import store from '../../store'; import googleHelper from './helpers/googleHelper'; import providerRegistry from './providerRegistry'; import utils from '../utils'; export default providerRegistry.register({ id: 'googleDriveWorkspace', getToken() { return store.getters['workspace/syncToken']; }, initWorkspace() { const makeWorkspaceId = folderId => folderId && Math.abs(utils.hash(utils.serializeObject({ providerId:, folderId, }))).toString(36); const getWorkspace = folderId => store.getters['data/workspaces'][makeWorkspaceId(folderId)]; const initFolder = (token, folder) => Promise.resolve({ folderId:, dataFolderId: folder.appProperties.dataFolderId, trashFolderId: folder.appProperties.trashFolderId, }) .then((properties) => { // Make sure data folder exists if (properties.dataFolderId) { return properties; } return googleHelper.uploadFile( token, '.stackedit-data', [], { folderId: }, undefined, 'application/', ) .then(dataFolder => ({, dataFolderId:, })); }) .then((properties) => { // Make sure trash folder exists if (properties.trashFolderId) { return properties; } return googleHelper.uploadFile( token, '.stackedit-trash', [], { folderId: }, undefined, 'application/', ) .then(trashFolder => ({, trashFolderId:, })); }) .then((properties) => { // Update workspace if some properties are missing if (properties.folderId === folder.appProperties.folderId && properties.dataFolderId === folder.appProperties.dataFolderId && properties.trashFolderId === folder.appProperties.trashFolderId ) { return properties; } return googleHelper.uploadFile( token, undefined, undefined, properties, undefined, 'application/',, ) .then(() => properties); }) .then((properties) => { // Fix the current url hash const hash = `#providerId=${}&folderId=${}`; if (location.hash !== hash) { location.hash = hash; } // Update workspace in the store const workspaceId = makeWorkspaceId(; store.dispatch('data/patchWorkspaces', { [workspaceId]: { id: workspaceId, sub: token.sub, name:, providerId:, url: utils.resolveUrl(hash), folderId:, dataFolderId: properties.dataFolderId, trashFolderId: properties.trashFolderId, }, }); // Return the workspace return getWorkspace(; }); const workspace = getWorkspace(utils.queryParams.folderId); return Promise.resolve() .then(() => { // See if we already have a token const googleTokens = store.getters['data/googleTokens']; // Token sub is in the workspace or in the url if workspace is about to be created const token = workspace ? googleTokens[workspace.sub] : googleTokens[utils.queryParams.sub]; if (token && token.isDrive) { return token; } // If no token has been found, popup an authorize window and get one return store.dispatch('modal/workspaceGoogleRedirection', { onResolve: () => googleHelper.addDriveAccount(), }); }) .then(token => Promise.resolve() // If no folderId is provided, create one .then(() => utils.queryParams.folderId || googleHelper.uploadFile( token, 'StackEdit workspace', [], undefined, undefined, 'application/', ) .then(folder => initFolder(token, { ...folder, appProperties: {}, }) .then(() => // If workspace does not exist, initialize one .then(folderId => getWorkspace(folderId) || googleHelper.getFile(token, folderId) .then((folder) => { const folderIdProperty = folder.appProperties.folderId; if (folderIdProperty && folderIdProperty !== folderId) { throw new Error(`Google Drive folder ${folderId} is part of another workspace.`); } return initFolder(token, folder); }, () => { throw new Error(`Folder ${folderId} is not accessible. Make sure it's a valid StackEdit workspace folder and you have the right permissions.`); }))); }, getChanges(token) { const startPageToken = store.getters['data/localSettings'].syncStartPageToken; return googleHelper.getChanges(token, startPageToken, 'appDataFolder') .then((result) => { const changes = result.changes.filter((change) => { if (change.file) { // Parse item from file name try { change.item = JSON.parse(; } catch (e) { return false; } // Build sync data change.syncData = { id: change.fileId, itemId:, type: change.item.type, hash: change.item.hash, }; change.file = undefined; } change.syncDataId = change.fileId; return true; }); changes.startPageToken = result.startPageToken; return changes; }); }, });