define([ "jquery", "core", "utils", "eventMgr", "classes/AsyncTask", "config" ], function($, core, utils, eventMgr, AsyncTask) { var connected = undefined; var github = undefined; var githubHelper = {}; // Listen to offline status changes var isOffline = false; eventMgr.addListener("onOfflineChanged", function(isOfflineParam) { isOffline = isOfflineParam; }); // Try to connect github by downloading js file function connect(task) { task.onRun(function() { if(isOffline === true) { connected = false; task.error(new Error("Operation not available in offline mode.|stopPublish")); return; } if(connected === true) { task.chain(); return; } $.ajax({ url: "libs/github.js", dataType: "script", timeout: AJAX_TIMEOUT }).done(function() { connected = true; task.chain(); }).fail(function(jqXHR) { var error = { error: jqXHR.status, message: jqXHR.statusText }; handleError(error, task); }); }); } // Try to authenticate with Oauth function authenticate(task) { var authWindow = undefined; var intervalId = undefined; task.onRun(function() { if(github !== undefined) { task.chain(); return; } var token = localStorage.githubToken; if(token !== undefined) { github = new Github({ token: token, auth: "oauth" }); task.chain(); return; } var errorMsg = "Failed to retrieve a token from GitHub."; // We add time for user to enter his credentials task.timeout = ASYNC_TASK_LONG_TIMEOUT; var code = undefined; function oauthRedirect() { core.oauthRedirect('GitHub', function() { task.chain(getCode); }); } function getCode() { eventMgr.onMessage("Please make sure the Github authorization popup is not blocked by your browser."); localStorage.removeItem("githubCode"); authWindow = utils.popupWindow('html/github-oauth-client.html?client_id=' + GITHUB_CLIENT_ID, 'stackedit-github-oauth', 960, 600); authWindow.focus(); intervalId = setInterval(function() { if(authWindow.closed === true) { clearInterval(intervalId); authWindow = undefined; intervalId = undefined; code = localStorage.githubCode; if(code === undefined) { task.error(new Error(errorMsg)); return; } localStorage.removeItem("githubCode"); task.chain(getToken); } }, 500); } function getToken() { $.getJSON(GATEKEEPER_URL + "authenticate/" + code, function(data) { if(data.token !== undefined) { token = data.token; localStorage.githubToken = token; github = new Github({ token: token, auth: "oauth" }); task.chain(); } else { task.error(new Error(errorMsg)); } }); } task.chain(oauthRedirect); }); task.onError(function() { if(intervalId !== undefined) { clearInterval(intervalId); } if(authWindow !== undefined) { authWindow.close(); } }); } githubHelper.upload = function(reponame, username, branch, path, content, commitMsg, callback) { var task = new AsyncTask(); connect(task); authenticate(task); task.onRun(function() { function getUsername() { var user = github.getUser();, function(err, result) { if(err) { handleError(err, task); return; } username = result.login; task.chain(write); }); } function write() { var repo = github.getRepo(username, reponame); repo.write(branch, path, content, commitMsg, function(err) { if(err) { handleError(err, task); return; } task.chain(); }); } if(username) { task.chain(write); } else { task.chain(getUsername); } }); task.onSuccess(function() { callback(); }); task.onError(function(error) { callback(error); }); task.enqueue(); }; githubHelper.uploadGist = function(gistId, filename, isPublic, title, content, callback) { var task = new AsyncTask(); connect(task); authenticate(task); task.onRun(function() { var gist = github.getGist(gistId); var files = {}; files[filename] = { content: content }; githubFunction = gist.update; if(gistId === undefined) { githubFunction = gist.create; } githubFunction({ description: title, "public": isPublic, files: files }, function(err, gist) { if(err) { // Handle error if(err.error === 404 && gistId !== undefined) { err = 'Gist ' + gistId + ' not found on GitHub.|removePublish'; } handleError(err, task); return; } gistId =; task.chain(); }); }); task.onSuccess(function() { callback(undefined, gistId); }); task.onError(function(error) { callback(error); }); task.enqueue(); }; githubHelper.downloadGist = function(gistId, filename, callback) { var task = new AsyncTask(); connect(task); // No need for authentication var title = undefined; var content = undefined; task.onRun(function() { var github = new Github({}); var gist = github.getGist(gistId);, gist) { if(err) { // Handle error task.error(new Error('Error trying to access Gist ' + gistId + '.')); return; } title = gist.description; var file = gist.files[filename]; if(file === undefined) { task.error(new Error('Gist ' + gistId + ' does not contain "' + filename + '".')); return; } content = file.content; task.chain(); }); }); task.onSuccess(function() { callback(undefined, title, content); }); task.onError(function(error) { callback(error); }); task.enqueue(); }; function handleError(error, task) { var errorMsg = undefined; if(error) { logger.error(error); // Try to analyze the error if(typeof error === "string") { errorMsg = error; } else { errorMsg = "Could not publish on GitHub."; if(error.error === 401 || error.error === 403) { github = undefined; localStorage.removeItem("githubToken"); errorMsg = "Access to GitHub account is not authorized."; task.retry(new Error(errorMsg), 1); return; } else if(error.error <= 0) { connected = false; github = undefined; core.setOffline(); errorMsg = "|stopPublish"; } } } task.error(new Error(errorMsg)); } return githubHelper; });