define([ "jquery", "underscore", "core", "utils", "extensionMgr", "fileSystem", "fileMgr", "classes/Provider", "providers/dropboxProvider", "providers/gdriveProvider" ], function($, _, core, utils, extensionMgr, fileSystem, fileMgr, Provider) { var synchronizer = {}; // Create a map with providerId: providerModule var providerMap = _.chain(arguments).map(function(argument) { return argument instanceof Provider && [ argument.providerId, argument ]; }).compact().object().value(); // Retrieve sync locations from localStorage _.each(fileSystem, function(fileDesc) { _.each(utils.retrieveIndexArray(fileDesc.fileIndex + ".sync"), function(syncIndex) { try { var syncAttributes = JSON.parse(localStorage[syncIndex]); // Store syncIndex syncAttributes.syncIndex = syncIndex; // Replace provider ID by provider module in attributes var provider = providerMap[syncAttributes.provider]; if(!provider) { throw new Error("Invalid provider ID: " + syncAttributes.provider); } syncAttributes.provider = provider; fileDesc.syncLocations[syncIndex] = syncAttributes; } catch(e) { // localStorage can be corrupted extensionMgr.onError(e); // Remove sync location utils.removeIndexFromArray(fileDesc.fileIndex + ".sync", syncIndex); localStorage.removeItem(syncIndex); } }); }); // Returns true if at least one file has synchronized location synchronizer.hasSync = function() { return _.some(providerMap, function(provider) { return fileMgr.hasSync(provider); }); }; /*************************************************************************** * Standard synchronization **************************************************************************/ // Recursive function to upload a single file on multiple locations var uploadSyncAttributesList = []; var uploadContent = undefined; var uploadContentCRC = undefined; var uploadTitle = undefined; var uploadTitleCRC = undefined; function locationUp(callback) { // No more synchronized location for this document if(uploadSyncAttributesList.length === 0) { fileUp(callback); return; } // Dequeue a synchronized location var syncAttributes = uploadSyncAttributesList.pop(); // Skip real time synchronized location if(syncAttributes.isRealtime === true) { locationUp(callback); return; } // Use the specified provider to perform the upload syncAttributes.provider.syncUp(uploadContent, uploadContentCRC, uploadTitle, uploadTitleCRC, syncAttributes, function(error, uploadFlag) { if(uploadFlag === true) { // If uploadFlag is true, request another upload cycle uploadCycle = true; } if(error) { callback(error); return; } if(uploadFlag) { // Update syncAttributes in localStorage utils.storeAttributes(syncAttributes); } locationUp(callback); }); } // Recursive function to upload multiple files var uploadFileList = []; function fileUp(callback) { // No more fileDesc to synchronize if(uploadFileList.length === 0) { syncUp(callback); return; } // Dequeue a fileDesc to synchronize var fileDesc = uploadFileList.pop(); uploadSyncAttributesList = _.values(fileDesc.syncLocations); if(uploadSyncAttributesList.length === 0) { fileUp(callback); return; } // Get document title/content uploadContent = fileDesc.content; uploadContentCRC = utils.crc32(uploadContent); uploadTitle = fileDesc.title; uploadTitleCRC = utils.crc32(uploadTitle); locationUp(callback); } // Entry point for up synchronization (upload changes) var uploadCycle = false; function syncUp(callback) { if(uploadCycle === true) { // New upload cycle uploadCycle = false; uploadFileList = _.values(fileSystem); fileUp(callback); } else { callback(); } } // Recursive function to download changes from multiple providers var providerList = []; function providerDown(callback) { if(providerList.length === 0) { callback(); return; } var provider = providerList.pop(); // Check that provider has files to sync if(!fileMgr.hasSync(provider)) { providerDown(callback); return; } // Perform provider's syncDown provider.syncDown(function(error) { if(error) { callback(error); return; } providerDown(callback); }); } // Entry point for down synchronization (download changes) function syncDown(callback) { providerList = _.values(providerMap); providerDown(callback); } // Main entry point for synchronization var syncRunning = false; synchronizer.sync = function() { // If sync is already running or offline if(syncRunning || core.isOffline) { return false; } syncRunning = true; extensionMgr.onSyncRunning(true); uploadCycle = true; function isError(error) { if(error !== undefined) { syncRunning = false; extensionMgr.onSyncRunning(false); return true; } return false; } syncDown(function(error) { if(isError(error)) { return; } syncUp(function(error) { if(isError(error)) { return; } syncRunning = false; extensionMgr.onSyncRunning(false); extensionMgr.onSyncSuccess(); }); }); return true; }; /*************************************************************************** * Realtime synchronization **************************************************************************/ var realtimeFileDesc = undefined; var realtimeSyncAttributes = undefined; var isOnline = true; // Determines if open file has real time sync location and tries to start // real time sync function onFileOpen(fileDesc) { realtimeFileDesc = _.some(fileDesc.syncLocations, function(syncAttributes) { realtimeSyncAttributes = syncAttributes; return syncAttributes.isRealtime; }) ? fileDesc : undefined; tryStartRealtimeSync(); } // Tries to start/stop real time sync on online/offline event function onOfflineChanged(isOfflineParam) { if(isOfflineParam === false) { isOnline = true; tryStartRealtimeSync(); } else { synchronizer.tryStopRealtimeSync(); isOnline = false; } } // Starts real time synchronization if: // 1. current file has real time sync location // 2. we are online function tryStartRealtimeSync() { if(realtimeFileDesc !== undefined && isOnline === true) { core.lockUI(true); realtimeSyncAttributes.provider.startRealtimeSync(realtimeFileDesc.title, realtimeFileDesc.content, realtimeSyncAttributes, function() { core.lockUI(false); }); } } // Stops previously started synchronization if any synchronizer.tryStopRealtimeSync = function() { if(realtimeFileDesc !== undefined && isOnline === true) { realtimeSyncAttributes.provider.stopRealtimeSync(); } }; // Triggers realtime synchronization from extensionMgr events if(viewerMode === false) { extensionMgr.addHookCallback("onFileOpen", onFileOpen); extensionMgr.addHookCallback("onFileClosed", synchronizer.tryStopRealtimeSync); extensionMgr.addHookCallback("onOfflineChanged", onOfflineChanged); } /*************************************************************************** * Initialize module **************************************************************************/ // Initialize the export dialog function initExportDialog(provider) { // Reset fields utils.resetModalInputs(); // Load preferences var exportPreferences = utils.retrieveIgnoreError(provider.providerId + ".exportPreferences"); if(exportPreferences) { _.each(provider.exportPreferencesInputIds, function(inputId) { utils.setInputValue("#input-sync-export-" + inputId, exportPreferences[inputId]); }); } // Open dialog box $("#modal-upload-" + provider.providerId).modal(); } core.onReady(function() { // Init each provider _.each(providerMap, function(provider) { // Provider's import button $(".action-sync-import-" + provider.providerId).click(function(event) { provider.importFiles(event); }); // Provider's export action $(".action-sync-export-dialog-" + provider.providerId).click(function() { initExportDialog(provider); }); $(".action-sync-export-" + provider.providerId).click(function(event) { var isRealtime = utils.getInputChecked("#input-sync-export-" + provider.providerId + "-realtime"); var fileDesc = fileMgr.currentFile; if(isRealtime) { if(_.size(fileDesc.syncLocations) > 0) { extensionMgr.onError("Realtime collaboration document can't be synchronized with multiple locations"); return; } // Perform the provider's real time export provider.exportRealtimeFile(event, fileDesc.title, fileDesc.content, function(error, syncAttributes) { if(error) { return; } syncAttributes.isRealtime = true; fileDesc.addSyncLocation(syncAttributes); extensionMgr.onSyncExportSuccess(fileDesc, syncAttributes); // Start the real time sync realtimeFileDesc = fileDesc; realtimeSyncAttributes = syncAttributes; tryStartRealtimeSync(); }); } else { if(_.size(fileDesc.syncLocations) > 0 && _.first(_.values(obj)).isRealtime) { extensionMgr.onError("Realtime collaboration document can't be synchronized with multiple locations"); return; } // Perform the provider's standard export provider.exportFile(event, fileDesc.title, fileDesc.content, function(error, syncAttributes) { if(error) { return; } fileDesc.addSyncLocation(syncAttributes); extensionMgr.onSyncExportSuccess(fileDesc, syncAttributes); }); } // Store input values as preferences for next time we open the // export dialog var exportPreferences = {}; _.each(provider.exportPreferencesInputIds, function(inputId) { exportPreferences[inputId] = $("#input-sync-export-" + inputId).val(); }); localStorage[provider.providerId + ".exportPreferences"] = JSON.stringify(exportPreferences); }); // Provider's manual export button $(".action-sync-manual-" + provider.providerId).click(function(event) { var fileDesc = fileMgr.currentFile; if(_.size(fileDesc.syncLocations) > 0 && _.first(_.values(obj)).isRealtime) { extensionMgr.onError("Realtime collaboration document can't be synchronized with multiple locations"); return; } provider.exportManual(event, fileDesc.title, fileDesc.content, function(error, syncAttributes) { if(error) { return; } fileDesc.addSyncLocation(syncAttributes); extensionMgr.onSyncExportSuccess(fileDesc, syncAttributes); }); }); }); }); extensionMgr.onSynchronizerCreated(synchronizer); return synchronizer; });