define([ "jquery", "underscore", "utils", "crel", "rangy", "classes/Extension", "text!html/commentsPopoverContent.html", "bootstrap" ], function($, _, utils, crel, rangy, Extension, commentsPopoverContentHTML) { var comments = new Extension("comments", 'Comments'); var offsetMap = {}; var inputElt; var marginElt; var newCommentElt = crel('a', { class: 'icon-comment new' }); comments.onCursorCoordinates = function(cursorX, cursorY) { var top = (cursorY - 8) + 'px'; var right = 10 + 'px'; = top; = right; }; var fileDesc; comments.onFileSelected = function(selectedFileDesc) { fileDesc = selectedFileDesc; }; comments.onReady = function() { var cssApplier = rangy.createCssClassApplier("comment-highlight", { normalize: false }); var openedPopover; var selectionRange; var rangyRange; var currentDiscussion; inputElt = document.getElementById('wmd-input'); marginElt = document.querySelector('#wmd-input > .editor-margin'); marginElt.appendChild(newCommentElt); $(document.body).append($('
')).popover({ placement: 'auto top', container: '.comments-popover', html: true, title: function() { if(!currentDiscussion) { return '...'; } var titleLength = currentDiscussion.selectionEnd - currentDiscussion.selectionStart; var title = fileDesc.content.substr(currentDiscussion.selectionStart, titleLength > 18 ? 18 : titleLength); if(titleLength > 18) { title += '...'; } return title.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/ .editor-margin > .icon-comment' }).on('', '#wmd-input > .editor-margin', function(evt) { $('active'); inputElt.scrollTop += parseInt( - inputElt.scrollTop - inputElt.offsetHeight * 2/3; // Get selected text var inputSelection = inputElt.getSelectionStartEnd(); var selectionStart = inputSelection.selectionStart; var selectionEnd = inputSelection.selectionEnd; if(selectionStart === selectionEnd) { var after = inputElt.textContent.substring(selectionStart); var match = /\S+/.exec(after); if(match) { selectionStart += match.index; if(match.index === 0) { while(selectionStart && /\S/.test(inputElt.textContent[selectionStart-1])) { selectionStart--; } } selectionEnd += match.index + match[0].length; } } selectionRange = inputElt.createRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd); currentDiscussion = { selectionStart: selectionStart, selectionEnd: selectionEnd, comments: [] }; }).on('', '#wmd-input > .editor-margin', function(evt) { // Move the popover in the margin var popoverElt = document.querySelector('.comments-popover .popover'); var left = -10; if(popoverElt.offsetWidth < marginElt.offsetWidth) { left = marginElt.offsetWidth - popoverElt.offsetWidth - 10; } = left + 'px'; popoverElt.querySelector('.arrow').style.left = (marginElt.offsetWidth - parseInt( - - left) + 'px'; var textarea = popoverElt.querySelector('.input-comment-content'); $(popoverElt.querySelector('.action-add-comment')).click(function(evt) { var author = utils.getInputTextValue(popoverElt.querySelector('.input-comment-author')); var content = utils.getInputTextValue(textarea, evt); if(evt.isPropagationStopped()) { return; } var fileDiscussions = fileDesc.discussions || {}; if(!currentDiscussion.discussionIndex) { do { currentDiscussion.discussionIndex = utils.randomString(); } while(_.has(fileDiscussions, currentDiscussion.discussionIndex)); } currentDiscussion.push({ author: author, content: content }); openedPopover.popover('toggle').popover('destroy'); }); // Prevent from closing on click inside the popover $(popoverElt).on('click', function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); }); setTimeout(function() { openedPopover = $(; // Highlight selected text rangyRange = rangy.createRange(); rangyRange.setStart(selectionRange.startContainer, selectionRange.startOffset); rangyRange.setEnd(selectionRange.endContainer, selectionRange.endOffset); cssApplier.applyToRange(rangyRange); // Focus on textarea textarea.focus(); }, 10); }).on('', '#wmd-input > .editor-margin', function(evt) { $('active'); // Remove highlight rangyRange && cssApplier.undoToRange(rangyRange); openedPopover = undefined; rangyRange = undefined; currentDiscussion = undefined; }).on('click', function() { // Close on click outside the popover openedPopover && openedPopover.popover('toggle').popover('destroy'); }); }; return comments; });