import Vue from 'vue'; import DiffMatchPatch from 'diff-match-patch'; import Prism from 'prismjs'; import markdownItPandocRenderer from 'markdown-it-pandoc-renderer'; import cledit from '../libs/cledit'; import pagedown from '../libs/pagedown'; import htmlSanitizer from '../libs/htmlSanitizer'; import markdownConversionSvc from './markdownConversionSvc'; import markdownGrammarSvc from './markdownGrammarSvc'; import sectionUtils from './sectionUtils'; import extensionSvc from './extensionSvc'; import animationSvc from './animationSvc'; import editorEngineSvc from './editorEngineSvc'; import store from '../store'; const debounce = cledit.Utils.debounce; const allowDebounce = (action, wait) => { let timeoutId; return (doDebounce = false, ...params) => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); if (doDebounce) { timeoutId = setTimeout(() => action(...params), wait); } else { action(...params); } }; }; const diffMatchPatch = new DiffMatchPatch(); let instantPreview = true; let tokens; const anchorHash = {}; const editorSvc = Object.assign(new Vue(), { // Use a vue instance as an event bus // Elements editorElt: null, previewElt: null, tocElt: null, // Other objects pagedownEditor: null, options: null, prismGrammars: null, converter: null, parsingCtx: null, conversionCtx: null, sectionList: null, sectionDescList: [], sectionDescMeasuredList: null, sectionDescWithDiffsList: null, selectionRange: null, previewSelectionRange: null, previewSelectionStartOffset: null, previewHtml: null, previewText: null, /** * Get element and dimension that handles scrolling. */ getObjectToScroll() { let elt = this.editorElt.parentNode; let dimensionKey = 'editorDimension'; if (!store.getters['layout/styles'].showEditor) { elt = this.previewElt.parentNode; dimensionKey = 'previewDimension'; } return { elt, dimensionKey, }; }, /** * Get an object describing the position of the scroll bar in the file. */ getScrollPosition() { const objToScroll = this.getObjectToScroll(); const scrollTop = objToScroll.elt.scrollTop; let result; if (this.sectionDescMeasuredList) { this.sectionDescMeasuredList.some((sectionDesc, sectionIdx) => { if (scrollTop >= sectionDesc[objToScroll.dimensionKey].endOffset) { return false; } const posInSection = (scrollTop - sectionDesc[objToScroll.dimensionKey].startOffset) / (sectionDesc[objToScroll.dimensionKey].height || 1); result = { sectionIdx, posInSection, }; return true; }); } return result; }, /** * Get the offset in the preview corresponding to the offset of the markdown in the editor */ getPreviewOffset(editorOffset) { let previewOffset = 0; let offset = editorOffset; this.sectionDescList.some((sectionDesc) => { if (!sectionDesc.textToPreviewDiffs) { previewOffset = undefined; return true; } if (sectionDesc.section.text.length >= offset) { previewOffset += diffMatchPatch.diff_xIndex(sectionDesc.textToPreviewDiffs, offset); return true; } offset -= sectionDesc.section.text.length; previewOffset += sectionDesc.previewText.length; return false; }); return previewOffset; }, /** * Get the offset of the markdown in the editor corresponding to the offset in the preview */ getEditorOffset(previewOffset) { let offset = previewOffset; let editorOffset = 0; this.sectionDescList.some((sectionDesc) => { if (!sectionDesc.textToPreviewDiffs) { editorOffset = undefined; return true; } if (sectionDesc.previewText.length >= offset) { const previewToTextDiffs = sectionDesc.textToPreviewDiffs .map(diff => [-diff[0], diff[1]]); editorOffset += diffMatchPatch.diff_xIndex(previewToTextDiffs, offset); return true; } offset -= sectionDesc.previewText.length; editorOffset += sectionDesc.section.text.length; return false; }); return editorOffset; }, /** * Returns the pandoc AST generated from the file tokens and the converter options */ getPandocAst() { return tokens && markdownItPandocRenderer(tokens, this.converter.options); }, /** * Initialize the Prism grammar with the options */ initPrism() { const options = { ...this.options, insideFences: markdownConversionSvc.defaultOptions.insideFences, }; this.prismGrammars = markdownGrammarSvc.makeGrammars(options); }, /** * Initialize the markdown-it converter with the options */ initConverter() { this.converter = markdownConversionSvc.createConverter(this.options, true); }, /** * Initialize the cledit editor with markdown-it section parser and Prism highlighter */ initClEditor() { const options = { sectionHighlighter: section => Prism.highlight( section.text, this.prismGrammars[]), sectionParser: (text) => { this.parsingCtx = markdownConversionSvc.parseSections(this.converter, text); return this.parsingCtx.sections; }, getCursorFocusRatio: () => { if (store.getters['data/localSettings'].focusMode) { return 1; } return 0.15; }, }; editorEngineSvc.initClEditor(options); this.restoreScrollPosition(); }, /** * Finish the conversion initiated by the section parser */ convert() { this.conversionCtx = markdownConversionSvc.convert(this.parsingCtx, this.conversionCtx); this.$emit('conversionCtx', this.conversionCtx); tokens = this.parsingCtx.markdownState.tokens; }, /** * Refresh the preview with the result of `convert()` */ refreshPreview() { const newSectionDescList = []; let sectionPreviewElt; let sectionTocElt; let sectionIdx = 0; let sectionDescIdx = 0; let insertBeforePreviewElt = this.previewElt.firstChild; let insertBeforeTocElt = this.tocElt.firstChild; let previewHtml = ''; this.conversionCtx.htmlSectionDiff.forEach((item) => { for (let i = 0; i < item[1].length; i += 1) { const section = this.conversionCtx.sectionList[sectionIdx]; if (item[0] === 0) { const sectionDesc = this.sectionDescList[sectionDescIdx]; sectionDescIdx += 1; sectionDesc.editorElt = section.elt; newSectionDescList.push(sectionDesc); previewHtml += sectionDesc.html; sectionIdx += 1; insertBeforePreviewElt.classList.remove('modified'); insertBeforePreviewElt = insertBeforePreviewElt.nextSibling; insertBeforeTocElt.classList.remove('modified'); insertBeforeTocElt = insertBeforeTocElt.nextSibling; } else if (item[0] === -1) { sectionDescIdx += 1; sectionPreviewElt = insertBeforePreviewElt; insertBeforePreviewElt = insertBeforePreviewElt.nextSibling; this.previewElt.removeChild(sectionPreviewElt); sectionTocElt = insertBeforeTocElt; insertBeforeTocElt = insertBeforeTocElt.nextSibling; this.tocElt.removeChild(sectionTocElt); } else if (item[0] === 1) { const html = htmlSanitizer.sanitizeHtml(this.conversionCtx.htmlSectionList[sectionIdx]); sectionIdx += 1; // Create preview section element sectionPreviewElt = document.createElement('div'); sectionPreviewElt.className = 'cl-preview-section modified'; sectionPreviewElt.innerHTML = html; if (insertBeforePreviewElt) { this.previewElt.insertBefore(sectionPreviewElt, insertBeforePreviewElt); } else { this.previewElt.appendChild(sectionPreviewElt); } extensionSvc.sectionPreview(sectionPreviewElt, this.options); // Create TOC section element sectionTocElt = document.createElement('div'); sectionTocElt.className = 'cl-toc-section modified'; const headingElt = sectionPreviewElt.querySelector('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6'); if (headingElt) { const clonedElt = headingElt.cloneNode(true); clonedElt.removeAttribute('id'); sectionTocElt.appendChild(clonedElt); } if (insertBeforeTocElt) { this.tocElt.insertBefore(sectionTocElt, insertBeforeTocElt); } else { this.tocElt.appendChild(sectionTocElt); } previewHtml += html; newSectionDescList.push({ section, editorElt: section.elt, previewElt: sectionPreviewElt, tocElt: sectionTocElt, html, }); } } }); this.sectionDescList = newSectionDescList; this.previewHtml = previewHtml.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); this.tocElt.classList[ this.tocElt.querySelector('.cl-toc-section *') ? 'remove' : 'add' ]('toc-tab--empty'); // Run preview async operations (image loading, mathjax...) const loadingImages = this.previewElt.querySelectorAll('.cl-preview-section.modified img'); const loadedPromises = loadingImages.cl_map(imgElt => new Promise((resolve) => { if (!imgElt.src) { resolve(); return; } const img = new window.Image(); img.onload = resolve; img.onerror = resolve; img.src = imgElt.src; })); Promise.all(loadedPromises.concat(extensionSvc.asyncPreview(this.options))) .then(() => { this.previewText = this.previewElt.textContent; this.$emit('previewText', this.previewText); // Debounce if sections have already been mesured this.measureSectionDimensions(!!this.sectionDescMeasuredList); this.makeTextToPreviewDiffs(true); }); }, /** * Measure the height of each section in editor, preview and toc. */ measureSectionDimensions: allowDebounce((restoreScrollPosition) => { if (editorSvc.sectionDescList && this.sectionDescList !== editorSvc.sectionDescMeasuredList) { sectionUtils.measureSectionDimensions(editorSvc); editorSvc.sectionDescMeasuredList = editorSvc.sectionDescList; if (restoreScrollPosition) { editorSvc.restoreScrollPosition(); } editorSvc.$emit('sectionDescMeasuredList', editorSvc.sectionDescMeasuredList); } }, 500), /** * Make the diff between editor's markdown and preview's html. */ makeTextToPreviewDiffs: allowDebounce(() => { if (editorSvc.sectionDescList && editorSvc.sectionDescList !== editorSvc.sectionDescMeasuredList) { editorSvc.sectionDescList .forEach((sectionDesc) => { if (!sectionDesc.textToPreviewDiffs) { sectionDesc.previewText = sectionDesc.previewElt.textContent; sectionDesc.textToPreviewDiffs = diffMatchPatch.diff_main( sectionDesc.section.text, sectionDesc.previewText); } }); editorSvc.sectionDescWithDiffsList = editorSvc.sectionDescList; } }, 50), /** * Save editor selection/scroll state into the current file content. */ saveContentState: allowDebounce(() => { const scrollPosition = editorSvc.getScrollPosition() || store.getters['contentState/current'].scrollPosition; store.dispatch('contentState/patchCurrent', { selectionStart: editorEngineSvc.clEditor.selectionMgr.selectionStart, selectionEnd: editorEngineSvc.clEditor.selectionMgr.selectionEnd, scrollPosition, }); }, 100), /** * Restore the scroll position from the current file content state. */ restoreScrollPosition() { const scrollPosition = store.getters['contentState/current'].scrollPosition; if (scrollPosition && this.sectionDescMeasuredList) { const objectToScroll = this.getObjectToScroll(); const sectionDesc = this.sectionDescMeasuredList[scrollPosition.sectionIdx]; if (sectionDesc) { const scrollTop = sectionDesc[objectToScroll.dimensionKey].startOffset + (sectionDesc[objectToScroll.dimensionKey].height * scrollPosition.posInSection); objectToScroll.elt.scrollTop = Math.floor(scrollTop); } } }, /** * Report selection from the preview to the editor. */ saveSelection: allowDebounce(() => { const selection = window.getSelection(); let range = selection.rangeCount && selection.getRangeAt(0); if (range) { if ( /* eslint-disable no-bitwise */ !(editorSvc.previewElt.compareDocumentPosition(range.startContainer) & window.Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY) || !(editorSvc.previewElt.compareDocumentPosition(range.endContainer) & window.Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY) /* eslint-enable no-bitwise */ ) { range = null; } } if (editorSvc.previewSelectionRange !== range) { let previewSelectionStartOffset; let previewSelectionEndOffset; if (range) { const startRange = document.createRange(); startRange.setStart(editorSvc.previewElt, 0); startRange.setEnd(range.startContainer, range.startOffset); previewSelectionStartOffset = `${startRange}`.length; previewSelectionEndOffset = previewSelectionStartOffset + `${range}`.length; const editorStartOffset = editorSvc.getEditorOffset(previewSelectionStartOffset); const editorEndOffset = editorSvc.getEditorOffset(previewSelectionEndOffset); if (editorStartOffset !== undefined && editorEndOffset !== undefined) { editorEngineSvc.clEditor.selectionMgr.setSelectionStartEnd( editorStartOffset, editorEndOffset, false); } } editorSvc.previewSelectionRange = range; editorSvc.$emit('previewSelectionRange', editorSvc.previewSelectionRange); } }, 50), /** * Scroll the preview (or the editor if preview is hidden) to the specified anchor */ scrollToAnchor(anchor) { let scrollTop = 0; let scrollerElt = this.previewElt.parentNode; const sectionDesc = anchorHash[anchor]; if (sectionDesc) { if (store.getters['layout/styles'].showPreview) { scrollTop = sectionDesc.previewDimension.startOffset; } else { scrollTop = sectionDesc.editorDimension.startOffset; scrollerElt = this.editorElt.parentNode; } } else { const elt = document.getElementById(anchor); if (elt) { scrollTop = elt.offsetTop; } } const maxScrollTop = scrollerElt.scrollHeight - scrollerElt.offsetHeight; if (scrollTop < 0) { scrollTop = 0; } else if (scrollTop > maxScrollTop) { scrollTop = maxScrollTop; } animationSvc.animate(scrollerElt) .scrollTop(scrollTop) .duration(360) .start(); }, /** * Pass the elements to the store and initialize the editor. */ init(editorElt, previewElt, tocElt) { this.editorElt = editorElt; this.previewElt = previewElt; this.tocElt = tocElt; editorEngineSvc.createClEditor(editorElt); editorEngineSvc.clEditor.on('contentChanged', (content, diffs, sectionList) => { const parsingCtx = { ...this.parsingCtx, sectionList, }; this.parsingCtx = parsingCtx; }); editorEngineSvc.clEditor.undoMgr.on('undoStateChange', () => { const canUndo = editorEngineSvc.clEditor.undoMgr.canUndo(); if (canUndo !== store.state.layout.canUndo) { store.commit('layout/setCanUndo', canUndo); } const canRedo = editorEngineSvc.clEditor.undoMgr.canRedo(); if (canRedo !== store.state.layout.canRedo) { store.commit('layout/setCanRedo', canRedo); } }); this.pagedownEditor = pagedown({ input: Object.create(editorEngineSvc.clEditor), });; this.pagedownEditor.hooks.set('insertLinkDialog', (callback) => { store.dispatch('modal/open', { type: 'link', callback, }); return true; }); this.pagedownEditor.hooks.set('insertImageDialog', (callback) => { store.dispatch('modal/open', { type: 'image', callback, }); return true; }); this.editorElt.parentNode.addEventListener('scroll', () => this.saveContentState(true)); this.previewElt.parentNode.addEventListener('scroll', () => this.saveContentState(true)); const refreshPreview = () => { this.convert(); if (instantPreview) { this.refreshPreview(); this.measureSectionDimensions(false, true); } else { setTimeout(() => this.refreshPreview(), 10); } instantPreview = false; }; const debouncedRefreshPreview = debounce(refreshPreview, 20); const onEditorChanged = (sectionList = this.sectionList, selectionRange = this.selectionRange) => { if (this.sectionList !== sectionList) { this.sectionList = sectionList; this.$emit('sectionList', this.sectionList); if (instantPreview) { refreshPreview(); } else { debouncedRefreshPreview(); } } if (this.selectionRange !== selectionRange) { this.selectionRange = selectionRange; this.$emit('selectionRange', this.selectionRange); } this.saveContentState(); }; editorEngineSvc.clEditor.selectionMgr.on('selectionChanged', (start, end, selectionRange) => onEditorChanged(undefined, selectionRange)); /* ----------------------------- * Inline images */ const imgCache = Object.create(null); const addToImgCache = (imgElt) => { let entries = imgCache[imgElt.src]; if (!entries) { entries = []; imgCache[imgElt.src] = entries; } entries.push(imgElt); }; const getFromImgCache = (src) => { const entries = imgCache[src]; if (!entries) { return null; } let imgElt; return entries .some((entry) => { if (this.editorElt.contains(entry)) { return false; } imgElt = entry; return true; }) && imgElt; }; const triggerImgCacheGc = debounce(() => { Object.keys(imgCache).forEach((src) => { const entries = imgCache[src] .filter(imgElt => this.editorElt.contains(imgElt)); if (entries.length) { imgCache[src] = entries; } else { delete imgCache[src]; } }); }, 100); let imgEltsToCache = []; if (store.getters['data/computedSettings'].editor.inlineImages) { editorEngineSvc.clEditor.highlighter.on('sectionHighlighted', (section) => { section.elt.getElementsByClassName('token img').cl_each((imgTokenElt) => { const srcElt = imgTokenElt.querySelector(''); if (srcElt) { // Create an img element before the .img.token and wrap both elements // into a .token.img-wrapper const imgElt = document.createElement('img'); = 'none'; const uri = srcElt.textContent; if (!/^unsafe/.test(htmlSanitizer.sanitizeUri(uri, true))) { imgElt.onload = () => { = ''; }; imgElt.src = uri; imgEltsToCache.push(imgElt); } const imgTokenWrapper = document.createElement('span'); imgTokenWrapper.className = 'token img-wrapper'; imgTokenElt.parentNode.insertBefore(imgTokenWrapper, imgTokenElt); imgTokenWrapper.appendChild(imgElt); imgTokenWrapper.appendChild(imgTokenElt); } }); }); } editorEngineSvc.clEditor.highlighter.on('highlighted', () => { imgEltsToCache.forEach((imgElt) => { const cachedImgElt = getFromImgCache(imgElt.src); if (cachedImgElt) { // Found a previously loaded image that has just been released imgElt.parentNode.replaceChild(cachedImgElt, imgElt); } else { addToImgCache(imgElt); } }); imgEltsToCache = []; // Eject released images from cache triggerImgCacheGc(); }); editorEngineSvc.clEditor.on('contentChanged', (content, diffs, sectionList) => onEditorChanged(sectionList)); this.$emit('inited'); // clEditorSvc.setPreviewElt(element[0].querySelector('.preview__inner-2')) // var previewElt = element[0].querySelector('.preview') // clEditorSvc.isPreviewTop = previewElt.scrollTop < 10 // previewElt.addEventListener('scroll', function () { // var isPreviewTop = previewElt.scrollTop < 10 // if (isPreviewTop !== clEditorSvc.isPreviewTop) { // clEditorSvc.isPreviewTop = isPreviewTop // scope.$apply() // } // }) // Watch file content changes let lastContentId = null; let lastProperties; () => store.getters['content/current'].hash, () => { const content = store.getters['content/current']; // Track ID changes let initClEditor = false; if ( !== lastContentId) { instantPreview = true; lastContentId =; initClEditor = true; } // Track properties changes if ( !== lastProperties) { lastProperties =; const options = extensionSvc.getOptions(store.getters['content/currentProperties']); if (JSON.stringify(options) !== JSON.stringify(editorSvc.options)) { editorSvc.options = options; editorSvc.initPrism(); editorSvc.initConverter(); initClEditor = true; } } if (initClEditor) { editorSvc.initClEditor(); } // Apply possible text and discussion changes editorEngineSvc.applyContent(); }, { immediate: true, }); // Disable editor if hidden or if no content is loaded () => store.getters['content/current'].id && store.getters['layout/styles'].showEditor, editable => editorEngineSvc.clEditor.toggleEditable(!!editable), { immediate: true, }); => store.getters['layout/styles'], () => editorSvc.measureSectionDimensions(false, true)); }, }); export default editorSvc;