define([ "jquery", "underscore", "utils", "storage", "crel", "rangy", "classes/Extension", "text!html/commentsPopoverContent.html", "bootstrap" ], function($, _, utils, storage, crel, rangy, Extension, commentsPopoverContentHTML) { var comments = new Extension("comments", 'Comments', false, true); var commentTmpl = [ '
', '
<%= author %>
', '
<%= content %>
', '
' ].join(''); var popoverTitleTmpl = [ '', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' “<%- title %>”', '' ].join(''); var eventMgr; comments.onEventMgrCreated = function(eventMgrParam) { eventMgr = eventMgrParam; }; var editor; var selectionMgr; comments.onEditorCreated = function(editorParam) { editor = editorParam; selectionMgr = editor.selectionMgr; }; var yList = []; function setCommentEltCoordinates(commentElt, y, isNew) { y = Math.round(y); var yListIndex = y - 21; // Avoid overlap of comment icons while(yListIndex < y + 22) { if(yList[yListIndex]) { y = yListIndex + 22; } yListIndex++; } !isNew && (yList[y] = 1); var yOffset = -8; if(commentElt.className.indexOf(' icon-split') !== -1) { yOffset = -12; } var top = y + yOffset; = top + 'px'; = '12px'; } var inputElt; var marginElt; var newCommentElt = crel('a', { class: 'discussion icon-comment new' }); function Context(commentElt, fileDesc) { this.commentElt = commentElt; this.$commentElt = $(commentElt).addClass('active'); this.fileDesc = fileDesc; this.discussionIndex = commentElt.discussionIndex; } Context.prototype.getDiscussion = function() { if(!this.discussionIndex) { return this.fileDesc.newDiscussion; } return this.fileDesc.discussionList[this.discussionIndex]; }; Context.prototype.getPopoverElt = function() { return document.querySelector('.comments-popover .popover:last-child'); }; var currentContext; function movePopover(commentElt) { // Move popover in the margin var popoverElt = currentContext.getPopoverElt(); var left = 0; if(popoverElt.offsetWidth < marginElt.offsetWidth - 10) { left = marginElt.offsetWidth - 10 - popoverElt.offsetWidth; } = left + 'px'; popoverElt.querySelector('.arrow').style.left = (marginElt.offsetWidth - parseInt( - commentElt.offsetWidth / 2 - left) + 'px'; var popoverTopOffset = window.innerHeight -; if(popoverTopOffset < 0) { = (parseInt( + popoverTopOffset) + 'px'; } } var cssApplier; var currentFileDesc; var refreshTimeoutId; var commentEltMap = {}; var sortedCommentEltList = []; var someReplies = false; var $openDiscussionElt; var $openDiscussionIconElt; var refreshDiscussions = _.debounce(function() { if(currentFileDesc === undefined) { return; } someReplies = false; sortedCommentEltList = []; var author = storage['']; yList = []; var discussionList = _.sortBy(currentFileDesc.discussionList, function(discussion) { return discussion.selectionEnd; }); function refreshOne() { var coordinates; if(discussionList.length === 0) { // Remove outdated commentElt _.filter(commentEltMap, function(commentElt, discussionIndex) { return !_.has(currentFileDesc.discussionList, discussionIndex); }).forEach(function(commentElt) { marginElt.removeChild(commentElt); delete commentEltMap[commentElt.discussionIndex]; }); // Move newCommentElt if(currentContext && !currentContext.discussionIndex) { coordinates = selectionMgr.getCoordinates(currentContext.getDiscussion().selectionEnd); setCommentEltCoordinates(newCommentElt, coordinates.y, true); inputElt.scrollTop += parseInt( - inputElt.scrollTop - inputElt.offsetHeight * 3 / 4; movePopover(newCommentElt); } sortedCommentEltList = _.sortBy(commentEltMap, function(commentElt) { return commentElt.selectionEnd; }); $openDiscussionElt.toggleClass('some', sortedCommentEltList.length !== 0); $openDiscussionElt.toggleClass('replied', someReplies); $openDiscussionIconElt.toggleClass('icon-chat', sortedCommentEltList.length !== 0); return; } var discussion = discussionList.shift(); var commentElt = commentEltMap[discussion.discussionIndex]; if(!commentElt) { commentElt = crel('a'); } var className = 'discussion'; var isReplied = !discussion.commentList || !author || _.last(discussion.commentList).author != author; isReplied && (someReplies = true); if(discussion.type == 'conflict') { className += ' icon-split'; } else { className += ' icon-comment'; } className += isReplied ? ' replied' : ' added'; commentElt.className = className; commentElt.discussionIndex = discussion.discussionIndex; commentElt.selectionEnd = discussion.selectionEnd; coordinates = selectionMgr.getCoordinates(discussion.selectionEnd); setCommentEltCoordinates(commentElt, coordinates.y); marginElt.appendChild(commentElt); commentEltMap[discussion.discussionIndex] = commentElt; if(currentContext && currentContext.getDiscussion() === discussion) { inputElt.scrollTop += parseInt( - inputElt.scrollTop - inputElt.offsetHeight * 3 / 4; movePopover(commentElt); } refreshTimeoutId = setTimeout(refreshOne, 5); } clearTimeout(refreshTimeoutId); refreshTimeoutId = setTimeout(refreshOne, 5); }, 50); comments.onLayoutResize = refreshDiscussions; comments.onFileOpen = function(fileDesc) { currentFileDesc = fileDesc; refreshDiscussions(); }; comments.onContentChanged = function(fileDesc) { currentFileDesc === fileDesc && refreshDiscussions(); }; comments.onCommentsChanged = function(fileDesc) { if(currentFileDesc !== fileDesc) { return; } if(currentContext !== undefined) { // Refresh conversation if popover is open var context = currentContext; if(context.discussionIndex) { context.getPopoverElt().querySelector('.discussion-comment-list').innerHTML = getDiscussionComments(); } try { cssApplier.undoToRange(context.rangyRange); context.rangyRange.detach(); } catch(e) {} var discussion = context.getDiscussion(); context.selectionRange = selectionMgr.createRange(discussion.selectionStart, discussion.selectionEnd); // Highlight selected text context.rangyRange = rangy.createRange(); context.rangyRange.setStart(context.selectionRange.startContainer, context.selectionRange.startOffset); context.rangyRange.setEnd(context.selectionRange.endContainer, context.selectionRange.endOffset); setTimeout(function() { // Need to delay this because it's not refreshed properly if(currentContext === context) { cssApplier.applyToRange(context.rangyRange); } }, 50); } refreshDiscussions(); }; function closeCurrentPopover() { currentContext && currentContext.$commentElt.popover('toggle').popover('destroy'); } comments.onDiscussionCreated = function(fileDesc) { currentFileDesc === fileDesc && refreshDiscussions(); }; comments.onDiscussionRemoved = function(fileDesc, discussion) { if(currentFileDesc === fileDesc) { // Close popover if the discussion has been removed if(currentContext !== undefined && currentContext.discussionIndex == discussion.discussionIndex) { closeCurrentPopover(); } refreshDiscussions(); } }; function getDiscussionComments() { var discussion = currentContext.getDiscussion(); var author = storage['']; var result = []; if(discussion.commentList) { result = { var commentAuthor = || 'Anonymous'; return _.template(commentTmpl, { author: commentAuthor, content: comment.content, reply: != author }); }); } if(discussion.type == 'conflict') { result.unshift(_.template(commentTmpl, { author: 'StackEdit', content: 'Multiple users have made conflicting modifications.', reply: true })); } return result.join(''); } comments.onReady = function() { cssApplier = rangy.createCssClassApplier("comment-highlight", { normalize: false }); var previousContent = ''; inputElt = document.getElementById('wmd-input'); marginElt = document.querySelector('#wmd-input > .editor-margin'); marginElt.appendChild(newCommentElt); var $popoverContainer = $(crel('div', { class: 'comments-popover' })); $(document.body).append($popoverContainer).on('click', function(evt) { // Close on click outside the popover if(currentContext && currentContext.$commentElt[0] !== { closeCurrentPopover(); } }).popover({ placement: 'auto top', container: '.comments-popover', html: true, title: function() { if(!currentContext) { return true; } var discussion = currentContext.getDiscussion(); var titleLength = discussion.selectionEnd - discussion.selectionStart; var title = editor.getValue().substr(discussion.selectionStart, titleLength > 20 ? 20 : titleLength); if(titleLength > 20) { title += '...'; } return _.template(popoverTitleTmpl, { title: title }); }, content: function() { var content = _.template(commentsPopoverContentHTML, { commentList: getDiscussionComments() }); return content; }, selector: '#wmd-input > .editor-margin > .discussion' }); $(marginElt).on('', function(evt) { closeCurrentPopover(); var context = new Context(, currentFileDesc); currentContext = context; // If it's not an existing discussion var discussion = context.getDiscussion(); if(!discussion) { // Get selected text var selectionStart = Math.min(selectionMgr.selectionStart, selectionMgr.selectionEnd); var selectionEnd = Math.max(selectionMgr.selectionStart, selectionMgr.selectionEnd); if(selectionStart === selectionEnd) { var offset = selectionMgr.getClosestWordOffset(selectionStart); selectionStart = offset.start; selectionEnd = offset.end; } discussion = { selectionStart: selectionStart, selectionEnd: selectionEnd, commentList: [] }; currentFileDesc.newDiscussion = discussion; var coordinates = selectionMgr.getCoordinates(selectionStart); setCommentEltCoordinates(newCommentElt, coordinates.y, true); } context.selectionRange = selectionMgr.createRange(discussion.selectionStart, discussion.selectionEnd); inputElt.scrollTop += parseInt( - inputElt.scrollTop - inputElt.offsetHeight * 3 / 4; }).on('', function(evt) { var context = currentContext; var popoverElt = context.getPopoverElt(); context.$authorInputElt = $(popoverElt.querySelector('.input-comment-author')).val(storage['']); context.$contentInputElt = $(popoverElt.querySelector('.input-comment-content')); = popoverElt.querySelector('hr'); movePopover(context.commentElt); // Scroll to the bottom of the discussion popoverElt.querySelector('.scrollport').scrollTop = 9999999; var $addButton = $(popoverElt.querySelector('.action-add-comment')); $().add(context.$contentInputElt).add(context.$authorInputElt).keydown(function(evt) { // Enter key switch(evt.which) { case 13: evt.preventDefault(); $; return; case 27: evt.preventDefault(); closeCurrentPopover(); editor.focus(); editor.adjustCursorPosition(); return; } }); $ { var author = utils.getInputTextValue(context.$authorInputElt); var content = utils.getInputTextValue(context.$contentInputElt, evt); if(evt.isPropagationStopped()) { return; } var discussion = context.getDiscussion(); context.$contentInputElt.val(''); closeCurrentPopover(); discussion.commentList = discussion.commentList || []; discussion.commentList.push({ author: author, content: content }); var discussionList = context.fileDesc.discussionList || {}; if(!discussion.discussionIndex) { // Create discussion index var discussionIndex; do { discussionIndex = utils.randomString(); } while(_.has(discussionList, discussionIndex)); discussion.discussionIndex = discussionIndex; discussionList[discussionIndex] = discussion; context.fileDesc.discussionList = discussionList; // Write discussionList in localStorage eventMgr.onDiscussionCreated(context.fileDesc, discussion); } else { context.fileDesc.discussionList = discussionList; // Write discussionList in localStorage eventMgr.onCommentsChanged(context.fileDesc); } inputElt.focus(); }); var $removeButton = $(popoverElt.querySelector('.action-remove-discussion')); if( { // If it's an existing discussion $ { closeCurrentPopover(); var discussion = context.getDiscussion(); delete context.fileDesc.discussionList[discussion.discussionIndex]; context.fileDesc.discussionList = context.fileDesc.discussionList; // Write discussionList in localStorage eventMgr.onDiscussionRemoved(context.fileDesc, discussion); inputElt.focus(); }); } else { // Otherwise hide the remove button $removeButton.hide(); } // Highlight selected text context.rangyRange = rangy.createRange(); context.rangyRange.setStart(context.selectionRange.startContainer, context.selectionRange.startOffset); context.rangyRange.setEnd(context.selectionRange.endContainer, context.selectionRange.endOffset); setTimeout(function() { // Need to delay this because it's not refreshed properly if(currentContext === context) { cssApplier.applyToRange(context.rangyRange); } }, 50); // Focus on textarea context.$contentInputElt.focus().val(previousContent); }).on('', function() { if(!currentContext) { return; } currentContext.$commentElt.removeClass('active'); // Save content and author for later previousContent = currentContext.$contentInputElt.val(); storage[''] = currentContext.$authorInputElt.val(); // Remove highlight cssApplier.undoToRange(currentContext.rangyRange); currentContext.rangyRange.detach(); currentContext = undefined; delete currentFileDesc.newDiscussion; }); // Prevent from closing on click inside the popover $popoverContainer.on('click', '.popover', function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); }); var $newCommentElt = $(newCommentElt); $openDiscussionElt = $('.button-open-discussion').click(function(evt) { var $commentElt = $newCommentElt; if(currentContext) { if(!currentContext.discussionIndex) { $commentElt = $(_.first(sortedCommentEltList)); } else { var curentIndex = -1; sortedCommentEltList.some(function(elt, index) { if(elt === currentContext.commentElt) { curentIndex = index; return true; } }); $commentElt = $(sortedCommentEltList[(curentIndex + 1)]); } } if($commentElt.length === 0) { // Close the popover properly closeCurrentPopover(); editor.focus(); editor.adjustCursorPosition(); } else { $; } evt.stopPropagation(); }); $openDiscussionIconElt = $openDiscussionElt.find('i'); }; return comments; });