define([ "jquery", "underscore", "classes/Extension", "text!html/scrollSyncSettingsBlock.html" ], function($, _, Extension, scrollSyncSettingsBlockHTML) { var scrollSync = new Extension("scrollSync", "Scroll Sync", true, true); scrollSync.settingsBlock = scrollSyncSettingsBlockHTML; var sectionList; scrollSync.onSectionsCreated = function(sectionListParam) { sectionList = sectionListParam; }; var editorElt; var previewElt; var mdSectionList = []; var htmlSectionList = []; var lastEditorScrollTop; var lastPreviewScrollTop; var buildSections = _.debounce(function() { mdSectionList = []; var mdSectionOffset; var scrollHeight; _.each(editorElt.querySelectorAll(".wmd-input-section"), function(delimiterElt) { if(mdSectionOffset === undefined) { // Force start to 0 for the first section mdSectionOffset = 0; return; } delimiterElt = delimiterElt.firstChild; // Consider div scroll position var newSectionOffset = delimiterElt.offsetTop; mdSectionList.push({ startOffset: mdSectionOffset, endOffset: newSectionOffset, height: newSectionOffset - mdSectionOffset }); mdSectionOffset = newSectionOffset; }); // Last section scrollHeight = editorElt.scrollHeight; mdSectionList.push({ startOffset: mdSectionOffset, endOffset: scrollHeight, height: scrollHeight - mdSectionOffset }); // Find corresponding sections in the preview htmlSectionList = []; var htmlSectionOffset; _.each(previewElt.querySelectorAll(".wmd-preview-section"), function(delimiterElt) { if(htmlSectionOffset === undefined) { // Force start to 0 for the first section htmlSectionOffset = 0; return; } // Consider div scroll position var newSectionOffset = delimiterElt.offsetTop; htmlSectionList.push({ startOffset: htmlSectionOffset, endOffset: newSectionOffset, height: newSectionOffset - htmlSectionOffset }); htmlSectionOffset = newSectionOffset; }); // Last section scrollHeight = previewElt.scrollHeight; htmlSectionList.push({ startOffset: htmlSectionOffset, endOffset: scrollHeight, height: scrollHeight - htmlSectionOffset }); // apply Scroll Link (-10 to have a gap > 9px) lastEditorScrollTop = -10; lastPreviewScrollTop = -10; doScrollSync(); }, 500); var isPreviewVisible = true; var isScrollEditor = false; var isScrollPreview = false; var isEditorMoving = false; var isPreviewMoving = false; function getDestScrollTop(srcScrollTop, srcSectionList, destSectionList) { // Find the section corresponding to the offset var sectionIndex; var srcSection = _.find(srcSectionList, function(section, index) { sectionIndex = index; return srcScrollTop < section.endOffset; }); if(srcSection === undefined) { // Something very bad happened return; } var posInSection = (srcScrollTop - srcSection.startOffset) / (srcSection.height || 1); var destSection = destSectionList[sectionIndex]; return destSection.startOffset + destSection.height * posInSection; } var timeoutId; var currentEndCb; function animate(elt, startValue, endValue, stepCb, endCb) { if(currentEndCb) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); currentEndCb(); } currentEndCb = endCb; var diff = endValue - startValue; var startTime =; function tick() { var currentTime =; var progress = (currentTime - startTime) / 200; if(progress < 1) { var scrollTop = startValue + diff * Math.cos((1 - progress) * Math.PI / 2); elt.scrollTop = scrollTop; stepCb(scrollTop); timeoutId = setTimeout(tick, 1); } else { currentEndCb = undefined; elt.scrollTop = endValue; setTimeout(endCb, 100); } } tick(); } var doScrollSync = _.throttle(function() { if(!isPreviewVisible || mdSectionList.length === 0 || mdSectionList.length !== htmlSectionList.length) { return; } var editorScrollTop = editorElt.scrollTop; editorScrollTop < 0 && (editorScrollTop = 0); var previewScrollTop = previewElt.scrollTop; var destScrollTop; // Perform the animation if diff > 9px if(isScrollEditor === true) { if(Math.abs(editorScrollTop - lastEditorScrollTop) <= 9) { return; } isScrollEditor = false; // Animate the preview lastEditorScrollTop = editorScrollTop; destScrollTop = getDestScrollTop(editorScrollTop, mdSectionList, htmlSectionList); destScrollTop = _.min([ destScrollTop, previewElt.scrollHeight - previewElt.offsetHeight ]); if(Math.abs(destScrollTop - previewScrollTop) <= 9) { // Skip the animation if diff is <= 9 lastPreviewScrollTop = previewScrollTop; return; } animate(previewElt, previewScrollTop, destScrollTop, function(currentScrollTop) { isPreviewMoving = true; lastPreviewScrollTop = currentScrollTop; }, function() { isPreviewMoving = false; }); } else if(isScrollPreview === true) { if(Math.abs(previewScrollTop - lastPreviewScrollTop) <= 9) { return; } isScrollPreview = false; // Animate the editor lastPreviewScrollTop = previewScrollTop; destScrollTop = getDestScrollTop(previewScrollTop, htmlSectionList, mdSectionList); destScrollTop = _.min([ destScrollTop, editorElt.scrollHeight - editorElt.offsetHeight ]); if(Math.abs(destScrollTop - editorScrollTop) <= 9) { // Skip the animation if diff is <= 9 lastEditorScrollTop = editorScrollTop; return; } animate(editorElt, editorScrollTop, destScrollTop, function(currentScrollTop) { isEditorMoving = true; lastEditorScrollTop = currentScrollTop; }, function() { isEditorMoving = false; }); } }, 100); scrollSync.onLayoutResize = function() { isScrollEditor = true; buildSections(); }; scrollSync.onFileClosed = function() { mdSectionList = []; }; var scrollAdjust = false; scrollSync.onReady = function() { previewElt = document.querySelector(".preview-container"); editorElt = document.querySelector("#wmd-input"); $(previewElt).scroll(function() { if(isPreviewMoving === false && scrollAdjust === false) { isScrollPreview = true; isScrollEditor = false; doScrollSync(); } scrollAdjust = false; }); $(editorElt).scroll(function() { if(isEditorMoving === false) { isScrollEditor = true; isScrollPreview = false; doScrollSync(); } }); $(".preview-panel").on('hide.layout.toggle', function() { isPreviewVisible = false; }).on('shown.layout.toggle', function() { isPreviewVisible = true; }); // Reimplement anchor scrolling to work without preview $('.extension-preview-buttons .table-of-contents').on('click', 'a', function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var id = this.hash; var anchorElt = $(id); if(!anchorElt.length) { return; } var previewScrollTop = anchorElt[0].getBoundingClientRect().top - previewElt.getBoundingClientRect().top + previewElt.scrollTop; previewElt.scrollTop = previewScrollTop; var editorScrollTop = getDestScrollTop(previewScrollTop, htmlSectionList, mdSectionList); editorElt.scrollTop = editorScrollTop; }); }; var previewContentsElt; var previousHeight; scrollSync.onPagedownConfigure = function(editor) { previewContentsElt = document.getElementById("preview-contents"); editor.getConverter().hooks.chain("postConversion", function(text) { // To avoid losing scrolling position before elements are fully loaded previousHeight = previewContentsElt.offsetHeight; = previousHeight + 'px'; return text; }); }; scrollSync.onPreviewFinished = function() { // Now set the correct height'height'); var newHeight = previewContentsElt.offsetHeight; isScrollEditor = true; if(newHeight < previousHeight) { // We expect a scroll adjustment scrollAdjust = true; } buildSections(); }; return scrollSync; });