define(["jquery", "core", "google-helper", "underscore"], function($, core, googleHelper) { var gdriveProvider = { providerId: PROVIDER_GDRIVE, providerName: "Google Drive", defaultPublishFormat: "template", useSync: false }; function createSyncAttributes(id, etag, content, title) { var syncAttributes = {}; syncAttributes.provider = PROVIDER_GDRIVE; = id; syncAttributes.etag = etag; syncAttributes.contentCRC = core.crc32(content); syncAttributes.titleCRC = core.crc32(title); var syncIndex = "sync." + PROVIDER_GDRIVE + "." + id; localStorage[syncIndex] = JSON.stringify(syncAttributes); return syncIndex; } function importFilesFromIds(ids) { googleHelper.downloadMetadata(ids, function(error, result) { if(error) { return; } googleHelper.downloadContent(result, function(error, result) { if(error) { return; } _.each(result, function(file) { var syncIndex = createSyncAttributes(, file.etag, file.content, file.title); var fileIndex = core.fileManager.createFile(file.title, file.content, [syncIndex]); core.fileManager.selectFile(fileIndex); core.showMessage('"' + file.title + '" imported successfully from Google Drive.'); }); }); }); }; gdriveProvider.importFiles = function() { googleHelper.picker(function(error, ids) { if(ids === undefined) { return; } var importIds = []; _.each(ids, function(id) { var syncIndex = "sync." + PROVIDER_GDRIVE + "." + id; var fileIndex = core.fileManager.getFileIndexFromSync(syncIndex); if(fileIndex !== undefined) { var title = localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"]; core.showError('"' + title + '" was already imported'); return; } importIds.push(id); }); importFilesFromIds(importIds); }); }; gdriveProvider.exportFile = function(event, title, content, callback) { googleHelper.upload(undefined, undefined, title, content, undefined, function(error, result) { if (error) { callback(error); return; } var syncIndex = createSyncAttributes(, result.etag, content, title); callback(undefined, syncIndex); }); }; gdriveProvider.exportManual = function(event, title, content, callback) { var id = core.getInputValue($("#input-sync-manual-gdrive-id"), event); if(!id) { return; } // Check that file is not synchronized with an other one var syncIndex = "sync." + PROVIDER_GDRIVE + "." + id; var fileIndex = core.fileManager.getFileIndexFromSync(syncIndex); if(fileIndex !== undefined) { var existingTitle = localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"]; core.showError('File ID is already synchronized with "' + existingTitle + '"'); callback(true); return; } googleHelper.upload(id, undefined, title, content, undefined, function(error, result) { if (error) { callback(error); return; } var syncIndex = createSyncAttributes(, result.etag, content, title); callback(undefined, syncIndex); }); }; gdriveProvider.syncUp = function(uploadContent, uploadContentCRC, uploadTitle, uploadTitleCRC, syncAttributes, callback) { var syncContentCRC = syncAttributes.contentCRC; var syncTitleCRC = syncAttributes.titleCRC; // Skip if CRC has not changed if(uploadContentCRC == syncContentCRC && uploadTitleCRC == syncTitleCRC) { callback(undefined, false); return; } googleHelper.upload(, undefined, uploadTitle, uploadContent, syncAttributes.etag, function(error, result) { if(error) { callback(error, true); return; } syncAttributes.etag = result.etag; syncAttributes.contentCRC = uploadContentCRC; syncAttributes.titleCRC = uploadTitleCRC; callback(undefined, true); }); }; gdriveProvider.syncDown = function(callback) { if (gdriveProvider.useSync === false) { callback(); return; } var lastChangeId = parseInt(localStorage[PROVIDER_GDRIVE + ".lastChangeId"]); googleHelper.checkChanges(lastChangeId, function(error, changes, newChangeId) { if (error) { callback(error); return; } var interestingChanges = []; _.each(changes, function(change) { var syncIndex = "sync." + PROVIDER_GDRIVE + "." + change.fileId; var serializedAttributes = localStorage[syncIndex]; if(serializedAttributes === undefined) { return; } // Store syncIndex to avoid 2 times formating change.syncIndex = syncIndex; // Delete if(change.deleted === true) { interestingChanges.push(change); return; } // Modify var syncAttributes = JSON.parse(serializedAttributes); if(syncAttributes.etag != change.file.etag) { interestingChanges.push(change); // Store syncAttributes to avoid 2 times parsing change.syncAttributes = syncAttributes; } }); googleHelper.downloadContent(interestingChanges, function(error, changes) { if (error) { callback(error); return; } var updateFileTitles = false; _.each(changes, function(change) { var syncIndex = change.syncIndex; var fileIndex = core.fileManager.getFileIndexFromSync(syncIndex); // No file corresponding (file may have been deleted locally) if(fileIndex === undefined) { core.fileManager.removeSync(syncIndex); return; } var localTitle = localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"]; // File deleted if (change.deleted === true) { core.fileManager.removeSync(syncIndex); updateFileTitles = true; core.showMessage('"' + localTitle + '" has been removed from Google Drive.'); return; } var syncAttributes = change.syncAttributes; var localTitleChanged = syncAttributes.titleCRC != core.crc32(localTitle); var localContent = localStorage[fileIndex + ".content"]; var localContentChanged = syncAttributes.contentCRC != core.crc32(localContent); var file = change.file; var fileTitleChanged = localTitle != file.title; var fileContentChanged = localContent != file.content; // Conflict detection if ((fileTitleChanged === true && localTitleChanged === true) || (fileContentChanged === true && localContentChanged === true)) { core.fileManager.createFile(localTitle + " (backup)", localContent); updateFileTitles = true; core.showMessage('Conflict detected on "' + localTitle + '". A backup has been created locally.'); } // If file title changed if(fileTitleChanged) { localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"] = file.title; updateFileTitles = true; core.showMessage('"' + localTitle + '" has been renamed to "' + file.title + '" on Google Drive.'); } // If file content changed if(fileContentChanged) { localStorage[fileIndex + ".content"] = file.content; core.showMessage('"' + file.title + '" has been updated from Google Drive.'); if(core.fileManager.isCurrentFileIndex(fileIndex)) { updateFileTitles = false; // Done by next function core.fileManager.selectFile(); // Refresh editor } } // Update syncAttributes syncAttributes.etag = file.etag; syncAttributes.contentCRC = core.crc32(file.content); syncAttributes.titleCRC = core.crc32(file.title); localStorage[syncIndex] = JSON.stringify(syncAttributes); }); if(updateFileTitles) { core.fileManager.updateFileTitles(); } localStorage[PROVIDER_GDRIVE + ".lastChangeId"] = newChangeId; callback(); }); }); }; gdriveProvider.publish = function(publishAttributes, title, content, callback) { googleHelper.upload( publishAttributes.fileId, undefined, publishAttributes.fileName || title, content, undefined, function(error, result) { if(error) { callback(error); return; } publishAttributes.fileId =; callback(); } ); }; gdriveProvider.newPublishAttributes = function(event) { var publishAttributes = {}; publishAttributes.fileId = $("#input-publish-gdrive-fileid").val() || undefined; publishAttributes.fileName = $("#input-publish-gdrive-filename").val() || undefined; if(event.isPropagationStopped()) { return undefined; } return publishAttributes; }; $(function() { var state = localStorage[PROVIDER_GDRIVE + ".state"]; if(state === undefined) { return; } localStorage.removeItem(PROVIDER_GDRIVE + ".state"); state = JSON.parse(state); if (state.action == "create") { googleHelper.upload(undefined, state.folderId, GDRIVE_DEFAULT_FILE_TITLE, "", undefined, function(error, file) { if(error) { return; } var syncIndex = createSyncAttributes(, file.etag, file.content, file.title); var fileIndex = fileManager.createFile(file.title, file.content, [syncIndex]); fileManager.selectFile(fileIndex); core.showMessage('"' + file.title + '" created successfully on Google Drive.'); }); } else if (state.action == "open") { var importIds = []; _.each(state.ids, function(id) { var syncIndex = "sync." + PROVIDER_GDRIVE + "." + id; var fileIndex = fileManager.getFileIndexFromSync(syncIndex); if(fileIndex !== undefined) { fileManager.selectFile(fileIndex); } else { importIds.push(id); } }); importFilesFromIds(importIds); } }); return gdriveProvider; });