define([ "underscore", "extensions/markdownExtra", "extensions/mathJax", "classes/Extension", ], function(_, markdownExtra, mathJax, Extension) { var markdownSectionParser = new Extension("markdownSectionParser", "Markdown section parser"); var eventMgr; markdownSectionParser.onEventMgrCreated = function(eventMgrParameter) { eventMgr = eventMgrParameter; }; var sectionList = []; // Regexp to look for section delimiters var regexp = '^.+[ \\t]*\\n=+[ \\t]*\\n+|^.+[ \\t]*\\n-+[ \\t]*\\n+|^\\#{1,6}[ \\t]*.+?[ \\t]*\\#*\\n+'; // Title delimiters markdownSectionParser.onPagedownConfigure = function(editor) { if(markdownExtra.enabled) { if(_.some(markdownExtra.config.extensions, function(extension) { return extension == "fenced_code_gfm"; })) { regexp = '^```.*\\n[\\s\\S]*?\\n```|' + regexp; // Fenced block delimiters } } if(mathJax.enabled) { // Math delimiter has to follow 1 empty line to be considered as a section delimiter regexp = '^[ \\t]*\\n\\$\\$[\\s\\S]*?\\$\\$|' + regexp; // $$ math block delimiters regexp = '^[ \\t]*\\n\\\\\\\\[[\\s\\S]*?\\\\\\\\]|' + regexp; // \\[ \\] math block delimiters regexp = '^[ \\t]*\\n\\\\?\\\\begin\\{[a-z]*\\*?\\}[\\s\\S]*?\\\\end\\{[a-z]*\\*?\\}|' + regexp; // \\begin{...} \\end{...} math block delimiters } regexp = new RegExp(regexp, 'gm'); var converter = editor.getConverter(); converter.hooks.chain("preConversion", function() { return _.reduce(sectionList, function(result, section) { return result + section.previewText; }, ''); }); }; var trimLen; markdownSectionParser.onMarkdownTrim = function(len) { trimLen = len; }; var sectionCounter = 0; function parseFileContent(fileDesc) { var text = fileDesc.content.substring(trimLen); var tmpText = text + "\n\n"; function addSection(startOffset, endOffset) { var sectionText = tmpText.substring(offset, endOffset); sectionList.push({ id: ++sectionCounter, text: sectionText }); } sectionList = []; var offset = 0; // Look for delimiters tmpText.replace(regexp, function(match, matchOffset) { // Create a new section with the text preceding the delimiter addSection(offset, matchOffset); offset = matchOffset; }); // Last section addSection(offset, text.length); eventMgr.onSectionsCreated(sectionList); } markdownSectionParser.onFileOpen = parseFileContent; markdownSectionParser.onContentChanged = parseFileContent; return markdownSectionParser; });