define([ "jquery", "underscore", "libs/css_browser_selector", "libs/jquery.mousewheel" ], function($, _) { var scrollLink = { extensionId: "scrollLink", extensionName: "Scroll Link", optional: true, settingsBloc: [ '
Binds together editor and preview scrollbars.
', 'NOTE:', ' The mapping between Markdown and HTML is based on the position of the title elements (h1, h2, ...) in the page.', ' Therefore, if your document does not contain any title, the mapping will be linear and consequently less accurate.', '' ].join("") }; var mdSectionList = []; var htmlSectionList = []; function pxToFloat(px) { return parseFloat(px.substring(0, px.length - 2)); } var lastEditorScrollTop = undefined; var lastPreviewScrollTop = undefined; var buildSections = _.debounce(function() { // Try to find Markdown sections by looking for titles var editorElt = $("#wmd-input"); mdSectionList = []; // This textarea is used to measure sections height var textareaElt = $("#md-section-helper"); // It has to be the same width as wmd-input textareaElt.width(editorElt.width()); // Consider wmd-input top padding (will be used for 1st and last section) var padding = pxToFloat(editorElt.css('padding-top')); var offset = 0, mdSectionOffset = 0; function addMdSection(sectionText) { var sectionHeight = padding; if(sectionText !== undefined) { textareaElt.val(sectionText); sectionHeight += textareaElt.prop('scrollHeight'); } var newSectionOffset = mdSectionOffset + sectionHeight; mdSectionList.push({ startOffset: mdSectionOffset, endOffset: newSectionOffset, height: sectionHeight }); mdSectionOffset = newSectionOffset; padding = 0; } // Create MD sections by finding title patterns (excluding gfm blocs) var text = editorElt.val() + "\n\n"; text.replace(/^```.*\n[\s\S]*?\n```|(^.+[ \t]*\n=+[ \t]*\n+|^.+[ \t]*\n-+[ \t]*\n+|^\#{1,6}[ \t]*.+?[ \t]*\#*\n+)/gm, function(match, title, matchOffset) { if(title) { // We just found a title which means end of the previous section // Exclude last \n of the section var sectionText = undefined; if(matchOffset > offset) { sectionText = text.substring(offset, matchOffset - 1); } addMdSection(sectionText); offset = matchOffset; } return ""; }); // Last section // Consider wmd-input bottom padding and exclude \n\n previously added padding += pxToFloat(editorElt.css('padding-bottom')); addMdSection(text.substring(offset, text.length - 2)); // Try to find corresponding sections in the preview var previewElt = $(".preview-container"); htmlSectionList = []; var htmlSectionOffset = 0; var previewScrollTop = previewElt.scrollTop(); // Each title element is a section separator $("#wmd-preview").children("h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6").each(function() { // Consider div scroll position and header element top margin var newSectionOffset = $(this).position().top + previewScrollTop + pxToFloat($(this).css('margin-top')); htmlSectionList.push({ startOffset: htmlSectionOffset, endOffset: newSectionOffset, height: newSectionOffset - htmlSectionOffset }); htmlSectionOffset = newSectionOffset; }); // Last section var scrollHeight = previewElt.prop('scrollHeight'); htmlSectionList.push({ startOffset: htmlSectionOffset, endOffset: scrollHeight, height: scrollHeight - htmlSectionOffset }); // apply Scroll Link (-10 to have a gap > 9 px) lastEditorScrollTop = -10; lastPreviewScrollTop = -10; runScrollLink(); }, 500); var isScrollEditor = false; var isScrollPreview = false; var runScrollLink = _.debounce(function() { if(mdSectionList.length === 0 || mdSectionList.length !== htmlSectionList.length) { return; } var editorElt = $("#wmd-input"); var editorScrollTop = editorElt.scrollTop(); var previewElt = $(".preview-container"); var previewScrollTop = previewElt.scrollTop(); function animate(srcScrollTop, srcSectionList, destElt, destSectionList, currentDestScrollTop, callback) { // Find the section corresponding to the offset var sectionIndex = undefined; var srcSection = _.find(srcSectionList, function(section, index) { sectionIndex = index; return srcScrollTop < section.endOffset; }); if(srcSection === undefined) { // Something wrong in the algorithm... return; } var posInSection = (srcScrollTop - srcSection.startOffset) / srcSection.height; var destSection = destSectionList[sectionIndex]; var destScrollTop = destSection.startOffset + destSection.height * posInSection; destScrollTop = _.min([ destScrollTop, destElt.prop('scrollHeight') - destElt.outerHeight() ]); if(Math.abs(destScrollTop - currentDestScrollTop) <= 9) { // Skip the animation in case it's not necessary callback(currentDestScrollTop); return; } destElt.animate({ scrollTop: destScrollTop }, 500, function() { callback(destScrollTop); }); } // Perform the animation if diff > 9px if(isScrollEditor === true && Math.abs(editorScrollTop - lastEditorScrollTop) > 9) { isScrollEditor = false; // Animate the preview lastEditorScrollTop = editorScrollTop; animate(editorScrollTop, mdSectionList, previewElt, htmlSectionList, previewScrollTop, function(destScrollTop) { lastPreviewScrollTop = destScrollTop; }); } else if(isScrollPreview === true && Math.abs(previewScrollTop - lastPreviewScrollTop) > 9) { isScrollPreview = false; // Animate the editor lastPreviewScrollTop = previewScrollTop; animate(previewScrollTop, htmlSectionList, editorElt, mdSectionList, editorScrollTop, function(destScrollTop) { lastEditorScrollTop = destScrollTop; }); } }, 500); scrollLink.onLayoutConfigure = function(layoutConfig) { layoutConfig.onresize = function() { isScrollEditor = true; buildSections(); }; }; scrollLink.onLayoutCreated = function() { $(".preview-container").bind("keyup mouseup mousewheel", function() { isScrollPreview = true; isScrollEditor = false; runScrollLink(); }); $("#wmd-input").bind("keyup mouseup mousewheel", function() { isScrollEditor = true; isScrollPreview = false; runScrollLink(); }); }; scrollLink.onEditorConfigure = function(editor) { editor.getConverter().hooks.chain("postConversion", function(text) { // To avoid losing scrolling position before elements are fully // loaded var previewElt = $("#wmd-preview"); previewElt.height(previewElt.height()); return text; }); }; scrollLink.onPreviewFinished = function() { // Now set the correct height $("#wmd-preview").height("auto"); isScrollEditor = true; buildSections(); }; return scrollLink; });