdown": "libs/to-markdown", "text": "libs/text", "libs/MathJax": '../lib/MathJax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_HTML' }, shim: { 'underscore': { exports: '_' }, 'jgrowl': { deps: [ 'jquery' ], exports: 'jQuery.jGrowl' }, 'mousetrap': { exports: 'Mousetrap' }, 'toMarkdown': { deps: [ 'jquery' ], exports: 'toMarkdown' }, 'libs/jquery-ui': [ 'jquery' ], 'libs/bootstrap/bootstrap': [ 'jquery' ], 'libs/jquery.waitforimages': [ 'jquery' ], 'libs/jquery.mousewheel': [ 'jquery' ], 'libs/layout': [ 'libs/jquery-ui' ], 'libs/Markdown.Extra': [ 'libs/Markdown.Converter', 'libs/prettify/prettify', 'libs/highlight/highlight.pack', ], 'libs/Markdown.Editor': [ 'libs/Markdown.Converter' ] } }); // Defines the logger object var logger = { log: function() { }, info: function() { }, warn: function() { }, error: function() { } }; // We can run StackEdit with http://.../?console to print logs in the console if(location.search.match(/(\?|&)console/)) { logger = console; } var theme = localStorage.theme || 'default'; // RequireJS entry point. By requiring synchronizer, publisher and // media-importer, we are actually loading all the modules require([ "jquery", "core", "synchronizer", "publisher", "mediaImporter", "css", "less!styles/" + theme + ".less", ], function($, core) { $(function() { // If browser has detected a new application cache. if(window.applicationCache) { window.applicationCache.addEventListener('updateready', function(e) { if(window.applicationCache.status === window.applicationCache.UPDATEREADY) { window.applicationCache.swapCache(); window.location.reload(); } }, false); } // Here, all the modules are loaded and the DOM is ready core.onReady(); }); });