define([ "jquery", "underscore", "crel", "ace", "utils", "settings", "eventMgr", "mousetrap", "text!html/bodyIndex.html", "text!html/bodyViewer.html", "text!html/settingsTemplateTooltip.html", "text!html/settingsUserCustomExtensionTooltip.html", "storage", "config", "uilayout", 'pagedown-ace', 'libs/ace_mode', 'ace/requirejs/text!ace/css/editor.css', 'ace/requirejs/text!ace/theme/textmate.css', 'ace/ext/spellcheck', 'ace/ext/searchbox' ], function($, _, crel, ace, utils, settings, eventMgr, mousetrap, bodyIndexHTML, bodyViewerHTML, settingsTemplateTooltipHTML, settingsUserCustomExtensionTooltipHTML) { var core = {}; // Used for periodic tasks var intervalId = undefined; // Used to detect user activity var isUserReal = false; var userActive = false; var windowUnique = true; var userLastActivity = 0; function setUserActive() { isUserReal = true; userActive = true; var currentTime = utils.currentTime; if(currentTime > userLastActivity + 1000) { userLastActivity = currentTime; eventMgr.onUserActive(); } } function isUserActive() { if(userActive === true && utils.currentTime - userLastActivity > USER_IDLE_THRESHOLD) { userActive = false; } return userActive && windowUnique; } // Used to only have 1 window of the application in the same browser var windowId = undefined; function checkWindowUnique() { if(isUserReal === false || windowUnique === false) { return; } if(windowId === undefined) { windowId = utils.randomString(); localStorage["frontWindowId"] = windowId; } var frontWindowId = localStorage["frontWindowId"]; if(frontWindowId != windowId) { windowUnique = false; if(intervalId !== undefined) { clearInterval(intervalId); } $(".modal").modal("hide"); $('.modal-non-unique').modal("show"); } } // Offline management var isOffline = false; var offlineTime = utils.currentTime; core.setOffline = function() { offlineTime = utils.currentTime; if(isOffline === false) { isOffline = true; eventMgr.onOfflineChanged(true); } }; function setOnline() { if(isOffline === true) { isOffline = false; eventMgr.onOfflineChanged(false); } } function checkOnline() { // Try to reconnect if we are offline but we have some network if(isOffline === true && navigator.onLine === true && offlineTime + CHECK_ONLINE_PERIOD < utils.currentTime) { offlineTime = utils.currentTime; // Try to download anything to test the connection $.ajax({ url: "//", timeout: AJAX_TIMEOUT, dataType: "script" }).done(function() { setOnline(); }); } } // Load settings in settings dialog var $themeInputElt = undefined; function loadSettings() { // Layout orientation utils.setInputRadio("radio-layout-orientation", settings.layoutOrientation); // Theme utils.setInputValue($themeInputElt, theme); $themeInputElt.change(); // Lazy rendering utils.setInputChecked("#input-settings-lazy-rendering", settings.lazyRendering); // Editor font family utils.setInputValue("#input-settings-editor-font-family", settings.editorFontFamily); // Editor font size utils.setInputValue("#input-settings-editor-font-size", settings.editorFontSize); // Max width utils.setInputValue("#input-settings-max-width", settings.maxWidth); // Default content utils.setInputValue("#textarea-settings-default-content", settings.defaultContent); // Commit message utils.setInputValue("#input-settings-publish-commit-msg", settings.commitMsg); // Template utils.setInputValue("#textarea-settings-publish-template", settings.template); // PDF template utils.setInputValue("#textarea-settings-publish-pdf-template", settings.pdfTemplate); // SSH proxy utils.setInputValue("#input-settings-ssh-proxy", settings.sshProxy); // Load extension settings eventMgr.onLoadSettings(); } // Save settings from settings dialog function saveSettings(event) { var newSettings = {}; // Layout orientation newSettings.layoutOrientation = utils.getInputRadio("radio-layout-orientation"); // Theme var theme = utils.getInputValue($themeInputElt); // Lazy Rendering newSettings.lazyRendering = utils.getInputChecked("#input-settings-lazy-rendering"); // Editor font family newSettings.editorFontFamily = utils.getInputTextValue("#input-settings-editor-font-family", event); // Editor font size newSettings.editorFontSize = utils.getInputIntValue("#input-settings-editor-font-size", event, 1, 99); // Max width newSettings.maxWidth = utils.getInputIntValue("#input-settings-max-width", event, 1); // Default content newSettings.defaultContent = utils.getInputValue("#textarea-settings-default-content"); // Commit message newSettings.commitMsg = utils.getInputTextValue("#input-settings-publish-commit-msg", event); // Template newSettings.template = utils.getInputTextValue("#textarea-settings-publish-template", event); // PDF template newSettings.pdfTemplate = utils.getInputTextValue("#textarea-settings-publish-pdf-template", event); // SSH proxy newSettings.sshProxy = utils.checkUrl(utils.getInputTextValue("#input-settings-ssh-proxy", event), true); // Save extension settings newSettings.extensionSettings = {}; eventMgr.onSaveSettings(newSettings.extensionSettings, event); if(!event.isPropagationStopped()) { $.extend(settings, newSettings); localStorage.settings = JSON.stringify(settings); localStorage.theme = theme; } } // Set the panels visibility var layout = undefined; var $menuPanelElt = undefined; var $documentPanelElt = undefined; function setPanelVisibility(forceHide) { if(forceHide === true || layout.state.north.isClosed) { $menuPanelElt.hide(); $documentPanelElt.hide(); } else { $; $; } } // Set the preview button visibility var $previewButtonsElt = undefined; function setPreviewButtonsVisibility(forceHide) { if(forceHide === true || layout.state.east.isClosed) { $previewButtonsElt.hide(); } else { $; } } // Create ACE editor var aceEditor = undefined; function createAceEditor() { if(lightMode) { // In light mode, we replace ACE with a textarea $('#wmd-input').replaceWith(function() { return $('