define(["jquery", "core", "synchronizer", "publisher", "sharing", "text!../", "underscore"], function($, core, synchronizer, publisher, sharing, welcomeContent) { var fileManager = {}; // Defines the current file var currentFileIndex = localStorage["file.current"]; fileManager.getCurrentFileIndex = function() { return currentFileIndex; }; fileManager.isCurrentFileIndex = function(fileIndex) { return fileIndex == currentFileIndex; }; fileManager.setCurrentFileIndex = function(fileIndex) { currentFileIndex = fileIndex; if(fileIndex === undefined) { localStorage.removeItem("file.current"); } else { localStorage["file.current"] = fileIndex; } }; // Caution: this function recreate the editor (reset undo operations) var fileDescList = []; fileManager.selectFile = function(fileIndex) { // If no file create one if (localStorage["file.list"].length === 1) { fileIndex = fileManager.createFile(WELCOME_DOCUMENT_TITLE, welcomeContent); } if(fileIndex !== undefined) { fileManager.setCurrentFileIndex(fileIndex); } // Update the file titles fileManager.updateFileTitles(); synchronizer.refreshManageSync(); publisher.notifyPublish(); // Recreate the editor fileIndex = fileManager.getCurrentFileIndex(); $("#wmd-input").val(localStorage[fileIndex + ".content"]); core.createEditor(function() { fileManager.saveFile(); }); }; fileManager.createFile = function(title, content, syncIndexes) { content = content || core.settings.defaultContent; syncIndexes = syncIndexes || []; if (!title) { // Create a file title title = DEFAULT_FILE_TITLE; var indicator = 2; while(_.some(fileDescList, function(fileDesc) { return fileDesc.title == title; })) { title = DEFAULT_FILE_TITLE + indicator++; } } // Generate a unique fileIndex var fileIndex = undefined; do { fileIndex = "file." + core.randomString(); } while(_.has(localStorage, fileIndex + ".title")); // Create the file in the localStorage localStorage[fileIndex + ".content"] = content; localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"] = title; var sync = _.reduce(syncIndexes, function(sync, syncIndex) { return sync + syncIndex + ";"; }, ";"); localStorage[fileIndex + ".sync"] = sync; localStorage[fileIndex + ".publish"] = ";"; localStorage["file.list"] += fileIndex + ";"; return fileIndex; }; fileManager.deleteFile = function(fileIndex) { fileIndex = fileIndex || fileManager.getCurrentFileIndex(); if(fileManager.isCurrentFileIndex(fileIndex)) { // Unset the current fileIndex fileManager.setCurrentFileIndex(); } // Remove synchronized locations var syncIndexList = _.compact(localStorage[fileIndex + ".sync"].split(";")); _.each(syncIndexList, function(syncIndex) { fileManager.removeSync(syncIndex); }); localStorage.removeItem(fileIndex + ".sync"); // Remove publish locations var publishIndexList = _.compact(localStorage[fileIndex + ".publish"].split(";")); _.each(publishIndexList, function(publishIndex) { fileManager.removePublish(publishIndex); }); localStorage.removeItem(fileIndex + ".publish"); localStorage["file.list"] = localStorage["file.list"].replace(";" + fileIndex + ";", ";"); localStorage.removeItem(fileIndex + ".title"); localStorage.removeItem(fileIndex + ".content"); }; fileManager.saveFile = function() { var content = $("#wmd-input").val(); var fileIndex = fileManager.getCurrentFileIndex(); localStorage[fileIndex + ".content"] = content; synchronizer.notifyChange(fileIndex); }; fileManager.updateFileTitles = function() { $("#file-selector").empty(); fileDescList = _.chain(localStorage["file.list"].split(";")).compact() .reduce(function(fileDescList, fileIndex) { var title = localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"]; fileDescList.push({ index : fileIndex, title : title }); return fileDescList; }, []) .sortBy(function(fileDesc) { return fileDesc.title.toLowerCase(); }).value(); var fileIndex = fileManager.getCurrentFileIndex(); // If no default file take first one if (fileIndex === undefined) { fileIndex = fileDescList[0].index; fileManager.setCurrentFileIndex(fileIndex); } synchronizer.resetSyncFlags(); var links = []; function composeTitle(fileIndex, generateLinks) { var result = []; var syncAttributesList = synchronizer.getSyncAttributesFromFile(fileIndex); var publishAttributesList = publisher.getPublishAttributesFromFile(fileIndex); var attributesList = syncAttributesList.concat(publishAttributesList); _.chain(attributesList).sortBy(function(attributes) { return attributes.provider; }).each(function(attributes) { result.push(''); if(generateLinks === true) { var url = sharing.getLink(attributes); if(url !== undefined) { links.push(url); } } }); result.push(" "); result.push(localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"]); return result.join(""); } // Update the file title var title = localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"]; document.title = "StackEdit - " + title; $("#file-title").html(composeTitle(fileIndex, true)); $(".file-title").text(title); $("#file-title-input").val(title); var linkList = $(".link-list").empty(); if(links.length > 0) { _.each(links, function(url) { linkList.append($('
' + url + '
')); }); $("#link-container no-link").hide(); } else { $("#link-container no-link").show(); } // Update the file selector $("#file-selector").empty(); _.each(fileDescList, function(fileDesc) { var a = $("").html(composeTitle(fileDesc.index)); var li = $("
  • ").append(a); if (fileDesc.index == fileIndex) { li.addClass("disabled"); } else { a.prop("href", "#").click((function(fileIndex) { return function() { fileManager.selectFile(fileIndex); }; })(fileDesc.index)); } $("#file-selector").append(li); }); core.layoutRefresh(); }; // Remove a syncIndex (synchronized location) fileManager.removeSync = function(syncIndex) { var fileIndex = fileManager.getFileIndexFromSync(syncIndex); if(fileIndex !== undefined) { localStorage[fileIndex + ".sync"] = localStorage[fileIndex + ".sync"].replace(";" + syncIndex + ";", ";"); if(fileManager.isCurrentFileIndex(fileIndex)) { synchronizer.refreshManageSync(); } } // Remove sync attributes localStorage.removeItem(syncIndex); }; // Get the fileIndex associated to a syncIndex fileManager.getFileIndexFromSync = function(syncIndex) { return _.chain(localStorage["file.list"].split(";")).compact() .find(function(fileIndex) { var sync = localStorage[fileIndex + ".sync"]; return sync.indexOf(";" + syncIndex + ";") !== -1; }).value(); }; // Remove a publishIndex (publish location) fileManager.removePublish = function(publishIndex) { var fileIndex = fileManager.getFileIndexFromPublish(publishIndex); if(fileIndex !== undefined) { localStorage[fileIndex + ".publish"] = localStorage[fileIndex + ".publish"].replace(";" + publishIndex + ";", ";"); if(fileManager.isCurrentFileIndex(fileIndex)) { publisher.notifyPublish(); } } // Remove publish attributes localStorage.removeItem(publishIndex); }; // Get the fileIndex associated to a publishIndex fileManager.getFileIndexFromPublish = function(publishIndex) { return _.chain(localStorage["file.list"].split(";")).compact() .find(function(fileIndex) { var sync = localStorage[fileIndex + ".publish"]; return sync.indexOf(";" + publishIndex + ";") !== -1; }).value(); }; core.onReady(function() { fileManager.selectFile(); $(".action-create-file").click(function() { var fileIndex = fileManager.createFile(); fileManager.selectFile(fileIndex); $("#file-title").click(); }); $(".action-remove-file").click(function() { fileManager.deleteFile(); fileManager.selectFile(); }); $("#file-title").click(function() { if(viewerMode === true) { return; } $(this).hide(); $("#file-title-input").show().focus().get(0).select(); }); function applyTitle(input) { var title = $.trim(input.val()); var fileIndexTitle = fileManager.getCurrentFileIndex() + ".title"; if (title) { if (title != localStorage[fileIndexTitle]) { localStorage[fileIndexTitle] = title; fileManager.updateFileTitles(); fileManager.saveFile(); } } input.hide().val(localStorage[fileIndexTitle]); $("#file-title").show(); core.layoutRefresh(); } $("#file-title-input").blur(function() { applyTitle($(this)); }).keyup(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { applyTitle($(this)); } if (e.keyCode == 27) { $(this).val(""); applyTitle($(this)); } }); $(".action-download-md").click(function() { var content = $("#wmd-input").val(); var title = localStorage[fileManager.getCurrentFileIndex() + ".title"]; core.saveFile(content, title + ".md"); }); $(".action-download-html").click(function() { var content = $("#wmd-preview").html(); var title = localStorage[fileManager.getCurrentFileIndex() + ".title"]; core.saveFile(content, title + ".html"); }); $(".action-download-template").click(function() { var content = publisher.applyTemplate(); var title = localStorage[fileManager.getCurrentFileIndex() + ".title"]; core.saveFile(content, title + ".txt"); }); $(".action-welcome-file").click(function() { var fileIndex = fileManager.createFile(WELCOME_DOCUMENT_TITLE, welcomeContent); fileManager.selectFile(fileIndex); }); }); core.setFileManager(fileManager); return fileManager; });