mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 22:21:49 +00:00
Use LF instead of CRLF
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,250 +1,250 @@
* https://imjad.cn/archives/lab/add-dynamic-poster-girl-with-live2d-to-your-blog-02
* https://www.fghrsh.net/post/123.html
function loadWidget(waifuPath, apiPath) {
$("body").append(`<div id="waifu">
<div id="waifu-tips"></div>
<canvas id="live2d" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
<div id="waifu-tool">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-comment"></span>
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-paper-plane"></span>
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-user-circle"></span>
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-street-view"></span>
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-camera-retro"></span>
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-info-circle"></span>
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-times"></span>
$("#waifu").show().animate({ bottom: 0 }, 3000);
function registerEventListener() {
$("#waifu-tool .fa-comment").click(showHitokoto);
$("#waifu-tool .fa-paper-plane").click(() => {
if (window.Asteroids) {
window.ASTEROIDSPLAYERS.push(new Asteroids());
} else {
url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/GalaxyMimi/CDN/asteroids.js",
dataType: "script",
cache: true
$("#waifu-tool .fa-user-circle").click(loadOtherModel);
$("#waifu-tool .fa-street-view").click(loadRandModel);
$("#waifu-tool .fa-camera-retro").click(() => {
showMessage("照好了嘛,是不是很可爱呢?", 6000, 9);
Live2D.captureName = "photo.png";
Live2D.captureFrame = true;
$("#waifu-tool .fa-info-circle").click(() => {
$("#waifu-tool .fa-times").click(() => {
localStorage.setItem("waifu-display", new Date().getTime());
showMessage("愿你有一天能与重要的人重逢。", 2000, 11);
$("#waifu").animate({ bottom: -500 }, 3000, () => {
$("#waifu-toggle").show().animate({ "margin-left": -50 }, 1000);
var re = /x/;
re.toString = () => {
showMessage("哈哈,你打开了控制台,是想要看看我的小秘密吗?", 6000, 9);
return "";
$(document).on("copy", () => {
showMessage("你都复制了些什么呀,转载要记得加上出处哦!", 6000, 9);
$(document).on("visibilitychange", () => {
if (!document.hidden) showMessage("哇,你终于回来了~", 6000, 9);
function welcomeMessage() {
var SiteIndexUrl = location.port ? `${location.protocol}//${location.hostname}:${location.port}/` : `${location.protocol}//${location.hostname}/`, text; //自动获取主页
if (location.href == SiteIndexUrl) { //如果是主页
var now = new Date().getHours();
if (now > 5 && now <= 7) text = "早上好!一日之计在于晨,美好的一天就要开始了。";
else if (now > 7 && now <= 11) text = "上午好!工作顺利嘛,不要久坐,多起来走动走动哦!";
else if (now > 11 && now <= 14) text = "中午了,工作了一个上午,现在是午餐时间!";
else if (now > 14 && now <= 17) text = "午后很容易犯困呢,今天的运动目标完成了吗?";
else if (now > 17 && now <= 19) text = "傍晚了!窗外夕阳的景色很美丽呢,最美不过夕阳红~";
else if (now > 19 && now <= 21) text = "晚上好,今天过得怎么样?";
else if (now > 21 && now <= 23) text = ["已经这么晚了呀,早点休息吧,晚安~", "深夜时要爱护眼睛呀!"];
else text = "你是夜猫子呀?这么晚还不睡觉,明天起的来嘛?";
} else if (document.referrer !== "") {
var referrer = document.createElement("a");
referrer.href = document.referrer;
var domain = referrer.hostname.split(".")[1];
if (location.hostname == referrer.hostname) text = `欢迎阅读<span style="color:#0099cc;">『${document.title.split(" - ")[0]}』</span>`;
else if (domain == "baidu") text = `Hello!来自 百度搜索 的朋友<br>你是搜索 <span style="color:#0099cc;">${referrer.search.split("&wd=")[1].split("&")[0]}</span> 找到的我吗?`;
else if (domain == "so") text = `Hello!来自 360搜索 的朋友<br>你是搜索 <span style="color:#0099cc;">${referrer.search.split("&q=")[1].split("&")[0]}</span> 找到的我吗?`;
else if (domain == "google") text = `Hello!来自 谷歌搜索 的朋友<br>欢迎阅读<span style="color:#0099cc;">『${document.title.split(" - ")[0]}』</span>`;
else text = `Hello!来自 <span style="color:#0099cc;">${referrer.hostname}</span> 的朋友`;
} else {
text = `欢迎阅读<span style="color:#0099cc;">『${document.title.split(" - ")[0]}』</span>`;
showMessage(text, 7000, 8);
var userAction = false,
hitokotoTimer = null,
messageTimer = null,
messageArray = ["好久不见,日子过得好快呢……", "大坏蛋!你都多久没理人家了呀,嘤嘤嘤~", "嗨~快来逗我玩吧!", "拿小拳拳锤你胸口!"];
if ($(".fa-share-alt").is(":hidden")) messageArray.push("记得把小家加入 Adblock 白名单哦!");
$(document).mousemove(() => {
userAction = true;
}).keydown(() => {
userAction = true;
setInterval(() => {
if (!userAction) {
if (!hitokotoTimer) hitokotoTimer = setInterval(showHitokoto, 25000);
} else {
userAction = false;
hitokotoTimer = null;
}, 1000);
function showHitokoto() {
//增加 hitokoto.cn 的 API
if (Math.random() < 0.6 && messageArray.length > 0) showMessage(messageArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * messageArray.length)], 6000, 9);
else $.getJSON("https://v1.hitokoto.cn", function(result) {
var text = `这句一言来自 <span style="color:#0099cc;">『${result.from}』</span>,是 <span style="color:#0099cc;">${result.creator}</span> 在 hitokoto.cn 投稿的。`;
showMessage(result.hitokoto, 6000, 9);
setTimeout(() => {
showMessage(text, 4000, 9);
}, 6000);
function showMessage(text, timeout, priority) {
if (!text) return;
if (!sessionStorage.getItem("waifu-text") || sessionStorage.getItem("waifu-text") <= priority) {
if (messageTimer) {
messageTimer = null;
if (Array.isArray(text)) text = text[Math.floor(Math.random() * text.length)];
sessionStorage.setItem("waifu-text", priority);
$("#waifu-tips").stop().html(text).fadeTo(200, 1);
messageTimer = setTimeout(() => {
$("#waifu-tips").fadeTo(1000, 0);
}, timeout);
function initModel() {
var modelId = localStorage.getItem("modelId"),
modelTexturesId = localStorage.getItem("modelTexturesId");
if (modelId == null) {
//首次访问加载 指定模型 的 指定材质
var modelId = 1, //模型 ID
modelTexturesId = 53; //材质 ID
loadModel(modelId, modelTexturesId);
$.getJSON(waifuPath, function(result) {
$.each(result.mouseover, function(index, tips) {
$(document).on("mouseover", tips.selector, function() {
var text = Array.isArray(tips.text) ? tips.text[Math.floor(Math.random() * tips.text.length)] : tips.text;
text = text.replace("{text}", $(this).text());
showMessage(text, 4000, 8);
$.each(result.click, function(index, tips) {
$(document).on("click", tips.selector, function() {
var text = Array.isArray(tips.text) ? tips.text[Math.floor(Math.random() * tips.text.length)] : tips.text;
text = text.replace("{text}", $(this).text());
showMessage(text, 4000, 8);
$.each(result.seasons, function(index, tips) {
var now = new Date(),
after = tips.date.split("-")[0],
before = tips.date.split("-")[1] || after;
if ((after.split("/")[0] <= now.getMonth() + 1 && now.getMonth() + 1 <= before.split("/")[0]) && (after.split("/")[1] <= now.getDate() && now.getDate() <= before.split("/")[1])) {
var text = Array.isArray(tips.text) ? tips.text[Math.floor(Math.random() * tips.text.length)] : tips.text;
text = text.replace("{year}", now.getFullYear());
//showMessage(text, 7000, true);
function loadModel(modelId, modelTexturesId) {
localStorage.setItem("modelId", modelId);
if (modelTexturesId === undefined) modelTexturesId = 0;
localStorage.setItem("modelTexturesId", modelTexturesId);
loadlive2d("live2d", `${apiPath}/get/?id=${modelId}-${modelTexturesId}`, console.log(`Live2D 模型 ${modelId}-${modelTexturesId} 加载完成`));
function loadRandModel() {
var modelId = localStorage.getItem("modelId"),
modelTexturesId = localStorage.getItem("modelTexturesId");
//可选 "rand"(随机), "switch"(顺序)
cache: false,
url: `${apiPath}/rand_textures/?id=${modelId}-${modelTexturesId}`,
dataType: "json",
success: function(result) {
if (result.textures["id"] == 1 && (modelTexturesId == 1 || modelTexturesId == 0)) showMessage("我还没有其他衣服呢!", 4000, 10);
else showMessage("我的新衣服好看嘛?", 4000, 10);
loadModel(modelId, result.textures["id"]);
function loadOtherModel() {
var modelId = localStorage.getItem("modelId");
cache: false,
url: `${apiPath}/switch/?id=${modelId}`,
dataType: "json",
success: function(result) {
showMessage(result.model["message"], 4000, 10);
function initWidget(waifuPath = "/waifu-tips.json", apiPath = "") {
if (screen.width <= 768) return;
$("body").append(`<div id="waifu-toggle" style="margin-left: -100px;">
$("#waifu-toggle").hover(() => {
$("#waifu-toggle").animate({ "margin-left": -30 }, 500);
}, () => {
$("#waifu-toggle").animate({ "margin-left": -50 }, 500);
}).click(() => {
$("#waifu-toggle").animate({ "margin-left": -100 }, 1000, () => {
if ($("#waifu-toggle").attr("first-time")) {
loadWidget(waifuPath, apiPath);
$("#waifu-toggle").attr("first-time", false);
} else {
$("#waifu").show().animate({ bottom: 0 }, 3000);
if (localStorage.getItem("waifu-display") && new Date().getTime() - localStorage.getItem("waifu-display") <= 86400000) {
$("#waifu-toggle").attr("first-time", true).css({ "margin-left": -50 });
} else {
loadWidget(waifuPath, apiPath);
* https://imjad.cn/archives/lab/add-dynamic-poster-girl-with-live2d-to-your-blog-02
* https://www.fghrsh.net/post/123.html
function loadWidget(waifuPath, apiPath) {
$("body").append(`<div id="waifu">
<div id="waifu-tips"></div>
<canvas id="live2d" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
<div id="waifu-tool">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-comment"></span>
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-paper-plane"></span>
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-user-circle"></span>
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-street-view"></span>
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-camera-retro"></span>
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-info-circle"></span>
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-times"></span>
$("#waifu").show().animate({ bottom: 0 }, 3000);
function registerEventListener() {
$("#waifu-tool .fa-comment").click(showHitokoto);
$("#waifu-tool .fa-paper-plane").click(() => {
if (window.Asteroids) {
window.ASTEROIDSPLAYERS.push(new Asteroids());
} else {
url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/GalaxyMimi/CDN/asteroids.js",
dataType: "script",
cache: true
$("#waifu-tool .fa-user-circle").click(loadOtherModel);
$("#waifu-tool .fa-street-view").click(loadRandModel);
$("#waifu-tool .fa-camera-retro").click(() => {
showMessage("照好了嘛,是不是很可爱呢?", 6000, 9);
Live2D.captureName = "photo.png";
Live2D.captureFrame = true;
$("#waifu-tool .fa-info-circle").click(() => {
$("#waifu-tool .fa-times").click(() => {
localStorage.setItem("waifu-display", new Date().getTime());
showMessage("愿你有一天能与重要的人重逢。", 2000, 11);
$("#waifu").animate({ bottom: -500 }, 3000, () => {
$("#waifu-toggle").show().animate({ "margin-left": -50 }, 1000);
var re = /x/;
re.toString = () => {
showMessage("哈哈,你打开了控制台,是想要看看我的小秘密吗?", 6000, 9);
return "";
$(document).on("copy", () => {
showMessage("你都复制了些什么呀,转载要记得加上出处哦!", 6000, 9);
$(document).on("visibilitychange", () => {
if (!document.hidden) showMessage("哇,你终于回来了~", 6000, 9);
function welcomeMessage() {
var SiteIndexUrl = location.port ? `${location.protocol}//${location.hostname}:${location.port}/` : `${location.protocol}//${location.hostname}/`, text; //自动获取主页
if (location.href == SiteIndexUrl) { //如果是主页
var now = new Date().getHours();
if (now > 5 && now <= 7) text = "早上好!一日之计在于晨,美好的一天就要开始了。";
else if (now > 7 && now <= 11) text = "上午好!工作顺利嘛,不要久坐,多起来走动走动哦!";
else if (now > 11 && now <= 14) text = "中午了,工作了一个上午,现在是午餐时间!";
else if (now > 14 && now <= 17) text = "午后很容易犯困呢,今天的运动目标完成了吗?";
else if (now > 17 && now <= 19) text = "傍晚了!窗外夕阳的景色很美丽呢,最美不过夕阳红~";
else if (now > 19 && now <= 21) text = "晚上好,今天过得怎么样?";
else if (now > 21 && now <= 23) text = ["已经这么晚了呀,早点休息吧,晚安~", "深夜时要爱护眼睛呀!"];
else text = "你是夜猫子呀?这么晚还不睡觉,明天起的来嘛?";
} else if (document.referrer !== "") {
var referrer = document.createElement("a");
referrer.href = document.referrer;
var domain = referrer.hostname.split(".")[1];
if (location.hostname == referrer.hostname) text = `欢迎阅读<span style="color:#0099cc;">『${document.title.split(" - ")[0]}』</span>`;
else if (domain == "baidu") text = `Hello!来自 百度搜索 的朋友<br>你是搜索 <span style="color:#0099cc;">${referrer.search.split("&wd=")[1].split("&")[0]}</span> 找到的我吗?`;
else if (domain == "so") text = `Hello!来自 360搜索 的朋友<br>你是搜索 <span style="color:#0099cc;">${referrer.search.split("&q=")[1].split("&")[0]}</span> 找到的我吗?`;
else if (domain == "google") text = `Hello!来自 谷歌搜索 的朋友<br>欢迎阅读<span style="color:#0099cc;">『${document.title.split(" - ")[0]}』</span>`;
else text = `Hello!来自 <span style="color:#0099cc;">${referrer.hostname}</span> 的朋友`;
} else {
text = `欢迎阅读<span style="color:#0099cc;">『${document.title.split(" - ")[0]}』</span>`;
showMessage(text, 7000, 8);
var userAction = false,
hitokotoTimer = null,
messageTimer = null,
messageArray = ["好久不见,日子过得好快呢……", "大坏蛋!你都多久没理人家了呀,嘤嘤嘤~", "嗨~快来逗我玩吧!", "拿小拳拳锤你胸口!"];
if ($(".fa-share-alt").is(":hidden")) messageArray.push("记得把小家加入 Adblock 白名单哦!");
$(document).mousemove(() => {
userAction = true;
}).keydown(() => {
userAction = true;
setInterval(() => {
if (!userAction) {
if (!hitokotoTimer) hitokotoTimer = setInterval(showHitokoto, 25000);
} else {
userAction = false;
hitokotoTimer = null;
}, 1000);
function showHitokoto() {
//增加 hitokoto.cn 的 API
if (Math.random() < 0.6 && messageArray.length > 0) showMessage(messageArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * messageArray.length)], 6000, 9);
else $.getJSON("https://v1.hitokoto.cn", function(result) {
var text = `这句一言来自 <span style="color:#0099cc;">『${result.from}』</span>,是 <span style="color:#0099cc;">${result.creator}</span> 在 hitokoto.cn 投稿的。`;
showMessage(result.hitokoto, 6000, 9);
setTimeout(() => {
showMessage(text, 4000, 9);
}, 6000);
function showMessage(text, timeout, priority) {
if (!text) return;
if (!sessionStorage.getItem("waifu-text") || sessionStorage.getItem("waifu-text") <= priority) {
if (messageTimer) {
messageTimer = null;
if (Array.isArray(text)) text = text[Math.floor(Math.random() * text.length)];
sessionStorage.setItem("waifu-text", priority);
$("#waifu-tips").stop().html(text).fadeTo(200, 1);
messageTimer = setTimeout(() => {
$("#waifu-tips").fadeTo(1000, 0);
}, timeout);
function initModel() {
var modelId = localStorage.getItem("modelId"),
modelTexturesId = localStorage.getItem("modelTexturesId");
if (modelId == null) {
//首次访问加载 指定模型 的 指定材质
var modelId = 1, //模型 ID
modelTexturesId = 53; //材质 ID
loadModel(modelId, modelTexturesId);
$.getJSON(waifuPath, function(result) {
$.each(result.mouseover, function(index, tips) {
$(document).on("mouseover", tips.selector, function() {
var text = Array.isArray(tips.text) ? tips.text[Math.floor(Math.random() * tips.text.length)] : tips.text;
text = text.replace("{text}", $(this).text());
showMessage(text, 4000, 8);
$.each(result.click, function(index, tips) {
$(document).on("click", tips.selector, function() {
var text = Array.isArray(tips.text) ? tips.text[Math.floor(Math.random() * tips.text.length)] : tips.text;
text = text.replace("{text}", $(this).text());
showMessage(text, 4000, 8);
$.each(result.seasons, function(index, tips) {
var now = new Date(),
after = tips.date.split("-")[0],
before = tips.date.split("-")[1] || after;
if ((after.split("/")[0] <= now.getMonth() + 1 && now.getMonth() + 1 <= before.split("/")[0]) && (after.split("/")[1] <= now.getDate() && now.getDate() <= before.split("/")[1])) {
var text = Array.isArray(tips.text) ? tips.text[Math.floor(Math.random() * tips.text.length)] : tips.text;
text = text.replace("{year}", now.getFullYear());
//showMessage(text, 7000, true);
function loadModel(modelId, modelTexturesId) {
localStorage.setItem("modelId", modelId);
if (modelTexturesId === undefined) modelTexturesId = 0;
localStorage.setItem("modelTexturesId", modelTexturesId);
loadlive2d("live2d", `${apiPath}/get/?id=${modelId}-${modelTexturesId}`, console.log(`Live2D 模型 ${modelId}-${modelTexturesId} 加载完成`));
function loadRandModel() {
var modelId = localStorage.getItem("modelId"),
modelTexturesId = localStorage.getItem("modelTexturesId");
//可选 "rand"(随机), "switch"(顺序)
cache: false,
url: `${apiPath}/rand_textures/?id=${modelId}-${modelTexturesId}`,
dataType: "json",
success: function(result) {
if (result.textures["id"] == 1 && (modelTexturesId == 1 || modelTexturesId == 0)) showMessage("我还没有其他衣服呢!", 4000, 10);
else showMessage("我的新衣服好看嘛?", 4000, 10);
loadModel(modelId, result.textures["id"]);
function loadOtherModel() {
var modelId = localStorage.getItem("modelId");
cache: false,
url: `${apiPath}/switch/?id=${modelId}`,
dataType: "json",
success: function(result) {
showMessage(result.model["message"], 4000, 10);
function initWidget(waifuPath = "/waifu-tips.json", apiPath = "") {
if (screen.width <= 768) return;
$("body").append(`<div id="waifu-toggle" style="margin-left: -100px;">
$("#waifu-toggle").hover(() => {
$("#waifu-toggle").animate({ "margin-left": -30 }, 500);
}, () => {
$("#waifu-toggle").animate({ "margin-left": -50 }, 500);
}).click(() => {
$("#waifu-toggle").animate({ "margin-left": -100 }, 1000, () => {
if ($("#waifu-toggle").attr("first-time")) {
loadWidget(waifuPath, apiPath);
$("#waifu-toggle").attr("first-time", false);
} else {
$("#waifu").show().animate({ bottom: 0 }, 3000);
if (localStorage.getItem("waifu-display") && new Date().getTime() - localStorage.getItem("waifu-display") <= 86400000) {
$("#waifu-toggle").attr("first-time", true).css({ "margin-left": -50 });
} else {
loadWidget(waifuPath, apiPath);
@ -1,215 +1,215 @@
"mouseover": [{
"selector": "#waifu #live2d",
"text": ["干嘛呢你,快把手拿开~~", "鼠…鼠标放错地方了!", "你要干嘛呀?", "喵喵喵?", "怕怕(ノ≧∇≦)ノ", "非礼呀!救命!", "这样的话,只能使用武力了!", "我要生气了哦", "不要动手动脚的!", "真…真的是不知羞耻!", "Hentai!"]
}, {
"selector": "#waifu-tool .fa-comment",
"text": ["猜猜我要说些什么?", "我从青蛙王子那里听到了不少人生经验。"]
}, {
"selector": "#waifu-tool .fa-paper-plane",
"text": ["要不要来玩飞机大战?", "这个按钮上写着“不要点击”。", "怎么,你想来和我玩个游戏?", "听说这样可以蹦迪!"]
}, {
"selector": "#waifu-tool .fa-user-circle",
"text": ["你是不是不爱人家了呀,呜呜呜~", "要见见我的姐姐嘛?", "想要看我妹妹嘛?", "要切换看板娘吗?"]
}, {
"selector": "#waifu-tool .fa-street-view",
"text": ["喜欢换装 PLAY 吗?", "这次要扮演什么呢?", "变装!", "让我们看看接下来会发生什么!"]
}, {
"selector": "#waifu-tool .fa-camera-retro",
"text": ["你要给我拍照呀?一二三~茄子~", "要不,我们来合影吧!", "保持微笑就好了~"]
}, {
"selector": "#waifu-tool .fa-info-circle",
"text": ["想要知道更多关于我的事么?", "这里记录着我搬家的历史呢。", "你想深入了解我什么呢?"]
}, {
"selector": "#waifu-tool .fa-times",
"text": ["到了要说再见的时候了吗?", "呜呜 QAQ 后会有期……", "不要抛弃我呀……", "我们,还能再见面吗……", "哼,你会后悔的!"]
}, {
"selector": ".menu-item-home",
"text": ["点击前往首页,想回到上一页可以使用浏览器的后退功能哦。", "点它就可以回到首页啦!", "回首页看看吧。"]
}, {
"selector": ".menu-item-about",
"text": ["你想知道我家主人是谁吗?", "这里有一些关于我家主人的秘密哦,要不要看看呢?", "发现主人出没地点!"]
}, {
"selector": ".menu-item-tags",
"text": ["点击就可以看文章的标签啦!", "点击来查看所有标签哦。", "快看看这里都有什么呢!"]
}, {
"selector": ".menu-item-categories",
"text": ["文章都分类好啦~", "点击来查看文章分类哦。", "快看看这里都有什么呢!"]
}, {
"selector": ".menu-item-archives",
"text": ["翻页比较麻烦吗,那就来看看文章归档吧。", "文章目录都整理在这里啦!", "快看看这里都有什么呢?"]
}, {
"selector": ".menu-item-friends",
"text": ["这是我的朋友们哦ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙", "要去大佬们的家看看吗?", "要去拜访一下我的朋友们吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".menu-item-search",
"text": ["找不到想看的内容?搜索看看吧!", "在找什么东西呢,需要帮忙吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".site-author",
"text": ["我家主人好看吗?", "这是我家主人(*´∇`*)"]
}, {
"selector": ".site-state",
"text": ["这是文章的统计信息~", "要不要点进去看看?"]
}, {
"selector": ".feed-link a",
"text": ["这里可以使用 RSS 订阅呢!", "利用 feed 订阅器,就能快速知道博客有没有更新了呢。"]
}, {
"selector": ".cc-opacity, .post-copyright-author",
"text": ["要记得规范转载哦。", "所有文章均采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议~", "转载前要先注意下文章的版权协议呢。"]
}, {
"selector": ".links-of-author",
"text": ["这里是主人的常驻地址哦。", "这里有主人的联系方式!"]
}, {
"selector": "#qrcode",
"text": ["手机扫一下就能继续看,很方便呢~", "扫一扫,打开新世界的大门!"]
}, {
"selector": ".fancybox img, img.medium-zoom-image",
"text": ["点击图片可以放大呢!"]
}, {
"selector": ".highlight-wrap, .gist",
"text": ["代码可以直接点击复制哟。", "GitHub!我是新手!", "PHP 是最好的语言!"]
}, {
"selector": ".container a[href^='http'], .nav-link .nav-text",
"text": ["要去看看 <span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">{text}</span> 么?", "去 <span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">{text}</span> 逛逛吧。", "到 <span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">{text}</span> 看看吧。"]
}, {
"selector": "a[href^='mailto']",
"text": ["邮件我会及时回复的!", "点击就可以发送邮件啦~"]
}, {
"selector": "a[href^='/tags/']",
"text": ["要去看看 <span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">{text}</span> 标签么?", "点它可以查看此标签下的所有文章哟!"]
}, {
"selector": "a[href^='/categories/']",
"text": ["要去看看 <span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">{text}</span> 分类么?", "点它可以查看此分类下的所有文章哟!"]
}, {
"selector": ".post-title-link",
"text": ["要看看 <span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">{text}</span> 这篇文章吗?"]
}, {
"selector": "a[rel='contents']",
"text": ["点击来阅读全文哦。"]
}, {
"selector": "a[itemprop='discussionUrl']",
"text": ["要去看看评论吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".back-to-top",
"text": ["点它就可以回到顶部啦!", "又回到最初的起点~", "要回到开始的地方么?"]
}, {
"selector": "#rewardButton",
"text": ["我是不是棒棒哒~快给我点赞吧!", "要打赏我嘛?好期待啊~", "主人最近在吃土呢,很辛苦的样子,给他一些钱钱吧~"]
}, {
"selector": "#wechat",
"text": ["这是我的微信二维码~"]
}, {
"selector": "#alipay",
"text": ["这是我的支付宝哦!"]
}, {
"selector": "#bitcoin",
"text": ["这是我的比特币账号!"]
}, {
"selector": "#needsharebutton-postbottom .btn",
"text": ["好东西要让更多人知道才行哦。", "觉得文章有帮助的话,可以分享给更多需要的朋友呢。"]
}, {
"selector": ".need-share-button_weibo",
"text": ["微博?来分享一波喵!"]
}, {
"selector": ".need-share-button_wechat",
"text": ["分享到微信吧!"]
}, {
"selector": ".need-share-button_douban",
"text": ["分享到豆瓣好像也不错!"]
}, {
"selector": ".need-share-button_qqzone",
"text": ["QQ空间,一键转发,耶~"]
}, {
"selector": ".need-share-button_twitter",
"text": ["Twitter?好像是不存在的东西?"]
}, {
"selector": ".need-share-button_facebook",
"text": ["emmm…FB好像也是不存在的东西?"]
}, {
"selector": ".post-nav-next",
"text": ["来看看下一篇文章吧。", "点它可以看下一篇文章哦!", "要翻到下一篇文章吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".post-nav-prev",
"text": ["来看看上一篇文章吧。", "点它可以看上一篇文章哦!", "要翻到上一篇文章吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".extend.next",
"text": ["去下一页看看吧。", "点它可以前进哦!", "要翻到下一页吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".extend.prev",
"text": ["去上一页看看吧。", "点它可以后退哦!", "要翻到上一页吗?"]
}, {
"selector": "input.vnick",
"text": ["该怎么称呼你呢?", "留下你的尊姓大名!"]
}, {
"selector": ".vmail",
"text": ["留下你的邮箱,不然就是无头像人士了!", "记得设置好 Gravatar 头像哦!", "为了方便通知你最新消息,一定要留下邮箱!"]
}, {
"selector": ".vlink",
"text": ["快快告诉我你的家在哪里,好让我去参观参观!"]
}, {
"selector": ".veditor",
"text": ["想要去评论些什么吗?", "要说点什么吗?", "觉得博客不错?快来留言和主人交流吧!"]
}, {
"selector": ".vcontrol a",
"text": ["你会不会熟练使用Markdown呀?", "使用Markdown让评论更美观吧~"]
}, {
"selector": ".vemoji-btn",
"text": ["要插入一个萌萌哒的表情吗?", "要来一发表情吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".vpreview-btn",
"text": ["要预览一下你的发言吗?", "快看看你的评论有多少负熵!"]
}, {
"selector": ".vsubmit",
"text": ["评论没有审核,要对自己的发言负责哦~", "要提交了吗,请耐心等待回复哦~"]
}, {
"selector": ".vcontent",
"text": ["哇,快看看这个精彩评论!", "如果有疑问,请尽快留言哦~"]
"click": [{
"selector": "#waifu #live2d",
"text": ["是…是不小心碰到了吧…", "萝莉控是什么呀?", "你看到我的小熊了吗?", "再摸的话我可要报警了!⌇●﹏●⌇", "110吗,这里有个变态一直在摸我(ó﹏ò。)", "不要摸我了,我会告诉老婆来打你的!", "干嘛动我呀!小心我咬你!", "别摸我,有什么好摸的!"]
}, {
"selector": ".veditor",
"text": ["要吐槽些什么呢?", "一定要认真填写喵~", "有什么想说的吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".vsubmit",
"text": ["输入验证码就可以提交评论啦~"]
"seasons": [{
"date": "01/01",
"text": "<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">元旦</span>了呢,新的一年又开始了,今年是{year}年~"
}, {
"date": "02/14",
"text": "又是一年<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">情人节</span>,{year}年找到对象了嘛~"
}, {
"date": "03/08",
"text": "今天是<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">国际妇女节</span>!"
}, {
"date": "03/12",
"text": "今天是<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">植树节</span>,要保护环境呀!"
}, {
"date": "04/01",
"text": "悄悄告诉你一个秘密~<span style=\"background-color:#34495e;\">今天是愚人节,不要被骗了哦~</span>"
}, {
"date": "05/01",
"text": "今天是<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">五一劳动节</span>,计划好假期去哪里了吗~"
}, {
"date": "06/01",
"text": "<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">儿童节</span>了呢,快活的时光总是短暂,要是永远长不大该多好啊…"
}, {
"date": "09/03",
"text": "<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">中国人民抗日战争胜利纪念日</span>,铭记历史、缅怀先烈、珍爱和平、开创未来。"
}, {
"date": "09/10",
"text": "<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">教师节</span>,在学校要给老师问声好呀~"
}, {
"date": "10/01",
"text": "<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">国庆节</span>到了,为祖国母亲庆生!"
}, {
"date": "11/05-11/12",
"text": "今年的<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">双十一</span>是和谁一起过的呢~"
}, {
"date": "12/20-12/31",
"text": "这几天是<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">圣诞节</span>,主人肯定又去剁手买买买了~"
"mouseover": [{
"selector": "#waifu #live2d",
"text": ["干嘛呢你,快把手拿开~~", "鼠…鼠标放错地方了!", "你要干嘛呀?", "喵喵喵?", "怕怕(ノ≧∇≦)ノ", "非礼呀!救命!", "这样的话,只能使用武力了!", "我要生气了哦", "不要动手动脚的!", "真…真的是不知羞耻!", "Hentai!"]
}, {
"selector": "#waifu-tool .fa-comment",
"text": ["猜猜我要说些什么?", "我从青蛙王子那里听到了不少人生经验。"]
}, {
"selector": "#waifu-tool .fa-paper-plane",
"text": ["要不要来玩飞机大战?", "这个按钮上写着“不要点击”。", "怎么,你想来和我玩个游戏?", "听说这样可以蹦迪!"]
}, {
"selector": "#waifu-tool .fa-user-circle",
"text": ["你是不是不爱人家了呀,呜呜呜~", "要见见我的姐姐嘛?", "想要看我妹妹嘛?", "要切换看板娘吗?"]
}, {
"selector": "#waifu-tool .fa-street-view",
"text": ["喜欢换装 PLAY 吗?", "这次要扮演什么呢?", "变装!", "让我们看看接下来会发生什么!"]
}, {
"selector": "#waifu-tool .fa-camera-retro",
"text": ["你要给我拍照呀?一二三~茄子~", "要不,我们来合影吧!", "保持微笑就好了~"]
}, {
"selector": "#waifu-tool .fa-info-circle",
"text": ["想要知道更多关于我的事么?", "这里记录着我搬家的历史呢。", "你想深入了解我什么呢?"]
}, {
"selector": "#waifu-tool .fa-times",
"text": ["到了要说再见的时候了吗?", "呜呜 QAQ 后会有期……", "不要抛弃我呀……", "我们,还能再见面吗……", "哼,你会后悔的!"]
}, {
"selector": ".menu-item-home",
"text": ["点击前往首页,想回到上一页可以使用浏览器的后退功能哦。", "点它就可以回到首页啦!", "回首页看看吧。"]
}, {
"selector": ".menu-item-about",
"text": ["你想知道我家主人是谁吗?", "这里有一些关于我家主人的秘密哦,要不要看看呢?", "发现主人出没地点!"]
}, {
"selector": ".menu-item-tags",
"text": ["点击就可以看文章的标签啦!", "点击来查看所有标签哦。", "快看看这里都有什么呢!"]
}, {
"selector": ".menu-item-categories",
"text": ["文章都分类好啦~", "点击来查看文章分类哦。", "快看看这里都有什么呢!"]
}, {
"selector": ".menu-item-archives",
"text": ["翻页比较麻烦吗,那就来看看文章归档吧。", "文章目录都整理在这里啦!", "快看看这里都有什么呢?"]
}, {
"selector": ".menu-item-friends",
"text": ["这是我的朋友们哦ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙", "要去大佬们的家看看吗?", "要去拜访一下我的朋友们吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".menu-item-search",
"text": ["找不到想看的内容?搜索看看吧!", "在找什么东西呢,需要帮忙吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".site-author",
"text": ["我家主人好看吗?", "这是我家主人(*´∇`*)"]
}, {
"selector": ".site-state",
"text": ["这是文章的统计信息~", "要不要点进去看看?"]
}, {
"selector": ".feed-link a",
"text": ["这里可以使用 RSS 订阅呢!", "利用 feed 订阅器,就能快速知道博客有没有更新了呢。"]
}, {
"selector": ".cc-opacity, .post-copyright-author",
"text": ["要记得规范转载哦。", "所有文章均采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议~", "转载前要先注意下文章的版权协议呢。"]
}, {
"selector": ".links-of-author",
"text": ["这里是主人的常驻地址哦。", "这里有主人的联系方式!"]
}, {
"selector": "#qrcode",
"text": ["手机扫一下就能继续看,很方便呢~", "扫一扫,打开新世界的大门!"]
}, {
"selector": ".fancybox img, img.medium-zoom-image",
"text": ["点击图片可以放大呢!"]
}, {
"selector": ".highlight-wrap, .gist",
"text": ["代码可以直接点击复制哟。", "GitHub!我是新手!", "PHP 是最好的语言!"]
}, {
"selector": ".container a[href^='http'], .nav-link .nav-text",
"text": ["要去看看 <span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">{text}</span> 么?", "去 <span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">{text}</span> 逛逛吧。", "到 <span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">{text}</span> 看看吧。"]
}, {
"selector": "a[href^='mailto']",
"text": ["邮件我会及时回复的!", "点击就可以发送邮件啦~"]
}, {
"selector": "a[href^='/tags/']",
"text": ["要去看看 <span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">{text}</span> 标签么?", "点它可以查看此标签下的所有文章哟!"]
}, {
"selector": "a[href^='/categories/']",
"text": ["要去看看 <span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">{text}</span> 分类么?", "点它可以查看此分类下的所有文章哟!"]
}, {
"selector": ".post-title-link",
"text": ["要看看 <span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">{text}</span> 这篇文章吗?"]
}, {
"selector": "a[rel='contents']",
"text": ["点击来阅读全文哦。"]
}, {
"selector": "a[itemprop='discussionUrl']",
"text": ["要去看看评论吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".back-to-top",
"text": ["点它就可以回到顶部啦!", "又回到最初的起点~", "要回到开始的地方么?"]
}, {
"selector": "#rewardButton",
"text": ["我是不是棒棒哒~快给我点赞吧!", "要打赏我嘛?好期待啊~", "主人最近在吃土呢,很辛苦的样子,给他一些钱钱吧~"]
}, {
"selector": "#wechat",
"text": ["这是我的微信二维码~"]
}, {
"selector": "#alipay",
"text": ["这是我的支付宝哦!"]
}, {
"selector": "#bitcoin",
"text": ["这是我的比特币账号!"]
}, {
"selector": "#needsharebutton-postbottom .btn",
"text": ["好东西要让更多人知道才行哦。", "觉得文章有帮助的话,可以分享给更多需要的朋友呢。"]
}, {
"selector": ".need-share-button_weibo",
"text": ["微博?来分享一波喵!"]
}, {
"selector": ".need-share-button_wechat",
"text": ["分享到微信吧!"]
}, {
"selector": ".need-share-button_douban",
"text": ["分享到豆瓣好像也不错!"]
}, {
"selector": ".need-share-button_qqzone",
"text": ["QQ空间,一键转发,耶~"]
}, {
"selector": ".need-share-button_twitter",
"text": ["Twitter?好像是不存在的东西?"]
}, {
"selector": ".need-share-button_facebook",
"text": ["emmm…FB好像也是不存在的东西?"]
}, {
"selector": ".post-nav-next",
"text": ["来看看下一篇文章吧。", "点它可以看下一篇文章哦!", "要翻到下一篇文章吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".post-nav-prev",
"text": ["来看看上一篇文章吧。", "点它可以看上一篇文章哦!", "要翻到上一篇文章吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".extend.next",
"text": ["去下一页看看吧。", "点它可以前进哦!", "要翻到下一页吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".extend.prev",
"text": ["去上一页看看吧。", "点它可以后退哦!", "要翻到上一页吗?"]
}, {
"selector": "input.vnick",
"text": ["该怎么称呼你呢?", "留下你的尊姓大名!"]
}, {
"selector": ".vmail",
"text": ["留下你的邮箱,不然就是无头像人士了!", "记得设置好 Gravatar 头像哦!", "为了方便通知你最新消息,一定要留下邮箱!"]
}, {
"selector": ".vlink",
"text": ["快快告诉我你的家在哪里,好让我去参观参观!"]
}, {
"selector": ".veditor",
"text": ["想要去评论些什么吗?", "要说点什么吗?", "觉得博客不错?快来留言和主人交流吧!"]
}, {
"selector": ".vcontrol a",
"text": ["你会不会熟练使用Markdown呀?", "使用Markdown让评论更美观吧~"]
}, {
"selector": ".vemoji-btn",
"text": ["要插入一个萌萌哒的表情吗?", "要来一发表情吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".vpreview-btn",
"text": ["要预览一下你的发言吗?", "快看看你的评论有多少负熵!"]
}, {
"selector": ".vsubmit",
"text": ["评论没有审核,要对自己的发言负责哦~", "要提交了吗,请耐心等待回复哦~"]
}, {
"selector": ".vcontent",
"text": ["哇,快看看这个精彩评论!", "如果有疑问,请尽快留言哦~"]
"click": [{
"selector": "#waifu #live2d",
"text": ["是…是不小心碰到了吧…", "萝莉控是什么呀?", "你看到我的小熊了吗?", "再摸的话我可要报警了!⌇●﹏●⌇", "110吗,这里有个变态一直在摸我(ó﹏ò。)", "不要摸我了,我会告诉老婆来打你的!", "干嘛动我呀!小心我咬你!", "别摸我,有什么好摸的!"]
}, {
"selector": ".veditor",
"text": ["要吐槽些什么呢?", "一定要认真填写喵~", "有什么想说的吗?"]
}, {
"selector": ".vsubmit",
"text": ["输入验证码就可以提交评论啦~"]
"seasons": [{
"date": "01/01",
"text": "<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">元旦</span>了呢,新的一年又开始了,今年是{year}年~"
}, {
"date": "02/14",
"text": "又是一年<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">情人节</span>,{year}年找到对象了嘛~"
}, {
"date": "03/08",
"text": "今天是<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">国际妇女节</span>!"
}, {
"date": "03/12",
"text": "今天是<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">植树节</span>,要保护环境呀!"
}, {
"date": "04/01",
"text": "悄悄告诉你一个秘密~<span style=\"background-color:#34495e;\">今天是愚人节,不要被骗了哦~</span>"
}, {
"date": "05/01",
"text": "今天是<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">五一劳动节</span>,计划好假期去哪里了吗~"
}, {
"date": "06/01",
"text": "<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">儿童节</span>了呢,快活的时光总是短暂,要是永远长不大该多好啊…"
}, {
"date": "09/03",
"text": "<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">中国人民抗日战争胜利纪念日</span>,铭记历史、缅怀先烈、珍爱和平、开创未来。"
}, {
"date": "09/10",
"text": "<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">教师节</span>,在学校要给老师问声好呀~"
}, {
"date": "10/01",
"text": "<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">国庆节</span>到了,为祖国母亲庆生!"
}, {
"date": "11/05-11/12",
"text": "今年的<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">双十一</span>是和谁一起过的呢~"
}, {
"date": "12/20-12/31",
"text": "这几天是<span style=\"color:#0099cc;\">圣诞节</span>,主人肯定又去剁手买买买了~"
@ -1,235 +1,235 @@
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98% {
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0%, 100% {
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2% {
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4% {
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6% {
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8% {
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12% {
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14% {
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16% {
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18% {
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22% {
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24% {
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26% {
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30% {
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32% {
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34% {
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36% {
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38% {
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40% {
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42% {
transform: translate(-1.5px, 2.5px) rotate(0.5deg);
44% {
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46% {
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48% {
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50% {
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52% {
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54% {
transform: translate(-1.5px, 1.5px) rotate(0.5deg);
56% {
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58% {
transform: translate(2.5px, 2.5px) rotate(0.5deg);
60% {
transform: translate(2.5px, -1.5px) rotate(1.5deg);
62% {
transform: translate(-1.5px, 0.5px) rotate(1.5deg);
64% {
transform: translate(-1.5px, 1.5px) rotate(1.5deg);
66% {
transform: translate(0.5px, 2.5px) rotate(1.5deg);
68% {
transform: translate(2.5px, -1.5px) rotate(1.5deg);
70% {
transform: translate(2.5px, 2.5px) rotate(0.5deg);
72% {
transform: translate(-0.5px, -1.5px) rotate(1.5deg);
74% {
transform: translate(-1.5px, 2.5px) rotate(1.5deg);
76% {
transform: translate(-1.5px, 2.5px) rotate(1.5deg);
78% {
transform: translate(-1.5px, 2.5px) rotate(0.5deg);
80% {
transform: translate(-1.5px, 0.5px) rotate(-0.5deg);
82% {
transform: translate(-1.5px, 0.5px) rotate(-0.5deg);
84% {
transform: translate(-0.5px, 0.5px) rotate(1.5deg);
86% {
transform: translate(2.5px, 1.5px) rotate(0.5deg);
88% {
transform: translate(-1.5px, 0.5px) rotate(1.5deg);
90% {
transform: translate(-1.5px, -0.5px) rotate(-0.5deg);
92% {
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94% {
transform: translate(0.5px, 0.5px) rotate(-0.5deg);
96% {
transform: translate(2.5px, -0.5px) rotate(-0.5deg);
98% {
transform: translate(-1.5px, -1.5px) rotate(-0.5deg);
0%, 100% {
transform: translate(0, 0) rotate(0deg);
Reference in New Issue
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