define([ "jquery", "underscore", "utils", "jgrowl" ], function($, _, utils, jGrowl) { var notifications = { extensionId: "notifications", extensionName: "Notifications", defaultConfig: { timeout: 8000 }, settingsBloc: [ '

Shows notification messages in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

', '
', '
', ' ', '
', ' ', ' ms', '
', '
', '
' ].join("") }; notifications.onLoadSettings = function() { utils.setInputValue("#input-notifications-timeout", notifications.config.timeout); }; notifications.onSaveSettings = function(newConfig, event) { newConfig.timeout = utils.getInputIntValue("#input-notifications-timeout", event, 1, 60000); }; notifications.onReady = function() { // jGrowl configuration = notifications.config.timeout; jGrowl.defaults.closer = false; jGrowl.defaults.closeTemplate = ''; jGrowl.defaults.position = 'bottom-right'; }; function showMessage(message, iconClass, options) { logger.log(message); if(!message) { return; } var endOfMsg = message.indexOf("|"); if(endOfMsg !== -1) { message = message.substring(0, endOfMsg); if(!message) { return; } } options = options || {}; iconClass = iconClass || "icon-info-sign"; jGrowl(" " + _.escape(message), options); } notifications.onMessage = function(message) { showMessage(message); }; notifications.onError = function(error) { logger.error(error); if(_.isString(error)) { showMessage(error, "icon-warning-sign"); } else if(_.isObject(error)) { showMessage(error.message, "icon-warning-sign"); } }; notifications.onOfflineChanged = function(isOffline) { if(isOffline === true) { showMessage("You are offline.", "icon-exclamation-sign msg-offline", { sticky: true, close: function() { showMessage("You are back online!", "icon-signal"); } }); } else { $(".msg-offline").parents(".jGrowl-notification").trigger('jGrowl.beforeClose'); } }; notifications.onSyncImportSuccess = function(fileDescList, provider) { var titles =, function(fileDesc) { return fileDesc.title; }).join(", "); showMessage(titles + ' imported successfully from ' + provider.providerName + '.'); }; notifications.onSyncExportSuccess = function(fileDesc, syncAttributes) { showMessage('"' + fileDesc.title + '" will now be synchronized on ' + syncAttributes.provider.providerName + '.'); }; notifications.onSyncRemoved = function(fileDesc, syncAttributes) { showMessage(syncAttributes.provider.providerName + " synchronized location has been removed."); }; notifications.onPublishSuccess = function(fileDesc) { showMessage('"' + fileDesc.title + '" successfully published.'); }; notifications.onNewPublishSuccess = function(fileDesc, publishAttributes) { showMessage('"' + fileDesc.title + '" is now published on ' + publishAttributes.provider.providerName + '.'); }; notifications.onPublishRemoved = function(fileDesc, publishAttributes) { showMessage(publishAttributes.provider.providerName + " publish location has been removed."); }; return notifications; });