define([ "jquery", "underscore", "crel", "alertify", "constants", "utils", "storage", "logger", "classes/Provider", "settings", "eventMgr", "fileMgr", "fileSystem", "editor", "helpers/couchdbHelper" ], function($, _, crel, alertify, constants, utils, storage, logger, Provider, settings, eventMgr, fileMgr, fileSystem, editor, couchdbHelper) { var PROVIDER_COUCHDB = "couchdb"; var couchdbProvider = new Provider(PROVIDER_COUCHDB, "CouchDB"); couchdbProvider.importPreferencesInputIds = [ PROVIDER_COUCHDB + "-tag" ]; couchdbProvider.editorSharingAttributes = [ "id" ]; couchdbProvider.getSyncLocationLink = function(attributes) { return [ settings.couchdbUrl, '/',, '/content' ].join(''); }; function createSyncIndex(id) { return "sync." + PROVIDER_COUCHDB + "." + id; } var merge = settings.conflictMode == 'merge'; function createSyncAttributes(id, rev, content, title, discussionListJSON) { discussionListJSON = discussionListJSON || '{}'; var syncAttributes = {}; syncAttributes.provider = couchdbProvider; = id; syncAttributes.rev = rev; syncAttributes.contentCRC = utils.crc32(content); syncAttributes.titleCRC = utils.crc32(title); syncAttributes.discussionListCRC = utils.crc32(discussionListJSON); syncAttributes.syncIndex = createSyncIndex(id); if(merge === true) { // Need to store the whole content for merge syncAttributes.content = content; syncAttributes.title = title; syncAttributes.discussionList = discussionListJSON; } return syncAttributes; } function importFilesFromIds(ids, cb) { var importIds = []; _.each(ids, function(id) { var syncIndex = createSyncIndex(id); var fileDesc = fileMgr.getFileFromSyncIndex(syncIndex); if(fileDesc !== undefined) { return eventMgr.onError('"' + fileDesc.title + '" is already in your local documents.'); } importIds.push(id); }); if(ids.length === 0) { return cb && cb(); } couchdbHelper.downloadContent( { return { _id: id }; }), function(error, result) { if(error) { return cb && cb(error); } var fileDescList = []; var fileDesc; _.each(result, function(file) { var content = utils.decodeBase64(; var parsedContent = couchdbProvider.parseContent(content); var syncLocations; var syncAttributes = createSyncAttributes(file._id, file._rev, parsedContent.content, file.title, parsedContent.discussionListJSON); syncLocations = {}; syncLocations[syncAttributes.syncIndex] = syncAttributes; fileDesc = fileMgr.createFile(file.title, parsedContent.content, parsedContent.discussionListJSON, syncLocations); fileDescList.push(fileDesc); }); if(fileDesc !== undefined) { eventMgr.onSyncImportSuccess(fileDescList, couchdbProvider); fileMgr.selectFile(fileDesc); } cb && cb(); }); } var $documentIdsElt; couchdbProvider.importFiles = function() { var tag = $('#select-sync-import-couchdb-tag').val(); if(!tag) { var ids = _.chain(($documentIdsElt.val() || '').split(/\s+/)) .compact() .unique() .value(); importFilesFromIds(ids); } }; function getTags(frontMatter, title) { var tags = frontMatter && frontMatter.tags; var match = title.match(/^\s*\[(.*?)\]/); if(match) { tags = match[1]; } return tags; } couchdbProvider.exportFile = function(event, title, content, discussionListJSON, frontMatter, callback) { var data = couchdbProvider.serializeContent(content, discussionListJSON); var tags = getTags(frontMatter, title); couchdbHelper.uploadDocument(undefined, title, data, tags, undefined, function(error, result) { if(error) { return callback(error); } var syncAttributes = createSyncAttributes(, result.rev, content, title, discussionListJSON); callback(undefined, syncAttributes); }); }; couchdbProvider.syncUp = function(content, contentCRC, title, titleCRC, discussionList, discussionListCRC, frontMatter, syncAttributes, callback) { if( (syncAttributes.contentCRC == contentCRC) && // Content CRC hasn't changed (syncAttributes.titleCRC == titleCRC) && // Title CRC hasn't changed (syncAttributes.discussionListCRC == discussionListCRC) // Discussion list CRC hasn't changed ) { return callback(undefined, false); } var data = couchdbProvider.serializeContent(content, discussionList); var tags = getTags(frontMatter, title); couchdbHelper.uploadDocument(, title, data, tags, syncAttributes.rev, function(error, result) { if(error) { return callback(error, true); } syncAttributes.rev = result.rev; if(merge === true) { // Need to store the whole content for merge syncAttributes.content = content; syncAttributes.title = title; syncAttributes.discussionList = discussionList; } syncAttributes.contentCRC = contentCRC; syncAttributes.titleCRC = titleCRC; syncAttributes.discussionListCRC = discussionListCRC; callback(undefined, true); }); }; couchdbProvider.syncDown = function(callback) { var lastChangeId = parseInt(storage[PROVIDER_COUCHDB + ".lastChangeId"], 10); var syncLocations = {}; _.each(fileSystem, function(fileDesc) { _.each(fileDesc.syncLocations, function(syncAttributes) { syncAttributes.provider === couchdbProvider && (syncLocations[] = syncAttributes); }); }); couchdbHelper.checkChanges(lastChangeId, syncLocations, function(error, changes, newChangeId) { if(error) { return callback(error); } var interestingChanges = []; _.each(changes, function(change) { var syncIndex = createSyncIndex(change._id); var fileDesc = fileMgr.getFileFromSyncIndex(syncIndex); var syncAttributes = fileDesc && fileDesc.syncLocations[syncIndex]; if(!syncAttributes) { return; } // Store fileDesc and syncAttributes references to avoid 2 times search change.fileDesc = fileDesc; change.syncAttributes = syncAttributes; interestingChanges.push(change); }); couchdbHelper.downloadContent(interestingChanges, function(error, changes) { if(error) { return callback(error); } function mergeChange() { if(changes.length === 0) { storage[PROVIDER_COUCHDB + ".lastChangeId"] = newChangeId; return callback(); } var change = changes.pop(); var fileDesc = change.fileDesc; var syncAttributes = change.syncAttributes; // File deleted if(change.deleted === true) { eventMgr.onError('"' + fileDesc.title + '" has been removed from CouchDB.'); fileDesc.removeSyncLocation(syncAttributes); return eventMgr.onSyncRemoved(fileDesc, syncAttributes); } var file = change; var content = utils.decodeBase64(; var parsedContent = couchdbProvider.parseContent(content); var remoteContent = parsedContent.content; var remoteTitle = file.title; var remoteDiscussionListJSON = parsedContent.discussionListJSON; var remoteDiscussionList = parsedContent.discussionList; var remoteCRC = couchdbProvider.syncMerge(fileDesc, syncAttributes, remoteContent, remoteTitle, remoteDiscussionList, remoteDiscussionListJSON); // Update syncAttributes syncAttributes.rev = file._rev; if(merge === true) { // Need to store the whole content for merge syncAttributes.content = remoteContent; syncAttributes.title = remoteTitle; syncAttributes.discussionList = remoteDiscussionListJSON; } syncAttributes.contentCRC = remoteCRC.contentCRC; syncAttributes.titleCRC = remoteCRC.titleCRC; syncAttributes.discussionListCRC = remoteCRC.discussionListCRC; utils.storeAttributes(syncAttributes); setTimeout(mergeChange, 5); } setTimeout(mergeChange, 5); }); }); }; couchdbProvider.importPrivate = function(importParameters, callback) { importFilesFromIds([], callback); }; eventMgr.addListener("onReady", function() { if(constants.COUCHDB_URL == settings.couchdbUrl) { $('.msg-default-couchdb').removeClass('hide'); } var documentEltTmpl = [ '', '
<%= date %>
', '
', '<%= document.title %>
', '
' ].join(''); $documentIdsElt = $('#input-sync-import-couchdb-documentid'); var modalElt = document.querySelector('.modal-download-couchdb'); var $documentListElt = $(modalElt.querySelector('.document-list')); var $selectedDocumentListElt = $(modalElt.querySelector('.selected-document-list')); var $pleaseWaitElt = $(modalElt.querySelector('.please-wait')); var $noDocumentElt = $(modalElt.querySelector('.no-document')); var $moreDocumentsElt = $(modalElt.querySelector('.more-documents')); var documentMap, lastDocument; var selectedDocuments, $selectedElts; function doSelect() { $selectedElts = $documentListElt.children('.active').clone(); selectedDocuments = []; var selectedDocumentIds = []; $selectedElts.each(function() { var documentId = $(this).data('documentId'); selectedDocumentIds.push(documentId); selectedDocuments.push(documentMap[documentId]); }); $documentIdsElt.val(selectedDocumentIds.join(' ')); $selectedDocumentListElt.empty().append($selectedElts); $(modalElt.querySelectorAll('.action-delete-items')).parent().toggleClass('disabled', selectedDocuments.length === 0); } function clear() { documentMap = {}; lastDocument = undefined; $documentListElt.empty(); doSelect(); } clear(); function setMode(mode) { $(modalElt.querySelectorAll('.list-mode')).toggleClass('hide', mode != 'list'); $(modalElt.querySelectorAll('.delete-mode')).toggleClass('hide', mode != 'delete'); $(modalElt.querySelectorAll('.byid-mode')).toggleClass('hide', mode != 'byid'); } var updateDocumentList = _.debounce(function() { $pleaseWaitElt.removeClass('hide'); $noDocumentElt.addClass('hide'); $moreDocumentsElt.addClass('hide'); couchdbHelper.listDocuments($selectTagElt.val(), lastDocument && lastDocument.updated, function(err, result) { $pleaseWaitElt.addClass('hide'); if(err) { $moreDocumentsElt.removeClass('hide'); return; } if(result.length === constants.COUCHDB_PAGE_SIZE) { $moreDocumentsElt.removeClass('hide'); lastDocument = result.pop(); } var documentListHtml = _.reduce(result, function(result, document) { documentMap[document._id] = document; return result + _.template(documentEltTmpl, { document: document, date: utils.formatDate(document.updated) }); }, ''); $documentListElt.append(documentListHtml); if($documentListElt.children().length === 0) { $noDocumentElt.removeClass('hide'); } }); setMode('list'); }, 10, true); var tagList = utils.retrieveIgnoreError(PROVIDER_COUCHDB + '.tagList') || []; var $selectTagElt = $('#input-sync-import-couchdb-tag') .on('change', function() { clear(); updateDocumentList(); }); function updateTagList() { $selectTagElt.empty().append(crel('option', { value: '' }, 'none')); _.sortBy(tagList, function(tag) { return tag.toLowerCase(); }).forEach(function(tag) { $selectTagElt.append(crel('option', { value: tag }, tag)); }); } updateTagList(); $(modalElt) .on('', function() { clear(); updateDocumentList(); }) .on('click', '.document-list .document', function() { $(this).toggleClass('active'); doSelect(); }) .on('click', '.more-documents', updateDocumentList) .on('click', '.action-unselect-all', function() { $documentListElt.children().removeClass('active'); doSelect(); }) .on('click', '.action-byid-mode', function() { setMode('byid'); }) .on('click', '.action-add-tag', function() { alertify.prompt("Enter a tag (case sensitive):", function (e, tag) { if(!e || !tag) { return; } tagList.push(tag); tagList = _.chain(tagList) .sortBy(function(tag) { return tag.toLowerCase(); }) .unique(true) .value(); storage[PROVIDER_COUCHDB + '.tagList'] = JSON.stringify(tagList); updateTagList(); $selectTagElt.val(tag).change(); }, "Tag"); }) .on('click', '.action-remove-tag', function() { var tag = $selectTagElt.val(); tag && alertify.confirm('You are removing ' + $selectTagElt.val() + ' from your list of filters.', function (e) { if(e) { tagList = _.without(tagList, tag); storage[PROVIDER_COUCHDB + '.tagList'] = JSON.stringify(tagList); updateTagList(); $selectTagElt.val('').change(); } }); }) .on('click', '.action-delete-items', function() { if($selectedElts.length) { setMode('delete'); } }) .on('click', '.action-delete-items-confirm', function() { couchdbHelper.deleteDocuments(selectedDocuments); clear(); updateDocumentList(); }) .on('click', '.action-cancel', function() { setMode('list'); }); }); return couchdbProvider; });