// Setup an empty localStorage or upgrade an existing one define([ "underscore", "utils" ], function(_, utils) { var fileIndexList = utils.retrieveIndexArray("file.list"); // localStorage versioning var version = localStorage["version"]; // Upgrade from v0 to v1 if(version === undefined) { // Not used anymore localStorage.removeItem("sync.queue"); localStorage.removeItem("sync.current"); localStorage.removeItem("file.counter"); _.each(fileIndexList, function(fileIndex) { localStorage[fileIndex + ".publish"] = ";"; var syncIndexList = utils.retrieveIndexArray(fileIndex + ".sync"); _.each(syncIndexList, function(syncIndex) { localStorage[syncIndex + ".contentCRC"] = "0"; // We store title CRC only for Google Drive synchronization if(localStorage[syncIndex + ".etag"] !== undefined) { localStorage[syncIndex + ".titleCRC"] = "0"; } }); }); version = "v1"; } // Upgrade from v1 to v2 if(version == "v1") { var gdriveLastChangeId = localStorage["sync.gdrive.lastChangeId"]; if(gdriveLastChangeId) { localStorage["gdrive.lastChangeId"] = gdriveLastChangeId; localStorage.removeItem("sync.gdrive.lastChangeId"); } var dropboxLastChangeId = localStorage["sync.dropbox.lastChangeId"]; if(dropboxLastChangeId) { localStorage["dropbox.lastChangeId"] = dropboxLastChangeId; localStorage.removeItem("sync.dropbox.lastChangeId"); } var PROVIDER_GDRIVE = "gdrive"; var PROVIDER_DROPBOX = "dropbox"; var SYNC_PROVIDER_GDRIVE = "sync." + PROVIDER_GDRIVE + "."; var SYNC_PROVIDER_DROPBOX = "sync." + PROVIDER_DROPBOX + "."; _.each(fileIndexList, function(fileIndex) { var syncIndexList = utils.retrieveIndexArray(fileIndex + ".sync"); _.each(syncIndexList, function(syncIndex) { var syncAttributes = {}; if(syncIndex.indexOf(SYNC_PROVIDER_GDRIVE) === 0) { syncAttributes.provider = PROVIDER_GDRIVE; syncAttributes.id = syncIndex.substring(SYNC_PROVIDER_GDRIVE.length); syncAttributes.etag = localStorage[syncIndex + ".etag"]; syncAttributes.contentCRC = localStorage[syncIndex + ".contentCRC"]; syncAttributes.titleCRC = localStorage[syncIndex + ".titleCRC"]; } else if(syncIndex.indexOf(SYNC_PROVIDER_DROPBOX) === 0) { syncAttributes.provider = PROVIDER_DROPBOX; syncAttributes.path = decodeURIComponent(syncIndex.substring(SYNC_PROVIDER_DROPBOX.length)); syncAttributes.version = localStorage[syncIndex + ".version"]; syncAttributes.contentCRC = localStorage[syncIndex + ".contentCRC"]; } localStorage[syncIndex] = JSON.stringify(syncAttributes); localStorage.removeItem(syncIndex + ".etag"); localStorage.removeItem(syncIndex + ".version"); localStorage.removeItem(syncIndex + ".contentCRC"); localStorage.removeItem(syncIndex + ".titleCRC"); }); }); version = "v2"; } // Upgrade from v2 to v3 if(version == "v2") { _.each(fileIndexList, function(fileIndex) { if(!_.has(localStorage, fileIndex + ".sync")) { localStorage.removeItem(fileIndex + ".title"); localStorage.removeItem(fileIndex + ".publish"); localStorage.removeItem(fileIndex + ".content"); utils.removeIndexFromArray("file.list", fileIndex); } }); version = "v3"; } // Upgrade from v3 to v4 if(version == "v3") { var currentFileIndex = localStorage["file.current"]; if(currentFileIndex !== undefined && localStorage["file.list"].indexOf(";" + currentFileIndex + ";") === -1) { localStorage.removeItem("file.current"); } version = "v4"; } // Upgrade from v4 to v5 if(version == "v4") { // Recreate GitHub token localStorage.removeItem("githubToken"); version = "v5"; } // Upgrade from v5 to v6 if(version == "v5") { _.each(fileIndexList, function(fileIndex) { var publishIndexList = utils.retrieveIndexArray(fileIndex + ".publish"); _.each(publishIndexList, function(publishIndex) { var publishAttributes = JSON.parse(localStorage[publishIndex]); if(publishAttributes.provider == "gdrive") { // Change fileId to Id to be consistent with syncAttributes publishAttributes.id = publishAttributes.fileId; publishAttributes.fileId = undefined; localStorage[publishIndex] = JSON.stringify(publishAttributes); } }); }); version = "v6"; } // Upgrade from v6 to v7 if(version == "v6") { var currentFileIndex = localStorage["file.current"]; if(currentFileIndex !== undefined) { localStorage[currentFileIndex + ".selectTime"] = new Date().getTime(); localStorage.removeItem("file.current"); } version = "v7"; } // Upgrade from v7 to v8 if(version == "v7") { _.each(_.keys(localStorage), function(key) { var matchResult = key.match(/(file\.\S+\.)\S+/); if(matchResult) { if(!_.has(localStorage, matchResult[1] + 'title')) { localStorage.removeItem(key); } } }); version = "v8"; } // Upgrade from v8 to v9 if(version == "v8") { _.each(_.keys(localStorage), function(key) { var matchResult = key.match(/file\.\S+\.(editorEnd|editorStart)/); if(matchResult) { localStorage.removeItem(key); } }); version = "v9"; } // Upgrade from v9 to v10 if(version == "v9") { if(_.has(localStorage, 'settings')) { var settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.settings); delete settings.editorFontFamily; delete settings.editorFontSize; settings.template && (settings.template = settings.template.replace('http://benweet.github.io/stackedit/css/main-min.css', 'http://benweet.github.io/stackedit/res-min/themes/default.css')); localStorage.settings = JSON.stringify(settings); } version = "v10"; } // Upgrade from v10 to v11 if(version == "v10") { if(_.has(localStorage, 'settings')) { var settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.settings); settings.extensionSettings && settings.extensionSettings.markdownExtra && settings.extensionSettings.markdownExtra.extensions && settings.extensionSettings.markdownExtra.extensions.push('smartypants'); localStorage.settings = JSON.stringify(settings); } version = "v11"; } localStorage["version"] = version; });