define(["jquery", "core", "file-manager", "gdrive"], function($, core, fileManager, gdrive) { var synchronizer = {}; // Used to know the providers we are connected to synchronizer.useGoogleDrive = false; var onSyncBegin = undefined; var onSyncEnd = undefined; var onQueueChanged = undefined; // A synchronization queue containing fileIndex that has to be synchronized var syncUpQueue = undefined; synchronizer.init = function(options) { onSyncBegin = options.onSyncBegin || core.doNothing; onSyncEnd = options.onSyncEnd || core.doNothing; onQueueChanged = options.onQueueChanged || core.doNothing; syncUpQueue = ";"; // Load the queue from localStorage in case a previous synchronization // was aborted if (localStorage["sync.queue"]) { syncUpQueue = localStorage["sync.queue"]; onQueueChanged(); } if (localStorage["sync.current"]) { this.addFileForUpload(localStorage["sync.current"]); } }; // Add a file to the synchronization queue synchronizer.addFileForUpload = function(fileIndex) { // Check that file has synchronized locations if(localStorage[fileIndex + ".sync"].length === 1) { return; } // Check that file is not in the queue if (syncUpQueue.indexOf(";" + fileIndex + ";") !== -1) { return; } syncUpQueue += fileIndex + ";"; localStorage["sync.queue"] = syncUpQueue; onQueueChanged(); }; // Recursive function to upload a single file on multiple locations function fileUp(fileSyncIndexList, content, title, callback) { if (fileSyncIndexList.length === 0) { localStorage.removeItem("sync.current"); // run the next file synchronization syncUp(callback); return; } var fileSyncIndex = fileSyncIndexList.pop(); // Try to find the provider if (fileSyncIndex.indexOf(SYNC_PROVIDER_GDRIVE) === 0) { var id = fileSyncIndex.substring(SYNC_PROVIDER_GDRIVE.length); gdrive.updateFile(id, title, content, function(result) { if (result === undefined && core.isOffline === true) { // If we detect offline mode we put the fileIndex back in // the queue synchronizer.addFileForUpload(localStorage["sync.current"]); localStorage.removeItem("sync.current"); callback(); return; } fileUp(fileSyncIndexList, content, title, callback); }); } else { fileUp(fileSyncIndexList, content, title, callback); } } function syncUp(callback) { // If nothing to synchronize if (syncUpQueue.length === 1) { callback(); return; } // Dequeue the fileIndex var separatorPos = syncUpQueue.indexOf(";", 1); var fileIndex = syncUpQueue.substring(1, separatorPos); localStorage["sync.current"] = fileIndex; syncUpQueue = syncUpQueue.substring(separatorPos); localStorage["sync.queue"] = syncUpQueue; onQueueChanged(); var content = localStorage[fileIndex + ".content"]; var title = localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"]; // Parse the list of synchronized locations associated to the file var fileSyncIndexList = localStorage[fileIndex + ".sync"].split(";"); fileUp(fileSyncIndexList, content, title, callback); }; function syncDownGdrive(callback) { if (synchronizer.useGoogleDrive === false) { callback(); return; } var lastChangeId = parseInt(localStorage[SYNC_PROVIDER_GDRIVE + "lastChangeId"]); gdrive.checkUpdates(lastChangeId, function(changes, newChangeId) { if (changes === undefined) { callback(); return; } gdrive.downloadContent(changes, function(changes) { if (changes === undefined) { callback(); return; } var updateFileTitles = false; for ( var i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) { var change = changes[i]; var fileSyncIndex = SYNC_PROVIDER_GDRIVE + change.fileId; var fileIndex = fileManager.getFileIndexFromSync(fileSyncIndex); // No file corresponding (this should never happen...) if(fileIndex === undefined) { // We can remove the stored etag localStorage.removeItem(fileSyncIndex + ".etag"); continue; } var title = localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"]; // File deleted if (change.deleted === true) { fileManager.removeSync(fileSyncIndex); updateFileTitles = true; core.showMessage('"' + title + '" has been removed from Google Drive.'); continue; } var content = localStorage[fileIndex + ".content"]; var file = change.file; var titleChanged = title != file.title; var contentChanged = content != file.content; // If file is in the upload queue we have a conflict if ((titleChanged || contentChanged) && syncUpQueue.indexOf(";" + fileIndex + ";") !== -1) { fileManager.createFile(title + " (backup)", content); updateFileTitles = true; core.showMessage('Conflict detected on "' + title + '". A backup has been created locally.'); } // If file title changed if(titleChanged) { localStorage[fileIndex + ".title"] = file.title; updateFileTitles = true; core.showMessage('"' + title + '" has been renamed to "' + file.title + '" on Google Drive.'); } // If file content changed if(contentChanged) { localStorage[fileIndex + ".content"] = file.content; core.showMessage('"' + file.title + '" has been updated from Google Drive.'); if(fileIndex == localStorage["file.current"]) { updateFileTitles = false; // Done by next function fileManager.selectFile(); } } // Update file etag localStorage[fileSyncIndex + ".etag"] = file.etag; // Synchronize file to others locations synchronizer.addFileForUpload(fileIndex); } if(updateFileTitles) { fileManager.updateFileTitles(); } localStorage[SYNC_PROVIDER_GDRIVE + "lastChangeId"] = newChangeId; callback(); }); }); } function syncDown(callback) { syncDownGdrive(callback); }; var syncRunning = false; var lastSync = 0; synchronizer.sync = function() { // If sync is already running or timeout is not reached or offline if (syncRunning || lastSync + SYNC_PERIOD > core.currentTime || core.isOffline) { return; } syncRunning = true; lastSync = core.currentTime; onSyncBegin(); syncDown(function() { syncUp(function() { syncRunning = false; onSyncEnd(); }); }); }; synchronizer.forceSync = function() { lastSync = 0; this.sync(); }; synchronizer.isRunning = function() { return syncRunning; }; synchronizer.isQueueEmpty = function() { return syncUpQueue.length === 1; }; return synchronizer; });