define([ "jquery", "underscore", "core", "utils", "settings", "extensionMgr", "fileSystem", "text!../" ], function($, _, core, utils, settings, extensionMgr, fileSystem, welcomeContent) { var fileMgr = {}; // Defines a file descriptor (fileDesc objects) function FileDescriptor(fileIndex, title, syncLocations, publishLocations) { this.fileIndex = fileIndex; this._title = title; this._editorScrollTop = parseInt(localStorage[fileIndex + ".editorScrollTop"]) || 0; this._editorStart = parseInt(localStorage[fileIndex + ".editorStart"]) || 0; this._editorEnd = parseInt(localStorage[fileIndex + ".editorEnd"]) || 0; this._previewScrollTop = parseInt(localStorage[fileIndex + ".previewScrollTop"]) || 0; this._selectTime = parseInt(localStorage[fileIndex + ".selectTime"]) || 0; this.syncLocations = syncLocations || {}; this.publishLocations = publishLocations || {}; Object.defineProperty(this, 'title', { get: function() { return this._title; }, set: function(title) { this._title = title; localStorage[this.fileIndex + ".title"] = title; extensionMgr.onTitleChanged(this); } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'content', { get: function() { return localStorage[this.fileIndex + ".content"]; }, set: function(content) { localStorage[this.fileIndex + ".content"] = content; extensionMgr.onContentChanged(this); } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'editorScrollTop', { get: function() { return this._editorScrollTop; }, set: function(editorScrollTop) { this._editorScrollTop = editorScrollTop; localStorage[this.fileIndex + ".editorScrollTop"] = editorScrollTop; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'editorStart', { get: function() { return this._editorStart; }, set: function(editorStart) { this._editorStart = editorStart; localStorage[this.fileIndex + ".editorStart"] = editorStart; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'editorEnd', { get: function() { return this._editorEnd; }, set: function(editorEnd) { this._editorEnd = editorEnd; localStorage[this.fileIndex + ".editorEnd"] = editorEnd; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'previewScrollTop', { get: function() { return this._previewScrollTop; }, set: function(previewScrollTop) { this._previewScrollTop = previewScrollTop; localStorage[this.fileIndex + ".previewScrollTop"] = previewScrollTop; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'selectTime', { get: function() { return this._selectTime; }, set: function(selectTime) { this._selectTime = selectTime; localStorage[this.fileIndex + ".selectTime"] = selectTime; } }); } // Retrieve file descriptors from localStorage and populate fileSystem _.each(utils.retrieveIndexArray("file.list"), function(fileIndex) { fileSystem[fileIndex] = new FileDescriptor(fileIndex, localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"]); }); // Defines the current file var currentFile = undefined; fileMgr.getCurrentFile = function() { return currentFile; }; fileMgr.isCurrentFile = function(fileDesc) { return fileDesc === currentFile; }; fileMgr.setCurrentFile = function(fileDesc) { currentFile = fileDesc; if(fileDesc === undefined) { localStorage.removeItem("file.current"); } else if(fileDesc.fileIndex != TEMPORARY_FILE_INDEX) { localStorage["file.current"] = fileDesc.fileIndex; } }; fileMgr.selectFile = function(fileDesc) { fileDesc = fileDesc || fileMgr.getCurrentFile(); if(fileDesc === undefined) { var fileSystemSize = _.size(fileSystem); // If fileSystem empty create one file if(fileSystemSize === 0) { fileDesc = fileMgr.createFile(WELCOME_DOCUMENT_TITLE, welcomeContent); } else { var fileIndex = localStorage["file.current"]; // If no file is selected take the last created if(fileIndex === undefined) { fileIndex = _.keys(fileSystem)[fileSystemSize - 1]; } fileDesc = fileSystem[fileIndex]; } } if(fileMgr.isCurrentFile(fileDesc) === false) { fileMgr.setCurrentFile(fileDesc); fileDesc.selectTime = new Date().getTime(); // Notify extensions extensionMgr.onFileSelected(fileDesc); // Hide the viewer pencil button if(fileDesc.fileIndex == TEMPORARY_FILE_INDEX) { $(".action-edit-document").removeClass("hide"); } else { $(".action-edit-document").addClass("hide"); } } // Refresh the editor core.createEditor(fileDesc); }; fileMgr.createFile = function(title, content, syncLocations, isTemporary) { content = content !== undefined ? content : settings.defaultContent; if(!title) { // Create a file title title = DEFAULT_FILE_TITLE; var indicator = 2; while (_.some(fileSystem, function(fileDesc) { return fileDesc.title == title; })) { title = DEFAULT_FILE_TITLE + indicator++; } } // Generate a unique fileIndex var fileIndex = TEMPORARY_FILE_INDEX; if(!isTemporary) { do { fileIndex = "file." + utils.randomString(); } while (_.has(fileSystem, fileIndex)); } // syncIndex associations syncLocations = syncLocations || {}; var sync = _.reduce(syncLocations, function(sync, syncAttributes) { return sync + syncAttributes.syncIndex + ";"; }, ";"); localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"] = title; localStorage[fileIndex + ".content"] = content; localStorage[fileIndex + ".sync"] = sync; localStorage[fileIndex + ".publish"] = ";"; // Create the file descriptor var fileDesc = new FileDescriptor(fileIndex, title, syncLocations); // Add the index to the file list if(!isTemporary) { utils.appendIndexToArray("file.list", fileIndex); fileSystem[fileIndex] = fileDesc; extensionMgr.onFileCreated(fileDesc); } return fileDesc; }; fileMgr.deleteFile = function(fileDesc) { fileDesc = fileDesc || fileMgr.getCurrentFile(); // Remove the index from the file list utils.removeIndexFromArray("file.list", fileDesc.fileIndex); delete fileSystem[fileDesc.fileIndex]; if(fileMgr.isCurrentFile(fileDesc) === true) { // Unset the current fileDesc fileMgr.setCurrentFile(); // Refresh the editor with an other file fileMgr.selectFile(); } // Remove synchronized locations _.each(fileDesc.syncLocations, function(syncAttributes) { fileMgr.removeSync(syncAttributes); }); // Remove publish locations _.each(fileDesc.publishLocations, function(publishAttributes) { fileMgr.removePublish(publishAttributes); }); localStorage.removeItem(fileDesc.fileIndex + ".title"); localStorage.removeItem(fileDesc.fileIndex + ".content"); localStorage.removeItem(fileDesc.fileIndex + ".sync"); localStorage.removeItem(fileDesc.fileIndex + ".publish"); extensionMgr.onFileDeleted(fileDesc); }; // Add a synchronized location to a file fileMgr.addSync = function(fileDesc, syncAttributes) { utils.appendIndexToArray(fileDesc.fileIndex + ".sync", syncAttributes.syncIndex); fileDesc.syncLocations[syncAttributes.syncIndex] = syncAttributes; // addSync is only used for export, not for import extensionMgr.onSyncExportSuccess(fileDesc, syncAttributes); }; // Remove a synchronized location fileMgr.removeSync = function(syncAttributes) { var fileDesc = fileMgr.getFileFromSyncIndex(syncAttributes.syncIndex); if(fileDesc !== undefined) { utils.removeIndexFromArray(fileDesc.fileIndex + ".sync", syncAttributes.syncIndex); delete fileDesc.syncLocations[syncAttributes.syncIndex]; extensionMgr.onSyncRemoved(fileDesc, syncAttributes); } // Remove sync attributes from localStorage localStorage.removeItem(syncAttributes.syncIndex); }; // Get the file descriptor associated to a syncIndex fileMgr.getFileFromSyncIndex = function(syncIndex) { return _.find(fileSystem, function(fileDesc) { return _.has(fileDesc.syncLocations, syncIndex); }); }; // Get syncAttributes from syncIndex fileMgr.getSyncAttributes = function(syncIndex) { var fileDesc = fileMgr.getFileFromSyncIndex(syncIndex); return fileDesc && fileDesc.syncLocations[syncIndex]; }; // Returns true if provider has locations to synchronize fileMgr.hasSync = function(provider) { return _.some(fileSystem, function(fileDesc) { return _.some(fileDesc.syncLocations, function(syncAttributes) { return syncAttributes.provider === provider; }); }); }; // Add a publishIndex (publish location) to a file fileMgr.addPublish = function(fileDesc, publishAttributes) { utils.appendIndexToArray(fileDesc.fileIndex + ".publish", publishAttributes.publishIndex); fileDesc.publishLocations[publishAttributes.publishIndex] = publishAttributes; extensionMgr.onNewPublishSuccess(fileDesc, publishAttributes); }; // Remove a publishIndex (publish location) fileMgr.removePublish = function(publishAttributes) { var fileDesc = fileMgr.getFileFromPublishIndex(publishAttributes.publishIndex); if(fileDesc !== undefined) { utils.removeIndexFromArray(fileDesc.fileIndex + ".publish", publishAttributes.publishIndex); delete fileDesc.publishLocations[publishAttributes.publishIndex]; extensionMgr.onPublishRemoved(fileDesc, publishAttributes); } // Remove publish attributes from localStorage localStorage.removeItem(publishAttributes.publishIndex); }; // Get the file descriptor associated to a publishIndex fileMgr.getFileFromPublishIndex = function(publishIndex) { return _.find(fileSystem, function(fileDesc) { return _.has(fileDesc.publishLocations, publishIndex); }); }; core.onReady(function() { fileMgr.selectFile(); $(".action-create-file").click(function() { var fileDesc = fileMgr.createFile(); fileMgr.selectFile(fileDesc); var wmdInput = $("#wmd-input").focus().get(0); if(wmdInput.setSelectionRange) { wmdInput.setSelectionRange(0, 0); } $("#file-title").click(); }); $(".action-remove-file").click(function() { fileMgr.deleteFile(); }); $("#file-title").click(function() { if(viewerMode === true) { return; } $(this).hide(); var fileTitleInput = $("#file-title-input").show(); _.defer(function() { fileTitleInput.focus().get(0).select(); }); }); function applyTitle(input) { input.hide(); $("#file-title").show(); var title = $.trim(input.val()); var fileDesc = fileMgr.getCurrentFile(); if(title && title != fileDesc.title) { fileDesc.title = title; } input.val(fileDesc.title); $("#wmd-input").focus(); } $("#file-title-input").blur(function() { applyTitle($(this)); }).keyup(function(e) { if(e.keyCode == 13) { applyTitle($(this)); } if(e.keyCode == 27) { $(this).val(""); applyTitle($(this)); } }); $(".action-open-stackedit").click(function() { window.location.href = "."; }); $(".action-edit-document").click(function() { var content = $("#wmd-input").val(); var title = fileMgr.getCurrentFile().title; var fileDesc = fileMgr.createFile(title, content); fileMgr.selectFile(fileDesc); window.location.href = "."; }); $(".action-welcome-file").click(function() { var fileDesc = fileMgr.createFile(WELCOME_DOCUMENT_TITLE, welcomeContent); fileMgr.selectFile(fileDesc); }); }); extensionMgr.onFileMgrCreated(fileMgr); return fileMgr; });