#!/bin/bash set -e # Tag and push docker image docker login -u benweet -p "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" docker tag benweet/stackedit "benweet/stackedit:$TRAVIS_TAG" docker push benweet/stackedit:$TRAVIS_TAG docker tag benweet/stackedit:$TRAVIS_TAG benweet/stackedit:latest docker push benweet/stackedit:latest # Add chart to helm repository git clone "https://benweet:$GITHUB_TOKEN@github.com/benweet/stackedit-charts.git" charts cd charts helm package ../dist/stackedit helm repo index --url https://benweet.github.io/stackedit-charts/ . git config user.name "Benoit Schweblin" git config user.email "benoit.schweblin@gmail.com" git add . git commit -m "Added $TRAVIS_TAG" git push origin master