define([ "jquery", "underscore", "utils", "settings", "extension-manager", "storage", "config", "libs/bootstrap", "libs/layout", "libs/Markdown.Editor" ], function($, _, utils, settings, extensionMgr) { var core = {}; // Used for periodic tasks var intervalId = undefined; var periodicCallbacks = []; core.addPeriodicCallback = function(callback) { periodicCallbacks.push(callback); }; // Used to detect user activity var userReal = false; var userActive = false; var windowUnique = true; var userLastActivity = 0; function setUserActive() { userReal = true; userActive = true; userLastActivity = utils.currentTime; } function isUserActive() { if(userActive === true && utils.currentTime - userLastActivity > USER_IDLE_THRESHOLD) { userActive = false; } return userActive && windowUnique; } // Used to only have 1 window of the application in the same browser var windowId = undefined; function checkWindowUnique() { if(userReal === false || windowUnique === false) { return; } if(windowId === undefined) { windowId = utils.randomString(); localStorage["frontWindowId"] = windowId; } var frontWindowId = localStorage["frontWindowId"]; if(frontWindowId != windowId) { windowUnique = false; if(intervalId !== undefined) { clearInterval(intervalId); } $(".modal").modal("hide"); $('#modal-non-unique').modal({ backdrop: "static", keyboard: false }); } } // Offline management core.isOffline = false; var offlineTime = utils.currentTime; core.setOffline = function() { offlineTime = utils.currentTime; if(core.isOffline === false) { core.isOffline = true; extensionMgr.onOfflineChanged(true); } }; function setOnline() { if(core.isOffline === true) { core.isOffline = false; extensionMgr.onOfflineChanged(false); } } function checkOnline() { // Try to reconnect if we are offline but we have some network if(core.isOffline === true && navigator.onLine === true && offlineTime + CHECK_ONLINE_PERIOD < utils.currentTime) { offlineTime = utils.currentTime; // Try to download anything to test the connection $.ajax({ url: "//", timeout: AJAX_TIMEOUT, dataType: "script" }).done(function() { setOnline(); }); } } // Load settings in settings dialog function loadSettings() { // Layout orientation utils.setInputRadio("radio-layout-orientation", settings.layoutOrientation); // Theme utils.setInputValue("#input-settings-theme", localStorage.theme); // Lazy rendering utils.setInputChecked("#input-settings-lazy-rendering", settings.lazyRendering); // Editor font size utils.setInputValue("#input-settings-editor-font-size", settings.editorFontSize); // Default content utils.setInputValue("#textarea-settings-default-content", settings.defaultContent); // Commit message utils.setInputValue("#input-settings-publish-commit-msg", settings.commitMsg); // Template utils.setInputValue("#textarea-settings-publish-template", settings.template); // SSH proxy utils.setInputValue("#input-settings-ssh-proxy", settings.sshProxy); // Load extension settings extensionMgr.onLoadSettings(); } // Save settings from settings dialog function saveSettings(event) { var newSettings = {}; // Layout orientation newSettings.layoutOrientation = utils.getInputRadio("radio-layout-orientation"); // Theme var theme = utils.getInputValue("#input-settings-theme"); // Lazy Rendering newSettings.lazyRendering = utils.getInputChecked("#input-settings-lazy-rendering"); // Editor font size newSettings.editorFontSize = utils.getInputIntValue("#input-settings-editor-font-size", event, 1, 99); // Default content newSettings.defaultContent = utils.getInputValue("#textarea-settings-default-content"); // Commit message newSettings.commitMsg = utils.getInputTextValue("#input-settings-publish-commit-msg", event); // Template newSettings.template = utils.getInputTextValue("#textarea-settings-publish-template", event); // SSH proxy newSettings.sshProxy = utils.checkUrl(utils.getInputTextValue("#input-settings-ssh-proxy", event), true); // Save extension settings newSettings.extensionSettings = {}; extensionMgr.onSaveSettings(newSettings.extensionSettings, event); if(!event.isPropagationStopped()) { $.extend(settings, newSettings); localStorage.settings = JSON.stringify(settings); localStorage.theme = theme; } } // Create the layout var layout = undefined; core.createLayout = function() { if(viewerMode === true) { return; } var layoutGlobalConfig = { closable: true, resizable: false, slidable: false, livePaneResizing: true, enableCursorHotkey: false, spacing_open: 15, spacing_closed: 15, togglerLength_open: 90, togglerLength_closed: 90, stateManagement__enabled: false, center__minWidth: 200, center__minHeight: 200 }; extensionMgr.onLayoutConfigure(layoutGlobalConfig); if(settings.layoutOrientation == "horizontal") { $(".ui-layout-south").remove(); $(".preview-container").html('
'); layout = $('body').layout($.extend(layoutGlobalConfig, { east__resizable: true, east__size: .5, east__minSize: 200 })); } else if(settings.layoutOrientation == "vertical") { $(".ui-layout-east").remove(); $(".preview-container").html('
'); layout = $('body').layout($.extend(layoutGlobalConfig, { south__resizable: true, south__size: .5, south__minSize: 200 })); } $(".ui-layout-toggler-north").addClass("btn").append($("").addClass("caret")); $(".ui-layout-toggler-south").addClass("btn").append($("").addClass("caret")); $(".ui-layout-toggler-east").addClass("btn").append($("").addClass("caret")); $("#navbar").click(function() { layout.allowOverflow('north'); }); extensionMgr.onLayoutCreated(layout); }; // Create the PageDown editor var editor = undefined; var documentContent = undefined; core.createEditor = function(onTextChange) { documentContent = undefined; $("#wmd-input, .preview-container").scrollTop(0); if(editor !== undefined) { // Only restart if the editor is already created editor.restart(); return; } var converter = new Markdown.Converter(); editor = new Markdown.Editor(converter); // Custom insert link dialog editor.hooks.set("insertLinkDialog", function(callback) { core.insertLinkCallback = callback; utils.resetModalInputs(); $("#modal-insert-link").modal(); return true; }); // Custom insert image dialog editor.hooks.set("insertImageDialog", function(callback) { core.insertLinkCallback = callback; utils.resetModalInputs(); $("#modal-insert-image").modal(); return true; }); function checkDocumentChanges() { var newDocumentContent = $("#wmd-input").val(); if(documentContent !== undefined && documentContent != newDocumentContent) { onTextChange(); } documentContent = newDocumentContent; } var previewWrapper; if(settings.lazyRendering === true) { previewWrapper = function(makePreview) { var debouncedMakePreview = _.debounce(makePreview, 500); return function() { if(documentContent === undefined) { makePreview(); } else { debouncedMakePreview(); } checkDocumentChanges(); }; }; } else { previewWrapper = function(makePreview) { return function() { checkDocumentChanges(); makePreview(); }; }; } extensionMgr.onEditorConfigure(editor); editor.hooks.chain("onPreviewRefresh", extensionMgr.onAsyncPreview);; // Hide default buttons $(".wmd-button-row").addClass("btn-group").find("li:not(.wmd-spacer)").addClass("btn").css("left", 0).find("span").hide(); // Add customized buttons $("#wmd-bold-button").append($("").addClass("icon-bold")); $("#wmd-italic-button").append($("").addClass("icon-italic")); $("#wmd-link-button").append($("").addClass("icon-globe")); $("#wmd-quote-button").append($("").addClass("icon-indent-left")); $("#wmd-code-button").append($("").addClass("icon-code")); $("#wmd-image-button").append($("").addClass("icon-picture")); $("#wmd-olist-button").append($("").addClass("icon-numbered-list")); $("#wmd-ulist-button").append($("").addClass("icon-list")); $("#wmd-heading-button").append($("").addClass("icon-text-height")); $("#wmd-hr-button").append($("").addClass("icon-hr")); $("#wmd-undo-button").append($("").addClass("icon-undo")); $("#wmd-redo-button").append($("").addClass("icon-share-alt")); }; // onReady event callbacks var readyCallbacks = []; core.onReady = function(callback) { readyCallbacks.push(callback); runReadyCallbacks(); }; var ready = false; core.setReady = function() { ready = true; runReadyCallbacks(); }; function runReadyCallbacks() { if(ready === true) { _.each(readyCallbacks, function(callback) { callback(); }); readyCallbacks = []; } } core.onReady(extensionMgr.onReady); core.onReady(function() { // Load theme list _.each(THEME_LIST, function(name, value) { $("#input-settings-theme").append($('')); }); // listen to online/offline events $(window).on('offline', core.setOffline); $(window).on('online', setOnline); if(navigator.onLine === false) { core.setOffline(); } // Detect user activity $(document).mousemove(setUserActive).keypress(setUserActive); // Avoid dropdown to close when clicking on submenu $(".dropdown-submenu > a").click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); var shownModalId = undefined; $(".modal").on('shown', function(e) { // Focus on the first input when modal opens var modalId = $(this).attr("id"); if(shownModalId != modalId) { // Hack to avoid conflict with tabs, collapse, tooltips events shownModalId = modalId; _.defer(function(elt) { elt.find("input:enabled:visible:first").focus(); }, $(this)); } }).on('hidden', function() { // Focus on the editor when modal is gone var modalId = $(this).attr("id"); if(shownModalId == modalId && $(this).is(":hidden")) { shownModalId = undefined; _.defer(function() { $("#wmd-input").focus(); }); } }).keyup(function(e) { // Handle enter key in modals if(e.which == 13 && !$("textarea")) { $(this).find(".modal-footer a:last").click(); } }); // Click events on "insert link" and "insert image" dialog buttons $(".action-insert-link").click(function(e) { var value = utils.getInputTextValue($("#input-insert-link"), e); if(value !== undefined) { core.insertLinkCallback(value); core.insertLinkCallback = undefined; } }); $(".action-insert-image").click(function(e) { var value = utils.getInputTextValue($("#input-insert-image"), e); if(value !== undefined) { core.insertLinkCallback(value); core.insertLinkCallback = undefined; } }); // Hide events on "insert link" and "insert image" dialogs $("#modal-insert-link, #modal-insert-image").on('hidden', function() { if(core.insertLinkCallback !== undefined) { core.insertLinkCallback(null); core.insertLinkCallback = undefined; } }); // Settings loading/saving $(".action-load-settings").click(function() { loadSettings(); }); $(".action-apply-settings").click(function(e) { saveSettings(e); if(!e.isPropagationStopped()) { window.location.reload(); } }); $(".action-default-settings").click(function() { localStorage.removeItem("settings"); localStorage.removeItem("theme"); window.location.reload(); }); $(".action-app-reset").click(function() { localStorage.clear(); window.location.reload(); }); // UI layout $("#menu-bar, .ui-layout-center, .ui-layout-east, .ui-layout-south").removeClass("hide"); core.createLayout(); // Editor's textarea $("#wmd-input, #md-section-helper").css({ // Apply editor font size "font-size": settings.editorFontSize + "px", "line-height": Math.round(settings.editorFontSize * (20 / 14)) + "px" }); // Handle tab key $("#wmd-input").keydown(function(e) { if(e.keyCode === 9) { var value = $(this).val(); var start = this.selectionStart; var end = this.selectionEnd; // IE8 does not support selection attributes if(start === undefined || end === undefined) { return; } $(this).val(value.substring(0, start) + "\t" + value.substring(end)); this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start + 1; e.preventDefault(); } }); // Tooltips $(".tooltip-lazy-rendering").tooltip({ container: '#modal-settings', placement: 'right', trigger: 'hover', title: 'Disable preview rendering while typing in order to offload CPU. Refresh preview after 500 ms of inactivity.' }); $(".tooltip-default-content").tooltip({ html: true, container: '#modal-settings', placement: 'right', trigger: 'hover', title: 'Thanks for supporting StackEdit by adding a backlink in your documents!' }); $(".tooltip-template").tooltip({ html: true, container: '#modal-settings', placement: 'right', trigger: 'manual', title: [ 'Available variables:
', '
    ', '
  • documentTitle: document title
  • ', '
  • documentMarkdown: document in Markdown format
  • ', '
  • documentHTML: document in HTML format
  • ', '
  • publishAttributes: attributes of the publish location (undefined when using "Save")
  • ', '
', 'Examples:
', _.escape('<%= documentTitle %>'), '
', _.escape('
<%- documentHTML %>
'), '
', _.escape('<% if(publishAttributes.provider == "github") print(documentMarkdown); %>'), '

', 'More info', ].join("") }).click(function(e) { $(this).tooltip('show'); $(document).on("click.tooltip-template", function(e) { $(".tooltip-template").tooltip('hide'); $(document).off("click.tooltip-template"); }); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Reset inputs $(".action-reset-input").click(function() { utils.resetModalInputs(); }); // Do periodic tasks intervalId = window.setInterval(function() { utils.updateCurrentTime(); checkWindowUnique(); if(isUserActive() === true || viewerMode === true) { _.each(periodicCallbacks, function(callback) { callback(); }); checkOnline(); } }, 1000); // Focus on the editor at startup _.defer(function() { $("#wmd-input").focus(); }); }); return core; });