define(["jquery", "core", "async-runner", "download-provider", "gist-provider", "underscore"], function($, core, asyncRunner) { var sharing = {}; // Create a map with providerId: providerObject var providerMap = _.chain(arguments) .map(function(argument) { return argument && argument.providerId && [argument.providerId, argument]; }).compact().object().value(); // Used to populate the "Sharing" dropdown box var lineTemplate = ['
'].join(""); sharing.refreshDocumentSharing = function(attributesList) { var linkList = $("#link-container .link-list").empty(); $("#link-container .no-link").show(); _.each(attributesList, function(attributes) { if(attributes.sharingLink) { var lineElement = $(_.template(lineTemplate, { link: attributes.sharingLink })); { event.stopPropagation(); }); linkList.append(lineElement); $("#link-container .no-link").hide(); } }); }; sharing.createLink = function(attributes, callback) { var provider = providerMap[attributes.provider]; // Don't create link if link already exists or provider is not compatible for sharing if(attributes.sharingLink !== undefined || provider === undefined // Or document is not published in markdown format || attributes.format != "markdown") { callback(); return; } var task = asyncRunner.createTask(); var shortUrl = undefined; task.onRun(function() { if(core.isOffline === true) { task.chain(); return; } var url = [MAIN_URL, 'viewer.html?provider=', attributes.provider]; _.each(provider.sharingAttributes, function(attributeName) { url.push('&'); url.push(attributeName); url.push('='); url.push(encodeURIComponent(attributes[attributeName])); }); $.getJSON( "", { "access_token": BITLY_ACCESS_TOKEN, "longUrl": url.join("") }, function(response) { if( { shortUrl =; attributes.sharingLink = shortUrl; } task.chain(); } ); }); function onFinish() { if(shortUrl === undefined) { localStorage["missingSharingLink"] = true; } callback(shortUrl); } task.onSuccess(onFinish); task.onError(onFinish); asyncRunner.addTask(task); }; // Create the possible missing links function checkMissingLinks() { if(core.isOffline === true) { return; } if(!_.has(localStorage, "missingSharingLink")) { return; } localStorage.removeItem("missingSharingLink"); var fileIndexList = _.compact(localStorage["file.list"].split(";")); _.each(fileIndexList, function(fileIndex) { var syncIndexList = localStorage[fileIndex + ".sync"].split(";"); var publishIndexList = localStorage[fileIndex + ".publish"].split(";"); var attributesIndexList = _.compact(syncIndexList.concat(publishIndexList)); _.each(attributesIndexList, function(attributesIndex) { var attributes = JSON.parse(localStorage[attributesIndex]); sharing.createLink(attributes, function(shortUrl) { if(shortUrl !== undefined) { localStorage[attributesIndex] = JSON.stringify(attributes); } }); }); }); } // Periodically check that links are not missing if(viewerMode === false) { core.addPeriodicCallback(checkMissingLinks); } core.onReady(function() { if(viewerMode === false) { return; } // Check parameters to see if we have to download a shared document var providerId = core.getURLParameter("provider"); if(providerId === undefined) { providerId = "download"; } var provider = providerMap[providerId]; if(provider === undefined) { return; } var importParameters = {}; _.each(provider.sharingAttributes, function(attributeName) { var parameter = core.getURLParameter(attributeName); if(!parameter) { importParameters = undefined; return; } importParameters[attributeName] = parameter; }); if(importParameters === undefined) { return; } $("#wmd-preview, #file-title").hide(); provider.importPublic(importParameters, function(error, title, content) { $("#wmd-preview, #file-title").show(); if(error) { return; } var fileIndex = core.fileManager.createFile(title, content, undefined, true); core.fileManager.selectFile(fileIndex); }); }); return sharing; });