/** * Used to run asynchronous tasks sequentially (ajax mainly). An asynchronous * task is composed of different callback types: onRun, onSuccess, onError */ define([ "core", "underscore" ], function(core) { var asyncRunner = {}; var taskQueue = []; var currentTask = undefined; var currentTaskRunning = false; var currentTaskStartTime = 0; asyncRunner.createTask = function() { var task = {}; task.finished = false; task.timeout = ASYNC_TASK_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; task.retryCounter = 0; /** * onRun callbacks are called by chain(). These callbacks have to call * chain() themselves to chain with next onRun callback or error() to * throw an exception or retry() to restart the task. */ // Run callbacks task.runCallbacks = []; task.onRun = function(callback) { task.runCallbacks.push(callback); }; /** * onSuccess callbacks are called when every onRun callbacks have * succeed. */ task.successCallbacks = []; task.onSuccess = function(callback) { task.successCallbacks.push(callback); }; /** * onError callbacks are called when error() is called in a onRun * callback. */ task.errorCallbacks = []; task.onError = function(callback) { task.errorCallbacks.push(callback); }; /** * chain() calls the next onRun callback or the onSuccess callbacks when * finished. The optional callback parameter can be used to add a onRun * callback during execution. */ task.chain = function(callback) { if (task.finished === true) { return; } // If first execution if (task.queue === undefined) { // Create a copy of the onRun callbacks task.queue = task.runCallbacks.slice(); } // If a callback is passed as a parameter if(callback !== undefined) { callback(); return; } // If all callbacks have been run if (task.queue.length === 0) { // Run the onSuccess callbacks runSafe(task, task.successCallbacks); return; } // Run the next callback var runCallback = task.queue.shift(); runCallback(); }; /** * error() calls the onError callbacks with the error parameter and ends * the task by throwing an exception. */ task.error = function(error) { if (task.finished === true) { return; } error = error || "Unknown error"; runSafe(task, task.errorCallbacks, error); // Exit the current call stack throw error; }; /** * retry() can be called in an onRun callback to restart the task */ task.retry = function() { if (task.finished === true) { return; } task.queue = undefined; if (task.retryCounter === 5) { task.error(new Error("Maximum retry number reached")); return; } // Implement an exponential backoff var delay = Math.pow(2, task.retryCounter++) * 1000; currentTaskStartTime = core.currentTime + delay; currentTaskRunning = false; asyncRunner.runTask(); }; return task; }; // Run the next task in the queue if any and no other running function runTask() { // If there is a task currently running if (currentTaskRunning === true) { // If the current task takes too long if (currentTaskStartTime + currentTask.timeout < core.currentTime) { var errorMsg = "A timeout occurred."; core.showError(errorMsg); currentTask.error(new Error(errorMsg)); } return; } if (currentTask === undefined) { // If no task in the queue if (taskQueue.length === 0) { return; } // Dequeue an enqueued task currentTask = taskQueue.shift(); currentTaskStartTime = core.currentTime; core.showWorkingIndicator(true); } // Run the task if (currentTaskStartTime <= core.currentTime) { currentTaskRunning = true; currentTask.chain(); } } asyncRunner.runTask = function() { // Use defer to avoid stack overflow _.defer(runTask); }; // Run runTask function periodically core.addPeriodicCallback(asyncRunner.runTask); function runSafe(task, callbacks, param) { try { _.each(callbacks, function(callback) { callback(param); }); } finally { task.finished = true; if (currentTask === task) { currentTask = undefined; currentTaskRunning = false; } if (taskQueue.length === 0) { core.showWorkingIndicator(false); } else { asyncRunner.runTask(); } } } // Add a task to the queue asyncRunner.addTask = function(task) { taskQueue.push(task); asyncRunner.runTask(); }; // Change current task timeout asyncRunner.setCurrentTaskTimeout = function(timeout) { if (currentTask !== undefined) { currentTask.timeout = timeout; } }; return asyncRunner; });