2013-11-23 17:35:54 -08:00

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Developer guide

Getting started


Before debugging

  • Download development tools:

      npm install
  • Download dependencies:

      bower install
  • Serve StackEdit at http://localhost/:

      (export PORT=80 && node server.js)
  • Run Chrome without application cache:

      chrome --disable-application-cache
  • Run StackEdit in debug mode (serve original files instead of minified):


Add new dependencies

NOTE: StackEdit uses RequireJS for asynchronous module definition (AMD).

  • Install new dependencies using Bower:

      bower install <library> --save
  • Add the new dependency to RequireJS configuration file (main.js):

      grunt bower




  • on Heroku:

      heroku create
      heroku rename my-stackedit-instance
      git push heroku master
  • in a Docker container:

      docker build -t my-stackedit-image .
      docker run -p 3000 my-stackedit-image

NOTE: OAuth authorizations work out of the box for address http://localhost/ except for WordPress. To allow an other address, you have to add specific keys at the end of constants.js and eventually to set up specific proxies with the corresponding key/secret pairs (WordPress Proxy, Tumblr Proxy and Gatekeeper).


Architecture diagram

The modules are loaded by RequireJS in the following order:

  1. The 3rd party libraries (jQuery, underscore.js...)
  2. The Extension objects
  3. The EventMgr module
  4. The core module
  5. The fileMgr module and the helpers modules
  6. The provider modules
  7. The publisher and synchronizer modules

This is important to notice in order to avoid circular dependencies. For instance, if an Extension is declared with the core module as a dependency, RequireJS will inject undefined instead of the actual module.

Any module though can access any dependencies by implementing the proper injection listener provided by the eventMgr.


The core module is responsible for:

  • creating the UI Layout, the ACE editor and the PageDown editor,
  • loading/saving the settings,
  • running periodic tasks,
  • detecting the user activity,
  • checking the offline status.


  • isOffline: indicates the offline status of the application.


  • onReady(callback): sets a callback to be called when all modules have been loaded and the DOM is ready.

NOTE: This is preferred over jQuery's .ready() because it ensures that all AMD modules are loaded by RequireJS.

  • runPeriodically(callback): sets a callback to be called every second.

NOTE: The callback will not run if the user is inactive or in StackEdit Viewer. User is considered inactive after 5 minutes of inactivity (mouse or keyboard).

  • setOffline(): can be called by any other modules when a network timeout occurs for instance.

NOTE: the offline status is also set by detecting the window offline event. core.isOffline is automatically set to false when the network is recovered.


The fileMgr module is responsible for:

  • creating and deleting local files,
  • switching from one file to another.




The FileDescriptor class represents a local file. A FileDescriptor object has the following properties:

  • fileIndex: the unique string index of the file in the file system.
  • title: the title of the document.
  • content: the content of the document.
  • syncLocations: a map containing all the associated syncAttributes objects with their syncIndex as a key.
  • publishLocations: a map containing all the associated publishAttributes objects with their publishIndex as a key.

And the following methods:

  • addSyncLocation(syncAttributes): associates a syncAttributes object with the file.
  • removeSyncLocation(syncAttributes): unassociates a syncAttributes object with the file.
  • addPublishLocation(publishAttributes): associates a publishAttributes object with the file.
  • removePublishLocation(publishAttributes): unassociates a publishAttributes object with the file.


The fileSystem module is a map containing all the FileDescriptor objects with their fileIndex as a key.


The synchronizer module is responsible for:

  • creating a new local file from a sync location (import).
  • creating a new sync location from a local file (export).
  • running 2 ways synchronization (upload and download) for all sync locations.

synchronizer's providers

A provider module can be associated with the synchronizer module if it implements the following functions:

  • importFiles(): downloads one or multiple files and create local files associated with the sync locations.
  • exportFile(): uploads a local file to a new sync location.
  • syncDown(): performs a download of all the changes operated on all sync locations.
  • syncUp(): performs an upload of a change to a sync location.


A syncAttributes object is an object that describes a sync location. Attributes differ from one provider to another except for the following:

  • syncIndex: the unique string index of the publish location.
  • provider: the provider module that handles the sync location.


The publisher module is responsible for:

  • creating new publish locations,
  • updating existing publish locations.

publisher's providers

A provider module can be associated with the publisher module if it implements the following functions:

  • newPublishAttributes(): returns a new publishAttributes object in order to create a new publish location.
  • publish(): performs publishing of one publish location.


A publishAttributes object is an object that describes a publish location. Attributes differ from one provider to another except for the following:

  • publishIndex: the unique string index of the publish location.
  • provider: the provider module that handles the publish location.
  • format: the publishing format for the publish location. It can be:
    • markdown for Markdown format.
    • html for HTML format.
    • template for template format.


The eventMgr module is responsible for receiving and dispatching events. Below is the list of all events signatures.

Most events (those that are triggered outside the eventMgr module) can be triggered by calling methods of the same name in the eventMgr module. For example:

eventMgr.onMessage('StackEdit is awesome!');

The method addListener(eventName, callback) of the eventMgr module can be used to listen to these events (except those that can only be handled by Extension objects). For example:

eventMgr.addListener('onMessage', function(message) {

Extension objects have the possibility to listen to those events by implementing methods of the same name. For example:

userCustom.onMessage = function(message) {

Core events

  • onReady()

    All the modules are loaded and the DOM is ready.

    Triggered by the core module.

    This is preferred over jQuery's .ready() because it ensures that all modules have been loaded by RequireJS.

  • onMessage(message)

    A message destined to the user has been produced.

    • message: the text string of the message.
  • onError(error)

    An error has been thrown.

    • error: an error object or a string.
  • onOfflineChanged(isOffline)

    The off-line status has changed.

    • isOffline: the off-line status.

    Triggered by the core module.

  • onUserActive()

    The user has just moved the mouse or pressed the keyboard.

    Triggered by the core module.

  • onAsyncRunning(isRunning)

    Some asynchronous tasks have just started or stopped.

    • isRunning: true if started, false if stopped.

    Triggered by the AsyncTask module.

  • onPeriodicRun()

    A hook that is called periodically (every 1 second if user is active).

    Triggered by the core module.

  • onLoadSettings()

    A hook that is called when the settings dialog has to be refreshed. Each extension that has configuration inputs in the settings dialog has to implement a listener for this event.

    Triggered by the core module. Only Extension objects can handle this event.

  • onSaveSettings(newConfig, event)

    A hook that is called when the settings dialog has to be validated. Each extension that has configuration is the settings dialog has to implement a listener for this event.

    • newConfig: the new configuration object, deduced from the settings dialog inputs.
    • event: the submit event object. stopPropagation has to be called in case of an error when parsing settings dialog inputs.

    Triggered by the core module. Only Extension objects can handle this event.

  • onInit()

    A hook allowing enabled extensions to initialize.

    Triggered by the eventMgr module. Only Extension objects can handle this event.

    This event is triggered before onReady event and just after the config and enabled extensions properties have been set by the eventMgr.

Module injection

  • onFileMgrCreated(fileMgr)

    The fileMgr module has been created.

    • fileMgr: the fileMgr module.

    Triggered by the fileMgr module.

  • onSynchronizerCreated(synchronizer)

    The synchronizer module has been created.

    • synchronizer: the synchronizer module.

    Triggered by the synchronizer module.

  • onPublisherCreated(publisher)

    The publisher module has been created.

    • publisher: the publisher module.

    Triggered by the publisher module.

  • onEventMgrCreated()

    The eventMgr module has been created.

    • eventMgr: the eventMgr module.

    Triggered by the eventMgr module.

Operations on files

  • onFileCreated(fileDesc)

    A FileDescriptor object has been created.

    Triggered by the fileMgr module.

  • onFileDeleted(fileDesc)

    A FileDescriptor object has been removed from the fileSystem module.

    Triggered by the fileMgr module.

  • onFileSelected(fileDesc)

    A FileDescriptor object has been selected.

    Triggered by the fileMgr module. This event is triggered before onFileClosed (if another document is open) and onFileOpen events.

  • onFileClosed(fileDesc)

    The current FileDescriptor object is about to be detached from the editor.

    Triggered by the fileMgr module. This event is triggered after onFileSelected event and before onFileClosed event.

  • onFileOpen(fileDesc)

    The selected FileDescriptor object has been attached to the editor.

    Triggered by the fileMgr module. This event is triggered after onFileSelected and onFileClosed (if another document is open) events.

  • onContentChanged(fileDesc)

    The content of a FileDescriptor object has been modified.

  • onTitleChanged(fileDesc)

    The content of a FileDescriptor object has been modified.

  • onFoldersChanged()

    The folders structure has changed.

Sync events

  • onSyncRunning(isRunning)

    A synchronization job has just started or stopped.

    • isRunning: true if started, false if stopped.

    Triggered by the synchronizer module.

    A synchronization job is the action to download and upload all detected changes for all sync locations of all documents.

  • onSyncSuccess()

    A synchronization job has successfully finished.

    Triggered by the synchronizer module.

    A synchronization job is the action to download and upload all detected changes for all sync locations of all documents.

  • onSyncImportSuccess(fileDescList, provider)

    The import of documents has successfully finished.

    • fileDescList: the list of FileDescriptor objects that have been created.
    • provider: the provider module that handled the import.

    Triggered by the provider module that handled the import.

    An import is the action to download multiple files and to create, for each, one FileDescriptor objects with one sync location.

  • onSyncExportSuccess(fileDesc, syncAttributes)

    The export of one document has successfully finished.

    • fileDesc: the FileDescriptor object that has been exported.
    • syncAttributes: the descriptor object of the new sync location.

    Triggered by the synchronizer module.

    An export is the action to upload one file and to create one new sync location associated with one existing FileDescriptor]55 object.

  • onSyncRemoved(fileDesc, syncAttributes)

    A sync location has been removed from a FileDescriptor object.

    • fileDesc: the FileDescriptor object.
    • syncAttributes: the descriptor object of the removed sync location.

Publish events

  • onPublishRunning(isRunning)

    A document publication job has just started or stopped.

    • isRunning: true if started, false if stopped.

    Triggered by the publisher module.

    A publication job is the action to upload changes on multiple publish locations associated with one FileDescriptor]55 object.

  • onPublishSuccess(fileDesc)

    A document publication job has successfully finished.

    Triggered by the publisher module.

    A publication job is the action to upload changes on multiple publish locations associated with one FileDescriptor]55 object.

  • onNewPublishSuccess(fileDesc, publishAttributes)

    A new publish location has been successfully created.

    • fileDesc: the FileDescriptor object that has been published.
    • publishAttributes: the descriptor object of the new publish location.

    Triggered by the publisher module.

  • onPublishRemoved(fileDesc, publishAttributes)

    A publish location has been removed from a FileDescriptor object.

    • fileDesc: the FileDescriptor object.
    • publishAttributes: the descriptor object of the removed publish location.

    Triggered by the publisher module.

Operations on UI Layout

  • onLayoutConfigure(layoutConfig)

    The layout is about to be configured.

    • layoutConfig: the configuration object of the UI Layout library.

    Triggered by the core module.

  • onLayoutCreated(layout)

    The layout has just been created.

    • layout: the layout object of the UI Layout library.

    Triggered by the core module.

  • onLayoutResize(paneName)

    One pane of the layout has been resized.

    • paneName: the name of the resized layout pane.

    Triggered by the core module.

  • onCreateButton()

    Allows extensions to add their own buttons in the navigation bar. Implemented listeners have to return an HTML button element. For example:

      userCustom.onCreateButton = function() {
          var button = $('<button class="btn btn-success"><i class="icon-rocket"></i></button>');
          return button[0];

    Triggered by the eventMgr module. Only Extension objects can handle this event.

  • onCreateEditorButton()

    Allows extensions to add their own buttons in the side bar. Implemented listeners have to return an HTML button element. See onCreateButton for a concrete example.

    Triggered by the eventMgr module. Only Extension objects can handle this event.

  • onCreatePreviewButton()

    Allows extensions to add their own buttons over the preview. Implemented listeners have to return an HTML button element. See onCreateButton for a concrete example.

    Triggered by the eventMgr module. Only Extension objects can handle this event.

Operations on PageDown

  • onPagedownConfigure(editor)

    The Pagedown editor is about to be created.

    • editor: the Pagedown editor object before run has been called.

    Triggered by the core module.

  • onAsyncPreview(callback)

    Called after Pagedown's synchronous rendering to trigger extra asynchronous rendering (such as MathJax). Implemented listeners have to call the callback parameter after processing in order other onAsyncPreview listeners to run.

    • callback: the callback to call at the end of the asynchronous processing.

    Triggered by the eventMgr module. Only Extension objects can handle this event.

  • onPreviewFinished(html)

    Called after every onAsyncPreview listeners have been called.

    • html: the finally rendered HTML.
  • onSectionsCreated(sectionList)

    The Markdown has been split into sections before rendering.

    • sectionList: the list of section objects. Each section object contains:
      • text: the markdown substring contained in the section.
      • textWithDelimiter: the text with an added delimiter.

    Triggered by the markdownSectionParser extension.

  • onMarkdownTrim(offset)

    The Markdown has been left trimmed by a certain number of character.

    • offset: the number of characters that have been removed.

    Triggered by the yamlFrontMatterParser extension.

Operation on ACE

  • onAceCreated(aceEditor)

    The ACE editor has just been created.

    • aceEditor: the ACE editor object.

    Triggered by the core module.

Written with StackEdit.