define(["jquery", "core", "async-runner"], function($, core, asyncRunner) { var connected = false; var authenticated = false; var googleHelper = {}; // Try to connect Gdrive by downloading client.js function connect(task) { task.onRun(function() { if(core.isOffline === true) { connected = false; task.error(new Error("Operation not available in offline mode.")); return; } if (connected === true) { task.chain(); return; } delayedFunction = function() { connected = true; task.chain(); }; $.ajax({ url : "", dataType : "script", timeout : AJAX_TIMEOUT }).fail(function(jqXHR) { var error = { code: jqXHR.status, message: jqXHR.statusText }; handleError(error, task); }); }); } // Try to authenticate with Oauth function authenticate(task) { task.onRun(function() { if (authenticated === true) { task.chain(); return; } var immediate = true; function localAuthenticate() { if (immediate === false) { core.showMessage("Please make sure the Google authorization popup is not blocked by your browser."); // If not immediate we add time for user to enter his credentials task.timeout = ASYNC_TASK_LONG_TIMEOUT; } gapi.auth.authorize({ 'client_id' : GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, 'scope' : GOOGLE_SCOPES, 'immediate' : immediate }, function( authResult) { gapi.client.load('drive', 'v2', function() { if (!authResult || authResult.error) { // If immediate did not work retry without immediate flag if (connected === true && immediate === true) { immediate = false; task.chain(localAuthenticate); return; } // Error task.error(new Error("Access to Google account is not authorized.")); return; } // Success authenticated = true; task.chain(); }); }); } task.chain(localAuthenticate); }); } googleHelper.upload = function(fileId, parentId, title, content, etag, callback) { callback = callback || core.doNothing; var result = undefined; var task = asyncRunner.createTask(); connect(task); authenticate(task); task.onRun(function() { var boundary = '-------314159265358979323846'; var delimiter = "\r\n--" + boundary + "\r\n"; var close_delim = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--"; var contentType = 'text/x-markdown'; var metadata = { title : title, mimeType : contentType }; if (parentId !== undefined) { // Specify the directory metadata.parents = [ { kind : 'drive#fileLink', id : parentId } ]; } var path = '/upload/drive/v2/files'; var method = 'POST'; if (fileId !== undefined) { // If it's an update path += "/" + fileId; method = 'PUT'; } var headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'multipart/mixed; boundary="' + boundary + '"', }; if(etag !== undefined) { // Sometimes we have error 512 from Google even with the correct etag //headers["If-Match"] = etag; } var base64Data = core.encodeBase64(content); var multipartRequestBody = delimiter + 'Content-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n' + JSON.stringify(metadata) + delimiter + 'Content-Type: ' + contentType + '\r\n' + 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n' + '\r\n' + base64Data + close_delim; var request = gapi.client .request({ 'path' : path, 'method' : method, 'params' : { 'uploadType' : 'multipart', }, 'headers' : headers, 'body' : multipartRequestBody, }); request.execute(function(response) { if (response && { // Upload success result = response; task.chain(); return; } var error = response.error; // Handle error if(error !== undefined && fileId !== undefined) { if(error.code === 404) { error = 'File ID "' + fileId + '" not found on Google Drive.|removePublish'; } else if(error.code === 412) { // We may have missed a file update localStorage.removeItem("gdrive.lastChangeId"); error = 'Conflict on file ID "' + fileId + '". Please restart the synchronization.'; } } handleError(error, task); }); }); task.onSuccess(function() { callback(undefined, result); }); task.onError(function(error) { callback(error); }); asyncRunner.addTask(task); }; googleHelper.checkChanges = function(lastChangeId, callback) { callback = callback || core.doNothing; var changes = []; var newChangeId = lastChangeId || 0; var task = asyncRunner.createTask(); connect(task); authenticate(task); task.onRun(function() { var nextPageToken = undefined; function retrievePageOfChanges() { var request = undefined; if(nextPageToken === undefined) { request = .list({ 'startChangeId' : newChangeId + 1 }); } else { request = .list({ 'pageToken' : nextPageToken }); } request.execute(function(response) { if (!response || !response.largestChangeId) { // Handle error handleError(response.error, task); return; } // Retrieve success newChangeId = response.largestChangeId; nextPageToken = response.nextPageToken; if (response.items !== undefined) { changes = changes.concat(response.items); } if (nextPageToken !== undefined) { task.chain(retrievePageOfChanges); } else { task.chain(); } }); } task.chain(retrievePageOfChanges); }); task.onSuccess(function() { callback(undefined, changes, newChangeId); }); task.onError(function(error) { callback(error); }); asyncRunner.addTask(task); }; googleHelper.downloadMetadata = function(ids, callback, skipAuth) { callback = callback || core.doNothing; var result = []; var task = asyncRunner.createTask(); connect(task); if(!skipAuth) { authenticate(task); } task.onRun(function() { function recursiveDownloadMetadata() { if(ids.length === 0) { task.chain(); return; } var id = ids[0]; var headers = {}; var token = gapi.auth.getToken(); if(token) { headers.Authorization = "Bearer " + token.access_token; } $.ajax({ url : "" + id, headers : headers, data : {key: GOOGLE_API_KEY}, dataType : "json", timeout : AJAX_TIMEOUT }).done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { result.push(data); ids.shift(); task.chain(recursiveDownloadMetadata); }).fail(function(jqXHR) { var error = { code: jqXHR.status, message: jqXHR.statusText }; // Handle error if(error.code === 404) { error = 'File ID "' + id + '" not found on Google Drive.'; } handleError(error, task); }); } task.chain(recursiveDownloadMetadata); }); task.onSuccess(function() { callback(undefined, result); }); task.onError(function(error) { callback(error); }); asyncRunner.addTask(task); }; googleHelper.downloadContent = function(objects, callback, skipAuth) { callback = callback || core.doNothing; var result = []; var task = asyncRunner.createTask(); // Add some time for user to choose his files task.timeout = ASYNC_TASK_LONG_TIMEOUT; connect(task); if(!skipAuth) { authenticate(task); } task.onRun(function() { function recursiveDownloadContent() { if(objects.length === 0) { task.chain(); return; } var object = objects[0]; result.push(object); var file = undefined; // object may be a file if(object.kind == "drive#file") { file = object; } // object may be a change else if(object.kind == "drive#change") { file = object.file; } if(!file) { objects.shift(); task.chain(recursiveDownloadContent); return; } var headers = {}; var token = gapi.auth.getToken(); if(token) { headers.Authorization = "Bearer " + token.access_token; } $.ajax({ url : file.downloadUrl, headers : headers, data : {key: GOOGLE_API_KEY}, dataType : "text", timeout : AJAX_TIMEOUT }).done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { file.content = data; objects.shift(); task.chain(recursiveDownloadContent); }).fail(function(jqXHR) { var error = { code: jqXHR.status, message: jqXHR.statusText }; // Handle error handleError(error, task); }); } task.chain(recursiveDownloadContent); }); task.onSuccess(function() { callback(undefined, result); }); task.onError(function(error) { callback(error); }); asyncRunner.addTask(task); }; function handleError(error, task) { var errorMsg = undefined; if (error) { console.error(error); // Try to analyze the error if (typeof error === "string") { errorMsg = error; } else { errorMsg = "Google error (" + error.code + ": " + error.message + ")."; if (error.code >= 500 && error.code < 600) { // Retry as described in Google's best practices task.retry(new Error(errorMsg)); return; } else if (error.code === 401 || error.code === 403) { authenticated = false; errorMsg = "Access to Google account is not authorized."; task.retry(new Error(errorMsg), 1); return; } else if (error.code <= 0) { connected = false; authenticated = false; core.setOffline(); errorMsg = "|stopPublish"; } } } task.error(new Error(errorMsg)); } var pickerLoaded = false; function loadPicker(task) { task.onRun(function() { if (pickerLoaded === true) { task.chain(); return; } $.ajax({ url : "//", data : {key: GOOGLE_API_KEY}, dataType : "script", timeout : AJAX_TIMEOUT }).done(function() { google.load('picker', '1', {callback: task.chain}); pickerLoaded = true; }).fail(function(jqXHR) { var error = { code: jqXHR.status, message: jqXHR.statusText }; handleError(error, task); }); }); } googleHelper.picker = function(callback) { callback = callback || core.doNothing; var ids = []; var picker = undefined; function hidePicker() { if(picker !== undefined) { picker.setVisible(false); $(".modal-backdrop, .picker").remove(); } } var task = asyncRunner.createTask(); connect(task); loadPicker(task); task.onRun(function() { var view = new google.picker.View(google.picker.ViewId.DOCS); view.setMimeTypes("text/x-markdown,text/plain"); var pickerBuilder = new google.picker.PickerBuilder(); pickerBuilder.enableFeature(google.picker.Feature.NAV_HIDDEN); pickerBuilder.enableFeature(google.picker.Feature.MULTISELECT_ENABLED); pickerBuilder.setAppId(GOOGLE_DRIVE_APP_ID); var token = gapi.auth.getToken(); if(token) { pickerBuilder.setOAuthToken(token.access_token); } pickerBuilder.addView(view); pickerBuilder.addView(new google.picker.DocsUploadView()); pickerBuilder.setCallback(function(data) { if (data.action == google.picker.Action.PICKED || data.action == google.picker.Action.CANCEL) { if(data.action == google.picker.Action.PICKED) { for(var i=0; i").addClass("modal-backdrop").click(function() { hidePicker(); task.chain(); })); picker.setVisible(true); }); task.onSuccess(function() { callback(undefined, ids); }); task.onError(function(error) { hidePicker(); callback(error); }); asyncRunner.addTask(task); }; googleHelper.uploadBlogger = function(blogUrl, blogId, postId, labelList, title, content, callback) { var task = asyncRunner.createTask(); connect(task); authenticate(task); task.onRun(function() { var headers = {}; var token = gapi.auth.getToken(); if(token) { headers.Authorization = "Bearer " + token.access_token; } function publish() { var url = "" + blogId + "/posts/"; var data = { kind: "blogger#post", blog: { id: blogId }, labels: labelList, title: title, content: content }; var type = "POST"; // If it's an update if(postId !== undefined) { url += postId; = postId; type = "PUT"; } $.ajax({ url : url, data: JSON.stringify(data), headers : headers, type: type, contentType: "application/json", dataType : "json", timeout : AJAX_TIMEOUT }).done(function(post, textStatus, jqXHR) { postId =; task.chain(); }).fail(function(jqXHR) { var error = { code: jqXHR.status, message: jqXHR.statusText }; // Handle error if(error.code === 404 && postId !== undefined) { error = 'Post ' + postId + ' not found on Blogger.|removePublish'; } handleError(error, task); }); } function getBlogId() { if(blogId !== undefined) { task.chain(publish); return; } $.ajax({ url : "", data: { url: blogUrl }, headers : headers, dataType : "json", timeout : AJAX_TIMEOUT }).done(function(blog, textStatus, jqXHR) { blogId =; task.chain(publish); }).fail(function(jqXHR) { var error = { code: jqXHR.status, message: jqXHR.statusText }; // Handle error if(error.code === 404) { error = 'Blog "' + blogUrl + '" not found on Blogger.|removePublish'; } handleError(error, task); }); } task.chain(getBlogId); }); task.onSuccess(function() { callback(undefined, blogId, postId); }); task.onError(function(error) { callback(error); }); asyncRunner.addTask(task); }; return googleHelper; });