function showError(msg) { alert(msg); } var fileManager = (function($) { var fileManager = {}; fileManager.init = function() { fileManager.selectFile(); window.setInterval(function() { fileManager.saveFile(); }, 5000); $(".action-create-file").click(function() { fileManager.saveFile(); fileManager.createFile(); fileManager.selectFile(); }); $(".action-remove-file").click(function() { fileManager.deleteFile(); fileManager.selectFile(); }); $("#file-title").click(function() { $(this).hide(); $("#file-title-input").show().focus(); }); $("#file-title-input").blur(function() { var title = $.trim($(this).val()); if (title) { var fileIndex = localStorage["file.current"]; localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"] = title; } $(this).hide(); $("#file-title").show(); fileManager.updateFileDescList(); fileManager.updateFileTitleUI(); }); }; fileManager.selectFile = function() { // If file system does not exist if (!localStorage["file.count"]) { localStorage.clear(); localStorage["file.count"] = 0; } this.updateFileDescList(); // If no file create one if (this.fileDescList.length === 0) { this.createFile(); this.updateFileDescList(); } // If no default file take first one if (!localStorage["file.current"]) { localStorage["file.current"] = this.fileDescList[0].index; } // Update the editor and the file title var fileIndex = localStorage["file.current"]; $("#wmd-input").val(localStorage[fileIndex + ".content"]); core.createEditor(); this.updateFileTitleUI(); }; fileManager.createFile = function(title) { if (!title) { title = "Filename"; } // Find a fileIndex var fileCount = parseInt(localStorage["file.count"]); var i; for (i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) { if (!localStorage["file." + i + ".title"]) { break; } } var fileIndex = "file." + i; // Create the file in the localStorag localStorage[fileIndex + ".content"] = ""; localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"] = title; localStorage["file.current"] = fileIndex; if (i == fileCount) { localStorage["file.count"] = fileCount + 1; } }; fileManager.deleteFile = function() { var fileIndex = localStorage["file.current"]; localStorage.removeItem("file.current"); localStorage.removeItem(fileIndex + ".title"); localStorage.removeItem(fileIndex + ".content"); }; fileManager.updateFileDescList = function() { var fileCount = parseInt(localStorage["file.count"]); var lastIndex = -1; this.fileDescList = []; $("#file-selector").empty(); for ( var i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) { var fileIndex = "file." + i; var title = localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"]; if (title) { lastIndex = i; this.fileDescList .push({ "index" : fileIndex, "title" : title }); } } localStorage["file.count"] = lastIndex + 1; this.fileDescList.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.title.toLowerCase() < b.title.toLowerCase()) return -1; if (a.title.toLowerCase() > b.title.toLowerCase()) return 1; return 0; }); }; fileManager.updateFileTitleUI = function() { // Update the editor and the file title var fileIndex = localStorage["file.current"]; var title = localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"]; document.title = "StackEdit - " + title; $(".file-title").text(title); $("#file-title-input").val(title); $("#file-selector").empty(); for ( var i = 0; i < this.fileDescList.length; i++) { var fileDesc = this.fileDescList[i]; var a = $("").text(fileDesc.title); var li = $("
  • ").append(a); if (fileDesc.index == fileIndex) { li.addClass("disabled"); } else { a.attr("href", "javascript:void(0);").click( (function(fileIndex) { return function() { localStorage["file.current"] = fileIndex; fileManager.selectFile(); }; })(fileDesc.index)); } $("#file-selector").append(li); } }; fileManager.saveFile = function() { var content = $("#wmd-input").val(); var fileIndex = localStorage["file.current"]; localStorage[fileIndex + ".content"] = content; // insertFile(this.currentFile, this.content); }; return fileManager; })(jQuery); var gdrive = (function($) { var CLIENT_ID = ''; var SCOPES = [ '', '' ]; var driveEnabled = false; var gdrive = {}; gdrive.init = function() { function start() { driveEnabled = true; try { var state = JSON.parse(decodeURI((/state=(.+?)(&|$)/ .exec( || [ , null ])[1])); if (state.action == 'create') { gdrive.createFile(state.folderId, fileManager.currentFile, fileManager.content); } } catch (e) { } } function handleAuthResult(authResult) { if (authResult && !authResult.error) { $("#drive-link").hide(); 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boundary="' + boundary + '"', }, 'body' : multipartRequestBody, }); request.execute(function(file) { console.log(file); }); }; return gdrive; })(jQuery); var core = (function($) { var core = {}; core.init = function() { this.loadSettings(); this.saveSettings(); this.createLayout(); $(".action-apply-settings").click(function() { core.saveSettings(); fileManager.saveFile(); location.reload(); }); }; var settings = {}; core.loadSettings = function() { if(localStorage.settings) { settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.settings); } // Layout orientation $("#radio-layout-orientation-horizontal").attr('checked', true); if(settings.layoutOrientation == "vertical") { $("#radio-layout-orientation-vertical").attr('checked', true); } }; core.saveSettings = function() { // Layout orientation settings.layoutOrientation = "horizontal"; if($("#radio-layout-orientation-vertical").is(":checked")) { settings.layoutOrientation = "vertical"; } localStorage.settings = JSON.stringify(settings); }; core.createLayout = function() { var layout = undefined; var layoutGlobalConfig = { closable : true, resizable : false, slidable : false, livePaneResizing : true, spacing_open : 20, spacing_closed : 20, togglerLength_open : 90, togglerLength_closed : 90, center__minWidth : 100, center__minHeight : 100, stateManagement__enabled : false, }; if (settings.layoutOrientation == "horizontal") { $(".ui-layout-east").addClass("well").attr("id", "wmd-preview"); layout = $('body').layout( $.extend(layoutGlobalConfig, { east__resizable : true, east__size : .5, east__minSize : 200, south__closable : false, })); } else if (settings.layoutOrientation == "vertical") { $(".ui-layout-east").remove(); $(".ui-layout-south").addClass("well").attr("id", "wmd-preview"); layout = $('body').layout( $.extend(layoutGlobalConfig, { south__resizable : true, south__size : .5, south__minSize : 200, })); } $(".ui-layout-toggler-north").addClass("btn").append( $("").addClass("caret")); $(".ui-layout-toggler-south").addClass("btn").append( $("").addClass("caret")); $(".ui-layout-toggler-east").addClass("btn").append( $("").addClass("caret")); $("#navbar").click(function() { layout.allowOverflow('north'); }); }; core.createEditor = function() { $("#wmd-button-bar").empty(); var converter = Markdown.getSanitizingConverter(); var editor = new Markdown.Editor(converter);; $(".wmd-button-row").addClass("btn-group").find("li:not(.wmd-spacer)") .addClass("btn").css("left", 0).find("span").hide(); $("#wmd-bold-button").append($("").addClass("icon-bold")); $("#wmd-italic-button").append($("").addClass("icon-italic")); $("#wmd-link-button").append($("").addClass("icon-globe")); $("#wmd-quote-button").append($("").addClass("icon-indent-left")); $("#wmd-code-button").append($("").addClass("icon-code")); $("#wmd-image-button").append($("").addClass("icon-picture")); $("#wmd-olist-button").append($("").addClass("icon-numbered-list")); $("#wmd-ulist-button").append($("").addClass("icon-list")); $("#wmd-heading-button").append($("").addClass("icon-text-height")); $("#wmd-hr-button").append($("").addClass("icon-hr")); $("#wmd-undo-button").append($("").addClass("icon-undo")); $("#wmd-redo-button").append($("").addClass("icon-share-alt")); }; return core; })(jQuery); (function($) { $(function() { core.init(); if (typeof (Storage) !== "undefined") { fileManager.init(); } else { showError("Web storage is not available"); } }); })(jQuery);