define(["jquery", "google-helper", "dropbox-helper", "synchronizer", "publisher"], function($, googleHelper, dropboxHelper, synchronizer, publisher) { var fileManager = {}; // Dependencies var core = undefined; // Caution: this function recreate the editor (reset undo operations) var fileDescList = []; fileManager.selectFile = function(fileIndex) { // If no file create one if (localStorage["file.list"].length === 1) { fileIndex = this.createFile(); } if(fileIndex !== undefined) { // Since we are going to modify current file core.checkWindowUnique(); localStorage["file.current"] = fileIndex; } // Update the file titles this.updateFileTitles(); refreshManageSync(); // Recreate the editor fileIndex = localStorage["file.current"]; $("#wmd-input").val(localStorage[fileIndex + ".content"]); core.createEditor(function() { fileManager.saveFile(); }); }; fileManager.createFile = function(title, content, syncIndexes) { content = content || ""; syncIndexes = syncIndexes || []; if (!title) { // Create a file title title = DEFAULT_FILE_TITLE; function exists(title) { for ( var i = 0; i < fileDescList.length; i++) { if(fileDescList[i].title == title) { return true; } } } var indicator = 2; while(exists(title)) { title = DEFAULT_FILE_TITLE + indicator++; } } // Create the fileIndex var fileCounter = parseInt(localStorage["file.counter"]); var fileIndex = "file." + fileCounter; // Create the file in the localStorage localStorage[fileIndex + ".content"] = content; localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"] = title; var sync = ";"; for(var i=0; i b.title.toLowerCase()) return 1; return 0; }); var fileIndex = localStorage["file.current"]; // If no default file take first one if (!fileIndex) { // Since we are going to modify current file core.checkWindowUnique(); fileIndex = fileDescList[0].index; localStorage["file.current"] = fileIndex; } var useGoogleDrive = false; var useDropbox = false; function composeTitle(fileIndex) { var result = " " + localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"]; var sync = localStorage[fileIndex + ".sync"]; if (sync.indexOf(";" + SYNC_PROVIDER_DROPBOX) !== -1) { useDropbox = true; result = '' + result; } if (sync.indexOf(";" + SYNC_PROVIDER_GDRIVE) !== -1) { useGoogleDrive = true; result = '' + result; } return result; } // Update the file title var title = localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"]; document.title = "StackEdit - " + title; $("#file-title").html(composeTitle(fileIndex)); $(".file-title").text(title); $("#file-title-input").val(title); // Update the file selector $("#file-selector").empty(); for ( var i = 0; i < fileDescList.length; i++) { var fileDesc = fileDescList[i]; var a = $("").html(composeTitle(fileDesc.index)); var li = $("
  • ").append(a); if (fileDesc.index == fileIndex) { li.addClass("disabled"); } else { a.prop("href", "#").click((function(fileIndex) { return function() { // Since we are going to modify current file core.checkWindowUnique(); localStorage["file.current"] = fileIndex; fileManager.selectFile(); }; })(fileDesc.index)); } $("#file-selector").append(li); } synchronizer.useGoogleDrive = useGoogleDrive; synchronizer.useDropbox = useDropbox; }; // Remove a synchronized location fileManager.removeSync = function(fileSyncIndex) { var fileIndexCurrent = localStorage["file.current"]; var fileIndex = this.getFileIndexFromSync(fileSyncIndex); if(fileIndex !== undefined) { localStorage[fileIndex + ".sync"] = localStorage[fileIndex + ".sync"].replace(";" + fileSyncIndex + ";", ";"); if(fileIndex == fileIndexCurrent) { refreshManageSync(); } } // Remove ETAG, version, CRCs (if any) localStorage.removeItem(fileSyncIndex + ".etag"); localStorage.removeItem(fileSyncIndex + ".version"); localStorage.removeItem(fileSyncIndex + ".contentCRC"); localStorage.removeItem(fileSyncIndex + ".titleCRC"); }; // Look for local file associated to a synchronized location fileManager.getFileIndexFromSync = function(fileSyncIndex) { var fileIndex = undefined; var fileIndexList = localStorage["file.list"].split(";"); for ( var i = 1; i < fileIndexList.length - 1; i++) { var tempFileIndex = fileIndexList[i]; var sync = localStorage[tempFileIndex + ".sync"]; if (sync.indexOf(";" + fileSyncIndex + ";") !== -1) { fileIndex = tempFileIndex; break; } } return fileIndex; }; function uploadGdrive(fileId, folderId) { var fileIndex = localStorage["file.current"]; var content = localStorage[fileIndex + ".content"]; var title = localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"]; googleHelper.upload(fileId, folderId, title, content, function(fileSyncIndex) { if (fileSyncIndex === undefined) { return; } var contentCRC = core.crc32(content); localStorage[fileSyncIndex + ".contentCRC"] = contentCRC; var titleCRC = core.crc32(title); localStorage[fileSyncIndex + ".titleCRC"] = titleCRC; localStorage[fileIndex + ".sync"] += fileSyncIndex + ";"; refreshManageSync(); fileManager.updateFileTitles(); core.showMessage('"' + title + '" will now be synchronized on Google Drive.'); }); } function manualGdrive(fileId) { if(!fileId) { return; } // Check that file is not synchronized with an other one var fileSyncIndex = SYNC_PROVIDER_GDRIVE + fileId; var fileIndex = fileManager.getFileIndexFromSync(fileSyncIndex); if(fileIndex !== undefined) { var title = localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"]; core.showError('File ID is already synchronized with "' + title + '"'); return; } uploadGdrive(fileId); } function importGdrive(ids) { if(ids === undefined) { return; } var importIds = []; for(var i=0; i 2) { $(".msg-sync-list").removeClass("hide"); } else { $(".msg-no-sync").removeClass("hide"); } for ( var i = 1; i < fileSyncIndexList.length - 1; i++) { var fileSyncIndex = fileSyncIndexList[i]; (function(fileSyncIndex) { var line = $("
    ").addClass("input-prepend input-append"); if (fileSyncIndex.indexOf(SYNC_PROVIDER_GDRIVE) === 0) { line.append($("").addClass("add-on").html( '')); line.append($("").prop("type", "text").prop( "disabled", true).addClass("span5").val( fileSyncIndex.substring(SYNC_PROVIDER_GDRIVE.length))); } if (fileSyncIndex.indexOf(SYNC_PROVIDER_DROPBOX) === 0) { line.append($("").addClass("add-on").html( '')); line.append($("").prop("type", "text").prop( "disabled", true).addClass("span5").val( decodeURIComponent(fileSyncIndex.substring(SYNC_PROVIDER_DROPBOX.length)))); } line.append($("").addClass("btn").html( '').prop("title", "Remove this location").click(function() { fileManager.removeSync(fileSyncIndex); fileManager.updateFileTitles(); })); $("#manage-sync-list").append(line); })(fileSyncIndex); } } fileManager.init = function(coreModule) { core = coreModule; fileManager.selectFile(); $(".action-create-file").click(function() { var fileIndex = fileManager.createFile(); fileManager.selectFile(fileIndex); $("#file-title").click(); }); $(".action-remove-file").click(function() { fileManager.deleteFile(); fileManager.selectFile(); }); $("#file-title").click(function() { $(this).hide(); $("#file-title-input").show().focus(); }); $("#file-title-input").blur(function() { var title = $.trim($(this).val()); if (title) { var fileIndexTitle = localStorage["file.current"] + ".title"; if (title != localStorage[fileIndexTitle]) { localStorage[fileIndexTitle] = title; fileManager.updateFileTitles(); fileManager.saveFile(); } } $(this).hide(); $("#file-title").show(); }); $(".action-download-md").click( function() { var content = $("#wmd-input").val(); var uriContent = "data:application/octet-stream;base64," + core.encodeBase64(content);, 'file'); }); $(".action-download-html").click( function() { var content = $("#wmd-preview").html(); var uriContent = "data:application/octet-stream;base64," + core.encodeBase64(content);, 'file'); }); $(".action-upload-gdrive-root").click(function() { uploadGdrive(); }); $(".action-upload-gdrive-select").click(function() { // This action is not available because picker does not support // folder selection googleHelper.picker(function(ids) { if(ids !== undefined && ids.length !== 0) { uploadGdrive(undefined, ids[0]); } }, true); }); $(".action-download-gdrive").click(function() { googleHelper.picker(importGdrive); }); $(".action-manual-gdrive").click(function(event) { var fileId = core.getInputValue($("#manual-gdrive-fileid"), event); manualGdrive(fileId); }); $(".action-download-dropbox").click(function() { dropboxHelper.picker(importDropbox); }); $(".action-upload-dropbox").click(function(event) { var path = core.getInputValue($("#upload-dropbox-path"), event); manualDropbox(path); }); $(".action-manual-dropbox").click(function(event) { var path = core.getInputValue($("#manual-dropbox-path"), event); manualDropbox(path); }); }; return fileManager; });