2013-09-03 08:00:12 -07:00

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Developer guide

Getting started


Before debugging

  • Download dependencies using Bower:

      bower install
  • To serve StackEdit in http://localhost/stackedit, add something like this in httpd.conf:

      Alias /stackedit /Users/benweet/workspace/stackedit 
      <Directory /Users/benweet/workspace/stackedit>
          Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
          AllowOverride None
          Order allow,deny
          Allow from all
  • Open Chrome without application cache:

      chrome --disable-application-cache
  • Run StackEdit in debug mode (serve original files instead of minified):


Add new dependencies

NOTE: StackEdit uses RequireJS for asynchronous module definition (AMD).

  • Install new dependencies using Bower:

      bower install <library> --save
  • Add the new dependency to RequireJS configuration file (main.js):

      grunt bower




Architecture diagram


The core module is responsible for:

  • creating the UI Layout,
  • creating the PageDown editor,
  • loading/saving the settings,
  • running periodic tasks,
  • detecting the user activity,
  • checking the offline status.


  • isOffline: indicates the offline status of the application.


  • onReady(callback): sets a callback to be called when all modules have been loaded and the DOM is ready.

NOTE: This is preferred over jQuery's .ready() because it ensures that all AMD modules are loaded by RequireJS).

  • runPeriodically(callback): sets a callback to be called every second.

NOTE: The callback will not run if the user is inactive or in StackEdit Viewer. User is considered inactive after 5 minutes of inactivity (mouse or keyboard).

  • setOffline(): can be called by any other modules when a network timeout occurs for instance.

NOTE: the offline status is also set by detecting the window offline event. core.isOffline is automatically set to false when the network is recovered.


The fileMgr module is responsible for:

  • creating and deleting local files
  • switching from one file to another




The FileDescriptor class represents a local file. A FileDescriptor object has the following properties:

  • fileIndex: the unique string index of the file in the file system
  • title: the title of the document
  • content: the content of the document
  • syncLocations: a map containing all the associated syncAttributes objects with their syncIndex as a key
  • publishLocations: a map containing all the associated publishAttributes objects with their publishIndex as a key

And the following methods:

  • addSyncLocation(syncAttributes): associates a syncAttributes object with the file
  • removeSyncLocation(syncAttributes): unassociates a syncAttributes object with the file
  • addPublishLocation(publishAttributes): associates a publishAttributes object with the file
  • removePublishLocation(publishAttributes): unassociates a publishAttributes object with the file


The fileSystem module is a map containing all the FileDescriptor objects with their fileIndex as a key.


The synchronizer module is responsible for:

  • creating a new local file from a sync location (import)
  • creating a new sync location from a local file (export)
  • running 2 ways synchronization (upload and download) for all sync locations

synchronizer's providers

A provider module can be associated with the synchronizer module if it implements the following functions:

  • importFiles(): downloads one or multiple files and create local files associated with the sync locations
  • exportFile(): uploads a local file to a new sync location
  • syncDown(): performs a download of all the changes operated on all sync locations
  • syncUp(): performs an upload of a change to a sync location


A syncAttributes object is an object that describes a sync location. Attributes differ from one provider to another except for the following:

  • syncIndex: the unique string index of the publish location
  • provider: the provider module that handles the sync location


The publisher module is responsible for:

  • creating new publish locations
  • updating existing publish locations

publisher's providers

A provider module can be associated with the publisher module if it implements the following functions:

  • newPublishAttributes(): returns a new publishAttributes object in order to create a new publish location
  • publish(): performs publishing of one publish location


A publishAttributes object is an object that describes a publish location. Attributes differ from one provider to another except for the following:

  • publishIndex: the unique string index of the publish location
  • provider: the provider module that handles the publish location
  • format: the publishing format for the publish location. It can be:
    • markdown for Markdown format
    • html for HTML format
    • template for template format


Written with StackEdit.