201 lines
9.1 KiB
201 lines
9.1 KiB
], function($, _, constants, utils, storage, logger, Provider, settings, eventMgr, fileMgr, editor, teamserverHelper) {
return function(providerId, providerName) {
var repo = 'teamserver';
var teamserverProvider = new Provider(providerId, providerName);
function createSyncIndex(id) {
return "sync." + providerId + "." + id;
var merge = settings.conflictMode == 'merge';
function createSyncAttributes(id, sha, content, title, discussionListJSON) {
discussionListJSON = discussionListJSON || '{}';
var syncAttributes = {};
syncAttributes.provider = teamserverProvider;
syncAttributes.id = id;
syncAttributes.sha = sha;
syncAttributes.contentCRC = utils.crc32(content);
syncAttributes.titleCRC = utils.crc32(title);
syncAttributes.discussionListCRC = utils.crc32(discussionListJSON);
syncAttributes.syncIndex = createSyncIndex(id);
if(merge === true) {
// Need to store the whole content for merge
syncAttributes.content = content;
syncAttributes.title = title;
syncAttributes.discussionList = discussionListJSON;
return syncAttributes;
function importFilesFromIds(ids) {
teamserverHelper.download(repo, ids, function(error, result) {
if(error) {
var fileDescList = [];
var fileDesc;
_.each(result, function(file) {
var parsedContent = teamserverProvider.parseContent(file.content);
var syncLocations;
var syncAttributes = createSyncAttributes(file.id, file.sha, parsedContent.content, file.title, parsedContent.discussionListJSON);
syncLocations = {};
syncLocations[syncAttributes.syncIndex] = syncAttributes;
fileDesc = fileMgr.createFile(file.title, parsedContent.content, parsedContent.discussionListJSON, syncLocations);
if(fileDesc !== undefined) {
eventMgr.onSyncImportSuccess(fileDescList, teamserverProvider);
teamserverProvider.importFiles = function() {
teamserverHelper.picker(repo, function(error, docs) {
if(error || docs.length === 0) {
var importIds = [];
_.each(docs, function(doc) {
var syncIndex = createSyncIndex(doc.id);
var fileDesc = fileMgr.getFileFromSyncIndex(syncIndex);
if(fileDesc !== undefined) {
eventMgr.onError('"' + fileDesc.title + '" was already imported.');
teamserverProvider.exportFile = function(event, title, content, discussionListJSON, callback) {
var data = teamserverProvider.serializeContent(content, discussionListJSON);
teamserverHelper.upload(repo, undefined, title, data, function(error, result) {
if(error) {
return callback(error);
var syncAttributes = createSyncAttributes(result.id, result.sha, content, title, discussionListJSON);
callback(undefined, syncAttributes);
teamserverProvider.syncUp = function(content, contentCRC, title, titleCRC, discussionList, discussionListCRC, syncAttributes, callback) {
(syncAttributes.contentCRC == contentCRC) && // Content CRC hasn't changed
(syncAttributes.titleCRC == titleCRC) && // Title CRC hasn't changed
(syncAttributes.discussionListCRC == discussionListCRC) // Discussion list CRC hasn't changed
) {
return callback(undefined, false);
var data = teamserverProvider.serializeContent(content, discussionList);
teamserverHelper.upload(repo, syncAttributes.id, title, data, function(error, result) {
if(error) {
callback(error, true);
syncAttributes.etag = result.etag;
if(merge === true) {
// Need to store the whole content for merge
syncAttributes.content = content;
syncAttributes.title = title;
syncAttributes.discussionList = discussionList;
syncAttributes.contentCRC = contentCRC;
syncAttributes.titleCRC = titleCRC;
syncAttributes.discussionListCRC = discussionListCRC;
callback(undefined, true);
teamserverProvider.syncDown = function(callback) {
var lastChangeId = parseInt(storage["teamserver.lastChangeId"], 10);
teamserverHelper.checkChanges(repo, lastChangeId, function(error, changes, newChangeId) {
if(error) {
return callback(error);
var interestingChanges = [];
_.each(changes, function(change) {
var syncIndex = createSyncIndex(change.id);
var fileDesc = fileMgr.getFileFromSyncIndex(syncIndex);
var syncAttributes = fileDesc && fileDesc.syncLocations[syncIndex];
if(!syncAttributes) {
// Store fileDesc and syncAttributes references to avoid 2 times search
change.fileDesc = fileDesc;
change.syncAttributes = syncAttributes;
// Delete
if(change.deleted === true) {
// Modify
if(syncAttributes.sha != change.sha) {
teamserverHelper.downloadContent(repo, interestingChanges, function(error, changes) {
if(error) {
return callback(error);
function mergeChange() {
if(changes.length === 0) {
storage["teamserver.lastChangeId"] = newChangeId;
return callback();
var change = changes.pop();
var fileDesc = change.fileDesc;
var syncAttributes = change.syncAttributes;
// File deleted
if(change.deleted === true) {
eventMgr.onError('"' + fileDesc.title + '" has been removed from ' + providerName + '.');
return eventMgr.onSyncRemoved(fileDesc, syncAttributes);
var parsedContent = teamserverProvider.parseContent(change.content);
var remoteContent = parsedContent.content;
var remoteTitle = change.title;
var remoteDiscussionListJSON = parsedContent.discussionListJSON;
var remoteDiscussionList = parsedContent.discussionList;
var remoteCRC = teamserverProvider.syncMerge(fileDesc, syncAttributes, remoteContent, remoteTitle, remoteDiscussionList, remoteDiscussionListJSON);
// Update syncAttributes
syncAttributes.sha = change.sha;
if(merge === true) {
// Need to store the whole content for merge
syncAttributes.content = remoteContent;
syncAttributes.title = remoteTitle;
syncAttributes.discussionList = remoteDiscussionListJSON;
syncAttributes.contentCRC = remoteCRC.contentCRC;
syncAttributes.titleCRC = remoteCRC.titleCRC;
syncAttributes.discussionListCRC = remoteCRC.discussionListCRC;
setTimeout(mergeChange, 5);
setTimeout(mergeChange, 5);
return teamserverProvider;