define([ "jquery", "underscore", "settings", "config", ], function($, _, settings) { var googleAnalytics = { extensionId: "googleAnalytics", extensionName: 'Google Analytics', optional: true, settingsBloc: '

Sends anonymous statistics about usage and errors to help improve StackEdit.

' }; var isLoaded = false; var isOffline = false; window["_gaq"] = []; var init = function() { if(isLoaded === false && isOffline === false) { // First configure GA _gaq.push([ '_setAccount', GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT_ID ]); _gaq.push([ '_trackPageview' ]); // Collect informations about user settings _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', "settings", 'layoutOrientation', "" + settings.layoutOrientation ]); _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', "settings", 'lazyRendering', "" + settings.lazyRendering ]); _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', "settings", 'editorFontSize', "" + settings.editorFontSize ]); // Check if user has removed back links _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', "settings", 'defaultContentBacklink', "" + settings.defaultContent.indexOf(MAIN_URL) >= 0 ]); _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', "settings", 'commitMsgBacklink', "" + settings.commitMsg.indexOf(MAIN_URL) >= 0 ]); // Check if user has changed sshProxy _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', "settings", 'sshProxyChanged', "" + settings.sshProxy != SSH_PROXY_URL ]); // Check if extensions have been disabled _.each(settings.extensionSettings, function(config, extensionId) { _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', "extensions", extensionId + "Enabled", "" + config.enabled ]); }); // Now load GA script using jQuery var gaUrl = "/ga.js"; if(\?|&)console/)) { gaUrl = "/u/ga_debug.js"; } $.ajax({ url: "" + gaUrl, dataType: "script" }).done(function() { isLoaded = true; }); } }; googleAnalytics.onReady = init; googleAnalytics.onOfflineChanged = function(isOfflineParam) { isOffline = isOfflineParam; init(); }; var currentAction = "No action"; googleAnalytics.onSyncRunning = function() { currentAction = "Sync"; }; googleAnalytics.onPublishRunning = function() { currentAction = "Publish"; }; googleAnalytics.onAsyncRunning = function(isRunning) { if(isRunning === false) { currentAction = "No action"; } }; // Log sync frequency googleAnalytics.onSyncSuccess = function() { _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', 'Sync', 'SyncSuccess' ]); }; // Log import frequency and provider googleAnalytics.onSyncImportSuccess = function(fileDescList, provider) { _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', 'Sync', 'SyncImport', ]); _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', 'Sync', 'SyncImportProvider', provider.providerId ]); }; // Log export frequency and provider googleAnalytics.onSyncExportSuccess = function(fileDesc, syncAttributes) { _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', 'Sync', 'SyncExport', ]); _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', 'Sync', 'SyncExportProvider', syncAttributes.provider.providerId ]); }; // Log publish frequency and provider googleAnalytics.onPublishSuccess = function(fileDesc) { _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', 'Publish', 'PublishSuccess' ]); _.each(fileDesc.publishLocations, function(publishAttributes) { _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', 'Publish', 'PublishSuccessProvider', publishAttributes.provider.providerId ]); }); }; // Log new publication's provider googleAnalytics.onNewPublishSuccess = function(fileDesc, publishAttributes) { _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', 'Publish', 'NewPublishProvider', publishAttributes.provider.providerId ]); }; // Log error messages googleAnalytics.onError = function(error) { if(_.isString(error) || !error.message) { return; } _gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', currentAction, 'Error', error.message ]); }; return googleAnalytics; });